add instruction for the lightning connection string

This commit is contained in:
nicolas.dorier 2018-07-11 19:23:23 +09:00
parent 270ebead49
commit 743288fa47

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@ -7,33 +7,49 @@
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<span>A connection to a lightning charge node or clightning unix socket is required to generate lightning network enabled invoices. <br /></span>
<span>This is experimental and not advised for production so keep in mind:</span>
<li>You might lose your money</li>
<li>The devs of BTCPay Server don't know what they are doing and won't be able to help you if shit hit the fan</li>
<li>You approve being #reckless and being the sole responsible party for your loss</li>
<li>BTCPay Server relies on a <a href="">Lightning Charge</a> node or CLightning unix socket</li>
<li>If you have no idea what above mean, search by yourself</li>
<li>If you still have no idea how to use lightning, give up for now, we'll make it easier later</li>
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<h5>Lightning node url</h5>
<span>This URL should point to an installed lightning charge server for @Model.CryptoCode</span>
<p>This connection string encapsulates the necessary information BTCPay needs to connect to your lightning node, we currently support:</p>
<li><code>clightning</code> via TCP or unix domain socket connection</li>
<li><code>lightning charge</code> via HTTPS</li>
<li><code>lnd</code> via the REST proxy</li>
<table class="table table-sm table-responsive-md">
<th class="small"><b>type=</b>clightning;<b>server=</b>unix://root/.lightning/lightning-rpc</th>
<th class="small"><b>type=</b>clightning;<b>server=</b>tcp://</th>
<th class="small"><b>type=</b>lnd-rest;<b>server=</b>http://mylnd:8080/;<b>macaroonfilepath=</b>/root/.lnd/admin.macaroon;<b>allowinsecure=</b>true</th>
<th class="small"><b>type=</b>lnd-rest;<b>server=</b>https://mylnd:8080/;<b>macaroon=</b>abef263adfe...</th>
<th class="small"><b>type=</b>lnd-rest;<b>server=</b>https://mylnd:8080/;<b>macaroon=</b>abef263adfe...;<b>certthumbprint=</b>abef263adfe...</th>
<th class="small"><b>type=</b>charge;<b>server=</b>https://charge:8080/;<b>api-token=</b>myapitoken...</th>
<p>Note that the <code>certthumbprint</code> to connect to your LND node can be obtained through this command line:</p>
<p><pre><code>openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in /root/.lnd/tls.cert</code></pre></p>
<p>You can omit <code>certthumprint</code> if you the certificate is trusted by your machine</p>
<p>You can set <code>allowinsecure</code> to <code>true</code> if your LND REST server is using HTTP or HTTPS with an untrusted certificate which you don't know the <code>certthumprint</code></p>
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<label asp-for="ConnectionString"></label>