Satoshi is rolling the blocks forward... Time to drink a cup of tea?
+ Some of your nodes are still synching...
+ BTCPay Server will not work correctly until it is over.
+ @foreach(var line in dashboard.GetAll())
+ {
+ @if(line.Status == null)
+ {
NBXplorer is offline
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ - NBXplorer headers height: @line.Status.ChainHeight
+ @if(line.Status.BitcoinStatus == null)
+ {
+ if(line.State == BTCPayServer.HostedServices.NBXplorerState.Synching)
+ {
+ - The node is starting...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ - The node is offline
+ }
+ }
+ else if(line.Status.BitcoinStatus.IsSynched)
+ {
+ - The node is synched
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ - Node headers height: @line.Status.BitcoinStatus.Headers
+ - Validated blocks: @line.Status.BitcoinStatus.Blocks
+ }
+ @if(!line.Status.IsFullySynched && line.Status.BitcoinStatus != null)
+ {
+ @((int)line.Status.BitcoinStatus.VerificationProgress * 100)%
+ }
+ }
+ }