mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 01:35:22 +01:00
Add index to WalletObjects + allow additional queries
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 95 additions and 28 deletions
@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Data
builder.Entity<WalletObjectData>().HasIndex(o =>
if (databaseFacade.IsNpgsql())
@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Migrations
table.PrimaryKey("PK_WalletObjects", x => new { x.WalletId, x.Type, x.Id });
name: "IX_WalletObjects_Type_Id",
table: "WalletObjects",
columns: new[] { "Type", "Id" });
name: "WalletObjectLinks",
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Migrations
protected override void BuildModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "6.0.7");
modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "6.0.9");
modelBuilder.Entity("BTCPayServer.Data.AddressInvoiceData", b =>
@ -862,6 +862,8 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Migrations
b.HasKey("WalletId", "Type", "Id");
b.HasIndex("Type", "Id");
@ -3075,19 +3075,26 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
// Only the node `test` `test` is connected to `test1`
var wid = new WalletId(admin.StoreId, "BTC");
var repo = tester.PayTester.GetService<WalletRepository>();
var allObjects = await repo.GetWalletObjects((GetWalletObjectsQuery)(new(wid, null) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var allTests = await repo.GetWalletObjects((GetWalletObjectsQuery)(new(wid, "test") { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var twoTests2 = await repo.GetWalletObjects((GetWalletObjectsQuery)(new(wid, "test", new[] { "test1", "test2", "test-unk" }) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var oneTest = await repo.GetWalletObjects((GetWalletObjectsQuery)(new(wid, "test", new[] { "test" }) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var oneTestWithoutData = await repo.GetWalletObjects((GetWalletObjectsQuery)(new(wid, "test", new[] { "test" }) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient, IncludeNeighbours = false }));
var allObjects = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new(wid, null) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var allObjectsNoWallet = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new() { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var allObjectsNoWalletAndType = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new() { Type = "test", UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var allTests = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new(wid, "test") { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var twoTests2 = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new(wid, "test", new[] { "test1", "test2", "test-unk" }) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var oneTest = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new(wid, "test", new[] { "test" }) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
var oneTestWithoutData = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new(wid, "test", new[] { "test" }) { UseInefficientPath = useInefficient, IncludeNeighbours = false }));
var idsTypes = await repo.GetWalletObjects((new(wid) { TypesIds = new[] { new ObjectTypeId("test", "test1"), new ObjectTypeId("test", "test2") }, UseInefficientPath = useInefficient }));
Assert.Equal(4, allObjects.Count);
// We are reusing a db in this test, as such we may have other wallets here.
Assert.True(allObjectsNoWallet.Count >= 4);
Assert.True(allObjectsNoWalletAndType.Count >= 4);
Assert.Equal(3, allTests.Count);
Assert.Equal(2, twoTests2.Count);
Assert.NotNull(oneTest.First().Value.GetNeighbours().Select(n => n.Data).FirstOrDefault());
Assert.Null(oneTestWithoutData.First().Value.GetNeighbours().Select(n => n.Data).FirstOrDefault());
Assert.Equal(2, idsTypes.Count);
await TestWalletRepository(false);
await TestWalletRepository(true);
@ -14,32 +14,44 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
#nullable enable
public record WalletObjectId(WalletId WalletId, string Type, string Id);
public record ObjectTypeId(string Type, string Id);
public class GetWalletObjectsQuery
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletId walletId) : this(walletId, null, null)
public GetWalletObjectsQuery()
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletId? walletId) : this(walletId, null, null)
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletObjectId walletObjectId) : this(walletObjectId.WalletId, walletObjectId.Type, new[] { walletObjectId.Id })
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletId walletId, string type) : this (walletId, type, null)
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletId? walletId, string type) : this(walletId, type, null)
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletId walletId, string? type, string[]? ids)
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(WalletId? walletId, string? type, string[]? ids)
WalletId = walletId;
Type = type;
Ids = ids;
public GetWalletObjectsQuery(ObjectTypeId[]? typesIds)
TypesIds = typesIds;
public WalletId WalletId { get; set; }
public WalletId? WalletId { get; set; }
// Either the user passes a list of Types/Ids
public ObjectTypeId[]? TypesIds { get; set; }
// Or the user passes one type, and a list of Ids
public string? Type { get; set; }
public string[]? Ids { get; set; }
public bool IncludeNeighbours { get; set; } = true;
public bool UseInefficientPath { get; set; }
#nullable restore
public class WalletRepository
@ -60,6 +72,10 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
if (queryObject.Ids != null && queryObject.Type is null)
throw new ArgumentException("If \"Ids\" is not null, \"Type\" is mandatory");
if (queryObject.Type is not null && queryObject.TypesIds is not null)
throw new ArgumentException("If \"Type\" is not null, \"TypesIds\" should be null");
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
// If we are using postgres, the `transactionIds.Contains(w.ChildId)` result in a long query like `ANY(@txId1, @txId2, @txId3, @txId4)`
@ -73,30 +89,36 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
if (connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
await connection.OpenAsync();
string typeFilter = queryObject.Type is not null ? "AND wos.\"Type\"=@type " : "";
string walletIdFilter = queryObject.WalletId is not null ? " AND wos.\"WalletId\"=@walletId" : "";
string typeFilter = queryObject.Type is not null ? " AND wos.\"Type\"=@type" : "";
var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
var selectWalletObjects =
queryObject.TypesIds is not null ?
$"SELECT wos.* FROM unnest(@ids, @types) t(i,t) JOIN \"WalletObjects\" wos ON true{walletIdFilter} AND wos.\"Type\"=t AND wos.\"Id\"=i" :
queryObject.Ids is null ?
$"SELECT wos.* FROM \"WalletObjects\" wos WHERE wos.\"WalletId\"=@walletId {typeFilter}" :
$"SELECT wos.* FROM \"WalletObjects\" wos WHERE true{walletIdFilter}{typeFilter} " :
queryObject.Ids.Length == 1 ?
"SELECT wos.* FROM \"WalletObjects\" wos WHERE wos.\"WalletId\"=@walletId AND wos.\"Type\"=@type AND wos.\"Id\"=@id" :
"SELECT wos.* FROM unnest(@ids) t JOIN \"WalletObjects\" wos ON wos.\"WalletId\"=@walletId AND wos.\"Type\"=@type AND wos.\"Id\"=t";
$"SELECT wos.* FROM \"WalletObjects\" wos WHERE true{walletIdFilter} AND wos.\"Type\"=@type AND wos.\"Id\"=@id" :
$"SELECT wos.* FROM unnest(@ids) t JOIN \"WalletObjects\" wos ON true{walletIdFilter} AND wos.\"Type\"=@type AND wos.\"Id\"=t";
var includeNeighbourSelect = queryObject.IncludeNeighbours ? ", wos2.\"Data\" AS \"Data2\"" : "";
var includeNeighbourJoin = queryObject.IncludeNeighbours ? "LEFT JOIN \"WalletObjects\" wos2 ON wos.\"WalletId\"=wos2.\"WalletId\" AND wol.\"Type2\"=wos2.\"Type\" AND wol.\"Id2\"=wos2.\"Id\"" : "";
var query =
$"SELECT wos.\"Id\", wos.\"Type\", wos.\"Data\", wol.\"LinkData\", wol.\"Type2\", wol.\"Id2\"{includeNeighbourSelect} FROM ({selectWalletObjects}) wos " +
$"SELECT wos.\"WalletId\", wos.\"Id\", wos.\"Type\", wos.\"Data\", wol.\"LinkData\", wol.\"Type2\", wol.\"Id2\"{includeNeighbourSelect} FROM ({selectWalletObjects}) wos " +
"SELECT \"ParentType\" AS \"Type2\", \"ParentId\" AS \"Id2\", \"Data\" AS \"LinkData\" FROM \"WalletObjectLinks\" WHERE \"WalletId\"=wos.\"WalletId\" AND \"ChildType\"=wos.\"Type\" AND \"ChildId\"=wos.\"Id\" " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT \"ChildType\" AS \"Type2\", \"ChildId\" AS \"Id2\", \"Data\" AS \"LinkData\" FROM \"WalletObjectLinks\" WHERE \"WalletId\"=wos.\"WalletId\" AND \"ParentType\"=wos.\"Type\" AND \"ParentId\"=wos.\"Id\"" +
$" ) wol ON true " + includeNeighbourJoin;
cmd.CommandText = query;
var walletIdParam = cmd.CreateParameter();
walletIdParam.ParameterName = "walletId";
walletIdParam.Value = queryObject.WalletId.ToString();
walletIdParam.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String;
if (queryObject.WalletId is not null)
var walletIdParam = cmd.CreateParameter();
walletIdParam.ParameterName = "walletId";
walletIdParam.Value = queryObject.WalletId.ToString();
walletIdParam.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String;
if (queryObject.Type != null)
@ -107,6 +129,20 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
if (queryObject.TypesIds != null)
var typesParam = cmd.CreateParameter();
typesParam.ParameterName = "types";
typesParam.Value = queryObject.TypesIds.Select(t => t.Type).ToList();
typesParam.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Object;
var idParam = cmd.CreateParameter();
idParam.ParameterName = "ids";
idParam.Value = queryObject.TypesIds.Select(t => t.Id).ToList();
idParam.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Object;
if (queryObject.Ids != null)
if (queryObject.Ids.Length == 1)
@ -121,7 +157,7 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
var txIdsParam = cmd.CreateParameter();
txIdsParam.ParameterName = "ids";
txIdsParam.Value = queryObject.Ids.ToHashSet().ToList();
txIdsParam.Value = queryObject.Ids.ToList();
txIdsParam.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Object;
@ -131,9 +167,10 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
WalletObjectData wo = new WalletObjectData();
wo.WalletId = (string)reader["WalletId"];
wo.Type = (string)reader["Type"];
wo.Id = (string)reader["Id"];
var id = new WalletObjectId(queryObject.WalletId, wo.Type, wo.Id);
var id = new WalletObjectId(WalletId.Parse(wo.WalletId), wo.Type, wo.Id);
wo.Data = reader["Data"] is DBNull ? null : (string)reader["Data"];
if (wosById.TryGetValue(id, out var wo2))
wo = wo2;
@ -163,8 +200,19 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
else // Unefficient path
var q = ctx.WalletObjects
.Where(w => w.WalletId == queryObject.WalletId.ToString() && (queryObject.Type == null || w.Type == queryObject.Type) && (queryObject.Ids == null || queryObject.Ids.Contains(w.Id)));
IQueryable<WalletObjectData> q;
if (queryObject.TypesIds is not null)
// Note this is problematic if the type contains '##', but I don't see how to do it properly with entity framework
var idTypes = queryObject.TypesIds.Select(o => $"{o.Type}##{o.Id}").ToArray();
q = ctx.WalletObjects
.Where(w => (queryObject.WalletId == null || w.WalletId == queryObject.WalletId.ToString()) && idTypes.Contains(w.Type + "##" + w.Id));
q = ctx.WalletObjects
.Where(w => (queryObject.WalletId == null || w.WalletId == queryObject.WalletId.ToString()) && (queryObject.Type == null || w.Type == queryObject.Type) && (queryObject.Ids == null || queryObject.Ids.Contains(w.Id)));
if (queryObject.IncludeNeighbours)
q = q.Include(o => o.ChildLinks).ThenInclude(o => o.Child)
@ -175,7 +223,7 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
var wosById = new Dictionary<WalletObjectId, WalletObjectData>();
foreach (var row in await q.ToListAsync())
var id = new WalletObjectId(queryObject.WalletId, row.Type, row.Id);
var id = new WalletObjectId(WalletId.Parse(row.WalletId), row.Type, row.Id);
wosById.TryAdd(id, row);
return wosById;
@ -216,7 +264,7 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
public async Task<(string Label, string Color)[]> GetWalletLabels(WalletId walletId)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return (await
return (await
ctx.WalletObjects.AsNoTracking().Where(w => w.WalletId == walletId.ToString() && w.Type == WalletObjectData.Types.Label)
.Select(o => (o.Id, JObject.Parse(o.Data)["color"]!.Value<string>()!)).ToArray();
@ -291,7 +339,7 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Services
public async Task SetWalletObjectLink(WalletObjectId a, WalletObjectId b, JObject? data = null)
SortWalletObjectLinks(ref a, ref b);
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var l = new WalletObjectLinkData()
Add table
Reference in a new issue