
245 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

function esc(input) {
return ('' + input) /* Forces the conversion to string. */
.replace(/&/g, '&') /* This MUST be the 1st replacement. */
.replace(/'/g, ''') /* The 4 other predefined entities, required. */
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
You may add other replacements here for HTML only
(but it's not necessary).
Or for XML, only if the named entities are defined in its DTD.
function unesc(input) {
return ('' + input)
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
var dictionary = {
en: {
attributes: {
price: 'Price', checkoutDesc: 'Checkout Description', orderId: 'Order Id',
serverIpn: 'Server IPN', notifyEmail: 'Send Email Notifications', browserRedirect: 'Browser Redirect',
payButtonImageUrl: "Pay Button Image Url"
2019-10-31 11:31:30 +01:00
function getStyles (styles) {
return document.getElementById(styles).innerHTML.replace(/\s{2}/g, '').trim() + '\n'
2019-10-31 11:31:30 +01:00
function getScripts(srvModel) {
const scripts = []
if (srvModel.useModal) {
const modal = document.getElementById('template-modal')
if (srvModel.buttonType == '1') {
const priceButtons = document.getElementById('template-price-buttons')
const priceInput = document.getElementById('template-price-input')
if (srvModel.buttonType == '2') {
const priceSlider = document.getElementById('template-price-slider')
const priceInput = document.getElementById('template-price-input')
return scripts
function inputChanges(vueApp, event, buttonSize) {
if (buttonSize !== null && buttonSize !== undefined) {
srvModel.buttonSize = buttonSize;
let width = '209px';
let height = '57px';
let widthInput = '3em';
if (srvModel.buttonSize === 0) {
width = '146px';
widthInput = '2em';
height = '40px';
2019-10-31 11:31:30 +01:00
} else if (srvModel.buttonSize === 1) {
width = '168px';
height = '46px';
} else if (srvModel.buttonSize === 2) {
width = '209px';
height = '57px';
let actionUrl = 'api/v1/invoices';
let priceInputName = 'price';
let app = srvModel.appIdEndpoint? srvModel.apps.find(value => === srvModel.appIdEndpoint ): null;
let allowCurrencySelection = true;
let allowDefaultPaymentMethodSelection = true;
if (app) {
if (app.appType.toLowerCase() === 'pointofsale') {
actionUrl = `apps/${}/pos`;
} else if (app.appType.toLowerCase() === 'crowdfund') {
actionUrl = `apps/${}/crowdfund`;
} else {
actionUrl = 'api/v1/invoices';
app = null;
if (actionUrl !== 'api/v1/invoices') {
priceInputName = 'amount';
allowCurrencySelection = false;
allowDefaultPaymentMethodSelection = false;
srvModel.useModal = false;
var html =
2019-10-31 11:31:30 +01:00
// Styles
getStyles('template-paybutton-styles') + (srvModel.buttonType == '2' ? getStyles('template-slider-styles') : '') +
2019-10-31 11:31:30 +01:00
// Form
'<form method="POST" action="' + esc(srvModel.urlRoot) + actionUrl + '" class="btcpay-form btcpay-form--' + (srvModel.fitButtonInline ? 'inline' : 'block') +'">\n' +
addInput("storeId", srvModel.storeId);
if (app) {
if (srvModel.orderId) html += addInput("orderId", srvModel.orderId);
if (srvModel.serverIpn) html += addInput("notificationUrl", srvModel.serverIpn);
if (srvModel.browserRedirect) html += addInput("redirectUrl", srvModel.browserRedirect);
if (srvModel.appChoiceKey) html += addInput("choiceKey", srvModel.appChoiceKey);
} else {
if (srvModel.useModal) html += addInput("jsonResponse", true);
if (srvModel.orderId) html += addInput("orderId", srvModel.orderId);
if (srvModel.checkoutDesc) html += addInput("checkoutDesc", srvModel.checkoutDesc);
if (srvModel.serverIpn) html += addInput("serverIpn", srvModel.serverIpn);
if (srvModel.browserRedirect) html += addInput("browserRedirect", srvModel.browserRedirect);
if (srvModel.notifyEmail) html += addInput("notifyEmail", srvModel.notifyEmail);
if (srvModel.checkoutQueryString) html += addInput("checkoutQueryString", srvModel.checkoutQueryString);
// Fixed amount: Add price and currency as hidden inputs
if (srvModel.buttonType == '0') {
if (srvModel.price) html += addInput(priceInputName, srvModel.price);
if (allowCurrencySelection) html += addInput("currency", srvModel.currency);
// Custom amount
else if (srvModel.buttonType == '1') {
html += ' <div class="btcpay-custom-container">\n <div class="btcpay-custom">\n';
html += srvModel.simpleInput ? '' : addPlusMinusButton("-", srvModel.step, srvModel.min, srvModel.max);
html += addInputPrice(priceInputName, srvModel.price, widthInput, srvModel.min, srvModel.max, srvModel.step);
html += srvModel.simpleInput ? '' : addPlusMinusButton("+", srvModel.step, srvModel.min, srvModel.max);
html += ' </div>\n';
if (allowCurrencySelection) html += addSelectCurrency(srvModel.currency);
html += ' </div>\n';
// Slider
else if (srvModel.buttonType == '2') {
const step = srvModel.step === 'any' ? 1 : srvModel.step;
const min = srvModel.min == null ? 1 : parseInt(srvModel.min);
const max = srvModel.max == null ? null : parseInt(srvModel.max);
html += ' <div class="btcpay-custom-container">\n';
html += addInputPrice(priceInputName, srvModel.price, width, min, max, step);
if (allowCurrencySelection) html += addSelectCurrency(srvModel.currency);
html += addSlider(srvModel.price, srvModel.min, srvModel.max, srvModel.step, width);
html += ' </div>\n';
if (allowDefaultPaymentMethodSelection && srvModel.defaultPaymentMethod !== "")
html += addInput("defaultPaymentMethod", srvModel.defaultPaymentMethod)
html += srvModel.payButtonText
? `<button type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" style="min-width:${width};min-height:${height};border-radius:4px;border-style:none;background-color:#0f3b21;cursor:pointer;" title="Pay with BTCPay Server, a Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processor"><span style="color:#fff">${esc(srvModel.payButtonText)}</span>\n` +
(srvModel.payButtonImageUrl? `<img src="${esc(srvModel.payButtonImageUrl)}" style="height:${parseInt(height.replace('px', ''))}px;display:inline-block;padding:5% 0 5% 5px;vertical-align:middle;">\n` : '') +
: ` <input type="image" class="submit" name="submit" src="${esc(srvModel.payButtonImageUrl)}" style="width:${width}" alt="Pay with BTCPay Server, a Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processor">\n`;
2019-10-31 11:31:30 +01:00
html += '</form>';
// Scripts
const scripts = getScripts(srvModel);
const code = html + (scripts.length ? `\n<script>\n ${scripts.join('').trim()}\n</script>` : '')
const preview = document.getElementById('preview');
preview.innerHTML = html;
scripts.forEach(snippet => {
// script needs to be inserted as node, otherwise it won't get executed
const script = document.createElement('script')
script.innerHTML = snippet
const form = preview.querySelector("form");
const formData = new FormData(form);
let url = new URL(form.getAttribute("action"));
formData.forEach((value, key) => {
2021-08-12 10:04:23 +09:00
if (key !== "jsonResponse") {
url.searchParams.append(key, value);
url = url.href;
vueApp.previewLink = url;
if (window.lnurlEndpoint){
let lnurlResult = lnurlEndpoint + "?";
if (srvModel.currency){
lnurlResult += `&currency=${srvModel.currency}`;
if (srvModel.price){
lnurlResult += `&amount=${srvModel.price}`;
if (srvModel.orderId){
lnurlResult += `&orderId=${srvModel.orderId}`;
lnurlResult= lnurlResult.replace("?&", "?");
vueApp.lnurlLink = lnurlResult;
$('pre code').each(function (i, block) {
return html;
function addInput(name, value) {
return ` <input type="hidden" name="${esc(name)}" value="${esc(value)}" />\n`;
function addPlusMinusButton(type, step, min, max) {
step = step === "any" ? 1 : step;
min = min == null ? 1 : parseInt(min);
max = max == null ? null : parseInt(max);
return ` <button class="plus-minus" type="button" data-type="${type}" data-step="${step}" data-min="${min}" data-max="${max}">${type}</button>\n`;
function addInputPrice(name, price, widthInput, min = 0, max = 'none', step = 'any') {
if (!price) price = min
return ` <input class="btcpay-input-price" type="number" name="${esc(name)}" min="${min}" max="${max}" step="${step}" value="${price}" data-price="${price}" style="width:${widthInput};" />\n`;
2019-04-04 20:56:12 +02:00
function addSlider(price, min, max, step, width) {
if (!price) price = min
return ` <input type="range" class="btcpay-input-range" min="${min}" max="${max}" step="${step}" value="${price}" style="width:${width};margin-bottom:15px;" />\n`;
2019-04-04 20:56:12 +02:00
2019-04-04 21:32:16 +02:00
function addSelectCurrency(currency) {
// Remove all non-alphabet characters from input string and uppercase it for display
const safeCurrency = currency.replace(/[^a-z]/gi, '').toUpperCase();
const defaultCurrencies = ['USD', 'GBP', 'EUR', 'BTC'];
const options = => ` <option value="${c}"${(c === safeCurrency ? ' selected' : '')}>${c}</option>`);
// If user provided a currency not in our default currencies list, add it to the top of the options as a selected option
if (defaultCurrencies.indexOf(safeCurrency) === -1) {
options.unshift(` <option value="${safeCurrency}" selected>${safeCurrency}</option>`)
return ` <select name="currency">\n${options.join('\n')}\n </select>\n`
2019-04-04 21:32:16 +02:00