
284 lines
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Raw Normal View History

@using BTCPayServer.Client
@using BTCPayServer.Services
@inject BTCPayServer.Security.ContentSecurityPolicies Csp
@inject BTCPayServerEnvironment Env
@inject DisplayFormatter DisplayFormatter
@model BTCPayServer.Models.ViewPullPaymentModel
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
ViewData["Title"] = Model.Title;
ViewData["StoreBranding"] = Model.StoreBranding;
Layout = null;
string StatusTextClass(string status)
switch (status)
case "Completed":
case "In Progress":
return "bg-success";
case "Cancelled":
return "bg-danger";
return "bg-warning";
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" @(Env.IsDeveloping ? " data-devenv" : "") id="PullPayment-@Model.Id">
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
<partial name="LayoutHead"/>
<link href="~/vendor/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue.min.css" asp-append-version="true" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="~/vendor/vue-qrcode-reader/vue-qrcode-reader.css" rel="stylesheet" asp-append-version="true"/>
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
<body class="min-vh-100">
<div id="app" class="d-flex flex-column min-vh-100 pb-l">
@if (Model.IsPending)
<nav class="btcpay-header navbar sticky-top py-3 py-lg-4 d-print-none">
<div class="container gap-3">
<form asp-action="ClaimPullPayment" asp-route-pullPaymentId="@Model.Id" class="flex-fill">
<div class="row align-items-center" style="width:calc(100% + 30px)">
<div class="col-12 mb-3 col-lg-6 mb-lg-0">
<div class="input-group">
@if (Model.LnurlEndpoint is not null)
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary only-for-js" id="lnurlwithdraw-button" title="LNURL-Withdraw">
<vc:icon symbol="qr-code" />
<input class="form-control form-control-lg font-monospace" asp-for="Destination" placeholder="Enter destination to claim funds" required style="font-size:.9rem;height:42px;">
@if (Model.BitcoinOnly)
<span class="input-group-text">BTC</span>
else if (Model.PayoutMethodIds.Length == 1)
<input type="hidden" asp-for="SelectedPayoutMethod">
<span class="input-group-text">@Model.PayoutMethodIds.First().ToString()</span>
<select class="form-select w-auto" asp-for="SelectedPayoutMethod" asp-items="Model.PayoutMethodIds.Select(id => new SelectListItem(id.ToString(), id.ToString()))"></select>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary only-for-js" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#scanModal" title="Scan destination with camera" id="scandestination-button">
<vc:icon symbol="scan-qr"/>
<div class="col-12 mb-3 col-sm-6 mb-sm-0 col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="number" inputmode="decimal" class="form-control form-control-lg text-end hide-number-spin" asp-for="ClaimedAmount" max="@Model.AmountDue" min="@Model.MinimumClaim" step="any" placeholder="Amount" required>
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
<span class="input-group-text px-3">@Model.Currency.ToUpper()</span>
2020-09-30 19:14:30 +02:00
2020-10-08 08:37:18 +02:00
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3">
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary w-100 text-nowrap" type="submit" text-translate="true">Claim Funds</button>
<main class="flex-grow-1 py-4">
<div class="container">
<partial name="_StatusMessage" model="@(new ViewDataDictionary(ViewData){ { "Margin", "mb-4" } })" />
@if (!ViewContext.ModelState.IsValid)
@Html.ValidationSummary(string.Empty, new { @class = $"alert alert-danger mb-4 pb-0 {(ViewContext.ModelState.ErrorCount.Equals(1) ? "no-marker" : "")}" })
2020-10-08 08:37:18 +02:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12 col-lg-6 mb-4">
<div class="bg-tile h-100 m-0 p-3 p-sm-5 rounded">
2022-10-20 11:17:42 +09:00
@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Title))
2020-10-08 08:37:18 +02:00
<h2 class="h4 mb-3">@Model.Title</h2>
2020-10-08 08:37:18 +02:00
<div class="d-flex align-items-center gap-2">
<span class="text-muted text-nowrap" text-translate="true">Start Date</span>
<span class="text-nowrap">@Model.StartDate.ToString("g")</span>
<div class="d-flex align-items-center gap-2">
<span class="text-muted text-nowrap" text-translate="true">Last Updated</span>
<span class="text-nowrap">@Model.LastRefreshed.ToString("g")</span>
<div class="d-flex align-items-center only-for-js gap-3 my-3">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link fw-semibold d-print-none p-0" id="copyLink" text-translate="true">
Copy Link
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link fw-semibold d-print-none p-0" page-qr>
<vc:icon symbol="qr-code" />
<span text-translate="true">Show QR</span>
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.EndsIn))
2020-10-08 08:37:18 +02:00
<span class="text-muted text-nowrap" text-translate="true">Ends in</span>
<span class="text-nowrap">@Model.EndsIn</span>
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Description))
<div class="mt-4">@Safe.Raw(Model.Description)</div>
<div class="col col-12 col-lg-6 mb-4">
<div class="bg-tile h-100 m-0 p-3 p-sm-5 rounded">
<h2 class="h4 mb-3" text-translate="true">Payment Details</h2>
<dl class="mb-0 mt-md-4">
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
<div class="d-flex d-print-inline-block flex-column mb-4 me-5">
<dt class="h4 fw-semibold text-nowrap text-primary text-print-default order-2 order-sm-1 mb-1">@DisplayFormatter.Currency(Model.AmountDue, Model.Currency)</dt>
<dd class="order-1 order-sm-2 mb-1" text-translate="true">Available claim</dd>
<div class="progress bg-light d-none d-sm-flex mb-sm-4 d-print-none" style="height:5px">
<div class="progress-bar bg-primary" role="progressbar" style="width:@((Model.AmountCollected / Model.Amount) * 100)%"></div>
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
<div class="d-flex d-print-inline-block flex-column mb-4 me-5 d-sm-inline-flex mb-sm-0">
<dt class="h4 fw-semibold text-nowrap order-2 order-sm-1 mb-1">@DisplayFormatter.Currency(Model.AmountCollected, Model.Currency)</dt>
<dd class="order-1 order-sm-2 mb-1" text-translate="true">Already claimed</dd>
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
<div class="d-flex d-print-inline-block flex-column mb-0 d-sm-inline-flex float-sm-end">
<dt class="h4 text-sm-end fw-semibold text-nowrap order-2 order-sm-1 mb-1">@DisplayFormatter.Currency(Model.Amount, Model.Currency)</dt>
<dd class="text-sm-end order-1 order-sm-2 mb-1" text-translate="true">Claim limit</dd>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="bg-tile h-100 m-0 p-3 p-sm-5 rounded">
<h2 class="h4 mb-0" text-translate="true">Claims</h2>
@if (Model.Payouts.Any())
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table my-0">
<tr class="table-borderless">
<th class="fw-normal text-secondary" scope="col" text-translate="true">Destination</th>
<th class="fw-normal text-secondary" scope="col" text-translate="true">Method</th>
<th class="fw-normal text-secondary text-end text-nowrap" text-translate="true">Amount requested</th>
<th class="fw-normal text-secondary text-end" text-translate="true">Status</th>
@foreach (var invoice in Model.Payouts)
<td class="text-break">
<td class="text-nowrap">@invoice.PaymentMethod.ToString()</td>
<td class="text-end text-nowrap">@invoice.AmountFormatted</td>
<td class="text-end text-nowrap">
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.Link))
<a class="transaction-link text-white badge @StatusTextClass(invoice.Status.ToString())" href="@invoice.Link" rel="noreferrer noopener">@invoice.Status.GetStateString()</a>
<span class="text-white badge @StatusTextClass(invoice.Status.ToString())">@invoice.Status.GetStateString()</span>
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
<p class="text-muted mt-3 mb-0" text-translate="true">No claim made yet.</p>
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
<footer class="store-footer">
<p permission="@Policies.CanViewStoreSettings">
<a asp-action="EditPullPayment" asp-controller="UIPullPayment" asp-route-storeId="@Model.StoreId" asp-route-pullPaymentId="@Model.Id" text-translate="true">
Edit pull payment
@if (Model.LnurlEndpoint is not null)
<p id="BoltcardActions">
<a id="SetupBoltcard" asp-action="SetupBoltcard" asp-controller="UIPullPayment" asp-route-pullPaymentId="@Model.Id" asp-route-command="configure-boltcard" text-translate="true">
Setup Boltcard
<a id="ResetBoltcard" asp-action="SetupBoltcard" asp-controller="UIPullPayment" asp-route-pullPaymentId="@Model.Id" asp-route-command="reset-boltcard" text-translate="true">
Reset Boltcard
<a class="store-powered-by" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
<span text-translate="true">Powered by</span> <partial name="_StoreFooterLogo" />
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
<partial name="ShowQR" />
<partial name="CameraScanner" />
<partial name="LayoutFoot" />
<script src="~/vendor/vuejs/vue.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
<script src="~/vendor/vue-qrcode/vue-qrcode.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
<script src="~/vendor/vue-qrcode-reader/VueQrcodeReader.umd.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
<script src="~/vendor/ur-registry/urlib.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
2024-05-17 09:10:15 +09:00
var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (isMobile) {
document.getElementById("SetupBoltcard").setAttribute('target', '_blank');
document.getElementById("SetupBoltcard").setAttribute('href', @Safe.Json(Model.SetupDeepLink));
document.getElementById("ResetBoltcard").setAttribute('target', '_blank');
document.getElementById("ResetBoltcard").setAttribute('href', @Safe.Json(Model.ResetDeepLink));
window.qrApp = initQRShow({});
delegate('click', 'button[page-qr]', event => {
qrApp.title = "Pull Payment QR";
qrApp.note = "Scan this QR code to open this page on your mobile device.";
delegate('click', '#copyLink', window.copyUrlToClipboard);
initCameraScanningApp("Scan address/ payment link", data => {
document.getElementById("Destination").value = data;
}, "scanModal");
@if (Model.LnurlEndpoint is not null)
var lnurlUri = LNURL.LNURL.EncodeUri(Model.LnurlEndpoint, "withdrawRequest", false).ToString();
var lnurlBech32 = LNURL.LNURL.EncodeUri(Model.LnurlEndpoint, "withdrawRequest", true).ToString();
var note = "<p>You can scan or open this link with a <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer noopener'>LNURL-Withdraw</a> enabled wallet.</p>";
if (!Model.AutoApprove)
note += "<p class='fw-semibold'>Please note that this pull payment does not automatically send out funds, but will process the payment after the LNURL-withdraw flow is completed.</p>";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const modes = {
uri: { title: "URI", fragments: [@Safe.Json(lnurlUri)], showData: true, href: @Safe.Json(lnurlUri) },
bech32: { title: "Bech32", fragments: [@Safe.Json(lnurlBech32)], showData: true, href: @Safe.Json(lnurlBech32) }
delegate('click', '#lnurlwithdraw-button', () => {
qrApp.title = "LNURL Withdraw";
qrApp.modes = modes;
qrApp.mode = "bech32";
qrApp.note = @Safe.Json(note);;
<vc:ui-extension-point location="pullpayment-foot" model="@Model"></vc:ui-extension-point>
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00