2023-12-06 09:17:58 +09:00
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Constants ;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Extensions ;
using BTCPayServer.Data ;
using BTCPayServer.Lightning ;
using BTCPayServer.Models ;
using BTCPayServer.NTag424 ;
using Dapper ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
using NBitcoin.DataEncoders ;
using System ;
using System.Net.WebSockets ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using static BTCPayServer . BoltcardDataExtensions ;
namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers
public partial class UIPullPaymentController
public IActionResult SetupBoltcard ( string pullPaymentId , string command )
return View ( nameof ( SetupBoltcard ) , new SetupBoltcardViewModel ( )
ReturnUrl = Url . Action ( nameof ( ViewPullPayment ) , "UIPullPayment" , new { pullPaymentId } ) ,
WebsocketPath = Url . Action ( nameof ( VaultNFCBridgeConnection ) , "UIPullPayment" , new { pullPaymentId } ) ,
Command = command
} ) ;
public IActionResult SetupBoltcardPost ( string pullPaymentId , string command )
TempData [ WellKnownTempData . SuccessMessage ] = "Boltcard is configured" ;
return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( ViewPullPayment ) , new { pullPaymentId } ) ;
record CardOrigin
public record Blank ( ) : CardOrigin ;
public record ThisIssuer ( BoltcardRegistration Registration ) : CardOrigin ;
public record ThisIssuerConfigured ( string PullPaymentId , BoltcardRegistration Registration ) : ThisIssuer ( Registration ) ;
public record OtherIssuer ( ) : CardOrigin ;
public record ThisIssuerReset ( BoltcardRegistration Registration ) : ThisIssuer ( Registration ) ;
public async Task < IActionResult > VaultNFCBridgeConnection ( string pullPaymentId )
if ( ! HttpContext . WebSockets . IsWebSocketRequest )
return NotFound ( ) ;
var pp = await _pullPaymentHostedService . GetPullPayment ( pullPaymentId , false ) ;
if ( pp is null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
if ( ! _pullPaymentHostedService . SupportsLNURL ( pp . GetBlob ( ) ) )
return BadRequest ( ) ;
var boltcardUrl = Url . Action ( nameof ( UIBoltcardController . GetWithdrawRequest ) , "UIBoltcard" ) ;
boltcardUrl = Request . GetAbsoluteUri ( boltcardUrl ) ;
var websocket = await HttpContext . WebSockets . AcceptWebSocketAsync ( ) ;
var vaultClient = new VaultClient ( websocket ) ;
var transport = new APDUVaultTransport ( vaultClient ) ;
var ntag = new Ntag424 ( transport ) ;
using ( var cts = new CancellationTokenSource ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 10 ) ) )
next :
while ( websocket . State = = System . Net . WebSockets . WebSocketState . Open )
var command = await vaultClient . GetNextCommand ( cts . Token ) ;
var permission = await vaultClient . AskPermission ( VaultServices . NFC , cts . Token ) ;
if ( permission is null )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Error , "BTCPay Server Vault does not seem to be running, you can download it on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://github.com/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Vault/releases/latest\">Github</a>." , cts . Token ) ;
goto next ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "BTCPayServer successfully connected to the vault." , cts . Token ) ;
if ( permission is false )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Error , "The user declined access to the vault." , cts . Token ) ;
goto next ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "Access to vault granted by owner." , cts . Token ) ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Processing , "Waiting for NFC to be presented..." , cts . Token ) ;
await transport . WaitForCard ( cts . Token ) ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "NFC detected." , cts . Token ) ;
var issuerKey = await _settingsRepository . GetIssuerKey ( _env ) ;
CardOrigin cardOrigin = await GetCardOrigin ( pullPaymentId , ntag , issuerKey , cts . Token ) ;
if ( cardOrigin is CardOrigin . OtherIssuer )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Error , "This card is already configured for another issuer" , cts . Token ) ;
goto next ;
bool success = false ;
switch ( command )
case "configure-boltcard" :
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Processing , "Configuring Boltcard..." , cts . Token ) ;
if ( cardOrigin is CardOrigin . Blank | | cardOrigin is CardOrigin . ThisIssuerReset )
await ntag . AuthenticateEV2First ( 0 , AESKey . Default , cts . Token ) ;
var uid = await ntag . GetCardUID ( ) ;
var version = await _dbContextFactory . LinkBoltcardToPullPayment ( pullPaymentId , issuerKey , uid ) ;
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var cardKey = issuerKey . CreatePullPaymentCardKey ( uid , version , pullPaymentId ) ;
2023-12-06 09:17:58 +09:00
await ntag . SetupBoltcard ( boltcardUrl , BoltcardKeys . Default , cardKey . DeriveBoltcardKeys ( issuerKey ) ) ;
await _dbContextFactory . SetBoltcardResetState ( issuerKey , uid ) ;
throw ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "The card is now configured" , cts . Token ) ;
else if ( cardOrigin is CardOrigin . ThisIssuer )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "This card is already properly configured" , cts . Token ) ;
success = true ;
break ;
case "reset-boltcard" :
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Processing , "Resetting Boltcard..." , cts . Token ) ;
if ( cardOrigin is CardOrigin . Blank )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "This card is already in a factory state" , cts . Token ) ;
else if ( cardOrigin is CardOrigin . ThisIssuer thisIssuer )
2023-12-21 10:29:28 +09:00
var cardKey = issuerKey . CreatePullPaymentCardKey ( thisIssuer . Registration . UId , thisIssuer . Registration . Version , pullPaymentId ) ;
2023-12-06 09:17:58 +09:00
await ntag . ResetCard ( issuerKey , cardKey ) ;
await _dbContextFactory . SetBoltcardResetState ( issuerKey , thisIssuer . Registration . UId ) ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "Card reset succeed" , cts . Token ) ;
success = true ;
break ;
if ( success )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Processing , "Please remove the NFC from the card reader" , cts . Token ) ;
await transport . WaitForRemoved ( cts . Token ) ;
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Ok , "Thank you!" , cts . Token ) ;
await vaultClient . SendSimpleMessage ( "done" , cts . Token ) ;
catch ( Exception ) when ( websocket . State ! = WebSocketState . Open | | cts . IsCancellationRequested )
await WebsocketHelper . CloseSocket ( websocket ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
await vaultClient . Show ( VaultMessageType . Error , "Unexpected error: " + ex . Message , ex . ToString ( ) , cts . Token ) ;
catch { }
return new EmptyResult ( ) ;
private async Task < CardOrigin > GetCardOrigin ( string pullPaymentId , Ntag424 ntag , IssuerKey issuerKey , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
CardOrigin cardOrigin ;
Uri uri = await ntag . TryReadNDefURI ( cancellationToken ) ;
if ( uri is null )
cardOrigin = new CardOrigin . Blank ( ) ;
var piccData = issuerKey . TryDecrypt ( uri ) ;
if ( piccData is null )
cardOrigin = new CardOrigin . OtherIssuer ( ) ;
var res = await _dbContextFactory . GetBoltcardRegistration ( issuerKey , piccData . Uid ) ;
if ( res ! = null & & res . PullPaymentId is null )
cardOrigin = new CardOrigin . ThisIssuerReset ( res ) ;
else if ( res ? . PullPaymentId ! = pullPaymentId )
cardOrigin = new CardOrigin . OtherIssuer ( ) ;
cardOrigin = new CardOrigin . ThisIssuerConfigured ( res . PullPaymentId , res ) ;
return cardOrigin ;