2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
#nullable enable
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
2023-02-15 15:59:45 +09:00
using System.Reflection ;
2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util ;
using AngleSharp.Text ;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts ;
using BTCPayServer.Configuration ;
using BTCPayServer.Data ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity ;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Conventions ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options ;
using MySqlConnector ;
using NBXplorer ;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq ;
using Npgsql ;
namespace BTCPayServer.Hosting
static class TopologySort
public static IEnumerable < ITable > OrderByTopology ( this IEnumerable < ITable > tables )
var comparer = Comparer < ITable > . Create ( ( a , b ) = > a . Name . CompareTo ( b . Name ) ) ;
return OrderByTopology (
tables ,
t = >
if ( t . Name = = "Invoices" )
return t . ForeignKeyConstraints . Select ( f = > f . PrincipalTable . Name ) . Where ( f = > f ! = "Refunds" ) ;
return t . ForeignKeyConstraints . Select ( f = > f . PrincipalTable . Name ) ;
} ,
t = > t . Name ,
t = > t ,
comparer ) ;
public static IEnumerable < TValue > OrderByTopology < T , TDepend , TValue > (
this IEnumerable < T > values ,
Func < T , IEnumerable < TDepend > > dependsOn ,
Func < T , TDepend > getKey ,
Func < T , TValue > getValue ,
IComparer < T > ? solveTies = null ) where T : notnull
var v = values . ToList ( ) ;
return TopologicalSort ( v , dependsOn , getKey , getValue , solveTies ) ;
static List < TValue > TopologicalSort < T , TDepend , TValue > ( this IReadOnlyCollection < T > nodes ,
Func < T , IEnumerable < TDepend > > dependsOn ,
Func < T , TDepend > getKey ,
Func < T , TValue > getValue ,
IComparer < T > ? solveTies = null ) where T : notnull
if ( nodes . Count = = 0 )
return new List < TValue > ( ) ;
if ( getKey = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( nameof ( getKey ) ) ;
if ( getValue = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( nameof ( getValue ) ) ;
solveTies = solveTies ? ? Comparer < T > . Default ;
List < TValue > result = new List < TValue > ( nodes . Count ) ;
HashSet < TDepend > allKeys = new HashSet < TDepend > ( nodes . Count ) ;
var noDependencies = new SortedDictionary < T , HashSet < TDepend > > ( solveTies ) ;
foreach ( var node in nodes )
allKeys . Add ( getKey ( node ) ) ;
var dependenciesByValues = nodes . ToDictionary ( node = > node ,
node = > new HashSet < TDepend > ( dependsOn ( node ) . Where ( n = > allKeys . Contains ( n ) ) ) ) ;
foreach ( var e in dependenciesByValues . Where ( x = > x . Value . Count = = 0 ) )
noDependencies . Add ( e . Key , e . Value ) ;
if ( noDependencies . Count = = 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Impossible to topologically sort a cyclic graph" ) ;
while ( noDependencies . Count > 0 )
var nodep = noDependencies . First ( ) ;
noDependencies . Remove ( nodep . Key ) ;
dependenciesByValues . Remove ( nodep . Key ) ;
var elemKey = getKey ( nodep . Key ) ;
result . Add ( getValue ( nodep . Key ) ) ;
foreach ( var selem in dependenciesByValues )
if ( selem . Value . Remove ( elemKey ) & & selem . Value . Count = = 0 )
noDependencies . Add ( selem . Key , selem . Value ) ;
if ( dependenciesByValues . Count ! = 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Impossible to topologically sort a cyclic graph" ) ;
return result ;
public class ToPostgresMigrationStartupTask : IStartupTask
public ToPostgresMigrationStartupTask (
IConfiguration configuration ,
IOptions < DataDirectories > datadirs ,
ILogger < ToPostgresMigrationStartupTask > logger ,
IWebHostEnvironment environment ,
ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory )
Configuration = configuration ;
Datadirs = datadirs ;
Logger = logger ;
Environment = environment ;
DbContextFactory = dbContextFactory ;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get ; }
public IOptions < DataDirectories > Datadirs { get ; }
public ILogger < ToPostgresMigrationStartupTask > Logger { get ; }
public IWebHostEnvironment Environment { get ; }
public ApplicationDbContextFactory DbContextFactory { get ; }
public bool HasError { get ; private set ; }
public async Task ExecuteAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken = default )
var p = Configuration . GetOrDefault < string? > ( "POSTGRES" , null ) ;
var sqlite = Configuration . GetOrDefault < string? > ( "SQLITEFILE" , null ) ;
var mysql = Configuration . GetOrDefault < string? > ( "MYSQL" , null ) ;
string migratingFrom ;
ApplicationDbContext otherContext ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( p ) )
return ;
else if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( sqlite ) )
migratingFrom = "SQLite" ;
sqlite = Datadirs . Value . ToDatadirFullPath ( sqlite ) ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( sqlite ) )
return ;
otherContext = new ApplicationDbContext ( new DbContextOptionsBuilder < ApplicationDbContext > ( ) . UseSqlite ( "Data Source=" + sqlite , o = > o . CommandTimeout ( 60 * 60 * 10 ) ) . Options ) ;
else if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( mysql ) )
migratingFrom = "MySQL" ;
otherContext = new ApplicationDbContext ( new DbContextOptionsBuilder < ApplicationDbContext > ( ) . UseMySql ( mysql , ServerVersion . AutoDetect ( mysql ) , o = > o . CommandTimeout ( 60 * 60 * 10 ) ) . Options ) ;
await otherContext . Settings . FirstOrDefaultAsync ( ) ;
catch ( MySqlException ex ) when ( ex . SqlState = = "42000" ) // DB doesn't exists
return ;
return ;
if ( await otherContext . Settings . FirstOrDefaultAsync ( ) = = null )
return ;
var postgres = new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder ( p ) ;
using var postgresContext = new ApplicationDbContext ( new DbContextOptionsBuilder < ApplicationDbContext > ( ) . UseNpgsql ( p , o = > o . CommandTimeout ( 60 * 60 * 10 ) ) . Options ) ;
string? state ;
state = await GetMigrationState ( postgresContext ) ;
if ( state = = "complete" )
return ;
if ( state = = null )
throw new ConfigException ( "This postgres database isn't created during a migration. Please use an empty database for postgres when migrating. If it's not a migration, remove --sqlitefile or --mysql settings." ) ;
2023-03-01 15:04:17 +09:00
catch ( NpgsqlException ex ) when ( ex . SqlState = = PostgresErrorCodes . InvalidCatalogName | | ex . SqlState = = PostgresErrorCodes . UndefinedTable ) // DB doesn't exists
2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
await postgresContext . Database . MigrateAsync ( ) ;
state = "pending" ;
await SetMigrationState ( postgresContext , migratingFrom , "pending" ) ;
Logger . LogInformation ( $"Migrating from {migratingFrom} to Postgres..." ) ;
if ( state = = "pending" )
Logger . LogInformation ( $"There is a unfinished migration in postgres... dropping all tables" ) ;
foreach ( var t in postgresContext . Model . GetRelationalModel ( ) . Tables . OrderByTopology ( ) )
await postgresContext . Database . ExecuteSqlRawAsync ( $"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \" { t . Name } \ " CASCADE" ) ;
await postgresContext . Database . ExecuteSqlRawAsync ( $"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \" __EFMigrationsHistory \ " CASCADE" ) ;
await postgresContext . Database . MigrateAsync ( ) ;
throw new ConfigException ( "This database isn't created during a migration. Please use an empty database for postgres when migrating." ) ;
await otherContext . Database . MigrateAsync ( ) ;
await SetMigrationState ( postgresContext , migratingFrom , "pending" ) ;
foreach ( var t in postgresContext . Model . GetRelationalModel ( ) . Tables . OrderByTopology ( ) )
var typeMapping = t . EntityTypeMappings . Single ( ) ;
var query = ( IQueryable < object > ) otherContext . GetType ( ) . GetMethod ( "Set" , new Type [ 0 ] ) ! . MakeGenericMethod ( typeMapping . EntityType . ClrType ) . Invoke ( otherContext , null ) ! ;
2023-05-28 23:44:10 +09:00
if ( t . Name = = "WebhookDeliveries" | |
t . Name = = "InvoiceWebhookDeliveries" )
continue ;
2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
Logger . LogInformation ( $"Migrating table: " + t . Name ) ;
2023-02-15 15:59:45 +09:00
List < PropertyInfo > datetimeProperties = new List < PropertyInfo > ( ) ;
foreach ( var col in t . Columns )
if ( col . PropertyMappings . Single ( ) . Property . ClrType = = typeof ( DateTime ) )
datetimeProperties . Add ( col . PropertyMappings . Single ( ) . Property . PropertyInfo ! ) ;
2023-02-22 17:07:27 +09:00
List < PropertyInfo > datetimeoffsetProperties = new List < PropertyInfo > ( ) ;
foreach ( var col in t . Columns )
if ( col . PropertyMappings . Single ( ) . Property . ClrType = = typeof ( DateTimeOffset ) )
datetimeoffsetProperties . Add ( col . PropertyMappings . Single ( ) . Property . PropertyInfo ! ) ;
2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
var rows = await query . ToListAsync ( ) ;
foreach ( var row in rows )
// There is as circular deps between invoice and refund.
if ( row is InvoiceData id )
id . CurrentRefundId = null ;
2023-02-15 15:59:45 +09:00
foreach ( var prop in datetimeProperties )
var v = ( DateTime ) prop . GetValue ( row ) ! ;
if ( v . Kind = = DateTimeKind . Unspecified )
v = new DateTime ( v . Ticks , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
prop . SetValue ( row , v ) ;
2023-02-22 16:54:48 +09:00
else if ( v . Kind = = DateTimeKind . Local )
prop . SetValue ( row , v . ToUniversalTime ( ) ) ;
2023-02-15 15:59:45 +09:00
2023-02-22 17:07:27 +09:00
foreach ( var prop in datetimeoffsetProperties )
var v = ( DateTimeOffset ) prop . GetValue ( row ) ! ;
if ( v . Offset ! = TimeSpan . Zero )
prop . SetValue ( row , v . ToOffset ( TimeSpan . Zero ) ) ;
2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
postgresContext . Entry ( row ) . State = EntityState . Added ;
await postgresContext . SaveChangesAsync ( ) ;
postgresContext . ChangeTracker . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var invoice in otherContext . Invoices . AsNoTracking ( ) . Where ( i = > i . CurrentRefundId ! = null ) )
postgresContext . Entry ( invoice ) . State = EntityState . Modified ;
await postgresContext . SaveChangesAsync ( ) ;
postgresContext . ChangeTracker . Clear ( ) ;
2023-03-07 10:26:47 +09:00
await UpdateSequenceInvoiceSearch ( postgresContext ) ;
2023-02-10 11:43:46 +09:00
await SetMigrationState ( postgresContext , migratingFrom , "complete" ) ;
otherContext . Dispose ( ) ;
SqliteConnection . ClearAllPools ( ) ;
MySqlConnection . ClearAllPools ( ) ;
Logger . LogInformation ( $"Migration to postgres from {migratingFrom} successful" ) ;
2023-03-07 10:26:47 +09:00
internal static async Task UpdateSequenceInvoiceSearch ( ApplicationDbContext postgresContext )
await postgresContext . Database . ExecuteSqlRawAsync ( "SELECT SETVAL('\"InvoiceSearches_Id_seq\"', (SELECT max(\"Id\") FROM \"InvoiceSearches\"));" ) ;
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2023-03-07 10:26:47 +09:00
internal static async Task < string? > GetMigrationState ( ApplicationDbContext postgresContext )
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2023-02-11 21:01:36 +09:00
var o = ( await postgresContext . Settings . FromSqlRaw ( "SELECT \"Id\", \"Value\" FROM \"Settings\" WHERE \"Id\"='MigrationData'" ) . AsNoTracking ( ) . FirstOrDefaultAsync ( ) ) ? . Value ;
if ( o is null )
return null ;
return JObject . Parse ( o ) [ "state" ] ? . Value < string > ( ) ;
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private static async Task SetMigrationState ( ApplicationDbContext postgresContext , string migratingFrom , string state )
await postgresContext . Database . ExecuteSqlRawAsync (
"INSERT INTO \"Settings\" VALUES ('MigrationData', @p0::JSONB) ON CONFLICT (\"Id\") DO UPDATE SET \"Value\"=@p0::JSONB" ,
new [ ] { $"{{ \" from \ ": \"{migratingFrom}\", \"state\": \"{state}\" }}" } ) ;