
55 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const locales_zh_sp = {
nested: {
lang: '语言'
"Awaiting Payment...": "等待付款中...",
"Pay with": "支付方式",
"Contact and Refund Email": "联络和退款邮箱",
"Contact_Body": "请输入您的邮箱地址。如果您的支付出现问题,我们将会通过此邮箱地址与您联系。",
"Your email": "您的邮箱",
"Continue": "继续",
"Please enter a valid email address": "请输入有效的邮箱地址",
"Order Amount": "订单总额",
"Network Cost": "网络费用",
"Already Paid": "已支付",
"Due": "待支付",
// Tabs
"Scan": "扫一扫",
"Copy": "复制",
"Conversion": "兑换支付",
// Scan tab
"Open in wallet": "在钱包中打开",
// Copy tab
"CompletePay_Body": "请发送{{btcDue}} {{cryptoCode}}至下方地址以完成支付。",
"Amount": "金额",
"Address": "地址",
"Copied": "已复制",
// Conversion tab
"ConversionTab_BodyTop": "您也可以使用商家支持以外的其他altcoins支付{{btcDue}} {{cryptoCode}}。",
"ConversionTab_BodyDesc": "请您注意,这项服务由第三方应用提供,所以我们无法直接获悉和操控第三方应用的具体兑换过程。订单只有在支付款被{{cryptocode}}的区块链接收之后,才会显示已支付。",
"Shapeshift_Button_Text": "Altcoins支付",
"ConversionTab_Lightning": "闪电网络不支持其他altcoins兑换支付。",
// Invoice expired
"Invoice expiring soon...": "订单即将过期...",
"Invoice expired": "订单已过期 ",
"What happened?": "发生了什么?",
"InvoiceExpired_Body_1": "您的订单已过期一个订单只在{{maxTimeMinutes}}分钟内有效 \
"InvoiceExpired_Body_2": "如果您已支付,但付款没有被网络确认接收。这说明我方目前还未收到您的支付款。",
"InvoiceExpired_Body_3": "如果您的支付最终被网络拒绝支付款将被返回您的钱包。根据您使用的钱包不同可能需要48-72小时。",
"Invoice ID": "订单号",
"Order ID": "订货号",
"Return to StoreName": "返回{{storeName}}。",
// Invoice paid
"This invoice has been paid": "此订单已支付",
// Invoice archived
"This invoice has been archived": "此订单已归档",
"Archived_Body": "请联系商家获得更多的订单信息或帮助",
// Lightning
"BOLT 11 Invoice": "BOLT 11 订单",
"Node Info": "节点信息(Node Info)",
"txCount": "{{count}}笔交易",
"txCount_plural": "{{count}}笔交易"