var scopeMappings = new Dictionary<string, (string Title, string Description)>()
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.AppManagement, ("Manage your apps", "The app will be able to create, modify and delete all your apps.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.ViewApps, ("View your apps", "The app will be able to list and view all your apps.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.CreateInvoices, ("Create invoices", "The app will be able to create new invoices.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.InvoiceManagement, ("Manage invoices", "The app will be able to create new invoices and mark existing invoices as complete or invalid.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.StoreManagement, ("Manage your stores", "The app will be able to create, modify and delete all your stores.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.ViewStores, ("View your stores", "The app will be able to list and view all your stores.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.WalletManagement, ("Manage your wallet", "The app will be able to manage your wallet associate to stores. This includes configuring it, transaction creation and signing.")},
{RestAPIPolicies.BTCPayScopes.ViewInvoices, ("View your invoices", "The app will be able to list and view all your apps.")},
{OpenIddictConstants.Scopes.Email, ("View your email", "The app will have access to your email.")},
{OpenIddictConstants.Scopes.Profile, ("View your account", "The app will have access to your account details.")},
{OpenIddictConstants.Scopes.Roles, ("View your roles", "The app will know if you are a server admin.")},