2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using BTCPayServer ;
using BTCPayServer.Data ;
using BTCPayServer.HostedServices ;
using BTCPayServer.ModelBinders ;
using BTCPayServer.Models ;
using BTCPayServer.Payments ;
using BTCPayServer.Services ;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates ;
2020-06-24 13:44:26 +09:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization ;
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Validation ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal ;
namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers
2020-06-24 13:44:26 +09:00
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
public class PullPaymentController : Controller
private readonly ApplicationDbContextFactory _dbContextFactory ;
private readonly BTCPayNetworkProvider _networkProvider ;
private readonly CurrencyNameTable _currencyNameTable ;
private readonly PullPaymentHostedService _pullPaymentHostedService ;
private readonly BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings _serializerSettings ;
public PullPaymentController ( ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory ,
BTCPayNetworkProvider networkProvider ,
CurrencyNameTable currencyNameTable ,
PullPaymentHostedService pullPaymentHostedService ,
BTCPayServer . Services . BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings )
_dbContextFactory = dbContextFactory ;
_networkProvider = networkProvider ;
_currencyNameTable = currencyNameTable ;
_pullPaymentHostedService = pullPaymentHostedService ;
_serializerSettings = serializerSettings ;
public async Task < IActionResult > ViewPullPayment ( string pullPaymentId )
using var ctx = _dbContextFactory . CreateContext ( ) ;
var pp = await ctx . PullPayments . FindAsync ( pullPaymentId ) ;
if ( pp is null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
var blob = pp . GetBlob ( ) ;
var payouts = ( await ctx . Payouts . GetPayoutInPeriod ( pp )
. OrderByDescending ( o = > o . Date )
. ToListAsync ( ) )
. Select ( o = > new
Entity = o ,
Blob = o . GetBlob ( _serializerSettings ) ,
TransactionId = o . GetProofBlob ( _serializerSettings ) ? . TransactionId ? . ToString ( )
} ) ;
var cd = _currencyNameTable . GetCurrencyData ( blob . Currency , false ) ;
var totalPaid = payouts . Where ( p = > p . Entity . State ! = PayoutState . Cancelled ) . Select ( p = > p . Blob . Amount ) . Sum ( ) ;
var amountDue = blob . Limit - totalPaid ;
ViewPullPaymentModel vm = new ViewPullPaymentModel ( pp , DateTimeOffset . UtcNow )
AmountFormatted = _currencyNameTable . FormatCurrency ( blob . Limit , blob . Currency ) ,
AmountCollected = totalPaid ,
AmountCollectedFormatted = _currencyNameTable . FormatCurrency ( totalPaid , blob . Currency ) ,
AmountDue = amountDue ,
ClaimedAmount = amountDue ,
AmountDueFormatted = _currencyNameTable . FormatCurrency ( amountDue , blob . Currency ) ,
CurrencyData = cd ,
LastUpdated = DateTime . Now ,
Payouts = payouts
. Select ( entity = > new ViewPullPaymentModel . PayoutLine ( )
Id = entity . Entity . Id ,
Amount = entity . Blob . Amount ,
AmountFormatted = _currencyNameTable . FormatCurrency ( entity . Blob . Amount , blob . Currency ) ,
Currency = blob . Currency ,
Status = entity . Entity . State . ToString ( ) ,
Destination = entity . Blob . Destination . Address . ToString ( ) ,
Link = GetTransactionLink ( _networkProvider . GetNetwork < BTCPayNetwork > ( entity . Entity . GetPaymentMethodId ( ) . CryptoCode ) , entity . TransactionId ) ,
TransactionId = entity . TransactionId
} ) . ToList ( )
} ;
vm . IsPending & = vm . AmountDue > 0.0 m ;
return View ( nameof ( ViewPullPayment ) , vm ) ;
public async Task < IActionResult > ClaimPullPayment ( string pullPaymentId , ViewPullPaymentModel vm )
using var ctx = _dbContextFactory . CreateContext ( ) ;
var pp = await ctx . PullPayments . FindAsync ( pullPaymentId ) ;
if ( pp is null )
ModelState . AddModelError ( nameof ( pullPaymentId ) , "This pull payment does not exists" ) ;
var ppBlob = pp . GetBlob ( ) ;
var network = _networkProvider . GetNetwork < BTCPayNetwork > ( ppBlob . SupportedPaymentMethods . Single ( ) . CryptoCode ) ;
IClaimDestination destination = null ;
if ( network ! = null & &
( ! ClaimDestination . TryParse ( vm . Destination , network , out destination ) | | destination is null ) )
ModelState . AddModelError ( nameof ( vm . Destination ) , $"Invalid destination" ) ;
if ( ! ModelState . IsValid )
return await ViewPullPayment ( pullPaymentId ) ;
var result = await _pullPaymentHostedService . Claim ( new ClaimRequest ( )
Destination = destination ,
PullPaymentId = pullPaymentId ,
Value = vm . ClaimedAmount ,
PaymentMethodId = new PaymentMethodId ( network . CryptoCode , PaymentTypes . BTCLike )
} ) ;
if ( result . Result ! = ClaimRequest . ClaimResult . Ok )
if ( result . Result = = ClaimRequest . ClaimResult . AmountTooLow )
ModelState . AddModelError ( nameof ( vm . ClaimedAmount ) , ClaimRequest . GetErrorMessage ( result . Result ) ) ;
ModelState . AddModelError ( string . Empty , ClaimRequest . GetErrorMessage ( result . Result ) ) ;
return await ViewPullPayment ( pullPaymentId ) ;
TempData . SetStatusMessageModel ( new StatusMessageModel ( )
Message = $"You posted a claim of {_currencyNameTable.DisplayFormatCurrency(vm.ClaimedAmount, ppBlob.Currency)} to {vm.Destination}, this will get fullfilled later." ,
Severity = StatusMessageModel . StatusSeverity . Success
} ) ;
return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( ViewPullPayment ) , new { pullPaymentId = pullPaymentId } ) ;
string GetTransactionLink ( BTCPayNetworkBase network , string txId )
if ( txId is null )
return string . Empty ;
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , network . BlockExplorerLink , txId ) ;