
663 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
2020-06-28 17:55:27 +09:00
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
2022-03-02 19:21:38 +01:00
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Extensions;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Lightning;
using BTCPayServer.Lightning.CLightning;
using BTCPayServer.Views.Manage;
2020-09-16 08:54:09 +02:00
using BTCPayServer.Views.Server;
using BTCPayServer.Views.Stores;
using BTCPayServer.Views.Wallets;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
2020-06-28 17:55:27 +09:00
using NBitcoin;
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
using NBitcoin.RPC;
2020-06-28 17:55:27 +09:00
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
using Xunit;
namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
public class SeleniumTester : IDisposable
public IWebDriver Driver { get; set; }
public ServerTester Server { get; set; }
public WalletId WalletId { get; set; }
2021-01-25 14:10:19 +01:00
public string StoreId { get; set; }
public static readonly TimeSpan ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
2019-10-07 16:04:25 +09:00
public async Task StartAsync()
2021-09-09 21:51:28 +09:00
Server.PayTester.NoCSP = true;
2019-10-07 16:04:25 +09:00
await Server.StartAsync();
var windowSize = (Width: 1200, Height: 1000);
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
2021-01-26 10:22:17 +01:00
var config = builder.Build();
// Run `dotnet user-secrets set RunSeleniumInBrowser true` to run tests in browser
var runInBrowser = config["RunSeleniumInBrowser"] == "true";
// Reset this using `dotnet user-secrets remove RunSeleniumInBrowser`
var chromeDriverPath = config["ChromeDriverDirectory"] ?? (Server.PayTester.InContainer ? "/usr/bin" : Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
var options = new ChromeOptions();
if (!runInBrowser)
2020-01-12 13:54:06 +09:00
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
if (Server.PayTester.InContainer)
2022-05-09 14:13:51 +09:00
// Shot in the dark to fix
Driver = new OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://selenium:4444/wd/hub"), new RemoteSessionSettings(options));
var containerIp = File.ReadAllText("/etc/hosts").Split('\n', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last()
.Split('\t', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim();
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Selenium: Container's IP {containerIp}");
var cds = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(chromeDriverPath);
cds.EnableVerboseLogging = true;
cds.Port = Utils.FreeTcpPort();
cds.HostName = "";
Driver = new ChromeDriver(cds, options,
// A bit less than test timeout
ServerUri = Server.PayTester.ServerUri;
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Selenium: Using {Driver.GetType()}");
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Selenium: Browsing to {ServerUri}");
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Selenium: Resolution {Driver.Manage().Window.Size}");
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
2023-04-10 11:07:03 +09:00
public void PayInvoice(bool mine = false, decimal? amount = null)
if (amount is not null)
TestUtils.Eventually(() =>
if (mine)
public void MineBlockOnInvoiceCheckout()
2024-04-05 16:23:04 +09:00
Driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#mine-block button")).Click();
catch (StaleElementReferenceException)
goto retry;
/// <summary>
/// Use this ServerUri when trying to browse with selenium
/// Because for some reason, the selenium container can't resolve the tests container domain name
/// </summary>
public Uri ServerUri;
internal IWebElement FindAlertMessage(StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success)
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
return FindAlertMessage(new[] { severity });
internal IWebElement FindAlertMessage(params StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity[] severity)
var className = string.Join(", ", severity.Select(statusSeverity => $".alert-{StatusMessageModel.ToString(statusSeverity)}"));
2021-11-24 12:25:14 +01:00
IWebElement el;
var elements = Driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector(className));
el = elements.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Displayed);
if (el is null)
el = elements.FirstOrDefault();
if (el is null)
el = Driver.WaitForElement(By.CssSelector(className));
2021-11-24 12:25:14 +01:00
catch (NoSuchElementException)
el = Driver.WaitForElement(By.CssSelector(className));
if (el is null)
throw new NoSuchElementException($"Unable to find {className}");
if (!el.Displayed)
throw new ElementNotVisibleException($"{className} is present, but not displayed: {el.GetAttribute("id")} - Text: {el.Text}");
return el;
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
public string Link(string relativeLink)
return ServerUri.AbsoluteUri.WithoutEndingSlash() + relativeLink.WithStartingSlash();
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
public void GoToRegister()
public string RegisterNewUser(bool isAdmin = false)
var usr = RandomUtils.GetUInt256().ToString().Substring(64 - 20) + "";
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
TestLogs.LogInformation($"User: {usr} with password 123456");
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
if (isAdmin)
CreatedUser = usr;
return usr;
string CreatedUser;
public TestAccount AsTestAccount()
return new TestAccount(Server) { RegisterDetails = new Models.AccountViewModels.RegisterViewModel() { Password = "123456", Email = CreatedUser } };
2021-10-26 13:55:13 +02:00
public (string storeName, string storeId) CreateNewStore(bool keepId = true)
// If there's no store yet, there is no dropdown toggle
if (Driver.PageSource.Contains("id=\"StoreSelectorToggle\""))
var name = "Store" + RandomUtils.GetUInt64();
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Created store {name}");
var rateSource = new SelectElement(Driver.FindElement(By.Id("PreferredExchange")));
Assert.Equal("Recommendation (Kraken)", rateSource.SelectedOption.Text);
2021-10-26 13:55:13 +02:00
var storeId = Driver.WaitForElement(By.Id("Id")).GetAttribute("value");
if (keepId)
StoreId = storeId;
return (name, storeId);
Checkout v2 finetuning (#4276) * Indent all JSON files with two spaces * Upgrade Vue.js * Cheat mode improvements * Show payment details in case of expired invoice * Add logo size recommendation * Show clipboard copy hint cursor * Improve info area and wording * Update BIP21 wording * Invoice details adjustments * Remove form; switch payment methods via AJAX * UI updates * Decrease paddings to gain space * Tighten up padding between logo mark and the store title text * Add drop-shadow to the containers * Wording * Cheating improvements * Improve footer spacing * Cheating improvements * Display addresses * More improvements * Expire invoices * Customize invoice expiry * Footer improvements * Remove theme switch * Remove non-existing sourcemap references * Move inline JS to checkout.js file * Plugin compatibility See Kukks/btcpayserver#8 * Test fix * Upgrade vue-i18next * Extract translations into a separate file * Round QR code borders * Remove "Pay with Bitcoin" title in BIP21 case * Add copy hint to payment details * Cheating: Reduce margins * Adjust dt color * Hide addresses for first iteration * Improve View Details button * Make info section collapsible * Revert original en locale file * Checkout v2 tests * Result view link fixes * Fix BIP21 + lazy payment methods case * More result page link improvements * minor visual improvements * Update clipboard code Remove fallback for old browsers. * Transition copy symbol * Update info text color * Invert dark neutral colors Simplifies the dark theme quite a bit. * copy adjustments * updates QR border-radius * Add option to remove logo * More checkout v2 test cases * JS improvements * Remove leftovers * Update test * Fix links * Update tests * Update plugins integration * Remove obsolete url code * Minor view update * Update JS to not use arrow functions * Remove FormId from Checkout Appearance settings * Add English-only hint and feedback link * Checkout Appearance: Make options clearer, remove Custom CSS for v2 * Clipboard copy full URL instead of just address/BOLT11 * Upgrade JS libs, add content checks * Add test for BIP21 setting with zero amount invoice Co-authored-by: dstrukt <>
2022-11-24 00:53:32 +01:00
public Mnemonic GenerateWallet(string cryptoCode = "BTC", string seed = "", bool? importkeys = null, bool isHotWallet = false, ScriptPubKeyType format = ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit)
2019-12-05 18:56:40 +01:00
var isImport = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(seed);
2021-03-02 11:06:04 +01:00
// Replace previous wallet case
if (Driver.PageSource.Contains("id=\"ChangeWalletLink\""))
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
if (isImport)
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
TestLogs.LogInformation("Progressing with existing seed");
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
Driver.SetCheckbox(By.Id("SavePrivateKeys"), isHotWallet);
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
var option = isHotWallet ? "Hotwallet" : "Watchonly";
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Generating new seed ({option})");
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
Driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector($"#ScriptPubKeyType option[value={format}]")).Click();
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
Bootstrap v5 migration (#2490) * Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
2021-05-19 04:39:27 +02:00
if (importkeys is bool v)
Driver.SetCheckbox(By.Id("ImportKeysToRPC"), v);
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
if (isImport)
2019-12-05 18:56:40 +01:00
// Confirm addresses
2019-12-05 18:56:40 +01:00
// Seed backup
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(seed))
seed = Driver.FindElements(By.Id("RecoveryPhrase")).First().GetAttribute("data-mnemonic");
// Confirm seed backup
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
WalletId = new WalletId(StoreId, cryptoCode);
return new Mnemonic(seed);
2019-12-05 18:56:40 +01:00
/// <summary>
/// Assume to be in store's settings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cryptoCode"></param>
/// <param name="derivationScheme"></param>
public void AddDerivationScheme(string cryptoCode = "BTC", string derivationScheme = "tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XxNXjYTcRujMc8z8734diCthtFGgDMimbG5hUsKBuSTCuUyxWL7YwP7R4A5StMTRQiZnb6vE4pdHWPgy9hbiHuVJfBMumUu-[legacy]")
if (!Driver.PageSource.Contains($"Setup {cryptoCode} Wallet"))
Wallet setup redesign (#2164) * Prepare existing layouts and views * Add icon view component and sprite svg * Add wallet setup basics * Add import method view basics * Use external sprite file instead of inline svg * Refactor hardware wallet setup flow * Manually enter an xpub * Prepare other views * Update views and models * Finalize wallet setup flow * Updat tests, part 1 * Update tests, part 2 * Vaul: Fix missing retry button * Add better Scan QR subtext Still tbd. * Make wallet account an advanced setting * Prevent empty xpub * Use textarea for seed input * Remove redundant error message for missing file upload * Confirm store updates after generating a new wallet * Update wording * Modify existing wallets * Fix proposed method name * Suggest using ColdCard Electrum export option only Advise the user to use the electrum export of the coldcard instead of saying either electrum or wasabi export file … the electurm one contains more info, e.g. the wasabi one doesn't include the account key path. * More concise WalletSetupMethod setting * Test fix * Update wallet removal code * Fix back navigation quirk in change wallet case * Fix behaviour on wallet enable/disable * Fix initial wallet setup * Improve modify view and messages * Test fixes * Seed import fix Uses the correct form url for confirming addresses * Quickfixes from design meeting * Add enable toggle switch on modify page * Confirm wallet removal * Update setup view * Update import view * Icon finetuning * Improve import options page * Refactor QR code scanner Allow for usage with and without modal * Update copy and instructions on import pages * Split generate options: Hot wallet and watch-only * Implement hot wallet options correctly * Minor test changes * Navbar improvements * Fix tables * Fix badge color * Routing related updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Wording updates Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Extend address types table for xpub import Thanks @kukks for the suggestions! * Rename controller * Unify precondition checks * Improve removal warning for hot wallets * Add tooltip on why seed import is not recommended * Add tooltip icon * Add Specter import info
2021-02-11 11:48:54 +01:00
2021-01-25 14:10:19 +01:00
2020-01-12 13:54:06 +09:00
public void AddLightningNode()
AddLightningNode(null, true);
public void AddLightningNode(string connectionType = null, bool test = true)
var cryptoCode = "BTC";
if (!Driver.PageSource.Contains("Connect to a Lightning node"))
var connectionString = connectionType switch
LightningConnectionType.CLightning =>
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
LightningConnectionType.LndREST =>
_ => null
if (connectionString == null)
Assert.True(Driver.FindElement(By.Id("LightningNodeType-Internal")).Enabled, "Usage of the internal Lightning node is disabled.");
2021-10-26 13:55:13 +02:00
if (test)
Assert.Contains("Connection to the Lightning node successful.", FindAlertMessage().Text);
2021-04-19 16:21:50 +02:00
Assert.Contains($"{cryptoCode} Lightning node updated.", FindAlertMessage().Text);
2021-04-16 15:31:09 +02:00
var enabled = Driver.FindElement(By.Id($"{cryptoCode}LightningEnabled"));
if (enabled.Selected == false)
2021-04-16 15:31:09 +02:00
Assert.Contains($"{cryptoCode} Lightning settings successfully updated", FindAlertMessage().Text);
2021-04-16 15:31:09 +02:00
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
public Logging.ILog TestLogs => Server.TestLogs;
public void ClickOnAllSectionLinks()
var links = Driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("#SectionNav .nav-link")).Select(c => c.GetAttribute("href")).ToList();
foreach (var l in links)
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Checking no error on {l}");
public void Dispose()
if (Driver != null)
2021-01-25 14:10:19 +01:00
// ignored
2021-01-25 14:10:19 +01:00
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
internal void AssertNotFound()
2020-02-01 02:29:08 -06:00
Assert.Contains("404 - Page not found</h1>", Driver.PageSource);
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
internal void AssertAccessDenied()
2022-01-07 21:12:31 +09:00
Assert.Contains("- Denied</h", Driver.PageSource);
public void GoToHome()
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
if (Driver.PageSource.Contains("id=\"SkipWizard\""))
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
public void Logout()
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
2024-04-05 16:23:04 +09:00
if (!Driver.PageSource.Contains("id=\"Nav-Logout\""))
2022-01-07 17:25:28 +01:00
2019-05-14 23:33:46 +09:00
public void LogIn()
LogIn(CreatedUser, "123456");
public void LogIn(string user, string password = "123456")
public void GoToStore(StoreNavPages storeNavPage = StoreNavPages.General)
GoToStore(null, storeNavPage);
public void GoToStore(string storeId, StoreNavPages storeNavPage = StoreNavPages.General)
if (storeId is not null)
StoreId = storeId;
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
if (WalletId != null)
WalletId = new WalletId(storeId, WalletId.CryptoCode);
if (storeNavPage != StoreNavPages.General)
public void GoToWalletSettings(string cryptoCode = "BTC")
if (Driver.PageSource.Contains("id=\"WalletNav-Settings\""))
public void GoToLightningSettings(string cryptoCode = "BTC")
// if Lightning is already set up we need to navigate to the settings
if (Driver.PageSource.Contains("id=\"StoreNav-LightningSettings\""))
public void SelectStoreContext(string storeId)
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
public void GoToInvoiceCheckout(string invoiceId = null)
invoiceId ??= InvoiceId;
2024-04-05 17:43:38 +02:00
2020-01-12 13:54:06 +09:00
public void GoToInvoice(string id)
public void GoToInvoices(string storeId = null)
if (storeId is null)
GoToUrl(storeId == null ? "/invoices/" : $"/stores/{storeId}/invoices/");
StoreId = storeId;
2020-06-28 17:55:27 +09:00
public void GoToProfile(ManageNavPages navPages = ManageNavPages.Index)
if (navPages != ManageNavPages.Index)
public void GoToLogin()
public string CreateInvoice(decimal? amount = 100,
string currency = "USD",
string refundEmail = "",
string defaultPaymentMethod = null,
StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity expectedSeverity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success
2024-04-05 16:23:04 +09:00
return CreateInvoice(null, amount, currency, refundEmail, defaultPaymentMethod, expectedSeverity);
2021-08-31 20:21:44 -07:00
public string CreateInvoice(
2021-12-31 16:59:02 +09:00
string storeId,
decimal? amount = 100,
string currency = "USD",
2021-08-31 20:21:44 -07:00
string refundEmail = "",
2021-10-26 13:55:13 +02:00
string defaultPaymentMethod = null,
StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity expectedSeverity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success
2021-08-31 20:21:44 -07:00
2021-08-03 17:03:00 +09:00
if (amount is decimal v)
var currencyEl = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Currency"));
2022-01-14 17:48:15 +09:00
if (defaultPaymentMethod is not null)
new SelectElement(Driver.FindElement(By.Name("DefaultPaymentMethod"))).SelectByValue(defaultPaymentMethod);
2021-10-26 13:55:13 +02:00
var statusElement = FindAlertMessage(expectedSeverity);
var inv = expectedSeverity == StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success ? statusElement.Text.Split(" ")[1] : null;
InvoiceId = inv;
TestLogs.LogInformation($"Created invoice {inv}");
return inv;
string InvoiceId;
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
public async Task<string> FundStoreWallet(WalletId walletId = null, int coins = 1, decimal denomination = 1m)
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
walletId ??= WalletId;
GoToWallet(walletId, WalletsNavPages.Receive);
var addressStr = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Address")).GetAttribute("data-text");
var address = BitcoinAddress.Create(addressStr, ((BTCPayNetwork)Server.NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(walletId.CryptoCode)).NBitcoinNetwork);
for (var i = 0; i < coins; i++)
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
bool mined = false;
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
await Server.ExplorerNode.SendToAddressAsync(address, Money.Coins(denomination));
catch (RPCException) when (!mined)
mined = true;
await Server.ExplorerNode.GenerateAsync(1);
goto retry;
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
2022-02-17 17:58:56 +09:00
return addressStr;
2020-06-28 17:55:27 +09:00
private void CheckForJSErrors()
//wait for seleniun update:
2021-04-19 16:21:50 +02:00
// var errorStrings = new List<string>
// {
// "SyntaxError",
// "EvalError",
// "ReferenceError",
// "RangeError",
// "TypeError",
// "URIError"
2020-01-12 13:54:06 +09:00
// };
// var jsErrors = Driver.Manage().Logs.GetLog(LogType.Browser).Where(x => errorStrings.Any(e => x.Message.Contains(e)));
// if (jsErrors.Any())
// {
2021-11-22 17:16:08 +09:00
// TestLogs.LogInformation("JavaScript error(s):" + Environment.NewLine + jsErrors.Aggregate("", (s, entry) => s + entry.Message + Environment.NewLine));
2020-01-12 13:54:06 +09:00
// }
// Assert.Empty(jsErrors);
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
public void GoToWallet(WalletId walletId = null, WalletsNavPages navPages = WalletsNavPages.Send)
2020-06-24 10:34:09 +09:00
walletId ??= WalletId;
Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(new Uri(ServerUri, $"wallets/{walletId}"));
2022-02-18 02:55:54 +01:00
if (navPages == WalletsNavPages.PSBT)
else if (navPages != WalletsNavPages.Transactions)
2020-10-05 16:39:49 +09:00
public void GoToUrl(string relativeUrl)
Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(new Uri(ServerUri, relativeUrl));
2020-10-05 16:39:49 +09:00
2021-04-19 16:21:50 +02:00
public void GoToServer(ServerNavPages navPages = ServerNavPages.Policies)
2020-09-16 08:54:09 +02:00
if (navPages != ServerNavPages.Policies)
2020-09-16 08:54:09 +02:00
2020-09-16 08:54:09 +02:00
public void AddUserToStore(string storeId, string email, string role)
if (Driver.FindElements(By.Id("AddUser")).Count == 0)
GoToStore(storeId, StoreNavPages.Users);
new SelectElement(Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Role"))).SelectByValue(role);
Assert.Contains("User added successfully", FindAlertMessage().Text);
public void AssertPageAccess(bool shouldHaveAccess, string url)
Assert.DoesNotMatch("404 - Page not found</h", Driver.PageSource);
if (shouldHaveAccess)
Assert.DoesNotMatch("- Denied</h", Driver.PageSource);
Assert.Contains("- Denied</h", Driver.PageSource);
public (string appName, string appId) CreateApp(string type, string name = null)
2024-04-05 16:23:04 +09:00
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = $"{type}-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()[..14]}";
Assert.Contains("App successfully created", FindAlertMessage().Text);
var appId = Driver.Url.Split('/')[4];
return (name, appId);
public void ClickPagePrimary()
catch (NoSuchElementException)