"description":"Payment method IDs are a combination of crypto code and payment type. Available payment method IDs for Bitcoin are: \n- `\"BTC-OnChain\"` (with the equivalent of `\"BTC\"`) \n-`\"BTC-LightningLike\"`: Any supported LN-based payment method (Lightning or LNURL) \n- `\"BTC-LightningNetwork\"`: Lightning \n- `\"BTC-LNURLPAY\"`: LNURL \n \nNote: Separator can be either `-` or `_`."
"description":"BTCPay Server supports authenticating and authorizing users through an API Key that is generated by them. Send the API Key as a header value to Authorization with the format: `token {token}`. For a smoother experience, you can generate a url that redirects users to an API key creation screen.\n\n The following permissions are available to the context of the user creating the API Key:\n\n* `unrestricted`: Unrestricted access\n* `btcpay.user.candeleteuser`: Delete user\n* `btcpay.user.canviewprofile`: View your profile\n* `btcpay.user.canmodifyprofile`: Manage your profile\n* `btcpay.user.canmanagenotificationsforuser`: Manage your notifications\n* `btcpay.user.canviewnotificationsforuser`: View your notifications\n\nThe following permissions are available if the user is an administrator:\n\n* `btcpay.server.canviewusers`: View users\n* `btcpay.server.cancreateuser`: Create new users\n* `btcpay.server.canmanageusers`: Manage users\n* `btcpay.server.canmodifyserversettings`: Manage your server\n* `btcpay.server.canuseinternallightningnode`: Use the internal lightning node\n* `btcpay.server.canviewlightninginvoiceinternalnode`: View invoices from internal lightning node\n* `btcpay.server.cancreatelightninginvoiceinternalnode`: Create invoices with internal lightning node\n\nThe following permissions applies to all stores of the user, you can limit to a specific store with the following format: `btcpay.store.cancreateinvoice:6HSHAEU4iYWtjxtyRs9KyPjM9GAQp8kw2T9VWbGG1FnZ`:\n\n* `btcpay.store.canmodifystoresettings`: Modify your stores\n* `btcpay.store.canviewcustodianaccounts`: View exchange accounts linked to your stores\n* `btcpay.store.canmanagecustodianaccounts`: Manage exchange accounts linked to your stores\n* `btcpay.store.candeposittocustodianaccount`: Deposit funds to exchange accounts linked to your stores\n* `btcpay.store.canwithdrawfromcustodianaccount`: Withdraw funds from exchange accounts to your store\n* `btcpay.store.cantradecustodianaccount`: Trade funds on your store's exchange accounts\n* `btcpay.store.webhooks.canmodifywebhooks`: Modify stores webhooks\n* `btcpay.store.canviewstoresettings`: View your stores\n* `btcpay.store.cancreateinvoice`: Create an invoice\n* `btcpay.store.canviewinvoices`: View invoices\n* `btcpay.store.canmodifyinvoices`: Modify invoices\n* `btcpay.store.canmodifypaymentrequests`: Modify your payment requests\n* `btcpay.store.canviewpaymentrequests`: View your payment requests\n* `btcpay.store.canmanagepullpayments`: Manage your pull payments\n* `btcpay.store.canarchivepullpayments`: Archive your pull payments\n* `btcpay.store.cancreatepullpayments`: Create pull payments\n* `btcpay.store.cancreatenonapprovedpullpayments`: Create non-approved pull payments\n* `btcpay.store.canuselightningnode`: Use the lightning nodes associated with your stores\n* `btcpay.store.canviewlightninginvoice`: View the lightning invoices associated with your stores\n* `btcpay.store.cancreatelightninginvoice`: Create invoices from the lightning nodes associated with your stores\n\nNote that API Keys only limits permission of a user and can never expand it. If an API Key has the permission `btcpay.server.canmodifyserversettings` but that the user account creating this API Key is not administrator, the API Key will not be able to modify the server settings.\nSome permissions may include other permissions, see [this operation](#operation/permissionsMetadata).\n",
"description":"BTCPay Server supports authenticating and authorizing users through the Basic HTTP authentication scheme. Send the user and password encoded in base64 with the format `Basic {base64(username:password)}`. Using this authentication method implicitly provides you with the `unrestricted` permission",