<p text-translate="true">Dynamic DNS allows you to have a stable DNS name pointing to your server, even if your IP address changes regularly. This is recommended if you are hosting BTCPay Server at home and wish to have a clearnet domain to access your server.</p>
See the documentation for <a href="https://docs.btcpayserver.org/Deployment/DynamicDNS/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">more information</a>.
<a asp-action="DeleteDynamicDnsService" asp-route-hostname="@service.Settings.Hostname" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#ConfirmModal" data-description="Deleting the dynamic DNS service for <strong>@Html.Encode(service.Settings.Hostname)</strong> means your BTCPay Server will stop updating the associated DNS record periodically." data-confirm-input="DELETE" text-translate="true">Delete</a>
<partial name="_Confirm" model="@(new ConfirmModel("Delete dynamic DNS service", "Deleting the dynamic DNS service means your BTCPay Server will stop updating the associated DNS record periodically.", "Delete"))" />