2024-04-04 10:47:28 +02:00
#nullable enable
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Constants ;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Models ;
using BTCPayServer.Client ;
using BTCPayServer.Data ;
using BTCPayServer.Models ;
using BTCPayServer.Models.StoreViewModels ;
using BTCPayServer.Security.Bitpay ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering ;
using NBitcoin ;
using NBitcoin.DataEncoders ;
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namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers ;
public partial class UIStoresController
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanViewStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > ListTokens ( )
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var model = new TokensViewModel ( ) ;
var tokens = await _tokenRepository . GetTokensByStoreIdAsync ( CurrentStore . Id ) ;
model . StoreNotConfigured = StoreNotConfigured ;
model . Tokens = tokens . Select ( t = > new TokenViewModel ( )
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Label = t . Label ,
SIN = t . SIN ,
Id = t . Value
} ) . ToArray ( ) ;
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model . ApiKey = ( await _tokenRepository . GetLegacyAPIKeys ( CurrentStore . Id ) ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
model . EncodedApiKey = model . ApiKey = = null ? "*API Key*" : Encoders . Base64 . EncodeData ( Encoders . ASCII . DecodeData ( model . ApiKey ) ) ;
return View ( model ) ;
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > RevokeToken ( string tokenId )
var token = await _tokenRepository . GetToken ( tokenId ) ;
if ( token = = null | | token . StoreId ! = CurrentStore . Id )
return NotFound ( ) ;
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return View ( "Confirm" , new ConfirmModel ( StringLocalizer [ "Revoke the token" ] , $"The access token with the label <strong>{_html.Encode(token.Label)}</strong> will be revoked. Do you wish to continue?" , "Revoke" ) ) ;
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > RevokeTokenConfirm ( string tokenId )
var token = await _tokenRepository . GetToken ( tokenId ) ;
if ( token = = null | |
token . StoreId ! = CurrentStore . Id | |
! await _tokenRepository . DeleteToken ( tokenId ) )
TempData [ WellKnownTempData . ErrorMessage ] = "Failure to revoke this token." ;
TempData [ WellKnownTempData . SuccessMessage ] = "Token revoked" ;
return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( ListTokens ) , new { storeId = token ? . StoreId } ) ;
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > ShowToken ( string tokenId )
var token = await _tokenRepository . GetToken ( tokenId ) ;
if ( token = = null | | token . StoreId ! = CurrentStore . Id )
return NotFound ( ) ;
return View ( token ) ;
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public IActionResult CreateToken ( string storeId )
var model = new CreateTokenViewModel ( ) ;
ViewBag . HidePublicKey = storeId = = null ;
ViewBag . ShowStores = storeId = = null ;
model . StoreId = storeId ;
return View ( model ) ;
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > CreateToken ( string storeId , CreateTokenViewModel model )
if ( ! ModelState . IsValid )
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return View ( nameof ( CreateToken ) , model ) ;
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model . Label ? ? = string . Empty ;
var userId = GetUserId ( ) ;
if ( userId = = null )
return Challenge ( AuthenticationSchemes . Cookie ) ;
var store = model . StoreId switch
null = > CurrentStore ,
_ = > await _storeRepo . FindStore ( storeId , userId )
} ;
if ( store = = null )
return Challenge ( AuthenticationSchemes . Cookie ) ;
var tokenRequest = new TokenRequest ( )
Label = model . Label ,
Id = model . PublicKey = = null ? null : NBitpayClient . Extensions . BitIdExtensions . GetBitIDSIN ( new PubKey ( model . PublicKey ) . Compress ( ) )
} ;
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string? pairingCode ;
if ( model . PublicKey = = null )
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tokenRequest . PairingCode = await _tokenRepository . CreatePairingCodeAsync ( ) ;
await _tokenRepository . UpdatePairingCode ( new PairingCodeEntity ( )
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Id = tokenRequest . PairingCode ,
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Label = model . Label ,
} ) ;
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await _tokenRepository . PairWithStoreAsync ( tokenRequest . PairingCode , store . Id ) ;
pairingCode = tokenRequest . PairingCode ;
pairingCode = ( await _tokenController . Tokens ( tokenRequest ) ) . Data [ 0 ] . PairingCode ;
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GeneratedPairingCode = pairingCode ;
return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( RequestPairing ) , new
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pairingCode ,
selectedStore = storeId
} ) ;
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public async Task < IActionResult > CreateToken ( )
var userId = GetUserId ( ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( userId ) )
return Challenge ( AuthenticationSchemes . Cookie ) ;
var model = new CreateTokenViewModel ( ) ;
ViewBag . HidePublicKey = true ;
ViewBag . ShowStores = true ;
var stores = ( await _storeRepo . GetStoresByUserId ( userId ) ) . Where ( data = > data . HasPermission ( userId , Policies . CanModifyStoreSettings ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
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model . Stores = new SelectList ( stores , nameof ( CurrentStore . Id ) , nameof ( CurrentStore . StoreName ) ) ;
if ( ! model . Stores . Any ( ) )
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TempData [ WellKnownTempData . ErrorMessage ] = "You need to be owner of at least one store before pairing" ;
return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( UIHomeController . Index ) , "UIHome" ) ;
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return View ( model ) ;
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public Task < IActionResult > CreateToken2 ( CreateTokenViewModel model )
return CreateToken ( model . StoreId , model ) ;
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > GenerateAPIKey ( string storeId , string command = "" )
var store = HttpContext . GetStoreData ( ) ;
if ( store = = null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
if ( command = = "revoke" )
await _tokenRepository . RevokeLegacyAPIKeys ( CurrentStore . Id ) ;
TempData [ WellKnownTempData . SuccessMessage ] = "API Key revoked" ;
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await _tokenRepository . GenerateLegacyAPIKey ( CurrentStore . Id ) ;
TempData [ WellKnownTempData . SuccessMessage ] = "API Key re-generated" ;
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return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( ListTokens ) , new
} ) ;
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public async Task < IActionResult > RequestPairing ( string pairingCode , string? selectedStore = null )
var userId = GetUserId ( ) ;
if ( userId = = null )
return Challenge ( AuthenticationSchemes . Cookie ) ;
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if ( pairingCode = = null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
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if ( selectedStore ! = null )
var store = await _storeRepo . FindStore ( selectedStore , userId ) ;
if ( store = = null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
HttpContext . SetStoreData ( store ) ;
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var pairing = await _tokenRepository . GetPairingAsync ( pairingCode ) ;
if ( pairing = = null )
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TempData [ WellKnownTempData . ErrorMessage ] = "Unknown pairing code" ;
return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( UIHomeController . Index ) , "UIHome" ) ;
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var stores = ( await _storeRepo . GetStoresByUserId ( userId ) ) . Where ( data = > data . HasPermission ( userId , Policies . CanModifyStoreSettings ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
return View ( new PairingModel
Id = pairing . Id ,
Label = pairing . Label ,
SIN = pairing . SIN ? ? "Server-Initiated Pairing" ,
StoreId = selectedStore ? ? stores . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? . Id ,
Stores = stores . Select ( s = > new PairingModel . StoreViewModel
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Id = s . Id ,
Name = string . IsNullOrEmpty ( s . StoreName ) ? s . Id : s . StoreName
} ) . ToArray ( )
} ) ;
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[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Cookie)]
public async Task < IActionResult > Pair ( string pairingCode , string storeId )
if ( pairingCode = = null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
var store = CurrentStore ;
var pairing = await _tokenRepository . GetPairingAsync ( pairingCode ) ;
if ( store = = null | | pairing = = null )
return NotFound ( ) ;
var pairingResult = await _tokenRepository . PairWithStoreAsync ( pairingCode , store . Id ) ;
if ( pairingResult = = PairingResult . Complete | | pairingResult = = PairingResult . Partial )
var excludeFilter = store . GetStoreBlob ( ) . GetExcludedPaymentMethods ( ) ;
StoreNotConfigured = store . GetPaymentMethodConfigs ( _handlers ) . All ( p = > excludeFilter . Match ( p . Key ) ) ;
TempData [ WellKnownTempData . SuccessMessage ] = "Pairing is successful" ;
if ( pairingResult = = PairingResult . Partial )
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TempData [ WellKnownTempData . SuccessMessage ] = $"Server initiated pairing code: {pairingCode}" ;
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return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( ListTokens ) , new
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storeId = store . Id , pairingCode
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} ) ;
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TempData [ WellKnownTempData . ErrorMessage ] = $"Pairing failed: {pairingResult}" ;
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return RedirectToAction ( nameof ( ListTokens ) , new
storeId = store . Id
} ) ;
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