2023-02-24 16:19:03 +09:00
using System ;
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
using System.Collections.Concurrent ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using System.Collections.Generic ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations ;
2020-06-28 17:55:27 +09:00
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
using System.Net.Http ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using System.Text ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using System.Threading ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy ;
using Amazon.Runtime.Internal ;
2023-02-24 16:19:03 +09:00
using BTCPayServer.Client ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models ;
2023-02-24 16:19:03 +09:00
using BTCPayServer.Controllers ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using ExchangeSharp ;
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html ;
2024-10-14 14:11:00 +09:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language.Intermediate ;
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax ;
2024-10-14 14:11:00 +09:00
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using NBitcoin ;
2023-03-27 06:59:33 +02:00
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using OpenQA.Selenium ;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome ;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
using Xunit ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using Xunit.Abstractions ;
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
using static System . Net . Mime . MediaTypeNames ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
/// <summary>
/// This class hold easy to run utilities for dev time
/// </summary>
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
public class UtilitiesTests : UnitTestBase
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
public ITestOutputHelper Logs { get ; }
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
public UtilitiesTests ( ITestOutputHelper logs ) : base ( logs )
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
Logs = logs ;
2023-02-24 16:19:03 +09:00
internal static string GetSecuritySchemeDescription ( )
var description =
"BTCPay Server supports authenticating and authorizing users through an API Key that is generated by them. Send the API Key as a header value to Authorization with the format: `token {token}`. For a smoother experience, you can generate a url that redirects users to an API key creation screen.\n\n The following permissions are available to the context of the user creating the API Key:\n\n#OTHERPERMISSIONS#\n\nThe following permissions are available if the user is an administrator:\n\n#SERVERPERMISSIONS#\n\nThe following permissions applies to all stores of the user, you can limit to a specific store with the following format: `btcpay.store.cancreateinvoice:6HSHAEU4iYWtjxtyRs9KyPjM9GAQp8kw2T9VWbGG1FnZ`:\n\n#STOREPERMISSIONS#\n\nNote that API Keys only limits permission of a user and can never expand it. If an API Key has the permission `btcpay.server.canmodifyserversettings` but that the user account creating this API Key is not administrator, the API Key will not be able to modify the server settings.\nSome permissions may include other permissions, see [this operation](#operation/permissionsMetadata).\n" ;
var storePolicies =
UIManageController . AddApiKeyViewModel . PermissionValueItem . PermissionDescriptions . Where ( pair = >
Policies . IsStorePolicy ( pair . Key ) & & ! pair . Key . EndsWith ( ":" , StringComparison . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
var serverPolicies =
UIManageController . AddApiKeyViewModel . PermissionValueItem . PermissionDescriptions . Where ( pair = >
Policies . IsServerPolicy ( pair . Key ) ) ;
var otherPolicies =
UIManageController . AddApiKeyViewModel . PermissionValueItem . PermissionDescriptions . Where ( pair = >
! Policies . IsStorePolicy ( pair . Key ) & & ! Policies . IsServerPolicy ( pair . Key ) ) ;
description = description . Replace ( "#OTHERPERMISSIONS#" ,
string . Join ( "\n" , otherPolicies . Select ( pair = > $"* `{pair.Key}`: {pair.Value.Title}" ) ) )
string . Join ( "\n" , serverPolicies . Select ( pair = > $"* `{pair.Key}`: {pair.Value.Title}" ) ) )
. Replace ( "#STOREPERMISSIONS#" ,
string . Join ( "\n" , storePolicies . Select ( pair = > $"* `{pair.Key}`: {pair.Value.Title}" ) ) ) ;
return description ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
2023-04-10 11:07:03 +09:00
// /// <summary>
// /// This will take the translations from v1 or v2
// /// and upload them to transifex if not found
// /// </summary>
// [FactWithSecret("TransifexAPIToken")]
// [Trait("Utilities", "Utilities")]
//#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
// public async Task UpdateTransifex()
// {
// var client = GetTransifexClient();
// var translations = JsonTranslation.GetTranslations(TranslationFolder.CheckoutV2);
// var enTranslations = translations["en"];
// translations.Remove("en");
// foreach (var t in translations)
// {
// foreach (var w in t.Value.Words.ToArray())
// {
// if (t.Value.Words[w.Key] == null)
// t.Value.Words[w.Key] = enTranslations.Words[w.Key];
// }
// t.Value.Words.Remove("code");
// t.Value.Words.Remove("NOTICE_WARN");
// }
// await client.UpdateTranslations(translations);
// }
2023-03-20 19:30:56 +09:00
//#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
///// <summary>
///// This utility will copy translations made on checkout v1 to checkout v2
///// </summary>
//[Trait("Utilities", "Utilities")]
//public void SetTranslationV1ToV2()
// var mappings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// foreach (var kv in JsonTranslation.GetTranslations(TranslationFolder.CheckoutV1))
// {
// var v1File = kv.Value;
// var v2File = JsonTranslation.GetTranslation(TranslationFolder.CheckoutV2, v1File.Lang);
// if (mappings.Count == 0)
// {
// foreach (var prop1 in v1File.Words)
// foreach (var prop2 in v2File.Words)
// {
// if (Normalize(prop1.Key) == Normalize(prop2.Key))
// mappings.Add(prop1.Key, prop2.Key);
// }
// mappings.Add("Copied", "copy_confirm");
// mappings.Add("ConversionTab_BodyDesc", "conversion_body");
// mappings.Add("Return to StoreName", "return_to_store");
// }
// foreach (var m in mappings)
// {
// var orig = v1File.Words[m.Key];
// v2File.Words[m.Value] = orig;
// }
// v2File.Words["currentLanguage"] = v1File.Words["currentLanguage"];
// v2File.Save();
// }
//private string Normalize(string name)
// return name.Replace("_", "").ToLowerInvariant();
/// <summary>
/// This utility will use selenium to pilot your browser to
/// automatically translate a language.
/// Step 1: Close all Chrome instances
/// Step2: Edit "v1" variable if want to translate checkout v1 or v2
/// - Windows: "chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 https://chat.openai.com/"
/// - Linux: "google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 https://chat.openai.com/"
/// Step 3: Run this.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[Trait("Utilities", "Utilities")]
public async Task AutoTranslateChatGPT ( )
2023-04-05 13:32:24 +09:00
var file = TranslationFolder . CheckoutV2 ;
2023-04-10 11:07:03 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using var driver = new ChromeDriver ( new ChromeOptions ( )
DebuggerAddress = ""
} ) ;
var englishTranslations = JsonTranslation . GetTranslation ( file , "en" ) ;
TransifexClient client = GetTransifexClient ( ) ;
var langs = await client . GetLangs ( englishTranslations . TransifexProject , englishTranslations . TransifexResource ) ;
foreach ( var lang in langs )
if ( lang = = "en" )
continue ;
var jsonLangCode = GetLangCodeTransifexToJson ( lang ) ;
var v1LangFile = JsonTranslation . GetTranslation ( TranslationFolder . CheckoutV1 , jsonLangCode ) ;
if ( ! v1LangFile . Exists ( ) )
continue ;
var languageCurrent = v1LangFile . Words [ "currentLanguage" ] ;
if ( v1LangFile . ShouldSkip ( ) )
Logs . WriteLine ( "Skipped " + jsonLangCode ) ;
continue ;
var langFile = JsonTranslation . GetTranslation ( file , jsonLangCode ) ;
bool askedPrompt = false ;
foreach ( var translation in langFile . Words )
if ( translation . Key = = "NOTICE_WARN" | |
translation . Key = = "currentLanguage" | |
translation . Key = = "code" )
continue ;
var english = englishTranslations . Words [ translation . Key ] ;
if ( translation . Value ! = null )
continue ; // Already translated
2023-04-10 11:03:36 +09:00
//TODO: A better way to avoid rate limits is to use this format:
//I am translating a checkout crypto payment page, and I want you to translate it from English (en-US) to French (fr-FR).
//English: This invoice will expire in
//English: Scan the QR code, or tap to copy the address.
//English: Your payment has been received and is now processing.
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
if ( ! askedPrompt )
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
driver . FindElements ( By . XPath ( "//button[contains(@class,'text-token-text-primary')]" ) ) . Where ( e = > e . Displayed ) . First ( ) . Click ( ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
Thread . Sleep ( 200 ) ;
var input = driver . FindElement ( By . XPath ( "//textarea[@data-id]" ) ) ;
input . SendKeys ( $"I am translating a checkout crypto payment page, and I want you to translate it from English (en-US) to {languageCurrent} ({jsonLangCode})." ) ;
input . SendKeys ( Keys . LeftShift + Keys . Enter ) ;
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
input . SendKeys ( "Reply only with the translation of the sentences I will give you and nothing more, and do not translate what is inside `{{` and `}}`." + Keys . Enter ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
WaitCanWritePrompt ( driver ) ;
askedPrompt = true ;
english = english . Replace ( '\n' , ' ' ) ;
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
driver . FindElement ( By . XPath ( "//textarea[@data-id]" ) ) . SendKeys ( english + Keys . Enter ) ;
WaitCanWritePrompt ( driver ) ;
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
string result = GetLastResponse ( driver ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
langFile . Words [ translation . Key ] = result ;
langFile . Save ( ) ;
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
private static string GetLastResponse ( ChromeDriver driver )
var elements = driver . FindElements ( By . XPath ( "//div[contains(@class,'markdown') and contains(@class,'prose')]//p" ) ) ;
var result = elements . LastOrDefault ( ) ? . Text ;
return result ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
private static TransifexClient GetTransifexClient ( )
return new TransifexClient ( FactWithSecretAttribute . GetFromSecrets ( "TransifexAPIToken" ) ) ;
private void WaitCanWritePrompt ( IWebDriver driver )
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
bool stopGenerating = false ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
retry :
Thread . Sleep ( 200 ) ;
2024-01-19 21:45:14 +09:00
var el = driver . FindElement ( By . XPath ( "//button[contains(@aria-label, 'Stop generating')]" ) ) ;
if ( ! el . Enabled )
goto retry ;
stopGenerating = true ;
goto retry ;
if ( ! stopGenerating )
goto retry ;
var el = driver . FindElement ( By . XPath ( "//button[contains(@data-testid, 'send-button')]" ) ) ;
if ( ! el . Displayed )
goto retry ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
goto retry ;
Thread . Sleep ( 200 ) ;
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
class TranslatedKeyNodeWalker : IntermediateNodeWalker
private List < string > _defaultTranslatedKeys ;
private string _txt ;
public TranslatedKeyNodeWalker ( List < string > defaultTranslatedKeys )
_defaultTranslatedKeys = defaultTranslatedKeys ;
public TranslatedKeyNodeWalker ( List < string > defaultTranslatedKeys , string txt ) : this ( defaultTranslatedKeys )
_txt = txt ;
public override void VisitTagHelper ( TagHelperIntermediateNode node )
if ( node . TagName = = "input" )
foreach ( var tagHelper in node . TagHelpers )
if ( tagHelper . Name . EndsWith ( "TranslateTagHelper" ) )
var inner = ToString ( node ) ;
if ( inner . Contains ( "type=\"submit\"" ) )
var m = Regex . Match ( inner , "value=\"(.*?)\"" ) ;
if ( m . Success )
_defaultTranslatedKeys . Add ( m . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ) ;
return ;
foreach ( var tagHelper in node . TagHelpers )
if ( tagHelper . Name . EndsWith ( "TranslateTagHelper" ) )
var htmlContent = node . FindDescendantNodes < HtmlContentIntermediateNode > ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( htmlContent is not null )
var inner = ToString ( htmlContent ) ;
_defaultTranslatedKeys . Add ( inner ) ;
base . VisitTagHelper ( node ) ;
2024-08-30 08:34:23 +09:00
private string ToString ( IntermediateNode node )
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
return _txt . Substring ( node . Source . Value . AbsoluteIndex , node . Source . Value . Length ) ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
/// <summary>
/// This utilities crawl through the cs files in search for
/// Display attributes, then update Translations.Default to list them
/// </summary>
[Trait("Utilities", "Utilities")]
public async Task UpdateDefaultTranslations ( )
var soldir = TestUtils . TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo ( ) ;
List < string > defaultTranslatedKeys = new List < string > ( ) ;
// Go through all cs files, and find [Display] and [DisplayName] attributes
foreach ( var file in soldir . EnumerateFiles ( "*.cs" , SearchOption . AllDirectories ) )
var txt = File . ReadAllText ( file . FullName ) ;
var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree . ParseText ( txt , new CSharpParseOptions ( LanguageVersion . Default ) ) ;
var walker = new DisplayNameWalker ( ) ;
walker . Visit ( tree . GetRoot ( ) ) ;
foreach ( var k in walker . Keys )
defaultTranslatedKeys . Add ( k ) ;
2024-10-14 14:11:00 +09:00
AddLocalizers ( defaultTranslatedKeys , txt ) ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
// Go through all cshtml file, search for text-translate or ViewLocalizer usage
2024-10-03 19:21:19 +09:00
using ( var tester = CreateServerTester ( newDb : true ) )
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
await tester . StartAsync ( ) ;
var engine = tester . PayTester . GetService < RazorProjectEngine > ( ) ;
2024-10-25 15:48:53 +02:00
var files = soldir . EnumerateFiles ( "*.cshtml" , SearchOption . AllDirectories )
. Union ( soldir . EnumerateFiles ( "*.razor" , SearchOption . AllDirectories ) ) ;
foreach ( var file in files )
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
var filePath = file . FullName ;
var txt = File . ReadAllText ( file . FullName ) ;
2024-10-14 14:11:00 +09:00
AddLocalizers ( defaultTranslatedKeys , txt ) ;
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
filePath = filePath . Replace ( Path . Combine ( soldir . FullName , "BTCPayServer" ) , "/" ) ;
var item = engine . FileSystem . GetItem ( filePath ) ;
2024-10-14 14:11:00 +09:00
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
var node = ( DocumentIntermediateNode ) engine . Process ( item ) . Items [ typeof ( DocumentIntermediateNode ) ] ;
var w = new TranslatedKeyNodeWalker ( defaultTranslatedKeys , txt ) ;
w . Visit ( node ) ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
2024-07-25 22:46:02 +09:00
defaultTranslatedKeys = defaultTranslatedKeys . Select ( d = > d . Trim ( ) ) . Distinct ( ) . OrderBy ( o = > o ) . ToList ( ) ;
2024-10-03 19:21:19 +09:00
JObject obj = new JObject ( ) ;
foreach ( var v in defaultTranslatedKeys )
obj . Add ( v , "" ) ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
var path = Path . Combine ( soldir . FullName , "BTCPayServer/Services/Translations.Default.cs" ) ;
var defaultTranslation = File . ReadAllText ( path ) ;
var startIdx = defaultTranslation . IndexOf ( "\"\"\"" ) ;
var endIdx = defaultTranslation . LastIndexOf ( "\"\"\"" ) ;
var content = defaultTranslation . Substring ( 0 , startIdx + 3 ) ;
2024-10-03 19:21:19 +09:00
content + = "\n" + obj . ToString ( Formatting . Indented ) + "\n" ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
content + = defaultTranslation . Substring ( endIdx ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( path , content ) ;
2024-10-14 14:11:00 +09:00
private static void AddLocalizers ( List < string > defaultTranslatedKeys , string txt )
foreach ( string localizer in new [ ] { "ViewLocalizer" , "StringLocalizer" } )
if ( txt . Contains ( localizer ) )
var matches = Regex . Matches ( txt , localizer + "\\[\"(.*?)\"[\\],]" ) ;
foreach ( Match match in matches )
var k = match . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ;
k = k . Replace ( "\\" , "" ) ;
defaultTranslatedKeys . Add ( k ) ;
2024-07-24 20:16:20 +09:00
class DisplayNameWalker : CSharpSyntaxWalker
public List < string > Keys = new List < string > ( ) ;
public bool InAttribute = false ;
public override void VisitAttribute ( AttributeSyntax node )
InAttribute = true ;
base . VisitAttribute ( node ) ;
InAttribute = false ;
public override void VisitIdentifierName ( IdentifierNameSyntax node )
if ( InAttribute )
InAttribute = node . Identifier . Text switch
"Display" = > true ,
"DisplayAttribute" = > true ,
"DisplayName" = > true ,
"DisplayNameAttribute" = > true ,
_ = > false
} ;
public override void VisitAttributeArgument ( AttributeArgumentSyntax node )
if ( InAttribute )
var name = node . Expression switch
LiteralExpressionSyntax les = > les . Token . ValueText ,
IdentifierNameSyntax ins = > ins . Identifier . Text ,
_ = > throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Unknown node" )
} ;
Keys . Add ( name ) ;
InAttribute = false ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
/// <summary>
/// This utility will make sure that permission documentation is properly written in swagger.template.json
/// </summary>
2023-02-24 16:19:03 +09:00
[Trait("Utilities", "Utilities")]
public void UpdateSwagger ( )
var filePath = Path . Combine ( TestUtils . TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo ( ) . FullName , "BTCPayServer" , "wwwroot" , "swagger" , "v1" , "swagger.template.json" ) ;
var o = JObject . Parse ( File . ReadAllText ( filePath ) ) ;
o [ "components" ] [ "securitySchemes" ] [ "API_Key" ] [ "description" ] = GetSecuritySchemeDescription ( ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( filePath , o . ToString ( Newtonsoft . Json . Formatting . Indented ) ) ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
/// <summary>
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
/// Download transifex transactions and put them in BTCPayServer\wwwroot\locales and BTCPayServer\wwwroot\locales\checkout
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
/// </summary>
2021-11-23 13:17:29 +09:00
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
[Trait("Utilities", "Utilities")]
public async Task PullTransifexTranslations ( )
// 1. Generate an API Token on https://www.transifex.com/user/settings/api/
// 2. Run "dotnet user-secrets set TransifexAPIToken <youapitoken>"
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
await PullTransifexTranslationsCore ( TranslationFolder . CheckoutV1 ) ;
await PullTransifexTranslationsCore ( TranslationFolder . CheckoutV2 ) ;
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
private async Task PullTransifexTranslationsCore ( TranslationFolder folder )
var enTranslation = JsonTranslation . GetTranslation ( folder , "en" ) ;
var client = GetTransifexClient ( ) ;
var langs = await client . GetLangs ( enTranslation . TransifexProject , enTranslation . TransifexResource ) ;
var resourceStrings = await client . GetResourceStrings ( enTranslation . TransifexResource ) ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
enTranslation . Words . Clear ( ) ;
enTranslation . Translate ( resourceStrings . SourceTranslations ) ;
enTranslation . Save ( ) ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
Task . WaitAll ( langs . Select ( async l = >
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
if ( l = = "en" )
return ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
retry :
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
2018-12-01 13:19:35 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
var langCode = GetLangCodeTransifexToJson ( l ) ;
var langTranslations = await client . GetTranslations ( resourceStrings , l ) ;
var translation = JsonTranslation . GetTranslation ( folder , langCode ) ;
if ( translation . ShouldSkip ( ) )
2018-12-01 13:19:35 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
Logs . WriteLine ( "Skipping " + langCode ) ;
return ;
2018-12-01 13:19:35 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
if ( translation . Words . ContainsKey ( "InvoiceExpired_Body_3" ) & & translation . Words [ "InvoiceExpired_Body_3" ] = = enTranslation . Words [ "InvoiceExpired_Body_3" ] )
translation . Words [ "InvoiceExpired_Body_3" ] = string . Empty ;
2023-03-20 19:21:35 +09:00
translation . Translate ( langTranslations ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
translation . Save ( ) ;
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
await Task . Delay ( 1000 ) ;
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
goto retry ;
2018-12-01 13:19:35 +09:00
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
} ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
internal static string GetLangCodeTransifexToJson ( string l )
if ( l = = "ne_NP" )
l = "np-NP" ;
if ( l = = "zh_CN" )
l = "zh-SP" ;
if ( l = = "kk" )
l = "kk-KZ" ;
return l . Replace ( "_" , "-" ) ;
internal static string GetLangCodeJsonToTransifex ( string l )
if ( l = = "np-NP" )
l = "ne_NP" ;
if ( l = = "zh-SP" )
l = "zh_CN" ;
if ( l = = "kk-KZ" )
l = "kk" ;
return l . Replace ( "-" , "_" ) ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
public class TransifexClient
public TransifexClient ( string apiToken )
Client = new HttpClient ( ) ;
APIToken = apiToken ;
public HttpClient Client { get ; }
public string APIToken { get ; }
public async Task < JObject > GetTransifexAsync ( string uri )
var message = new HttpRequestMessage ( HttpMethod . Get , uri ) ;
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
message . Headers . Authorization = new System . Net . Http . Headers . AuthenticationHeaderValue ( "Bearer" , APIToken ) ;
message . Headers . Accept . Add ( new System . Net . Http . Headers . MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ( "application/vnd.api+json" ) ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
using var response = await Client . SendAsync ( message ) ;
2023-02-23 20:59:01 +09:00
var str = await response . Content . ReadAsStringAsync ( ) ;
return JObject . Parse ( str ) ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
public async Task UpdateTranslations ( Dictionary < string , JsonTranslation > translations )
var resourceStrings = await GetResourceStrings ( translations . First ( ) . Value . TransifexResource ) ;
List < JObject > patches = new List < JObject > ( ) ;
List < JObject [ ] > batches = new List < JObject [ ] > ( ) ;
foreach ( var translation in translations . Values )
foreach ( var word in translation . Words )
if ( word . Key = = "NOTICE_WARN" )
continue ;
patches . Add ( new JObject ( )
["id"] = $"{translation.TransifexResource}:s:{resourceStrings.KeyToHashMapping[word.Key]}:l:{UtilitiesTests.GetLangCodeJsonToTransifex(translation.Lang)}" ,
["type"] = "resource_translations" ,
["attributes"] = new JObject ( )
["strings"] = word . Value is null ? null : new JObject ( )
["other"] = word . Value
} ) ;
if ( patches . Count > = 150 )
batches . Add ( patches . ToArray ( ) ) ;
patches = new List < JObject > ( ) ;
if ( patches . Count > 0 )
batches . Add ( patches . ToArray ( ) ) ;
patches = new List < JObject > ( ) ;
if ( patches . Count > 0 )
batches . Add ( patches . ToArray ( ) ) ;
patches = new List < JObject > ( ) ;
await Task . WhenAll ( batches . Select ( async batch = >
var message = new HttpRequestMessage ( HttpMethod . Get , "https://rest.api.transifex.com/resource_translations" ) ;
message . Headers . Authorization = new System . Net . Http . Headers . AuthenticationHeaderValue ( "Bearer" , APIToken ) ;
message . Method = HttpMethod . Patch ;
var content = new StringContent ( new JObject ( )
["data"] = new JArray ( batch . OfType < object > ( ) . ToArray ( ) )
} . ToString ( ) , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
content . Headers . Remove ( "Content-Type" ) ;
content . Headers . TryAddWithoutValidation ( "Content-Type" , "application/vnd.api+json;profile=\"bulk\"" ) ;
message . Content = content ;
using var response = await Client . SendAsync ( message ) ;
2024-01-18 09:47:39 +09:00
await response . Content . ReadAsStringAsync ( ) ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
} ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
public async Task < Dictionary < string , string > > GetTranslations ( ResourceStrings resourceStrings , string lang )
var j = await GetTransifexAsync ( $"https://rest.api.transifex.com/resource_translations?filter[resource]={resourceStrings.ResourceId}&filter[language]=l:{lang}" ) ;
if ( j [ "data" ] is null )
return resourceStrings . SourceTranslations . ToDictionary ( kv = > kv . Key , kv = > null as string ) ;
j [ "data" ] . Select ( o = > ( Key : resourceStrings . GetKey ( o [ "id" ] . Value < string > ( ) ) , Strings : o [ "attributes" ] [ "strings" ] ) )
. ToDictionary (
o = > o . Key ,
o = > o . Strings . Type = = JTokenType . Null ? null : o . Strings [ "other" ] . Value < string > ( ) ) ;
public async Task < string [ ] > GetLangs ( string projectId , string resourceId )
var json = await GetTransifexAsync ( $"https://rest.api.transifex.com/resource_language_stats?filter[project]={projectId}&filter[resource]={resourceId}" ) ;
return json [ "data" ] . Select ( o = > o [ "id" ] . Value < string > ( ) . Split ( ':' ) . Last ( ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
public async Task < ResourceStrings > GetResourceStrings ( string resourceId )
var res = new ResourceStrings ( ) ;
res . ResourceId = resourceId ;
var json = await GetTransifexAsync ( $"https://rest.api.transifex.com/resource_strings?filter[resource]={resourceId}" ) ;
res . HashToKeyMapping =
json [ "data" ]
. ToDictionary (
o = > o [ "id" ] . Value < string > ( ) . Split ( ':' ) . Last ( ) ,
o = > o [ "attributes" ] [ "key" ] . Value < string > ( ) . Replace ( "\\." , "." ) ) ;
res . KeyToHashMapping = res . HashToKeyMapping . ToDictionary ( o = > o . Value , o = > o . Key ) ;
res . SourceTranslations =
json [ "data" ]
. ToDictionary (
o = > o [ "attributes" ] [ "key" ] . Value < string > ( ) . Replace ( "\\." , "." ) ,
o = > o [ "attributes" ] [ "strings" ] [ "other" ] . Value < string > ( ) ) ;
return res ;
public class ResourceStrings
public string ResourceId { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , string > HashToKeyMapping { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , string > SourceTranslations { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , string > KeyToHashMapping { get ; internal set ; }
public string GetKey ( string hash )
if ( HashToKeyMapping . TryGetValue ( hash , out var v ) )
return v ;
hash = hash . Split ( ':' ) [ ^ 3 ] ;
if ( HashToKeyMapping . TryGetValue ( hash , out v ) )
return v ;
throw new InvalidOperationException ( ) ;
public enum TranslationFolder
CheckoutV1 ,
public class JsonTranslation
public static Dictionary < string , JsonTranslation > GetTranslations ( TranslationFolder folder )
var res = new Dictionary < string , JsonTranslation > ( ) ;
var source = GetTranslation ( null , folder , "en" ) ;
foreach ( var f in Directory . GetFiles ( GetFolder ( folder ) ) )
var lang = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( f ) ;
res . Add ( lang , GetTranslation ( source , folder , lang ) ) ;
return res ;
public static JsonTranslation GetTranslation ( TranslationFolder folder , string lang )
var source = GetTranslation ( null , folder , "en" ) ;
return GetTranslation ( source , folder , lang ) ;
private static JsonTranslation GetTranslation ( JsonTranslation sourceTranslation , TranslationFolder folder , string lang )
var fullPath = Path . Combine ( GetFolder ( folder ) , $"{lang}.json" ) ;
var proj = "o:btcpayserver:p:btcpayserver" ;
2024-04-05 17:43:38 +02:00
var resource = $"{proj}:r:checkout-v2" ;
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
var words = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( fullPath ) )
var obj = JObject . Parse ( File . ReadAllText ( fullPath ) ) ;
foreach ( var prop in obj . Properties ( ) )
words . Add ( prop . Name , prop . Value . Value < string > ( ) ) ;
if ( sourceTranslation ! = null )
foreach ( var w in sourceTranslation . Words )
if ( ! words . ContainsKey ( w . Key ) )
words . Add ( w . Key , null ) ;
return new JsonTranslation ( )
FullPath = fullPath ,
Lang = lang ,
Words = words ,
TransifexProject = proj ,
TransifexResource = resource
} ;
private static string GetFolder ( TranslationFolder file )
if ( file = = TranslationFolder . CheckoutV1 )
return Path . Combine ( TestUtils . TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo ( ) . FullName , "BTCPayServer" , "wwwroot" , "locales" ) ;
return Path . Combine ( TestUtils . TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo ( ) . FullName , "BTCPayServer" , "wwwroot" , "locales" , "checkout" ) ;
public string Lang { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , string > Words { get ; set ; }
public string FullPath { get ; set ; }
2023-04-10 11:07:03 +09:00
public string TransifexProject { get ; set ; }
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
public string TransifexResource { get ; private set ; }
public void Save ( )
JObject obj = new JObject
{ "code" , Lang } ,
{ "currentLanguage" , Words [ "currentLanguage" ] }
} ;
foreach ( var kv in Words )
if ( obj [ kv . Key ] is not null )
continue ;
if ( kv . Value is null )
continue ;
obj . Add ( kv . Key , kv . Value ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( FullPath , obj . ToString ( Newtonsoft . Json . Formatting . Indented ) ) ;
catch ( FileNotFoundException )
File . Create ( FullPath ) . Close ( ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( FullPath , obj . ToString ( Newtonsoft . Json . Formatting . Indented ) ) ;
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public void Translate ( Dictionary < string , string > sourceTranslations )
2023-03-01 15:49:21 +09:00
foreach ( var o in sourceTranslations )
if ( o . Value ! = null )
Words . AddOrReplace ( o . Key , o . Value ) ;
public bool ShouldSkip ( )
if ( ! Words . ContainsKey ( "currentLanguage" ) )
return true ;
if ( Words [ "currentLanguage" ] = = "English" )
return true ;
if ( Words [ "currentLanguage" ] = = "disable" )
return true ;
return false ;
public bool Exists ( )
return File . Exists ( FullPath ) ;
2018-11-14 16:48:25 +09:00