"ConversionTab_BodyTop":"You can pay {{btcDue}} {{cryptoCode}} using altcoins other than the ones merchant directly supports.",
"ConversionTab_BodyDesc":"This service is provided by 3rd party. Please keep in mind that we have no control over how providers will forward your funds. Invoice will only be marked paid once funds are received on {{cryptoCode}} Blockchain.",
"ConversionTab_Lightning":"No conversion providers available for BTC Lightning Network payments.",
"InvoiceExpired_Body_2":"If you tried to send a payment, it has not yet been accepted by the Bitcoin network. We have not yet received your funds.",
"InvoiceExpired_Body_3":"If the transaction is not accepted by the Bitcoin network, the funds will be spendable again in your wallet. Depending on your wallet, this may take 48-72 hours.",
"Invoice ID":"請求書ID",
"Order ID":"オーダーID",
"Return to StoreName":"{{storeName}}に戻る",
// Invoice paid
"This invoice has been paid":"この請求は支払いが完了しました",
// Invoice archived
"This invoice has been archived":"This invoice has been archived",