mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 03:17:07 +01:00
NOP1 through NOP10 are reserved for future soft-fork upgrades. When such an upgrade occurs, the NOP argument will then require verification. Rejecting transactions that contain these NOPs into the mempool will discourage those transactions from being mined elsewhere and ensure btcd will never mine such transactions. This prevents now invalid scripts (according to the majority of hashing power) even if the client has not yet upgraded. Non-executed upgradable NOPs are still allowed as they will still be valid post-upgrade. Mimics Bitcoin Core commit 03914234b3c9c35d66b51d580fe727a0707394ca
1658 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcscript
import (
var (
// ErrStackShortScript is returned if the script has an opcode that is
// too long for the length of the script.
ErrStackShortScript = errors.New("execute past end of script")
// ErrStackLongScript is returned if the script has an opcode that is
// too long for the length of the script.
ErrStackLongScript = errors.New("script is longer than maximum allowed")
// ErrStackUnderflow is returned if an opcode requires more items on the
// stack than is present.f
ErrStackUnderflow = errors.New("stack underflow")
// ErrStackInvalidArgs is returned if the argument for an opcode is out
// of acceptable range.
ErrStackInvalidArgs = errors.New("invalid argument")
// ErrStackOpDisabled is returned when a disabled opcode is encountered
// in the script.
ErrStackOpDisabled = errors.New("Disabled Opcode")
// ErrStackVerifyFailed is returned when one of the OP_VERIFY or
// OP_*VERIFY instructions is executed and the conditions fails.
ErrStackVerifyFailed = errors.New("Verify failed")
// ErrStackNumberTooBig is returned when the argument for an opcode that
// should be an offset is obviously far too large.
ErrStackNumberTooBig = errors.New("number too big")
// ErrStackInvalidOpcode is returned when an opcode marked as invalid or
// a completely undefined opcode is encountered.
ErrStackInvalidOpcode = errors.New("Invalid Opcode")
// ErrStackReservedOpcode is returned when an opcode marked as reserved
// is encountered.
ErrStackReservedOpcode = errors.New("Reserved Opcode")
// ErrStackEarlyReturn is returned when OP_RETURN is executed in the
// script.
ErrStackEarlyReturn = errors.New("Script returned early")
// ErrStackNoIf is returned if an OP_ELSE or OP_ENDIF is encountered
// without first having an OP_IF or OP_NOTIF in the script.
ErrStackNoIf = errors.New("OP_ELSE or OP_ENDIF with no matching OP_IF")
// ErrStackMissingEndif is returned if the end of a script is reached
// without and OP_ENDIF to correspond to a conditional expression.
ErrStackMissingEndif = fmt.Errorf("execute fail, in conditional execution")
// ErrStackTooManyPubkeys is returned if an OP_CHECKMULTISIG is
// encountered with more than MaxPubKeysPerMultiSig pubkeys present.
ErrStackTooManyPubkeys = errors.New("Invalid pubkey count in OP_CHECKMULTISIG")
// ErrStackTooManyOperations is returned if a script has more than
// MaxOpsPerScript opcodes that do not push data.
ErrStackTooManyOperations = errors.New("Too many operations in script")
// ErrStackElementTooBig is returned if the size of an element to be
// pushed to the stack is over MaxScriptElementSize.
ErrStackElementTooBig = errors.New("Element in script too large")
// ErrStackUnknownAddress is returned when ScriptToAddrHash does not
// recognise the pattern of the script and thus can not find the address
// for payment.
ErrStackUnknownAddress = errors.New("non-recognised address")
// ErrStackScriptFailed is returned when at the end of a script the
// boolean on top of the stack is false signifying that the script has
// failed.
ErrStackScriptFailed = errors.New("execute fail, fail on stack")
// ErrStackScriptUnfinished is returned when CheckErrorCondition is
// called on a script that has not finished executing.
ErrStackScriptUnfinished = errors.New("Error check when script unfinished")
// ErrStackEmptyStack is returned when the stack is empty at the end of
// execution. Normal operation requires that a boolean is on top of the
// stack when the scripts have finished executing.
ErrStackEmptyStack = errors.New("Stack empty at end of execution")
// ErrStackP2SHNonPushOnly is returned when a Pay-to-Script-Hash
// transaction is encountered and the ScriptSig does operations other
// than push data (in violation of bip16).
ErrStackP2SHNonPushOnly = errors.New("pay to script hash with non " +
"pushonly input")
// ErrStackInvalidParseType is an internal error returned from
// ScriptToAddrHash ony if the internal data tables are wrong.
ErrStackInvalidParseType = errors.New("internal error: invalid parsetype found")
// ErrStackInvalidAddrOffset is an internal error returned from
// ScriptToAddrHash ony if the internal data tables are wrong.
ErrStackInvalidAddrOffset = errors.New("internal error: invalid offset found")
// ErrStackInvalidIndex is returned when an out-of-bounds index was
// passed to a function.
ErrStackInvalidIndex = errors.New("Invalid script index")
// ErrStackNonPushOnly is returned when ScriptInfo is called with a
// pkScript that peforms operations other that pushing data to the stack.
ErrStackNonPushOnly = errors.New("SigScript is non pushonly")
// ErrStackOverflow is returned when stack and altstack combined depth
// is over the limit.
ErrStackOverflow = errors.New("Stacks overflowed")
const (
// maxStackSize is the maximum combined height of stack and alt stack
// during execution.
maxStackSize = 1000
// maxScriptSize is the maximum allowed length of a raw script.
maxScriptSize = 10000
// ErrUnsupportedAddress is returned when a concrete type that implements
// a btcutil.Address is not a supported type.
var ErrUnsupportedAddress = errors.New("unsupported address type")
// Bip16Activation is the timestamp where BIP0016 is valid to use in the
// blockchain. To be used to determine if BIP0016 should be called for or not.
// This timestamp corresponds to Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 UTC 2012.
var Bip16Activation = time.Unix(1333238400, 0)
// SigHashType represents hash type bits at the end of a signature.
type SigHashType byte
// Hash type bits from the end of a signature.
const (
SigHashOld SigHashType = 0x0
SigHashAll SigHashType = 0x1
SigHashNone SigHashType = 0x2
SigHashSingle SigHashType = 0x3
SigHashAnyOneCanPay SigHashType = 0x80
// These are the constants specified for maximums in individual scripts.
const (
MaxOpsPerScript = 201 // Max number of non-push operations.
MaxPubKeysPerMultiSig = 20 // Multisig can't have more sigs than this.
MaxScriptElementSize = 520 // Max bytes pushable to the stack.
// ScriptClass is an enumeration for the list of standard types of script.
type ScriptClass byte
// Classes of script payment known about in the blockchain.
const (
NonStandardTy ScriptClass = iota // None of the recognized forms.
PubKeyTy // Pay pubkey.
PubKeyHashTy // Pay pubkey hash.
ScriptHashTy // Pay to script hash.
MultiSigTy // Multi signature.
NullDataTy // Empty data-only (provably prunable).
var scriptClassToName = []string{
NonStandardTy: "nonstandard",
PubKeyTy: "pubkey",
PubKeyHashTy: "pubkeyhash",
ScriptHashTy: "scripthash",
MultiSigTy: "multisig",
NullDataTy: "nulldata",
// String implements the Stringer interface by returning the name of
// the enum script class. If the enum is invalid then "Invalid" will be
// returned.
func (t ScriptClass) String() string {
if int(t) > len(scriptClassToName) || int(t) < 0 {
return "Invalid"
return scriptClassToName[t]
// Script is the virtual machine that executes btcscripts.
type Script struct {
scripts [][]parsedOpcode
scriptidx int
scriptoff int
lastcodesep int
dstack Stack // data stack
astack Stack // alt stack
tx btcwire.MsgTx
txidx int
condStack []int
numOps int
bip16 bool // treat execution as pay-to-script-hash
der bool // enforce DER encoding
strictMultiSig bool // verify multisig stack item is zero length
discourageUpgradableNops bool // NOP1 to NOP10 are reserved for future soft-fork upgrades
savedFirstStack [][]byte // stack from first script for bip16 scripts
// isSmallInt returns whether or not the opcode is considered a small integer,
// which is an OP_0, or OP_1 through OP_16.
func isSmallInt(op *opcode) bool {
if op.value == OP_0 || (op.value >= OP_1 && op.value <= OP_16) {
return true
return false
// isPubkey returns true if the script passed is a pubkey transaction, false
// otherwise.
func isPubkey(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
// valid pubkeys are either 33 or 65 bytes
return len(pops) == 2 &&
(len(pops[0].data) == 33 || len(pops[0].data) == 65) &&
pops[1].opcode.value == OP_CHECKSIG
// isPubkeyHash returns true if the script passed is a pubkey hash transaction,
// false otherwise.
func isPubkeyHash(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
return len(pops) == 5 &&
pops[0].opcode.value == OP_DUP &&
pops[1].opcode.value == OP_HASH160 &&
pops[2].opcode.value == OP_DATA_20 &&
pops[3].opcode.value == OP_EQUALVERIFY &&
pops[4].opcode.value == OP_CHECKSIG
// isScriptHash returns true if the script passed is a pay-to-script-hash (P2SH)
// transction, false otherwise.
func isScriptHash(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
return len(pops) == 3 &&
pops[0].opcode.value == OP_HASH160 &&
pops[1].opcode.value == OP_DATA_20 &&
pops[2].opcode.value == OP_EQUAL
// IsPayToScriptHash returns true if the script is in the standard
// Pay-To-Script-Hash format, false otherwise.
func IsPayToScriptHash(script []byte) bool {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return false
return isScriptHash(pops)
// isMultiSig returns true if the passed script is a multisig transaction, false
// otherwise.
func isMultiSig(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
l := len(pops)
// absolute minimum is 1 pubkey so
// OP_0/OP_1-16, pubkey, OP_1, OP_CHECKMULTISIG
if l < 4 {
return false
if !isSmallInt(pops[0].opcode) {
return false
if !isSmallInt(pops[l-2].opcode) {
return false
if pops[l-1].opcode.value != OP_CHECKMULTISIG {
return false
for _, pop := range pops[1 : l-2] {
// valid pubkeys are either 65 or 33 bytes
if len(pop.data) != 33 &&
len(pop.data) != 65 {
return false
return true
// isNullData returns true if the passed script is a null data transaction,
// false otherwise.
func isNullData(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
// A nulldata transaction is either a single OP_RETURN or an
// OP_RETURN SMALLDATA (where SMALLDATA is a push data up to 40 bytes).
l := len(pops)
if l == 1 && pops[0].opcode.value == OP_RETURN {
return true
return l == 2 &&
pops[0].opcode.value == OP_RETURN &&
pops[1].opcode.value <= OP_PUSHDATA4 &&
len(pops[1].data) <= 40
// isPushOnly returns true if the script only pushes data, false otherwise.
func isPushOnly(pops []parsedOpcode) bool {
// technically we cheat here, we don't look at opcodes
for _, pop := range pops {
// all opcodes up to OP_16 are data instructions.
if pop.opcode.value < OP_FALSE ||
pop.opcode.value > OP_16 {
return false
return true
// IsPushOnlyScript returns whether or not the passed script only pushes data.
// If the script does not parse false will be returned.
func IsPushOnlyScript(script []byte) bool {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return false
return isPushOnly(pops)
// canonicalPush returns true if the object is either not a push instruction
// or the push instruction contained wherein is matches the canonical form
// or using the smallest instruction to do the job. False otherwise.
func canonicalPush(pop parsedOpcode) bool {
opcode := pop.opcode.value
data := pop.data
dataLen := len(pop.data)
if opcode > OP_16 {
return true
if opcode < OP_PUSHDATA1 && opcode > OP_0 && (dataLen == 1 && data[0] <= 16) {
return false
if opcode == OP_PUSHDATA1 && dataLen < OP_PUSHDATA1 {
return false
if opcode == OP_PUSHDATA2 && dataLen <= 0xff {
return false
if opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4 && dataLen <= 0xffff {
return false
return true
// HasCanonicalPushes returns whether or not the passed script only contains
// canonical data pushes. A canonical data push one where the fewest number of
// bytes possible to encode the size of the data being pushed is used. This
// includes using the small integer opcodes for single byte data that can be
// represented directly.
func HasCanonicalPushes(script []byte) bool {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return false
for _, pop := range pops {
if !canonicalPush(pop) {
return false
return true
// GetScriptClass returns the class of the script passed. If the script does not
// parse then NonStandardTy will be returned.
func GetScriptClass(script []byte) ScriptClass {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return NonStandardTy
return typeOfScript(pops)
// scriptType returns the type of the script being inspected from the known
// standard types.
func typeOfScript(pops []parsedOpcode) ScriptClass {
// XXX dubious optimisation: order these in order of popularity in the
// blockchain
if isPubkey(pops) {
return PubKeyTy
} else if isPubkeyHash(pops) {
return PubKeyHashTy
} else if isScriptHash(pops) {
return ScriptHashTy
} else if isMultiSig(pops) {
return MultiSigTy
} else if isNullData(pops) {
return NullDataTy
return NonStandardTy
// parseScript preparses the script in bytes into a list of parsedOpcodes while
// applying a number of sanity checks.
func parseScript(script []byte) ([]parsedOpcode, error) {
return parseScriptTemplate(script, opcodemap)
// parseScriptTemplate is the same as parseScript but allows the passing of the
// template list for testing purposes. On error we return the list of parsed
// opcodes so far.
func parseScriptTemplate(script []byte, opcodemap map[byte]*opcode) ([]parsedOpcode, error) {
retScript := make([]parsedOpcode, 0, len(script))
for i := 0; i < len(script); {
instr := script[i]
op, ok := opcodemap[instr]
if !ok {
return retScript, ErrStackInvalidOpcode
pop := parsedOpcode{opcode: op}
// parse data out of instruction.
switch {
case op.length == 1:
// no data, done here
case op.length > 1:
if len(script[i:]) < op.length {
return retScript, ErrStackShortScript
// slice out the data.
pop.data = script[i+1 : i+op.length]
i += op.length
case op.length < 0:
var l uint
off := i + 1
if len(script[off:]) < -op.length {
return retScript, ErrStackShortScript
// Next -length bytes are little endian length of data.
switch op.length {
case -1:
l = uint(script[off])
case -2:
l = ((uint(script[off+1]) << 8) |
case -4:
l = ((uint(script[off+3]) << 24) |
(uint(script[off+2]) << 16) |
(uint(script[off+1]) << 8) |
return retScript,
fmt.Errorf("invalid opcode length %d",
off += -op.length // beginning of data
// Disallow entries that do not fit script or were
// sign extended.
if int(l) > len(script[off:]) || int(l) < 0 {
return retScript, ErrStackShortScript
pop.data = script[off : off+int(l)]
i += 1 - op.length + int(l)
retScript = append(retScript, pop)
return retScript, nil
// unparseScript reversed the action of parseScript and returns the
// parsedOpcodes as a list of bytes
func unparseScript(pops []parsedOpcode) ([]byte, error) {
script := make([]byte, 0, len(pops))
for _, pop := range pops {
b, err := pop.bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
script = append(script, b...)
return script, nil
// ScriptFlags is a bitmask defining additional operations or
// tests that will be done when executing a Script.
type ScriptFlags uint32
const (
// ScriptBip16 defines whether the bip16 threshhold has passed and thus
// pay-to-script hash transactions will be fully validated.
ScriptBip16 ScriptFlags = 1 << iota
// ScriptCanonicalSignatures defines whether additional canonical
// signature checks are performed when parsing a signature.
// Canonical (DER) signatures are not required in the tx rules for
// block acceptance, but are checked in recent versions of bitcoind
// when accepting transactions to the mempool. Non-canonical (valid
// BER but not valid DER) transactions can potentially be changed
// before mined into a block, either by adding extra padding or
// flipping the sign of the R or S value in the signature, creating a
// transaction that still validates and spends the inputs, but is not
// recognized by creator of the transaction. Performing a canonical
// check enforces script signatures use a unique DER format.
// ScriptStrictMultiSig defines whether to verify the stack item
// used by CHECKMULTISIG is zero length.
// ScriptDiscourageUpgradableNops defines whether to verify that
// NOP1 through NOP10 are reserved for future soft-fork upgrades. This
// flag must not be used for consensus critical code nor applied to
// blocks as this flag is only for stricter standard transaction
// checks. This flag is only applied when the above opcodes are
// executed.
// NewScript returns a new script engine for the provided tx and input idx with
// a signature script scriptSig and a pubkeyscript scriptPubKey. If bip16 is
// true then it will be treated as if the bip16 threshhold has passed and thus
// pay-to-script hash transactions will be fully validated.
func NewScript(scriptSig []byte, scriptPubKey []byte, txidx int, tx *btcwire.MsgTx, flags ScriptFlags) (*Script, error) {
var m Script
scripts := [][]byte{scriptSig, scriptPubKey}
m.scripts = make([][]parsedOpcode, len(scripts))
for i, scr := range scripts {
if len(scr) > maxScriptSize {
return nil, ErrStackLongScript
var err error
m.scripts[i], err = parseScript(scr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the first scripts(s) are empty, must start on later ones.
if i == 0 && len(scr) == 0 {
// This could end up seeing an invalid initial pc if
// all scripts were empty. However, that is an invalid
// case and should fail.
m.scriptidx = i + 1
// Parse flags.
bip16 := flags&ScriptBip16 == ScriptBip16
if bip16 && isScriptHash(m.scripts[1]) {
// if we are pay to scripthash then we only accept input
// scripts that push data
if !isPushOnly(m.scripts[0]) {
return nil, ErrStackP2SHNonPushOnly
m.bip16 = true
if flags&ScriptCanonicalSignatures == ScriptCanonicalSignatures {
m.der = true
if flags&ScriptStrictMultiSig == ScriptStrictMultiSig {
m.strictMultiSig = true
if flags&ScriptDiscourageUpgradableNops == ScriptDiscourageUpgradableNops {
m.discourageUpgradableNops = true
m.tx = *tx
m.txidx = txidx
m.condStack = []int{OpCondTrue}
return &m, nil
// Execute will execute all script in the script engine and return either nil
// for successful validation or an error if one occurred.
func (s *Script) Execute() (err error) {
done := false
for done != true {
log.Tracef("%v", newLogClosure(func() string {
dis, err := s.DisasmPC()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("stepping (%v)", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("stepping %v", dis)
done, err = s.Step()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Tracef("%v", newLogClosure(func() string {
var dstr, astr string
// if we're tracing, dump the stacks.
if s.dstack.Depth() != 0 {
dstr = "Stack:\n" + s.dstack.String()
if s.astack.Depth() != 0 {
astr = "AltStack:\n" + s.astack.String()
return dstr + astr
return s.CheckErrorCondition()
// CheckErrorCondition returns nil if the running script has ended and was
// successful, leaving a a true boolean on the stack. An error otherwise,
// including if the script has not finished.
func (s *Script) CheckErrorCondition() (err error) {
// Check we are actually done. if pc is past the end of script array
// then we have run out of scripts to run.
if s.scriptidx < len(s.scripts) {
return ErrStackScriptUnfinished
if s.dstack.Depth() < 1 {
return ErrStackEmptyStack
v, err := s.dstack.PopBool()
if err == nil && v == false {
// log interesting data.
log.Tracef("%v", newLogClosure(func() string {
dis0, _ := s.DisasmScript(0)
dis1, _ := s.DisasmScript(1)
return fmt.Sprintf("scripts failed: script0: %s\n"+
"script1: %s", dis0, dis1)
err = ErrStackScriptFailed
return err
// Step will execute the next instruction and move the program counter to the
// next opcode in the script, or the next script if the curent has ended. Step
// will return true in the case that the last opcode was successfully executed.
// if an error is returned then the result of calling Step or any other method
// is undefined.
func (s *Script) Step() (done bool, err error) {
// verify that it is pointing to a valid script address
err = s.validPC()
if err != nil {
return true, err
opcode := s.scripts[s.scriptidx][s.scriptoff]
err = opcode.exec(s)
if err != nil {
return true, err
if s.dstack.Depth()+s.astack.Depth() > maxStackSize {
return false, ErrStackOverflow
// prepare for next instruction
if s.scriptoff >= len(s.scripts[s.scriptidx]) {
// Illegal to have an `if' that straddles two scripts.
if err == nil && len(s.condStack) != 1 {
return false, ErrStackMissingEndif
// alt stack doesn't persist.
_ = s.astack.DropN(s.astack.Depth())
s.numOps = 0 // number of ops is per script.
s.scriptoff = 0
if s.scriptidx == 0 && s.bip16 {
s.savedFirstStack = s.GetStack()
} else if s.scriptidx == 1 && s.bip16 {
// Put us past the end for CheckErrorCondition()
// We check script ran ok, if so then we pull
// the script out of the first stack and executre that.
err := s.CheckErrorCondition()
if err != nil {
return false, err
script := s.savedFirstStack[len(s.savedFirstStack)-1]
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return false, err
s.scripts = append(s.scripts, pops)
// Set stack to be the stack from first script
// minus the script itself
} else {
// there are zero length scripts in the wild
if s.scriptidx < len(s.scripts) && s.scriptoff >= len(s.scripts[s.scriptidx]) {
s.lastcodesep = 0
if s.scriptidx >= len(s.scripts) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// curPC returns either the current script and offset, or an error if the
// position isn't valid.
func (s *Script) curPC() (script int, off int, err error) {
err = s.validPC()
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return s.scriptidx, s.scriptoff, nil
// validPC returns an error if the current script position is valid for
// execution, nil otherwise.
func (s *Script) validPC() error {
if s.scriptidx >= len(s.scripts) {
return fmt.Errorf("Past input scripts %v:%v %v:xxxx", s.scriptidx, s.scriptoff, len(s.scripts))
if s.scriptoff >= len(s.scripts[s.scriptidx]) {
return fmt.Errorf("Past input scripts %v:%v %v:%04d", s.scriptidx, s.scriptoff, s.scriptidx, len(s.scripts[s.scriptidx]))
return nil
// DisasmScript returns the disassembly string for the script at offset
// ``idx''. Where 0 is the scriptSig and 1 is the scriptPubKey.
func (s *Script) DisasmScript(idx int) (disstr string, err error) {
if idx >= len(s.scripts) {
return "", ErrStackInvalidIndex
for i := range s.scripts[idx] {
disstr = disstr + s.disasm(idx, i) + "\n"
return disstr, nil
// DisasmPC returns the string for the disassembly of the opcode that will be
// next to execute when Step() is called.
func (s *Script) DisasmPC() (disstr string, err error) {
scriptidx, scriptoff, err := s.curPC()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return s.disasm(scriptidx, scriptoff), nil
// disasm is a helper member to produce the output for DisasmPC and
// DisasmScript. It produces the opcode prefixed by the program counter at the
// provided position in the script. it does no error checking and leaves that
// to the caller to provide a valid offse.
func (s *Script) disasm(scriptidx int, scriptoff int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%02x:%04x: %s", scriptidx, scriptoff,
// subScript will return the script since the last OP_CODESEPARATOR
func (s *Script) subScript() []parsedOpcode {
return s.scripts[s.scriptidx][s.lastcodesep:]
// removeOpcode will remove any opcode matching ``opcode'' from the opcode
// stream in pkscript
func removeOpcode(pkscript []parsedOpcode, opcode byte) []parsedOpcode {
retScript := make([]parsedOpcode, 0, len(pkscript))
for _, pop := range pkscript {
if pop.opcode.value != opcode {
retScript = append(retScript, pop)
return retScript
// removeOpcodeByData will return the pkscript minus any opcodes that would
// push the data in ``data'' to the stack.
func removeOpcodeByData(pkscript []parsedOpcode, data []byte) []parsedOpcode {
retScript := make([]parsedOpcode, 0, len(pkscript))
for _, pop := range pkscript {
if !canonicalPush(pop) || !bytes.Contains(pop.data, data) {
retScript = append(retScript, pop)
return retScript
// DisasmString formats a disassembled script for one line printing. When the
// script fails to parse, the returned string will contain the disassembled
// script up to the point the failure occurred along with the string '[error]'
// appended. In addition, the reason the script failed to parse is returned
// if the caller wants more information about the failure.
func DisasmString(buf []byte) (string, error) {
disbuf := ""
opcodes, err := parseScript(buf)
for _, pop := range opcodes {
disbuf += pop.print(true) + " "
if disbuf != "" {
disbuf = disbuf[:len(disbuf)-1]
if err != nil {
disbuf += "[error]"
return disbuf, err
// calcScriptHash will, given the a script and hashtype for the current
// scriptmachine, calculate the doubleSha256 hash of the transaction and
// script to be used for signature signing and verification.
func calcScriptHash(script []parsedOpcode, hashType SigHashType, tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int) []byte {
// remove all instances of OP_CODESEPARATOR still left in the script
script = removeOpcode(script, OP_CODESEPARATOR)
// Make a deep copy of the transaction, zeroing out the script
// for all inputs that are not currently being processed.
txCopy := tx.Copy()
for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
var txIn btcwire.TxIn
txIn = *txCopy.TxIn[i]
txCopy.TxIn[i] = &txIn
if i == idx {
// unparseScript cannot fail here, because removeOpcode
// above only returns a valid script.
sigscript, _ := unparseScript(script)
txCopy.TxIn[idx].SignatureScript = sigscript
} else {
txCopy.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = []byte{}
// Default behaviour has all outputs set up.
for i := range txCopy.TxOut {
var txOut btcwire.TxOut
txOut = *txCopy.TxOut[i]
txCopy.TxOut[i] = &txOut
switch hashType & 31 {
case SigHashNone:
txCopy.TxOut = txCopy.TxOut[0:0] // empty slice
for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
if i != idx {
txCopy.TxIn[i].Sequence = 0
case SigHashSingle:
if idx >= len(txCopy.TxOut) {
// This was created by a buggy implementation.
// In this case we do the same as bitcoind and bitcoinj
// and return 1 (as a uint256 little endian) as an
// error. Unfortunately this was not checked anywhere
// and thus is treated as the actual
// hash.
hash := make([]byte, 32)
hash[0] = 0x01
return hash
// Resize output array to up to and including requested index.
txCopy.TxOut = txCopy.TxOut[:idx+1]
// all but current output get zeroed out
for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
txCopy.TxOut[i].Value = -1
txCopy.TxOut[i].PkScript = []byte{}
// Sequence on all other inputs is 0, too.
for i := range txCopy.TxIn {
if i != idx {
txCopy.TxIn[i].Sequence = 0
// XXX bitcoind treats undefined hashtypes like normal
// SigHashAll for purposes of hash generation.
case SigHashOld:
case SigHashAll:
// nothing special here
if hashType&SigHashAnyOneCanPay != 0 {
txCopy.TxIn = txCopy.TxIn[idx : idx+1]
idx = 0
var wbuf bytes.Buffer
// Append LE 4 bytes hash type
binary.Write(&wbuf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(hashType))
return btcwire.DoubleSha256(wbuf.Bytes())
// getStack returns the contents of stack as a byte array bottom up
func getStack(stack *Stack) [][]byte {
array := make([][]byte, stack.Depth())
for i := range array {
// PeekByteArry can't fail due to overflow, already checked
array[len(array)-i-1], _ =
return array
// setStack sets the stack to the contents of the array where the last item in
// the array is the top item in the stack.
func setStack(stack *Stack, data [][]byte) {
// This can not error. Only errors are for invalid arguments.
_ = stack.DropN(stack.Depth())
for i := range data {
// GetStack returns the contents of the primary stack as an array. where the
// last item in the array is the top of the stack.
func (s *Script) GetStack() [][]byte {
return getStack(&s.dstack)
// SetStack sets the contents of the primary stack to the contents of the
// provided array where the last item in the array will be the top of the stack.
func (s *Script) SetStack(data [][]byte) {
setStack(&s.dstack, data)
// GetAltStack returns the contents of the primary stack as an array. where the
// last item in the array is the top of the stack.
func (s *Script) GetAltStack() [][]byte {
return getStack(&s.astack)
// SetAltStack sets the contents of the primary stack to the contents of the
// provided array where the last item in the array will be the top of the stack.
func (s *Script) SetAltStack(data [][]byte) {
setStack(&s.astack, data)
// GetSigOpCount provides a quick count of the number of signature operations
// in a script. a CHECKSIG operations counts for 1, and a CHECK_MULTISIG for 20.
// If the script fails to parse, then the count up to the point of failure is
// returned.
func GetSigOpCount(script []byte) int {
// We don't check error since parseScript returns the parsed-up-to-error
// list of pops.
pops, _ := parseScript(script)
return getSigOpCount(pops, false)
// GetPreciseSigOpCount returns the number of signature operations in
// scriptPubKey. If bip16 is true then scriptSig may be searched for the
// Pay-To-Script-Hash script in order to find the precise number of signature
// operations in the transaction. If the script fails to parse, then the
// count up to the point of failure is returned.
func GetPreciseSigOpCount(scriptSig, scriptPubKey []byte, bip16 bool) int {
// We don't check error since parseScript returns the parsed-up-to-error
// list of pops.
pops, _ := parseScript(scriptPubKey)
// non P2SH transactions just treated as normal.
if !(bip16 && isScriptHash(pops)) {
return getSigOpCount(pops, true)
// Ok so this is P2SH, get the contained script and count it..
sigPops, err := parseScript(scriptSig)
if err != nil {
return 0
if !isPushOnly(sigPops) || len(sigPops) == 0 {
return 0
shScript := sigPops[len(sigPops)-1].data
// Means that sigPops is jus OP_1 - OP_16, no sigops there.
if shScript == nil {
return 0
shPops, _ := parseScript(shScript)
return getSigOpCount(shPops, true)
// getSigOpCount is the implementation function for counting the number of
// signature operations in the script provided by pops. If precise mode is
// requested then we attempt to count the number of operations for a multisig
// op. Otherwise we use the maximum.
func getSigOpCount(pops []parsedOpcode, precise bool) int {
nSigs := 0
for i, pop := range pops {
switch pop.opcode.value {
// If we are being precise then look for familiar
// patterns for multisig, for now all we recognise is
// OP_1 - OP_16 to signify the number of pubkeys.
// Otherwise, we use the max of 20.
if precise && i > 0 &&
pops[i-1].opcode.value >= OP_1 &&
pops[i-1].opcode.value <= OP_16 {
nSigs += int(pops[i-1].opcode.value -
(OP_1 - 1))
} else {
nSigs += MaxPubKeysPerMultiSig
// not a sigop.
return nSigs
// payToPubKeyHashScript creates a new script to pay a transaction
// output to a 20-byte pubkey hash. It is expected that the input is a valid
// hash.
func payToPubKeyHashScript(pubKeyHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_DUP).AddOp(OP_HASH160).
// payToScriptHashScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a
// script hash. It is expected that the input is a valid hash.
func payToScriptHashScript(scriptHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_HASH160).AddData(scriptHash).
// payToPubkeyScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a
// public key. It is expected that the input is a valid pubkey.
func payToPubKeyScript(serializedPubKey []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return NewScriptBuilder().AddData(serializedPubKey).
// PayToAddrScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a the
// specified address.
func PayToAddrScript(addr btcutil.Address) ([]byte, error) {
switch addr := addr.(type) {
case *btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash:
if addr == nil {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
return payToPubKeyHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
case *btcutil.AddressScriptHash:
if addr == nil {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
return payToScriptHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
case *btcutil.AddressPubKey:
if addr == nil {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
return payToPubKeyScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
return nil, ErrUnsupportedAddress
// ErrBadNumRequired is returned from MultiSigScript when nrequired is larger
// than the number of provided public keys.
var ErrBadNumRequired = errors.New("more signatures required than keys present")
// MultiSigScript returns a valid script for a multisignature redemption where
// nrequired of the keys in pubkeys are required to have signed the transaction
// for success. An ErrBadNumRequired will be returned if nrequired is larger than
// the number of keys provided.
func MultiSigScript(pubkeys []*btcutil.AddressPubKey, nrequired int) ([]byte, error) {
if len(pubkeys) < nrequired {
return nil, ErrBadNumRequired
builder := NewScriptBuilder().AddInt64(int64(nrequired))
for _, key := range pubkeys {
return builder.Script()
// SignatureScript creates an input signature script for tx to spend
// BTC sent from a previous output to the owner of privKey. tx must
// include all transaction inputs and outputs, however txin scripts are
// allowed to be filled or empty. The returned script is calculated to
// be used as the idx'th txin sigscript for tx. subscript is the PkScript
// of the previous output being used as the idx'th input. privKey is
// serialized in either a compressed or uncompressed format based on
// compress. This format must match the same format used to generate
// the payment address, or the script validation will fail.
func SignatureScript(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int, subscript []byte, hashType SigHashType, privKey *btcec.PrivateKey, compress bool) ([]byte, error) {
sig, err := RawTxInSignature(tx, idx, subscript, hashType, privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pk := (*btcec.PublicKey)(&privKey.PublicKey)
var pkData []byte
if compress {
pkData = pk.SerializeCompressed()
} else {
pkData = pk.SerializeUncompressed()
return NewScriptBuilder().AddData(sig).AddData(pkData).Script()
// RawTxInSignature returns the serialized ECDSA signature for the input
// idx of the given transaction, with hashType appended to it.
func RawTxInSignature(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int, subScript []byte,
hashType SigHashType, key *btcec.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
parsedScript, err := parseScript(subScript)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse output script: %v", err)
hash := calcScriptHash(parsedScript, hashType, tx, idx)
signature, err := key.Sign(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot sign tx input: %s", err)
return append(signature.Serialize(), byte(hashType)), nil
func p2pkSignatureScript(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int, subScript []byte, hashType SigHashType, privKey *btcec.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
sig, err := RawTxInSignature(tx, idx, subScript, hashType, privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewScriptBuilder().AddData(sig).Script()
// signMultiSig signs as many of the outputs in the provided multisig script as
// possible. It returns the generated script and a boolean if the script fulfils
// the contract (i.e. nrequired signatures are provided). Since it is arguably
// legal to not be able to sign any of the outputs, no error is returned.
func signMultiSig(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int, subScript []byte, hashType SigHashType,
addresses []btcutil.Address, nRequired int, kdb KeyDB) ([]byte, bool) {
// We start with a single OP_FALSE to work around the (now standard)
// but in the reference implementation that causes a spurious pop at
// the end of OP_CHECKMULTISIG.
builder := NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_FALSE)
signed := 0
for _, addr := range addresses {
key, _, err := kdb.GetKey(addr)
if err != nil {
sig, err := RawTxInSignature(tx, idx, subScript, hashType, key)
if err != nil {
if signed == nRequired {
script, _ := builder.Script()
return script, signed == nRequired
func sign(net *btcnet.Params, tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int, subScript []byte,
hashType SigHashType, kdb KeyDB, sdb ScriptDB) ([]byte, ScriptClass,
[]btcutil.Address, int, error) {
class, addresses, nrequired, err := ExtractPkScriptAddrs(subScript, net)
if err != nil {
return nil, NonStandardTy, nil, 0, err
switch class {
case PubKeyTy:
// look up key for address
key, _, err := kdb.GetKey(addresses[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, class, nil, 0, err
script, err := p2pkSignatureScript(tx, idx, subScript, hashType,
if err != nil {
return nil, class, nil, 0, err
return script, class, addresses, nrequired, nil
case PubKeyHashTy:
// look up key for address
key, compressed, err := kdb.GetKey(addresses[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, class, nil, 0, err
script, err := SignatureScript(tx, idx, subScript, hashType,
key, compressed)
if err != nil {
return nil, class, nil, 0, err
return script, class, addresses, nrequired, nil
case ScriptHashTy:
script, err := sdb.GetScript(addresses[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, class, nil, 0, err
return script, class, addresses, nrequired, nil
case MultiSigTy:
script, _ := signMultiSig(tx, idx, subScript, hashType,
addresses, nrequired, kdb)
return script, class, addresses, nrequired, nil
case NullDataTy:
return nil, class, nil, 0,
errors.New("can't sign NULLDATA transactions")
return nil, class, nil, 0,
errors.New("can't sign unknown transactions")
// mergeScripts merges sigScript and prevScript assuming they are both
// partial solutions for pkScript spending output idx of tx. class, addresses
// and nrequired are the result of extracting the addresses from pkscript.
// The return value is the best effort merging of the two scripts. Calling this
// function with addresses, class and nrequired that do not match pkScript is
// an error and results in undefined behaviour.
func mergeScripts(net *btcnet.Params, tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int,
pkScript []byte, class ScriptClass, addresses []btcutil.Address,
nRequired int, sigScript, prevScript []byte) []byte {
// TODO(oga) the scripthash and multisig paths here are overly
// inefficient in that they will recompute already known data.
// some internal refactoring could probably make this avoid needless
// extra calculations.
switch class {
case ScriptHashTy:
// Remove the last push in the script and then recurse.
// this could be a lot less inefficient.
sigPops, err := parseScript(sigScript)
if err != nil || len(sigPops) == 0 {
return prevScript
prevPops, err := parseScript(prevScript)
if err != nil || len(prevPops) == 0 {
return sigScript
// assume that script in sigPops is the correct one, we just
// made it.
script := sigPops[len(sigPops)-1].data
// We already know this information somewhere up the stack.
class, addresses, nrequired, err :=
ExtractPkScriptAddrs(script, net)
// regenerate scripts.
sigScript, _ := unparseScript(sigPops)
prevScript, _ := unparseScript(prevPops)
// Merge
mergedScript := mergeScripts(net, tx, idx, script, class,
addresses, nrequired, sigScript, prevScript)
// Reappend the script and return the result.
builder := NewScriptBuilder()
builder.script = mergedScript
finalScript, _ := builder.Script()
return finalScript
case MultiSigTy:
return mergeMultiSig(tx, idx, addresses, nRequired, pkScript,
sigScript, prevScript)
// It doesn't actualy make sense to merge anything other than multiig
// and scripthash (because it could contain multisig). Everything else
// has either zero signature, can't be spent, or has a single signature
// which is either present or not. The other two cases are handled
// above. In the conflict case here we just assume the longest is
// correct (this matches behaviour of the reference implementation).
if len(sigScript) > len(prevScript) {
return sigScript
return prevScript
// mergeMultiSig combines the two signature scripts sigScript and prevScript
// that both provide signatures for pkScript in output idx of tx. addresses
// and nRequired should be the results from extracting the addresses from
// pkScript. Since this function is internal only we assume that the arguments
// have come from other functions internally and thus are all consistent with
// each other, behaviour is undefined if this contract is broken.
func mergeMultiSig(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int, addresses []btcutil.Address,
nRequired int, pkScript, sigScript, prevScript []byte) []byte {
// This is an internal only function and we already parsed this script
// as ok for multisig (this is how we got here), so if this fails then
// all assumptions are broken and who knows which way is up?
pkPops, _ := parseScript(pkScript)
sigPops, err := parseScript(sigScript)
if err != nil || len(sigPops) == 0 {
return prevScript
prevPops, err := parseScript(prevScript)
if err != nil || len(prevPops) == 0 {
return sigScript
// Convenience function to avoid duplication.
extractSigs := func(pops []parsedOpcode, sigs [][]byte) [][]byte {
for _, pop := range pops {
if len(pop.data) != 0 {
sigs = append(sigs, pop.data)
return sigs
possibleSigs := make([][]byte, 0, len(sigPops)+len(prevPops))
possibleSigs = extractSigs(sigPops, possibleSigs)
possibleSigs = extractSigs(prevPops, possibleSigs)
// Now we need to match the signatures to pubkeys, the only real way to
// do that is to try to verify them all and match it to the pubkey
// that verifies it. we then can go through the addresses in order
// to build our script. Anything that doesn't parse or doesn't verify we
// throw away.
addrToSig := make(map[string][]byte)
for _, sig := range possibleSigs {
// can't have a valid signature that doesn't at least have a
// hashtype, in practise it is even longer than this. but
// that'll be checked next.
if len(sig) < 1 {
tSig := sig[:len(sig)-1]
hashType := SigHashType(sig[len(sig)-1])
pSig, err := btcec.ParseDERSignature(tSig, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
// We have to do this each round since hash types may vary
// between signatures and so the hash will vary. We can,
// however, assume no sigs etc are in the script since that
// would make the transaction nonstandard and thus not
// MultiSigTy, so we just need to hash the full thing.
hash := calcScriptHash(pkPops, hashType, tx, idx)
for _, addr := range addresses {
// All multisig addresses should be pubkey addreses
// it is an error to call this internal function with
// bad input.
pkaddr := addr.(*btcutil.AddressPubKey)
pubKey := pkaddr.PubKey()
// If it matches we put it in the map. We only
// can take one signature per public key so if we
// already have one, we can throw this away.
if pSig.Verify(hash, pubKey) {
aStr := addr.EncodeAddress()
if _, ok := addrToSig[aStr]; !ok {
addrToSig[aStr] = sig
continue sigLoop
// Extra opcode to handle the extra arg consumed (due to previous bugs
// in the reference implementation).
builder := NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_FALSE)
doneSigs := 0
// This assumes that addresses are in the same order as in the script.
for _, addr := range addresses {
sig, ok := addrToSig[addr.EncodeAddress()]
if !ok {
if doneSigs == nRequired {
// padding for missing ones.
for i := doneSigs; i < nRequired; i++ {
script, _ := builder.Script()
return script
// KeyDB is an interface type provided to SignTxOutput, it encapsulates
// any user state required to get the private keys for an address.
type KeyDB interface {
GetKey(btcutil.Address) (*btcec.PrivateKey, bool, error)
// KeyClosure implements ScriptDB with a closure
type KeyClosure func(btcutil.Address) (*btcec.PrivateKey, bool, error)
// GetKey implements KeyDB by returning the result of calling the closure
func (kc KeyClosure) GetKey(address btcutil.Address) (*btcec.PrivateKey,
bool, error) {
return kc(address)
// ScriptDB is an interface type provided to SignTxOutput, it encapsulates
// any user state required to get the scripts for an pay-to-script-hash address.
type ScriptDB interface {
GetScript(btcutil.Address) ([]byte, error)
// ScriptClosure implements ScriptDB with a closure
type ScriptClosure func(btcutil.Address) ([]byte, error)
// GetScript implements ScriptDB by returning the result of calling the closure
func (sc ScriptClosure) GetScript(address btcutil.Address) ([]byte, error) {
return sc(address)
// SignTxOutput signs output idx of the given tx to resolve the script given in
// pkScript with a signature type of hashType. Any keys required will be
// looked up by calling getKey() with the string of the given address.
// Any pay-to-script-hash signatures will be similarly looked up by calling
// getScript. If previousScript is provided then the results in previousScript
// will be merged in a type-dependant manner with the newly generated.
// signature script.
func SignTxOutput(net *btcnet.Params, tx *btcwire.MsgTx, idx int,
pkScript []byte, hashType SigHashType, kdb KeyDB, sdb ScriptDB,
previousScript []byte) ([]byte, error) {
sigScript, class, addresses, nrequired, err := sign(net, tx, idx,
pkScript, hashType, kdb, sdb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if class == ScriptHashTy {
// TODO keep the sub addressed and pass down to merge.
realSigScript, _, _, _, err := sign(net, tx, idx, sigScript,
hashType, kdb, sdb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This is a bad thing. Append the p2sh script as the last
// push in the script.
builder := NewScriptBuilder()
builder.script = realSigScript
sigScript, _ = builder.Script()
// TODO keep a copy of the script for merging.
// Merge scripts. with any previous data, if any.
mergedScript := mergeScripts(net, tx, idx, pkScript, class, addresses,
nrequired, sigScript, previousScript)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mergedScript, nil
// expectedInputs returns the number of arguments required by a script.
// If the script is of unnown type such that the number can not be determined
// then -1 is returned. We are an internal function and thus assume that class
// is the real class of pops (and we can thus assume things that were
// determined while finding out the type).
func expectedInputs(pops []parsedOpcode, class ScriptClass) int {
// count needed inputs.
switch class {
case PubKeyTy:
return 1
case PubKeyHashTy:
return 2
case ScriptHashTy:
// Not including script, handled below.
return 1
case MultiSigTy:
// Standard multisig has a push a small number for the number
// of sigs and number of keys. Check the first push instruction
// to see how many arguments are expected. typeOfScript already
// checked this so we know it'll be a small int. Also, due to
// the original bitcoind bug where OP_CHECKMULTISIG pops an
// additional item from the stack, add an extra expected input
// for the extra push that is required to compensate.
return asSmallInt(pops[0].opcode) + 1
case NullDataTy:
return -1
// ScriptInfo houses information about a script pair that is determined by
// CalcScriptInfo.
type ScriptInfo struct {
// The class of the sigscript, equivalent to calling GetScriptClass
// on the sigScript.
PkScriptClass ScriptClass
// NumInputs is the number of inputs provided by the pkScript.
NumInputs int
// ExpectedInputs is the number of outputs required by sigScript and any
// pay-to-script-hash scripts. The number will be -1 if unknown.
ExpectedInputs int
// SigOps is the nubmer of signature operations in the script pair.
SigOps int
// CalcScriptInfo returns a structure providing data about the scriptpair that
// are provided as arguments. It will error if the pair is in someway invalid
// such that they can not be analysed, i.e. if they do not parse or the
// pkScript is not a push-only script
func CalcScriptInfo(sigscript, pkscript []byte, bip16 bool) (*ScriptInfo, error) {
si := new(ScriptInfo)
// parse both scripts.
sigPops, err := parseScript(sigscript)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkPops, err := parseScript(pkscript)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// push only sigScript makes little sense.
si.PkScriptClass = typeOfScript(pkPops)
// Can't have a pkScript that doesn't just push data.
if !isPushOnly(sigPops) {
return nil, ErrStackNonPushOnly
si.ExpectedInputs = expectedInputs(pkPops, si.PkScriptClass)
// all entries push to stack (or are OP_RESERVED and exec will fail).
si.NumInputs = len(sigPops)
if si.PkScriptClass == ScriptHashTy && bip16 {
// grab the last push instruction in the script and pull out the
// data.
script := sigPops[len(sigPops)-1].data
// check for existance and error else.
shPops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shClass := typeOfScript(shPops)
shInputs := expectedInputs(shPops, shClass)
if shInputs == -1 {
// We have no fucking clue, then.
si.ExpectedInputs = -1
} else {
si.ExpectedInputs += shInputs
si.SigOps = getSigOpCount(shPops, true)
} else {
si.SigOps = getSigOpCount(pkPops, true)
return si, nil
// asSmallInt returns the passed opcode, which must be true according to
// isSmallInt(), as an integer.
func asSmallInt(op *opcode) int {
if op.value == OP_0 {
return 0
return int(op.value - (OP_1 - 1))
// CalcMultiSigStats returns the number of public keys and signatures from
// a multi-signature transaction script. The passed script MUST already be
// known to be a multi-signature script.
func CalcMultiSigStats(script []byte) (int, int, error) {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
// A multi-signature script is of the pattern:
// Therefore the number of signatures is the oldest item on the stack
// and the number of pubkeys is the 2nd to last. Also, the absolute
// minimum for a multi-signature script is 1 pubkey, so at least 4
// items must be on the stack per:
if len(pops) < 4 {
return 0, 0, ErrStackUnderflow
numSigs := asSmallInt(pops[0].opcode)
numPubKeys := asSmallInt(pops[len(pops)-2].opcode)
return numPubKeys, numSigs, nil
// PushedData returns an array of byte slices containing any pushed data found
// in the passed script. This includes OP_0, but not OP_1 - OP_16.
func PushedData(script []byte) ([][]byte, error) {
pops, err := parseScript(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data [][]byte
for _, pop := range pops {
if pop.data != nil {
data = append(data, pop.data)
} else if pop.opcode.value == OP_0 {
data = append(data, []byte{})
return data, nil