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synced 2025-03-14 20:01:33 +01:00
Each node in the block index records some flags about its validation state. This is just stored in memory for now, but can save effort if attempting to reconnect a block that failed validation or was disconnected.
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298 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package blockchain
import (
// DeploymentError identifies an error that indicates a deployment ID was
// specified that does not exist.
type DeploymentError uint32
// Error returns the assertion error as a human-readable string and satisfies
// the error interface.
func (e DeploymentError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("deployment ID %d does not exist", uint32(e))
// AssertError identifies an error that indicates an internal code consistency
// issue and should be treated as a critical and unrecoverable error.
type AssertError string
// Error returns the assertion error as a human-readable string and satisfies
// the error interface.
func (e AssertError) Error() string {
return "assertion failed: " + string(e)
// ErrorCode identifies a kind of error.
type ErrorCode int
// These constants are used to identify a specific RuleError.
const (
// ErrDuplicateBlock indicates a block with the same hash already
// exists.
ErrDuplicateBlock ErrorCode = iota
// ErrBlockTooBig indicates the serialized block size exceeds the
// maximum allowed size.
// ErrBlockWeightTooHigh indicates that the block's computed weight
// metric exceeds the maximum allowed value.
// ErrBlockVersionTooOld indicates the block version is too old and is
// no longer accepted since the majority of the network has upgraded
// to a newer version.
// ErrInvalidTime indicates the time in the passed block has a precision
// that is more than one second. The chain consensus rules require
// timestamps to have a maximum precision of one second.
// ErrTimeTooOld indicates the time is either before the median time of
// the last several blocks per the chain consensus rules or prior to the
// most recent checkpoint.
// ErrTimeTooNew indicates the time is too far in the future as compared
// the current time.
// ErrDifficultyTooLow indicates the difficulty for the block is lower
// than the difficulty required by the most recent checkpoint.
// ErrUnexpectedDifficulty indicates specified bits do not align with
// the expected value either because it doesn't match the calculated
// valued based on difficulty regarted rules or it is out of the valid
// range.
// ErrHighHash indicates the block does not hash to a value which is
// lower than the required target difficultly.
// ErrBadMerkleRoot indicates the calculated merkle root does not match
// the expected value.
// ErrBadCheckpoint indicates a block that is expected to be at a
// checkpoint height does not match the expected one.
// ErrForkTooOld indicates a block is attempting to fork the block chain
// before the most recent checkpoint.
// ErrCheckpointTimeTooOld indicates a block has a timestamp before the
// most recent checkpoint.
// ErrNoTransactions indicates the block does not have a least one
// transaction. A valid block must have at least the coinbase
// transaction.
// ErrNoTxInputs indicates a transaction does not have any inputs. A
// valid transaction must have at least one input.
// ErrNoTxOutputs indicates a transaction does not have any outputs. A
// valid transaction must have at least one output.
// ErrTxTooBig indicates a transaction exceeds the maximum allowed size
// when serialized.
// ErrBadTxOutValue indicates an output value for a transaction is
// invalid in some way such as being out of range.
// ErrDuplicateTxInputs indicates a transaction references the same
// input more than once.
// ErrBadTxInput indicates a transaction input is invalid in some way
// such as referencing a previous transaction outpoint which is out of
// range or not referencing one at all.
// ErrMissingTxOut indicates a transaction output referenced by an input
// either does not exist or has already been spent.
// ErrUnfinalizedTx indicates a transaction has not been finalized.
// A valid block may only contain finalized transactions.
// ErrDuplicateTx indicates a block contains an identical transaction
// (or at least two transactions which hash to the same value). A
// valid block may only contain unique transactions.
// ErrOverwriteTx indicates a block contains a transaction that has
// the same hash as a previous transaction which has not been fully
// spent.
// ErrImmatureSpend indicates a transaction is attempting to spend a
// coinbase that has not yet reached the required maturity.
// ErrSpendTooHigh indicates a transaction is attempting to spend more
// value than the sum of all of its inputs.
// ErrBadFees indicates the total fees for a block are invalid due to
// exceeding the maximum possible value.
// ErrTooManySigOps indicates the total number of signature operations
// for a transaction or block exceed the maximum allowed limits.
// ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase indicates the first transaction in a block
// is not a coinbase transaction.
// ErrMultipleCoinbases indicates a block contains more than one
// coinbase transaction.
// ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen indicates the length of the signature script
// for a coinbase transaction is not within the valid range.
// ErrBadCoinbaseValue indicates the amount of a coinbase value does
// not match the expected value of the subsidy plus the sum of all fees.
// ErrMissingCoinbaseHeight indicates the coinbase transaction for a
// block does not start with the serialized block block height as
// required for version 2 and higher blocks.
// ErrBadCoinbaseHeight indicates the serialized block height in the
// coinbase transaction for version 2 and higher blocks does not match
// the expected value.
// ErrScriptMalformed indicates a transaction script is malformed in
// some way. For example, it might be longer than the maximum allowed
// length or fail to parse.
// ErrScriptValidation indicates the result of executing transaction
// script failed. The error covers any failure when executing scripts
// such signature verification failures and execution past the end of
// the stack.
// ErrUnexpectedWitness indicates that a block includes transactions
// with witness data, but doesn't also have a witness commitment within
// the coinbase transaction.
// ErrInvalidWitnessCommitment indicates that a block's witness
// commitment is not well formed.
// ErrWitnessCommitmentMismatch indicates that the witness commitment
// included in the block's coinbase transaction doesn't match the
// manually computed witness commitment.
// ErrPreviousBlockUnknown indicates that the previous block is not known.
// ErrInvalidAncestorBlock indicates that an ancestor of this block has
// already failed validation.
// ErrPrevBlockNotBest indicates that the block's previous block is not the
// current chain tip. This is not a block validation rule, but is required
// for block proposals submitted via getblocktemplate RPC.
// Map of ErrorCode values back to their constant names for pretty printing.
var errorCodeStrings = map[ErrorCode]string{
ErrDuplicateBlock: "ErrDuplicateBlock",
ErrBlockTooBig: "ErrBlockTooBig",
ErrBlockVersionTooOld: "ErrBlockVersionTooOld",
ErrBlockWeightTooHigh: "ErrBlockWeightTooHigh",
ErrInvalidTime: "ErrInvalidTime",
ErrTimeTooOld: "ErrTimeTooOld",
ErrTimeTooNew: "ErrTimeTooNew",
ErrDifficultyTooLow: "ErrDifficultyTooLow",
ErrUnexpectedDifficulty: "ErrUnexpectedDifficulty",
ErrHighHash: "ErrHighHash",
ErrBadMerkleRoot: "ErrBadMerkleRoot",
ErrBadCheckpoint: "ErrBadCheckpoint",
ErrForkTooOld: "ErrForkTooOld",
ErrCheckpointTimeTooOld: "ErrCheckpointTimeTooOld",
ErrNoTransactions: "ErrNoTransactions",
ErrNoTxInputs: "ErrNoTxInputs",
ErrNoTxOutputs: "ErrNoTxOutputs",
ErrTxTooBig: "ErrTxTooBig",
ErrBadTxOutValue: "ErrBadTxOutValue",
ErrDuplicateTxInputs: "ErrDuplicateTxInputs",
ErrBadTxInput: "ErrBadTxInput",
ErrMissingTxOut: "ErrMissingTxOut",
ErrUnfinalizedTx: "ErrUnfinalizedTx",
ErrDuplicateTx: "ErrDuplicateTx",
ErrOverwriteTx: "ErrOverwriteTx",
ErrImmatureSpend: "ErrImmatureSpend",
ErrSpendTooHigh: "ErrSpendTooHigh",
ErrBadFees: "ErrBadFees",
ErrTooManySigOps: "ErrTooManySigOps",
ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase: "ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase",
ErrMultipleCoinbases: "ErrMultipleCoinbases",
ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen: "ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen",
ErrBadCoinbaseValue: "ErrBadCoinbaseValue",
ErrMissingCoinbaseHeight: "ErrMissingCoinbaseHeight",
ErrBadCoinbaseHeight: "ErrBadCoinbaseHeight",
ErrScriptMalformed: "ErrScriptMalformed",
ErrScriptValidation: "ErrScriptValidation",
ErrUnexpectedWitness: "ErrUnexpectedWitness",
ErrInvalidWitnessCommitment: "ErrInvalidWitnessCommitment",
ErrWitnessCommitmentMismatch: "ErrWitnessCommitmentMismatch",
ErrPreviousBlockUnknown: "ErrPreviousBlockUnknown",
ErrInvalidAncestorBlock: "ErrInvalidAncestorBlock",
ErrPrevBlockNotBest: "ErrPrevBlockNotBest",
// String returns the ErrorCode as a human-readable name.
func (e ErrorCode) String() string {
if s := errorCodeStrings[e]; s != "" {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown ErrorCode (%d)", int(e))
// RuleError identifies a rule violation. It is used to indicate that
// processing of a block or transaction failed due to one of the many validation
// rules. The caller can use type assertions to determine if a failure was
// specifically due to a rule violation and access the ErrorCode field to
// ascertain the specific reason for the rule violation.
type RuleError struct {
ErrorCode ErrorCode // Describes the kind of error
Description string // Human readable description of the issue
// Error satisfies the error interface and prints human-readable errors.
func (e RuleError) Error() string {
return e.Description
// ruleError creates an RuleError given a set of arguments.
func ruleError(c ErrorCode, desc string) RuleError {
return RuleError{ErrorCode: c, Description: desc}