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synced 2025-03-15 04:11:37 +01:00
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// Copyright (c) 2016 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package indexers
import (
var (
// indexTipsBucketName is the name of the db bucket used to house the
// current tip of each index.
indexTipsBucketName = []byte("idxtips")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The index manager tracks the current tip of each index by using a parent
// bucket that contains an entry for index.
// The serialized format for an index tip is:
// [<block hash><block height>],...
// Field Type Size
// block hash chainhash.Hash chainhash.HashSize
// block height uint32 4 bytes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dbPutIndexerTip uses an existing database transaction to update or add the
// current tip for the given index to the provided values.
func dbPutIndexerTip(dbTx database.Tx, idxKey []byte, hash *chainhash.Hash, height int32) error {
serialized := make([]byte, chainhash.HashSize+4)
copy(serialized, hash[:])
byteOrder.PutUint32(serialized[chainhash.HashSize:], uint32(height))
indexesBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
return indexesBucket.Put(idxKey, serialized)
// dbFetchIndexerTip uses an existing database transaction to retrieve the
// hash and height of the current tip for the provided index.
func dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx database.Tx, idxKey []byte) (*chainhash.Hash, int32, error) {
indexesBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
serialized := indexesBucket.Get(idxKey)
if len(serialized) < chainhash.HashSize+4 {
return nil, 0, database.Error{
ErrorCode: database.ErrCorruption,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("unexpected end of data for "+
"index %q tip", string(idxKey)),
var hash chainhash.Hash
copy(hash[:], serialized[:chainhash.HashSize])
height := int32(byteOrder.Uint32(serialized[chainhash.HashSize:]))
return &hash, height, nil
// dbIndexConnectBlock adds all of the index entries associated with the
// given block using the provided indexer and updates the tip of the indexer
// accordingly. An error will be returned if the current tip for the indexer is
// not the previous block for the passed block.
func dbIndexConnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, indexer Indexer, block *btcutil.Block,
stxo []blockchain.SpentTxOut) error {
// Assert that the block being connected properly connects to the
// current tip of the index.
idxKey := indexer.Key()
curTipHash, _, err := dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if !curTipHash.IsEqual(&block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock) {
return AssertError(fmt.Sprintf("dbIndexConnectBlock must be "+
"called with a block that extends the current index "+
"tip (%s, tip %s, block %s)", indexer.Name(),
curTipHash, block.Hash()))
// Notify the indexer with the connected block so it can index it.
if err := indexer.ConnectBlock(dbTx, block, stxo); err != nil {
return err
// Update the current index tip.
return dbPutIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey, block.Hash(), block.Height())
// dbIndexDisconnectBlock removes all of the index entries associated with the
// given block using the provided indexer and updates the tip of the indexer
// accordingly. An error will be returned if the current tip for the indexer is
// not the passed block.
func dbIndexDisconnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, indexer Indexer, block *btcutil.Block,
stxo []blockchain.SpentTxOut) error {
// Assert that the block being disconnected is the current tip of the
// index.
idxKey := indexer.Key()
curTipHash, _, err := dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if !curTipHash.IsEqual(block.Hash()) {
return AssertError(fmt.Sprintf("dbIndexDisconnectBlock must "+
"be called with the block at the current index tip "+
"(%s, tip %s, block %s)", indexer.Name(),
curTipHash, block.Hash()))
// Notify the indexer with the disconnected block so it can remove all
// of the appropriate entries.
if err := indexer.DisconnectBlock(dbTx, block, stxo); err != nil {
return err
// Update the current index tip.
prevHash := &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
return dbPutIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey, prevHash, block.Height()-1)
// Manager defines an index manager that manages multiple optional indexes and
// implements the blockchain.IndexManager interface so it can be seamlessly
// plugged into normal chain processing.
type Manager struct {
db database.DB
enabledIndexes []Indexer
// Ensure the Manager type implements the blockchain.IndexManager interface.
var _ blockchain.IndexManager = (*Manager)(nil)
// indexDropKey returns the key for an index which indicates it is in the
// process of being dropped.
func indexDropKey(idxKey []byte) []byte {
dropKey := make([]byte, len(idxKey)+1)
dropKey[0] = 'd'
copy(dropKey[1:], idxKey)
return dropKey
// maybeFinishDrops determines if each of the enabled indexes are in the middle
// of being dropped and finishes dropping them when the are. This is necessary
// because dropping and index has to be done in several atomic steps rather than
// one big atomic step due to the massive number of entries.
func (m *Manager) maybeFinishDrops(interrupt <-chan struct{}) error {
indexNeedsDrop := make([]bool, len(m.enabledIndexes))
err := m.db.View(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
// None of the indexes needs to be dropped if the index tips
// bucket hasn't been created yet.
indexesBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
if indexesBucket == nil {
return nil
// Mark the indexer as requiring a drop if one is already in
// progress.
for i, indexer := range m.enabledIndexes {
dropKey := indexDropKey(indexer.Key())
if indexesBucket.Get(dropKey) != nil {
indexNeedsDrop[i] = true
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
return errInterruptRequested
// Finish dropping any of the enabled indexes that are already in the
// middle of being dropped.
for i, indexer := range m.enabledIndexes {
if !indexNeedsDrop[i] {
log.Infof("Resuming %s drop", indexer.Name())
err := dropIndex(m.db, indexer.Key(), indexer.Name(), interrupt)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// maybeCreateIndexes determines if each of the enabled indexes have already
// been created and creates them if not.
func (m *Manager) maybeCreateIndexes(dbTx database.Tx) error {
indexesBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
for _, indexer := range m.enabledIndexes {
// Nothing to do if the index tip already exists.
idxKey := indexer.Key()
if indexesBucket.Get(idxKey) != nil {
// The tip for the index does not exist, so create it and
// invoke the create callback for the index so it can perform
// any one-time initialization it requires.
if err := indexer.Create(dbTx); err != nil {
return err
// Set the tip for the index to values which represent an
// uninitialized index.
err := dbPutIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey, &chainhash.Hash{}, -1)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Init initializes the enabled indexes. This is called during chain
// initialization and primarily consists of catching up all indexes to the
// current best chain tip. This is necessary since each index can be disabled
// and re-enabled at any time and attempting to catch-up indexes at the same
// time new blocks are being downloaded would lead to an overall longer time to
// catch up due to the I/O contention.
// This is part of the blockchain.IndexManager interface.
func (m *Manager) Init(chain *blockchain.BlockChain, interrupt <-chan struct{}) error {
// Nothing to do when no indexes are enabled.
if len(m.enabledIndexes) == 0 {
return nil
if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
return errInterruptRequested
// Finish and drops that were previously interrupted.
if err := m.maybeFinishDrops(interrupt); err != nil {
return err
// Create the initial state for the indexes as needed.
err := m.db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
// Create the bucket for the current tips as needed.
meta := dbTx.Metadata()
_, err := meta.CreateBucketIfNotExists(indexTipsBucketName)
if err != nil {
return err
return m.maybeCreateIndexes(dbTx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Initialize each of the enabled indexes.
for _, indexer := range m.enabledIndexes {
if err := indexer.Init(); err != nil {
return err
// Rollback indexes to the main chain if their tip is an orphaned fork.
// This is fairly unlikely, but it can happen if the chain is
// reorganized while the index is disabled. This has to be done in
// reverse order because later indexes can depend on earlier ones.
for i := len(m.enabledIndexes); i > 0; i-- {
indexer := m.enabledIndexes[i-1]
// Fetch the current tip for the index.
var height int32
var hash *chainhash.Hash
err := m.db.View(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
idxKey := indexer.Key()
hash, height, err = dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey)
return err
if err != nil {
return err
// Nothing to do if the index does not have any entries yet.
if height == -1 {
// Loop until the tip is a block that exists in the main chain.
initialHeight := height
for !chain.MainChainHasBlock(hash) {
// At this point the index tip is orphaned, so load the
// orphaned block from the database directly and
// disconnect it from the index. The block has to be
// loaded directly since it is no longer in the main
// chain and thus the chain.BlockByHash function would
// error.
var block *btcutil.Block
err := m.db.View(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
blockBytes, err := dbTx.FetchBlock(hash)
if err != nil {
return err
block, err = btcutil.NewBlockFromBytes(blockBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
if err != nil {
return err
// We'll also grab the set of outputs spent by this
// block so we can remove them from the index.
spentTxos, err := chain.FetchSpendJournal(block)
if err != nil {
return err
// With the block and stxo set for that block retrieved,
// we can now update the index itself.
err = m.db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
// Remove all of the index entries associated
// with the block and update the indexer tip.
err = dbIndexDisconnectBlock(
dbTx, indexer, block, spentTxos,
if err != nil {
return err
// Update the tip to the previous block.
hash = &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
return errInterruptRequested
if initialHeight != height {
log.Infof("Removed %d orphaned blocks from %s "+
"(heights %d to %d)", initialHeight-height,
indexer.Name(), height+1, initialHeight)
// Fetch the current tip heights for each index along with tracking the
// lowest one so the catchup code only needs to start at the earliest
// block and is able to skip connecting the block for the indexes that
// don't need it.
bestHeight := chain.BestSnapshot().Height
lowestHeight := bestHeight
indexerHeights := make([]int32, len(m.enabledIndexes))
err = m.db.View(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
for i, indexer := range m.enabledIndexes {
idxKey := indexer.Key()
hash, height, err := dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Current %s tip (height %d, hash %v)",
indexer.Name(), height, hash)
indexerHeights[i] = height
if height < lowestHeight {
lowestHeight = height
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Nothing to index if all of the indexes are caught up.
if lowestHeight == bestHeight {
return nil
// Create a progress logger for the indexing process below.
progressLogger := newBlockProgressLogger("Indexed", log)
// At this point, one or more indexes are behind the current best chain
// tip and need to be caught up, so log the details and loop through
// each block that needs to be indexed.
log.Infof("Catching up indexes from height %d to %d", lowestHeight,
for height := lowestHeight + 1; height <= bestHeight; height++ {
// Load the block for the height since it is required to index
// it.
block, err := chain.BlockByHeight(height)
if err != nil {
return err
if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
return errInterruptRequested
// Connect the block for all indexes that need it.
var spentTxos []blockchain.SpentTxOut
for i, indexer := range m.enabledIndexes {
// Skip indexes that don't need to be updated with this
// block.
if indexerHeights[i] >= height {
// When the index requires all of the referenced txouts
// and they haven't been loaded yet, they need to be
// retrieved from the spend journal.
if spentTxos == nil && indexNeedsInputs(indexer) {
spentTxos, err = chain.FetchSpendJournal(block)
if err != nil {
return err
err := m.db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
return dbIndexConnectBlock(
dbTx, indexer, block, spentTxos,
if err != nil {
return err
indexerHeights[i] = height
// Log indexing progress.
if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
return errInterruptRequested
log.Infof("Indexes caught up to height %d", bestHeight)
return nil
// indexNeedsInputs returns whether or not the index needs access to the txouts
// referenced by the transaction inputs being indexed.
func indexNeedsInputs(index Indexer) bool {
if idx, ok := index.(NeedsInputser); ok {
return idx.NeedsInputs()
return false
// dbFetchTx looks up the passed transaction hash in the transaction index and
// loads it from the database.
func dbFetchTx(dbTx database.Tx, hash *chainhash.Hash) (*wire.MsgTx, error) {
// Look up the location of the transaction.
blockRegion, err := dbFetchTxIndexEntry(dbTx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if blockRegion == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("transaction %v not found", hash)
// Load the raw transaction bytes from the database.
txBytes, err := dbTx.FetchBlockRegion(blockRegion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Deserialize the transaction.
var msgTx wire.MsgTx
err = msgTx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(txBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &msgTx, nil
// ConnectBlock must be invoked when a block is extending the main chain. It
// keeps track of the state of each index it is managing, performs some sanity
// checks, and invokes each indexer.
// This is part of the blockchain.IndexManager interface.
func (m *Manager) ConnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block,
stxos []blockchain.SpentTxOut) error {
// Call each of the currently active optional indexes with the block
// being connected so they can update accordingly.
for _, index := range m.enabledIndexes {
err := dbIndexConnectBlock(dbTx, index, block, stxos)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DisconnectBlock must be invoked when a block is being disconnected from the
// end of the main chain. It keeps track of the state of each index it is
// managing, performs some sanity checks, and invokes each indexer to remove
// the index entries associated with the block.
// This is part of the blockchain.IndexManager interface.
func (m *Manager) DisconnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block,
stxo []blockchain.SpentTxOut) error {
// Call each of the currently active optional indexes with the block
// being disconnected so they can update accordingly.
for _, index := range m.enabledIndexes {
err := dbIndexDisconnectBlock(dbTx, index, block, stxo)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NewManager returns a new index manager with the provided indexes enabled.
// The manager returned satisfies the blockchain.IndexManager interface and thus
// cleanly plugs into the normal blockchain processing path.
func NewManager(db database.DB, enabledIndexes []Indexer) *Manager {
return &Manager{
db: db,
enabledIndexes: enabledIndexes,
// dropIndex drops the passed index from the database. Since indexes can be
// massive, it deletes the index in multiple database transactions in order to
// keep memory usage to reasonable levels. It also marks the drop in progress
// so the drop can be resumed if it is stopped before it is done before the
// index can be used again.
func dropIndex(db database.DB, idxKey []byte, idxName string, interrupt <-chan struct{}) error {
// Nothing to do if the index doesn't already exist.
var needsDelete bool
err := db.View(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
indexesBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
if indexesBucket != nil && indexesBucket.Get(idxKey) != nil {
needsDelete = true
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if !needsDelete {
log.Infof("Not dropping %s because it does not exist", idxName)
return nil
// Mark that the index is in the process of being dropped so that it
// can be resumed on the next start if interrupted before the process is
// complete.
log.Infof("Dropping all %s entries. This might take a while...",
err = db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
indexesBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
return indexesBucket.Put(indexDropKey(idxKey), idxKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// Since the indexes can be so large, attempting to simply delete
// the bucket in a single database transaction would result in massive
// memory usage and likely crash many systems due to ulimits. In order
// to avoid this, use a cursor to delete a maximum number of entries out
// of the bucket at a time. Recurse buckets depth-first to delete any
// sub-buckets.
const maxDeletions = 2000000
var totalDeleted uint64
// Recurse through all buckets in the index, cataloging each for
// later deletion.
var subBuckets [][][]byte
var subBucketClosure func(database.Tx, []byte, [][]byte) error
subBucketClosure = func(dbTx database.Tx,
subBucket []byte, tlBucket [][]byte) error {
// Get full bucket name and append to subBuckets for later
// deletion.
var bucketName [][]byte
if (tlBucket == nil) || (len(tlBucket) == 0) {
bucketName = append(bucketName, subBucket)
} else {
bucketName = append(tlBucket, subBucket)
subBuckets = append(subBuckets, bucketName)
// Recurse sub-buckets to append to subBuckets slice.
bucket := dbTx.Metadata()
for _, subBucketName := range bucketName {
bucket = bucket.Bucket(subBucketName)
return bucket.ForEachBucket(func(k []byte) error {
return subBucketClosure(dbTx, k, bucketName)
// Call subBucketClosure with top-level bucket.
err = db.View(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
return subBucketClosure(dbTx, idxKey, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
// Iterate through each sub-bucket in reverse, deepest-first, deleting
// all keys inside them and then dropping the buckets themselves.
for i := range subBuckets {
bucketName := subBuckets[len(subBuckets)-1-i]
// Delete maxDeletions key/value pairs at a time.
for numDeleted := maxDeletions; numDeleted == maxDeletions; {
numDeleted = 0
err := db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
subBucket := dbTx.Metadata()
for _, subBucketName := range bucketName {
subBucket = subBucket.Bucket(subBucketName)
cursor := subBucket.Cursor()
for ok := cursor.First(); ok; ok = cursor.Next() &&
numDeleted < maxDeletions {
if err := cursor.Delete(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if numDeleted > 0 {
totalDeleted += uint64(numDeleted)
log.Infof("Deleted %d keys (%d total) from %s",
numDeleted, totalDeleted, idxName)
if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
return errInterruptRequested
// Drop the bucket itself.
err = db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
bucket := dbTx.Metadata()
for j := 0; j < len(bucketName)-1; j++ {
bucket = bucket.Bucket(bucketName[j])
return bucket.DeleteBucket(bucketName[len(bucketName)-1])
// Call extra index specific deinitialization for the transaction index.
if idxName == txIndexName {
if err := dropBlockIDIndex(db); err != nil {
return err
// Remove the index tip, index bucket, and in-progress drop flag now
// that all index entries have been removed.
err = db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
meta := dbTx.Metadata()
indexesBucket := meta.Bucket(indexTipsBucketName)
if err := indexesBucket.Delete(idxKey); err != nil {
return err
return indexesBucket.Delete(indexDropKey(idxKey))
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("Dropped %s", idxName)
return nil