mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 17:57:50 +01:00
This commit adds two new cli flags: one for accepting non-std transactions, and the other for rejecting non-std transactions. The two flag are rejected when using concurrently. Config parsing is set up such that, the desired policy expressed via the config always overrides the policy set by default for a particular chain. The doc.go files and the sample-btcd.conf file have been updated to document the new flags exposing further policy control.
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/btcsuite/btcd/database/ffldb"
flags "github.com/btcsuite/go-flags"
const (
defaultConfigFilename = "btcd.conf"
defaultDataDirname = "data"
defaultLogLevel = "info"
defaultLogDirname = "logs"
defaultLogFilename = "btcd.log"
defaultMaxPeers = 125
defaultBanDuration = time.Hour * 24
defaultBanThreshold = 100
defaultMaxRPCClients = 10
defaultMaxRPCWebsockets = 25
defaultVerifyEnabled = false
defaultDbType = "ffldb"
defaultFreeTxRelayLimit = 15.0
defaultBlockMinSize = 0
defaultBlockMaxSize = 750000
blockMaxSizeMin = 1000
blockMaxSizeMax = wire.MaxBlockPayload - 1000
defaultGenerate = false
defaultMaxOrphanTransactions = 1000
defaultMaxOrphanTxSize = 5000
defaultSigCacheMaxSize = 100000
defaultTxIndex = false
defaultAddrIndex = false
var (
btcdHomeDir = btcutil.AppDataDir("btcd", false)
defaultConfigFile = filepath.Join(btcdHomeDir, defaultConfigFilename)
defaultDataDir = filepath.Join(btcdHomeDir, defaultDataDirname)
knownDbTypes = database.SupportedDrivers()
defaultRPCKeyFile = filepath.Join(btcdHomeDir, "rpc.key")
defaultRPCCertFile = filepath.Join(btcdHomeDir, "rpc.cert")
defaultLogDir = filepath.Join(btcdHomeDir, defaultLogDirname)
// runServiceCommand is only set to a real function on Windows. It is used
// to parse and execute service commands specified via the -s flag.
var runServiceCommand func(string) error
// minUint32 is a helper function to return the minimum of two uint32s.
// This avoids a math import and the need to cast to floats.
func minUint32(a, b uint32) uint32 {
if a < b {
return a
return b
// config defines the configuration options for btcd.
// See loadConfig for details on the configuration load process.
type config struct {
ShowVersion bool `short:"V" long:"version" description:"Display version information and exit"`
ConfigFile string `short:"C" long:"configfile" description:"Path to configuration file"`
DataDir string `short:"b" long:"datadir" description:"Directory to store data"`
LogDir string `long:"logdir" description:"Directory to log output."`
AddPeers []string `short:"a" long:"addpeer" description:"Add a peer to connect with at startup"`
ConnectPeers []string `long:"connect" description:"Connect only to the specified peers at startup"`
DisableListen bool `long:"nolisten" description:"Disable listening for incoming connections -- NOTE: Listening is automatically disabled if the --connect or --proxy options are used without also specifying listen interfaces via --listen"`
Listeners []string `long:"listen" description:"Add an interface/port to listen for connections (default all interfaces port: 8333, testnet: 18333)"`
MaxPeers int `long:"maxpeers" description:"Max number of inbound and outbound peers"`
DisableBanning bool `long:"nobanning" description:"Disable banning of misbehaving peers"`
BanDuration time.Duration `long:"banduration" description:"How long to ban misbehaving peers. Valid time units are {s, m, h}. Minimum 1 second"`
BanThreshold uint32 `long:"banthreshold" description:"Maximum allowed ban score before disconnecting and banning misbehaving peers."`
RPCUser string `short:"u" long:"rpcuser" description:"Username for RPC connections"`
RPCPass string `short:"P" long:"rpcpass" default-mask:"-" description:"Password for RPC connections"`
RPCLimitUser string `long:"rpclimituser" description:"Username for limited RPC connections"`
RPCLimitPass string `long:"rpclimitpass" default-mask:"-" description:"Password for limited RPC connections"`
RPCListeners []string `long:"rpclisten" description:"Add an interface/port to listen for RPC connections (default port: 8334, testnet: 18334)"`
RPCCert string `long:"rpccert" description:"File containing the certificate file"`
RPCKey string `long:"rpckey" description:"File containing the certificate key"`
RPCMaxClients int `long:"rpcmaxclients" description:"Max number of RPC clients for standard connections"`
RPCMaxWebsockets int `long:"rpcmaxwebsockets" description:"Max number of RPC websocket connections"`
DisableRPC bool `long:"norpc" description:"Disable built-in RPC server -- NOTE: The RPC server is disabled by default if no rpcuser/rpcpass or rpclimituser/rpclimitpass is specified"`
DisableTLS bool `long:"notls" description:"Disable TLS for the RPC server -- NOTE: This is only allowed if the RPC server is bound to localhost"`
DisableDNSSeed bool `long:"nodnsseed" description:"Disable DNS seeding for peers"`
ExternalIPs []string `long:"externalip" description:"Add an ip to the list of local addresses we claim to listen on to peers"`
Proxy string `long:"proxy" description:"Connect via SOCKS5 proxy (eg."`
ProxyUser string `long:"proxyuser" description:"Username for proxy server"`
ProxyPass string `long:"proxypass" default-mask:"-" description:"Password for proxy server"`
OnionProxy string `long:"onion" description:"Connect to tor hidden services via SOCKS5 proxy (eg."`
OnionProxyUser string `long:"onionuser" description:"Username for onion proxy server"`
OnionProxyPass string `long:"onionpass" default-mask:"-" description:"Password for onion proxy server"`
NoOnion bool `long:"noonion" description:"Disable connecting to tor hidden services"`
TorIsolation bool `long:"torisolation" description:"Enable Tor stream isolation by randomizing user credentials for each connection."`
TestNet3 bool `long:"testnet" description:"Use the test network"`
RegressionTest bool `long:"regtest" description:"Use the regression test network"`
SimNet bool `long:"simnet" description:"Use the simulation test network"`
DisableCheckpoints bool `long:"nocheckpoints" description:"Disable built-in checkpoints. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing."`
DbType string `long:"dbtype" description:"Database backend to use for the Block Chain"`
Profile string `long:"profile" description:"Enable HTTP profiling on given port -- NOTE port must be between 1024 and 65536"`
CPUProfile string `long:"cpuprofile" description:"Write CPU profile to the specified file"`
DebugLevel string `short:"d" long:"debuglevel" description:"Logging level for all subsystems {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical} -- You may also specify <subsystem>=<level>,<subsystem2>=<level>,... to set the log level for individual subsystems -- Use show to list available subsystems"`
Upnp bool `long:"upnp" description:"Use UPnP to map our listening port outside of NAT"`
MinRelayTxFee float64 `long:"minrelaytxfee" description:"The minimum transaction fee in BTC/kB to be considered a non-zero fee."`
FreeTxRelayLimit float64 `long:"limitfreerelay" description:"Limit relay of transactions with no transaction fee to the given amount in thousands of bytes per minute"`
NoRelayPriority bool `long:"norelaypriority" description:"Do not require free or low-fee transactions to have high priority for relaying"`
MaxOrphanTxs int `long:"maxorphantx" description:"Max number of orphan transactions to keep in memory"`
Generate bool `long:"generate" description:"Generate (mine) bitcoins using the CPU"`
MiningAddrs []string `long:"miningaddr" description:"Add the specified payment address to the list of addresses to use for generated blocks -- At least one address is required if the generate option is set"`
BlockMinSize uint32 `long:"blockminsize" description:"Mininum block size in bytes to be used when creating a block"`
BlockMaxSize uint32 `long:"blockmaxsize" description:"Maximum block size in bytes to be used when creating a block"`
BlockPrioritySize uint32 `long:"blockprioritysize" description:"Size in bytes for high-priority/low-fee transactions when creating a block"`
GetWorkKeys []string `long:"getworkkey" description:"DEPRECATED -- Use the --miningaddr option instead"`
NoPeerBloomFilters bool `long:"nopeerbloomfilters" description:"Disable bloom filtering support"`
SigCacheMaxSize uint `long:"sigcachemaxsize" description:"The maximum number of entries in the signature verification cache"`
BlocksOnly bool `long:"blocksonly" description:"Do not accept transactions from remote peers."`
TxIndex bool `long:"txindex" description:"Maintain a full hash-based transaction index which makes all transactions available via the getrawtransaction RPC"`
DropTxIndex bool `long:"droptxindex" description:"Deletes the hash-based transaction index from the database on start up and then exits."`
AddrIndex bool `long:"addrindex" description:"Maintain a full address-based transaction index which makes the searchrawtransactions RPC available"`
DropAddrIndex bool `long:"dropaddrindex" description:"Deletes the address-based transaction index from the database on start up and then exits."`
RelayNonStd bool `long:"relaynonstd" description:"Relay non-standard transactions regardless of the default settings for the active network."`
RejectNonStd bool `long:"rejectnonstd" description:"Reject non-standard transactions regardless of the default settings for the active network."`
onionlookup func(string) ([]net.IP, error)
lookup func(string) ([]net.IP, error)
oniondial func(string, string) (net.Conn, error)
dial func(string, string) (net.Conn, error)
miningAddrs []btcutil.Address
minRelayTxFee btcutil.Amount
// serviceOptions defines the configuration options for btcd as a service on
// Windows.
type serviceOptions struct {
ServiceCommand string `short:"s" long:"service" description:"Service command {install, remove, start, stop}"`
// cleanAndExpandPath expands environment variables and leading ~ in the
// passed path, cleans the result, and returns it.
func cleanAndExpandPath(path string) string {
// Expand initial ~ to OS specific home directory.
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "~") {
homeDir := filepath.Dir(btcdHomeDir)
path = strings.Replace(path, "~", homeDir, 1)
// NOTE: The os.ExpandEnv doesn't work with Windows-style %VARIABLE%,
// but they variables can still be expanded via POSIX-style $VARIABLE.
return filepath.Clean(os.ExpandEnv(path))
// validLogLevel returns whether or not logLevel is a valid debug log level.
func validLogLevel(logLevel string) bool {
switch logLevel {
case "trace":
case "debug":
case "info":
case "warn":
case "error":
case "critical":
return true
return false
// supportedSubsystems returns a sorted slice of the supported subsystems for
// logging purposes.
func supportedSubsystems() []string {
// Convert the subsystemLoggers map keys to a slice.
subsystems := make([]string, 0, len(subsystemLoggers))
for subsysID := range subsystemLoggers {
subsystems = append(subsystems, subsysID)
// Sort the subsystems for stable display.
return subsystems
// parseAndSetDebugLevels attempts to parse the specified debug level and set
// the levels accordingly. An appropriate error is returned if anything is
// invalid.
func parseAndSetDebugLevels(debugLevel string) error {
// When the specified string doesn't have any delimters, treat it as
// the log level for all subsystems.
if !strings.Contains(debugLevel, ",") && !strings.Contains(debugLevel, "=") {
// Validate debug log level.
if !validLogLevel(debugLevel) {
str := "The specified debug level [%v] is invalid"
return fmt.Errorf(str, debugLevel)
// Change the logging level for all subsystems.
return nil
// Split the specified string into subsystem/level pairs while detecting
// issues and update the log levels accordingly.
for _, logLevelPair := range strings.Split(debugLevel, ",") {
if !strings.Contains(logLevelPair, "=") {
str := "The specified debug level contains an invalid " +
"subsystem/level pair [%v]"
return fmt.Errorf(str, logLevelPair)
// Extract the specified subsystem and log level.
fields := strings.Split(logLevelPair, "=")
subsysID, logLevel := fields[0], fields[1]
// Validate subsystem.
if _, exists := subsystemLoggers[subsysID]; !exists {
str := "The specified subsystem [%v] is invalid -- " +
"supported subsytems %v"
return fmt.Errorf(str, subsysID, supportedSubsystems())
// Validate log level.
if !validLogLevel(logLevel) {
str := "The specified debug level [%v] is invalid"
return fmt.Errorf(str, logLevel)
setLogLevel(subsysID, logLevel)
return nil
// validDbType returns whether or not dbType is a supported database type.
func validDbType(dbType string) bool {
for _, knownType := range knownDbTypes {
if dbType == knownType {
return true
return false
// removeDuplicateAddresses returns a new slice with all duplicate entries in
// addrs removed.
func removeDuplicateAddresses(addrs []string) []string {
result := make([]string, 0, len(addrs))
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, val := range addrs {
if _, ok := seen[val]; !ok {
result = append(result, val)
seen[val] = struct{}{}
return result
// normalizeAddress returns addr with the passed default port appended if
// there is not already a port specified.
func normalizeAddress(addr, defaultPort string) string {
_, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
return net.JoinHostPort(addr, defaultPort)
return addr
// normalizeAddresses returns a new slice with all the passed peer addresses
// normalized with the given default port, and all duplicates removed.
func normalizeAddresses(addrs []string, defaultPort string) []string {
for i, addr := range addrs {
addrs[i] = normalizeAddress(addr, defaultPort)
return removeDuplicateAddresses(addrs)
// filesExists reports whether the named file or directory exists.
func fileExists(name string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// newConfigParser returns a new command line flags parser.
func newConfigParser(cfg *config, so *serviceOptions, options flags.Options) *flags.Parser {
parser := flags.NewParser(cfg, options)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
parser.AddGroup("Service Options", "Service Options", so)
return parser
// loadConfig initializes and parses the config using a config file and command
// line options.
// The configuration proceeds as follows:
// 1) Start with a default config with sane settings
// 2) Pre-parse the command line to check for an alternative config file
// 3) Load configuration file overwriting defaults with any specified options
// 4) Parse CLI options and overwrite/add any specified options
// The above results in btcd functioning properly without any config settings
// while still allowing the user to override settings with config files and
// command line options. Command line options always take precedence.
func loadConfig() (*config, []string, error) {
// Default config.
cfg := config{
ConfigFile: defaultConfigFile,
DebugLevel: defaultLogLevel,
MaxPeers: defaultMaxPeers,
BanDuration: defaultBanDuration,
BanThreshold: defaultBanThreshold,
RPCMaxClients: defaultMaxRPCClients,
RPCMaxWebsockets: defaultMaxRPCWebsockets,
DataDir: defaultDataDir,
LogDir: defaultLogDir,
DbType: defaultDbType,
RPCKey: defaultRPCKeyFile,
RPCCert: defaultRPCCertFile,
MinRelayTxFee: mempool.DefaultMinRelayTxFee.ToBTC(),
FreeTxRelayLimit: defaultFreeTxRelayLimit,
BlockMinSize: defaultBlockMinSize,
BlockMaxSize: defaultBlockMaxSize,
BlockPrioritySize: mempool.DefaultBlockPrioritySize,
MaxOrphanTxs: defaultMaxOrphanTransactions,
SigCacheMaxSize: defaultSigCacheMaxSize,
Generate: defaultGenerate,
TxIndex: defaultTxIndex,
AddrIndex: defaultAddrIndex,
// Service options which are only added on Windows.
serviceOpts := serviceOptions{}
// Pre-parse the command line options to see if an alternative config
// file or the version flag was specified. Any errors aside from the
// help message error can be ignored here since they will be caught by
// the final parse below.
preCfg := cfg
preParser := newConfigParser(&preCfg, &serviceOpts, flags.HelpFlag)
_, err := preParser.Parse()
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*flags.Error); ok && e.Type == flags.ErrHelp {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return nil, nil, err
// Show the version and exit if the version flag was specified.
appName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
appName = strings.TrimSuffix(appName, filepath.Ext(appName))
usageMessage := fmt.Sprintf("Use %s -h to show usage", appName)
if preCfg.ShowVersion {
fmt.Println(appName, "version", version())
// Perform service command and exit if specified. Invalid service
// commands show an appropriate error. Only runs on Windows since
// the runServiceCommand function will be nil when not on Windows.
if serviceOpts.ServiceCommand != "" && runServiceCommand != nil {
err := runServiceCommand(serviceOpts.ServiceCommand)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Load additional config from file.
var configFileError error
parser := newConfigParser(&cfg, &serviceOpts, flags.Default)
if !(preCfg.RegressionTest || preCfg.SimNet) || preCfg.ConfigFile !=
defaultConfigFile {
if _, err := os.Stat(preCfg.ConfigFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := createDefaultConfigFile(preCfg.ConfigFile)
if err != nil {
btcdLog.Warnf("Error creating a default config file: %v", err)
err := flags.NewIniParser(parser).ParseFile(preCfg.ConfigFile)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*os.PathError); !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error parsing config "+
"file: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
configFileError = err
// Don't add peers from the config file when in regression test mode.
if preCfg.RegressionTest && len(cfg.AddPeers) > 0 {
cfg.AddPeers = nil
// Parse command line options again to ensure they take precedence.
remainingArgs, err := parser.Parse()
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*flags.Error); !ok || e.Type != flags.ErrHelp {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Create the home directory if it doesn't already exist.
funcName := "loadConfig"
err = os.MkdirAll(btcdHomeDir, 0700)
if err != nil {
// Show a nicer error message if it's because a symlink is
// linked to a directory that does not exist (probably because
// it's not mounted).
if e, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok && os.IsExist(err) {
if link, lerr := os.Readlink(e.Path); lerr == nil {
str := "is symlink %s -> %s mounted?"
err = fmt.Errorf(str, e.Path, link)
str := "%s: Failed to create home directory: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return nil, nil, err
// Multiple networks can't be selected simultaneously.
numNets := 0
// Count number of network flags passed; assign active network params
// while we're at it
if cfg.TestNet3 {
activeNetParams = &testNet3Params
if cfg.RegressionTest {
activeNetParams = ®ressionNetParams
if cfg.SimNet {
// Also disable dns seeding on the simulation test network.
activeNetParams = &simNetParams
cfg.DisableDNSSeed = true
if numNets > 1 {
str := "%s: The testnet, regtest, and simnet params can't be " +
"used together -- choose one of the three"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Set the default policy for relaying non-standard transactions
// according to the default of the active network. The set
// configuration value takes precedence over the default value for the
// selected network.
relayNonStd := activeNetParams.RelayNonStdTxs
switch {
case cfg.RelayNonStd && cfg.RejectNonStd:
str := "%s: rejectnonstd and relaynonstd cannot be used " +
"together -- choose only one"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
case cfg.RejectNonStd:
relayNonStd = false
case cfg.RelayNonStd:
relayNonStd = true
cfg.RelayNonStd = relayNonStd
// Append the network type to the data directory so it is "namespaced"
// per network. In addition to the block database, there are other
// pieces of data that are saved to disk such as address manager state.
// All data is specific to a network, so namespacing the data directory
// means each individual piece of serialized data does not have to
// worry about changing names per network and such.
cfg.DataDir = cleanAndExpandPath(cfg.DataDir)
cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, netName(activeNetParams))
// Append the network type to the log directory so it is "namespaced"
// per network in the same fashion as the data directory.
cfg.LogDir = cleanAndExpandPath(cfg.LogDir)
cfg.LogDir = filepath.Join(cfg.LogDir, netName(activeNetParams))
// Special show command to list supported subsystems and exit.
if cfg.DebugLevel == "show" {
fmt.Println("Supported subsystems", supportedSubsystems())
// Initialize logging at the default logging level.
initSeelogLogger(filepath.Join(cfg.LogDir, defaultLogFilename))
// Parse, validate, and set debug log level(s).
if err := parseAndSetDebugLevels(cfg.DebugLevel); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", funcName, err.Error())
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Validate database type.
if !validDbType(cfg.DbType) {
str := "%s: The specified database type [%v] is invalid -- " +
"supported types %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, cfg.DbType, knownDbTypes)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Validate profile port number
if cfg.Profile != "" {
profilePort, err := strconv.Atoi(cfg.Profile)
if err != nil || profilePort < 1024 || profilePort > 65535 {
str := "%s: The profile port must be between 1024 and 65535"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Don't allow ban durations that are too short.
if cfg.BanDuration < time.Duration(time.Second) {
str := "%s: The banduration option may not be less than 1s -- parsed [%v]"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, cfg.BanDuration)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// --addPeer and --connect do not mix.
if len(cfg.AddPeers) > 0 && len(cfg.ConnectPeers) > 0 {
str := "%s: the --addpeer and --connect options can not be " +
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// --proxy or --connect without --listen disables listening.
if (cfg.Proxy != "" || len(cfg.ConnectPeers) > 0) &&
len(cfg.Listeners) == 0 {
cfg.DisableListen = true
// Connect means no DNS seeding.
if len(cfg.ConnectPeers) > 0 {
cfg.DisableDNSSeed = true
// Add the default listener if none were specified. The default
// listener is all addresses on the listen port for the network
// we are to connect to.
if len(cfg.Listeners) == 0 {
cfg.Listeners = []string{
net.JoinHostPort("", activeNetParams.DefaultPort),
// Check to make sure limited and admin users don't have the same username
if cfg.RPCUser == cfg.RPCLimitUser && cfg.RPCUser != "" {
str := "%s: --rpcuser and --rpclimituser must not specify the " +
"same username"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Check to make sure limited and admin users don't have the same password
if cfg.RPCPass == cfg.RPCLimitPass && cfg.RPCPass != "" {
str := "%s: --rpcpass and --rpclimitpass must not specify the " +
"same password"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// The RPC server is disabled if no username or password is provided.
if (cfg.RPCUser == "" || cfg.RPCPass == "") &&
(cfg.RPCLimitUser == "" || cfg.RPCLimitPass == "") {
cfg.DisableRPC = true
// Default RPC to listen on localhost only.
if !cfg.DisableRPC && len(cfg.RPCListeners) == 0 {
addrs, err := net.LookupHost("localhost")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cfg.RPCListeners = make([]string, 0, len(addrs))
for _, addr := range addrs {
addr = net.JoinHostPort(addr, activeNetParams.rpcPort)
cfg.RPCListeners = append(cfg.RPCListeners, addr)
// Validate the the minrelaytxfee.
cfg.minRelayTxFee, err = btcutil.NewAmount(cfg.MinRelayTxFee)
if err != nil {
str := "%s: invalid minrelaytxfee: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Limit the max block size to a sane value.
if cfg.BlockMaxSize < blockMaxSizeMin || cfg.BlockMaxSize >
blockMaxSizeMax {
str := "%s: The blockmaxsize option must be in between %d " +
"and %d -- parsed [%d]"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, blockMaxSizeMin,
blockMaxSizeMax, cfg.BlockMaxSize)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Limit the max orphan count to a sane vlue.
if cfg.MaxOrphanTxs < 0 {
str := "%s: The maxorphantx option may not be less than 0 " +
"-- parsed [%d]"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, cfg.MaxOrphanTxs)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Limit the block priority and minimum block sizes to max block size.
cfg.BlockPrioritySize = minUint32(cfg.BlockPrioritySize, cfg.BlockMaxSize)
cfg.BlockMinSize = minUint32(cfg.BlockMinSize, cfg.BlockMaxSize)
// --txindex and --droptxindex do not mix.
if cfg.TxIndex && cfg.DropTxIndex {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s: the --txindex and --droptxindex "+
"options may not be activated at the same time",
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// --addrindex and --dropaddrindex do not mix.
if cfg.AddrIndex && cfg.DropAddrIndex {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s: the --addrindex and --dropaddrindex "+
"options may not be activated at the same time",
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// --addrindex and --droptxindex do not mix.
if cfg.AddrIndex && cfg.DropTxIndex {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s: the --addrindex and --droptxindex "+
"options may not be activated at the same time "+
"because the address index relies on the transaction "+
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Check getwork keys are valid and saved parsed versions.
cfg.miningAddrs = make([]btcutil.Address, 0, len(cfg.GetWorkKeys)+
for _, strAddr := range cfg.GetWorkKeys {
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(strAddr,
if err != nil {
str := "%s: getworkkey '%s' failed to decode: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, strAddr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
if !addr.IsForNet(activeNetParams.Params) {
str := "%s: getworkkey '%s' is on the wrong network"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, strAddr)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
cfg.miningAddrs = append(cfg.miningAddrs, addr)
// Check mining addresses are valid and saved parsed versions.
for _, strAddr := range cfg.MiningAddrs {
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(strAddr, activeNetParams.Params)
if err != nil {
str := "%s: mining address '%s' failed to decode: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, strAddr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
if !addr.IsForNet(activeNetParams.Params) {
str := "%s: mining address '%s' is on the wrong network"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, strAddr)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
cfg.miningAddrs = append(cfg.miningAddrs, addr)
// Ensure there is at least one mining address when the generate flag is
// set.
if cfg.Generate && len(cfg.MiningAddrs) == 0 {
str := "%s: the generate flag is set, but there are no mining " +
"addresses specified "
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Add default port to all listener addresses if needed and remove
// duplicate addresses.
cfg.Listeners = normalizeAddresses(cfg.Listeners,
// Add default port to all rpc listener addresses if needed and remove
// duplicate addresses.
cfg.RPCListeners = normalizeAddresses(cfg.RPCListeners,
// Only allow TLS to be disabled if the RPC is bound to localhost
// addresses.
if !cfg.DisableRPC && cfg.DisableTLS {
allowedTLSListeners := map[string]struct{}{
"localhost": {},
"": {},
"::1": {},
for _, addr := range cfg.RPCListeners {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
str := "%s: RPC listen interface '%s' is " +
"invalid: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, addr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
if _, ok := allowedTLSListeners[host]; !ok {
str := "%s: the --notls option may not be used " +
"when binding RPC to non localhost " +
"addresses: %s"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, addr)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Add default port to all added peer addresses if needed and remove
// duplicate addresses.
cfg.AddPeers = normalizeAddresses(cfg.AddPeers,
cfg.ConnectPeers = normalizeAddresses(cfg.ConnectPeers,
// Tor stream isolation requires either proxy or onion proxy to be set.
if cfg.TorIsolation && cfg.Proxy == "" && cfg.OnionProxy == "" {
str := "%s: Tor stream isolation requires either proxy or " +
"onionproxy to be set"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
// Setup dial and DNS resolution (lookup) functions depending on the
// specified options. The default is to use the standard net.Dial
// function as well as the system DNS resolver. When a proxy is
// specified, the dial function is set to the proxy specific dial
// function and the lookup is set to use tor (unless --noonion is
// specified in which case the system DNS resolver is used).
cfg.dial = net.Dial
cfg.lookup = net.LookupIP
if cfg.Proxy != "" {
_, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.Proxy)
if err != nil {
str := "%s: Proxy address '%s' is invalid: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, cfg.Proxy, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
if cfg.TorIsolation &&
(cfg.ProxyUser != "" || cfg.ProxyPass != "") {
btcdLog.Warn("Tor isolation set -- overriding " +
"specified proxy user credentials")
proxy := &socks.Proxy{
Addr: cfg.Proxy,
Username: cfg.ProxyUser,
Password: cfg.ProxyPass,
TorIsolation: cfg.TorIsolation,
cfg.dial = proxy.Dial
if !cfg.NoOnion {
cfg.lookup = func(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
return torLookupIP(host, cfg.Proxy)
// Setup onion address dial and DNS resolution (lookup) functions
// depending on the specified options. The default is to use the
// same dial and lookup functions selected above. However, when an
// onion-specific proxy is specified, the onion address dial and
// lookup functions are set to use the onion-specific proxy while
// leaving the normal dial and lookup functions as selected above.
// This allows .onion address traffic to be routed through a different
// proxy than normal traffic.
if cfg.OnionProxy != "" {
_, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.OnionProxy)
if err != nil {
str := "%s: Onion proxy address '%s' is invalid: %v"
err := fmt.Errorf(str, funcName, cfg.OnionProxy, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
return nil, nil, err
if cfg.TorIsolation &&
(cfg.OnionProxyUser != "" || cfg.OnionProxyPass != "") {
btcdLog.Warn("Tor isolation set -- overriding " +
"specified onionproxy user credentials ")
cfg.oniondial = func(a, b string) (net.Conn, error) {
proxy := &socks.Proxy{
Addr: cfg.OnionProxy,
Username: cfg.OnionProxyUser,
Password: cfg.OnionProxyPass,
TorIsolation: cfg.TorIsolation,
return proxy.Dial(a, b)
cfg.onionlookup = func(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
return torLookupIP(host, cfg.OnionProxy)
} else {
cfg.oniondial = cfg.dial
cfg.onionlookup = cfg.lookup
// Specifying --noonion means the onion address dial and DNS resolution
// (lookup) functions result in an error.
if cfg.NoOnion {
cfg.oniondial = func(a, b string) (net.Conn, error) {
return nil, errors.New("tor has been disabled")
cfg.onionlookup = func(a string) ([]net.IP, error) {
return nil, errors.New("tor has been disabled")
// Warn about missing config file only after all other configuration is
// done. This prevents the warning on help messages and invalid
// options. Note this should go directly before the return.
if configFileError != nil {
btcdLog.Warnf("%v", configFileError)
return &cfg, remainingArgs, nil
// createDefaultConfig copies the file sample-btcd.conf to the given destination path,
// and populates it with some randomly generated RPC username and password.
func createDefaultConfigFile(destinationPath string) error {
// Create the destination directory if it does not exists
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(destinationPath), 0700)
// We get the sample config file path, which is in the same directory as this file.
_, path, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
sampleConfigPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), "sample-btcd.conf")
// We generate a random user and password
randomBytes := make([]byte, 20)
_, err := rand.Read(randomBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
generatedRPCUser := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(randomBytes)
_, err = rand.Read(randomBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
generatedRPCPass := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(randomBytes)
src, err := os.Open(sampleConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer src.Close()
dest, err := os.OpenFile(destinationPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0700)
if err != nil {
return err
defer dest.Close()
// We copy every line from the sample config file to the destination,
// only replacing the two lines for rpcuser and rpcpass
reader := bufio.NewReader(src)
for err != io.EOF {
var line string
line, err = reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
if strings.Contains(line, "rpcuser=") {
line = "rpcuser=" + string(generatedRPCUser) + "\n"
} else if strings.Contains(line, "rpcpass=") {
line = "rpcpass=" + string(generatedRPCPass) + "\n"
if _, err := dest.WriteString(line); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// btcdDial connects to the address on the named network using the appropriate
// dial function depending on the address and configuration options. For
// example, .onion addresses will be dialed using the onion specific proxy if
// one was specified, but will otherwise use the normal dial function (which
// could itself use a proxy or not).
func btcdDial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
if strings.Contains(address, ".onion:") {
return cfg.oniondial(network, address)
return cfg.dial(network, address)
// btcdLookup returns the correct DNS lookup function to use depending on the
// passed host and configuration options. For example, .onion addresses will be
// resolved using the onion specific proxy if one was specified, but will
// otherwise treat the normal proxy as tor unless --noonion was specified in
// which case the lookup will fail. Meanwhile, normal IP addresses will be
// resolved using tor if a proxy was specified unless --noonion was also
// specified in which case the normal system DNS resolver will be used.
func btcdLookup(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
if strings.HasSuffix(host, ".onion") {
return cfg.onionlookup(host)
return cfg.lookup(host)