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synced 2025-03-10 09:19:28 +01:00
The block index now tracks the set of dirty block nodes with status changes that haven't been persisted and flushes the changes to the DB at the appropriate times.
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348 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package blockchain
import (
// blockStatus is a bit field representing the validation state of the block.
type blockStatus byte
const (
// statusDataStored indicates that the block's payload is stored on disk.
statusDataStored blockStatus = 1 << iota
// statusValid indicates that the block has been fully validated.
// statusValidateFailed indicates that the block has failed validation.
// statusInvalidAncestor indicates that one of the block's ancestors has
// has failed validation, thus the block is also invalid.
// statusNone indicates that the block has no validation state flags set.
// NOTE: This must be defined last in order to avoid influencing iota.
statusNone blockStatus = 0
// HaveData returns whether the full block data is stored in the database. This
// will return false for a block node where only the header is downloaded or
// kept.
func (status blockStatus) HaveData() bool {
return status&statusDataStored != 0
// KnownValid returns whether the block is known to be valid. This will return
// false for a valid block that has not been fully validated yet.
func (status blockStatus) KnownValid() bool {
return status&statusValid != 0
// KnownInvalid returns whether the block is known to be invalid. This may be
// because the block itself failed validation or any of its ancestors is
// invalid. This will return false for invalid blocks that have not been proven
// invalid yet.
func (status blockStatus) KnownInvalid() bool {
return status&(statusValidateFailed|statusInvalidAncestor) != 0
// blockNode represents a block within the block chain and is primarily used to
// aid in selecting the best chain to be the main chain. The main chain is
// stored into the block database.
type blockNode struct {
// NOTE: Additions, deletions, or modifications to the order of the
// definitions in this struct should not be changed without considering
// how it affects alignment on 64-bit platforms. The current order is
// specifically crafted to result in minimal padding. There will be
// hundreds of thousands of these in memory, so a few extra bytes of
// padding adds up.
// parent is the parent block for this node.
parent *blockNode
// hash is the double sha 256 of the block.
hash chainhash.Hash
// workSum is the total amount of work in the chain up to and including
// this node.
workSum *big.Int
// height is the position in the block chain.
height int32
// Some fields from block headers to aid in best chain selection and
// reconstructing headers from memory. These must be treated as
// immutable and are intentionally ordered to avoid padding on 64-bit
// platforms.
version int32
bits uint32
nonce uint32
timestamp int64
merkleRoot chainhash.Hash
// status is a bitfield representing the validation state of the block. The
// status field, unlike the other fields, may be written to and so should
// only be accessed using the concurrent-safe NodeStatus method on
// blockIndex once the node has been added to the global index.
status blockStatus
// initBlockNode initializes a block node from the given header and parent node,
// calculating the height and workSum from the respective fields on the parent.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent access. It must only be called when
// initially creating a node.
func initBlockNode(node *blockNode, blockHeader *wire.BlockHeader, parent *blockNode) {
*node = blockNode{
hash: blockHeader.BlockHash(),
workSum: CalcWork(blockHeader.Bits),
version: blockHeader.Version,
bits: blockHeader.Bits,
nonce: blockHeader.Nonce,
timestamp: blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
merkleRoot: blockHeader.MerkleRoot,
if parent != nil {
node.parent = parent
node.height = parent.height + 1
node.workSum = node.workSum.Add(parent.workSum, node.workSum)
// newBlockNode returns a new block node for the given block header and parent
// node, calculating the height and workSum from the respective fields on the
// parent. This function is NOT safe for concurrent access.
func newBlockNode(blockHeader *wire.BlockHeader, parent *blockNode) *blockNode {
var node blockNode
initBlockNode(&node, blockHeader, parent)
return &node
// Header constructs a block header from the node and returns it.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (node *blockNode) Header() wire.BlockHeader {
// No lock is needed because all accessed fields are immutable.
prevHash := &zeroHash
if node.parent != nil {
prevHash = &node.parent.hash
return wire.BlockHeader{
Version: node.version,
PrevBlock: *prevHash,
MerkleRoot: node.merkleRoot,
Timestamp: time.Unix(node.timestamp, 0),
Bits: node.bits,
Nonce: node.nonce,
// Ancestor returns the ancestor block node at the provided height by following
// the chain backwards from this node. The returned block will be nil when a
// height is requested that is after the height of the passed node or is less
// than zero.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (node *blockNode) Ancestor(height int32) *blockNode {
if height < 0 || height > node.height {
return nil
n := node
for ; n != nil && n.height != height; n = n.parent {
// Intentionally left blank
return n
// RelativeAncestor returns the ancestor block node a relative 'distance' blocks
// before this node. This is equivalent to calling Ancestor with the node's
// height minus provided distance.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (node *blockNode) RelativeAncestor(distance int32) *blockNode {
return node.Ancestor(node.height - distance)
// CalcPastMedianTime calculates the median time of the previous few blocks
// prior to, and including, the block node.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (node *blockNode) CalcPastMedianTime() time.Time {
// Create a slice of the previous few block timestamps used to calculate
// the median per the number defined by the constant medianTimeBlocks.
timestamps := make([]int64, medianTimeBlocks)
numNodes := 0
iterNode := node
for i := 0; i < medianTimeBlocks && iterNode != nil; i++ {
timestamps[i] = iterNode.timestamp
iterNode = iterNode.parent
// Prune the slice to the actual number of available timestamps which
// will be fewer than desired near the beginning of the block chain
// and sort them.
timestamps = timestamps[:numNodes]
// NOTE: The consensus rules incorrectly calculate the median for even
// numbers of blocks. A true median averages the middle two elements
// for a set with an even number of elements in it. Since the constant
// for the previous number of blocks to be used is odd, this is only an
// issue for a few blocks near the beginning of the chain. I suspect
// this is an optimization even though the result is slightly wrong for
// a few of the first blocks since after the first few blocks, there
// will always be an odd number of blocks in the set per the constant.
// This code follows suit to ensure the same rules are used, however, be
// aware that should the medianTimeBlocks constant ever be changed to an
// even number, this code will be wrong.
medianTimestamp := timestamps[numNodes/2]
return time.Unix(medianTimestamp, 0)
// blockIndex provides facilities for keeping track of an in-memory index of the
// block chain. Although the name block chain suggests a single chain of
// blocks, it is actually a tree-shaped structure where any node can have
// multiple children. However, there can only be one active branch which does
// indeed form a chain from the tip all the way back to the genesis block.
type blockIndex struct {
// The following fields are set when the instance is created and can't
// be changed afterwards, so there is no need to protect them with a
// separate mutex.
db database.DB
chainParams *chaincfg.Params
index map[chainhash.Hash]*blockNode
dirty map[*blockNode]struct{}
// newBlockIndex returns a new empty instance of a block index. The index will
// be dynamically populated as block nodes are loaded from the database and
// manually added.
func newBlockIndex(db database.DB, chainParams *chaincfg.Params) *blockIndex {
return &blockIndex{
db: db,
chainParams: chainParams,
index: make(map[chainhash.Hash]*blockNode),
dirty: make(map[*blockNode]struct{}),
// HaveBlock returns whether or not the block index contains the provided hash.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) HaveBlock(hash *chainhash.Hash) bool {
_, hasBlock := bi.index[*hash]
return hasBlock
// LookupNode returns the block node identified by the provided hash. It will
// return nil if there is no entry for the hash.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) LookupNode(hash *chainhash.Hash) *blockNode {
node := bi.index[*hash]
return node
// AddNode adds the provided node to the block index and marks it as dirty.
// Duplicate entries are not checked so it is up to caller to avoid adding them.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) AddNode(node *blockNode) {
bi.dirty[node] = struct{}{}
// addNode adds the provided node to the block index, but does not mark it as
// dirty. This can be used while initializing the block index.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) addNode(node *blockNode) {
bi.index[node.hash] = node
// NodeStatus provides concurrent-safe access to the status field of a node.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) NodeStatus(node *blockNode) blockStatus {
status := node.status
return status
// SetStatusFlags flips the provided status flags on the block node to on,
// regardless of whether they were on or off previously. This does not unset any
// flags currently on.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) SetStatusFlags(node *blockNode, flags blockStatus) {
node.status |= flags
bi.dirty[node] = struct{}{}
// UnsetStatusFlags flips the provided status flags on the block node to off,
// regardless of whether they were on or off previously.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (bi *blockIndex) UnsetStatusFlags(node *blockNode, flags blockStatus) {
node.status &^= flags
bi.dirty[node] = struct{}{}
// flushToDB writes all dirty block nodes to the database. If all writes
// succeed, this clears the dirty set.
func (bi *blockIndex) flushToDB() error {
if len(bi.dirty) == 0 {
return nil
err := bi.db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
for node := range bi.dirty {
err := dbStoreBlockNode(dbTx, node)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// If write was successful, clear the dirty set.
if err == nil {
bi.dirty = make(map[*blockNode]struct{})
return err