Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd.git synced 2025-03-14 11:58:22 +01:00
dekokun 796f1746b3 btcjson: Update the fields of GetNetworkInfoResult
Update the fields of GetNetworkInfoResult to reflect the current number
of inbound and outbound peer connections.

* ConnectionsIn - The number of inbound peer connections
* ConnectionsOut - The number of outbound peer connections
2022-04-09 07:01:50 -04:00

847 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcjson
import (
// GetBlockHeaderVerboseResult models the data from the getblockheader command when
// the verbose flag is set. When the verbose flag is not set, getblockheader
// returns a hex-encoded string.
type GetBlockHeaderVerboseResult struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Confirmations int64 `json:"confirmations"`
Height int32 `json:"height"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
VersionHex string `json:"versionHex"`
MerkleRoot string `json:"merkleroot"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
Bits string `json:"bits"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
PreviousHash string `json:"previousblockhash,omitempty"`
NextHash string `json:"nextblockhash,omitempty"`
// GetBlockStatsResult models the data from the getblockstats command.
type GetBlockStatsResult struct {
AverageFee int64 `json:"avgfee"`
AverageFeeRate int64 `json:"avgfeerate"`
AverageTxSize int64 `json:"avgtxsize"`
FeeratePercentiles []int64 `json:"feerate_percentiles"`
Hash string `json:"blockhash"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Ins int64 `json:"ins"`
MaxFee int64 `json:"maxfee"`
MaxFeeRate int64 `json:"maxfeerate"`
MaxTxSize int64 `json:"maxtxsize"`
MedianFee int64 `json:"medianfee"`
MedianTime int64 `json:"mediantime"`
MedianTxSize int64 `json:"mediantxsize"`
MinFee int64 `json:"minfee"`
MinFeeRate int64 `json:"minfeerate"`
MinTxSize int64 `json:"mintxsize"`
Outs int64 `json:"outs"`
SegWitTotalSize int64 `json:"swtotal_size"`
SegWitTotalWeight int64 `json:"swtotal_weight"`
SegWitTxs int64 `json:"swtxs"`
Subsidy int64 `json:"subsidy"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
TotalOut int64 `json:"total_out"`
TotalSize int64 `json:"total_size"`
TotalWeight int64 `json:"total_weight"`
Txs int64 `json:"txs"`
UTXOIncrease int64 `json:"utxo_increase"`
UTXOSizeIncrease int64 `json:"utxo_size_inc"`
// GetBlockVerboseResult models the data from the getblock command when the
// verbose flag is set to 1. When the verbose flag is set to 0, getblock returns a
// hex-encoded string. When the verbose flag is set to 1, getblock returns an object
// whose tx field is an array of transaction hashes. When the verbose flag is set to 2,
// getblock returns an object whose tx field is an array of raw transactions.
// Use GetBlockVerboseTxResult to unmarshal data received from passing verbose=2 to getblock.
type GetBlockVerboseResult struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Confirmations int64 `json:"confirmations"`
StrippedSize int32 `json:"strippedsize"`
Size int32 `json:"size"`
Weight int32 `json:"weight"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
VersionHex string `json:"versionHex"`
MerkleRoot string `json:"merkleroot"`
Tx []string `json:"tx,omitempty"`
RawTx []TxRawResult `json:"rawtx,omitempty"` // Note: this field is always empty when verbose != 2.
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Nonce uint32 `json:"nonce"`
Bits string `json:"bits"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
PreviousHash string `json:"previousblockhash"`
NextHash string `json:"nextblockhash,omitempty"`
// GetBlockVerboseTxResult models the data from the getblock command when the
// verbose flag is set to 2. When the verbose flag is set to 0, getblock returns a
// hex-encoded string. When the verbose flag is set to 1, getblock returns an object
// whose tx field is an array of transaction hashes. When the verbose flag is set to 2,
// getblock returns an object whose tx field is an array of raw transactions.
// Use GetBlockVerboseResult to unmarshal data received from passing verbose=1 to getblock.
type GetBlockVerboseTxResult struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Confirmations int64 `json:"confirmations"`
StrippedSize int32 `json:"strippedsize"`
Size int32 `json:"size"`
Weight int32 `json:"weight"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
VersionHex string `json:"versionHex"`
MerkleRoot string `json:"merkleroot"`
Tx []TxRawResult `json:"tx,omitempty"`
RawTx []TxRawResult `json:"rawtx,omitempty"` // Deprecated: removed in Bitcoin Core
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Nonce uint32 `json:"nonce"`
Bits string `json:"bits"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
PreviousHash string `json:"previousblockhash"`
NextHash string `json:"nextblockhash,omitempty"`
// GetChainTxStatsResult models the data from the getchaintxstats command.
type GetChainTxStatsResult struct {
Time int64 `json:"time"`
TxCount int64 `json:"txcount"`
WindowFinalBlockHash string `json:"window_final_block_hash"`
WindowFinalBlockHeight int32 `json:"window_final_block_height"`
WindowBlockCount int32 `json:"window_block_count"`
WindowTxCount int32 `json:"window_tx_count"`
WindowInterval int32 `json:"window_interval"`
TxRate float64 `json:"txrate"`
// CreateMultiSigResult models the data returned from the createmultisig
// command.
type CreateMultiSigResult struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
RedeemScript string `json:"redeemScript"`
// DecodeScriptResult models the data returned from the decodescript command.
type DecodeScriptResult struct {
Asm string `json:"asm"`
ReqSigs int32 `json:"reqSigs,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Addresses []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
P2sh string `json:"p2sh,omitempty"`
// GetAddedNodeInfoResultAddr models the data of the addresses portion of the
// getaddednodeinfo command.
type GetAddedNodeInfoResultAddr struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
Connected string `json:"connected"`
// GetAddedNodeInfoResult models the data from the getaddednodeinfo command.
type GetAddedNodeInfoResult struct {
AddedNode string `json:"addednode"`
Connected *bool `json:"connected,omitempty"`
Addresses *[]GetAddedNodeInfoResultAddr `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
// SoftForkDescription describes the current state of a soft-fork which was
// deployed using a super-majority block signalling.
type SoftForkDescription struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Version uint32 `json:"version"`
Reject struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
} `json:"reject"`
// Bip9SoftForkDescription describes the current state of a defined BIP0009
// version bits soft-fork.
type Bip9SoftForkDescription struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Bit uint8 `json:"bit"`
StartTime1 int64 `json:"startTime"`
StartTime2 int64 `json:"start_time"`
Timeout int64 `json:"timeout"`
Since int32 `json:"since"`
MinActivationHeight int32 `json:"min_activation_height"`
// StartTime returns the starting time of the softfork as a Unix epoch.
func (d *Bip9SoftForkDescription) StartTime() int64 {
if d.StartTime1 != 0 {
return d.StartTime1
return d.StartTime2
// SoftForks describes the current softforks enabled by the backend. Softforks
// activated through BIP9 are grouped together separate from any other softforks
// with different activation types.
type SoftForks struct {
SoftForks []*SoftForkDescription `json:"softforks"`
Bip9SoftForks map[string]*Bip9SoftForkDescription `json:"bip9_softforks"`
// UnifiedSoftForks describes a softforks in a general manner, irrespective of
// its activation type. This was a format introduced by bitcoind v0.19.0
type UnifiedSoftFork struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
BIP9SoftForkDescription *Bip9SoftForkDescription `json:"bip9"`
Height int32 `json:"height"`
Active bool `json:"active"`
// UnifiedSoftForks describes the current softforks enabled the by the backend
// in a unified manner, i.e, softforks with different activation types are
// grouped together. This was a format introduced by bitcoind v0.19.0
type UnifiedSoftForks struct {
SoftForks map[string]*UnifiedSoftFork `json:"softforks"`
// GetBlockChainInfoResult models the data returned from the getblockchaininfo
// command.
type GetBlockChainInfoResult struct {
Chain string `json:"chain"`
Blocks int32 `json:"blocks"`
Headers int32 `json:"headers"`
BestBlockHash string `json:"bestblockhash"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
MedianTime int64 `json:"mediantime"`
VerificationProgress float64 `json:"verificationprogress,omitempty"`
InitialBlockDownload bool `json:"initialblockdownload,omitempty"`
Pruned bool `json:"pruned"`
PruneHeight int32 `json:"pruneheight,omitempty"`
ChainWork string `json:"chainwork,omitempty"`
SizeOnDisk int64 `json:"size_on_disk,omitempty"`
// GetBlockFilterResult models the data returned from the getblockfilter
// command.
type GetBlockFilterResult struct {
Filter string `json:"filter"` // the hex-encoded filter data
Header string `json:"header"` // the hex-encoded filter header
// GetBlockTemplateResultTx models the transactions field of the
// getblocktemplate command.
type GetBlockTemplateResultTx struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
Hash string `json:"hash"`
TxID string `json:"txid"`
Depends []int64 `json:"depends"`
Fee int64 `json:"fee"`
SigOps int64 `json:"sigops"`
Weight int64 `json:"weight"`
// GetBlockTemplateResultAux models the coinbaseaux field of the
// getblocktemplate command.
type GetBlockTemplateResultAux struct {
Flags string `json:"flags"`
// GetBlockTemplateResult models the data returned from the getblocktemplate
// command.
type GetBlockTemplateResult struct {
// Base fields from BIP 0022. CoinbaseAux is optional. One of
// CoinbaseTxn or CoinbaseValue must be specified, but not both.
Bits string `json:"bits"`
CurTime int64 `json:"curtime"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
PreviousHash string `json:"previousblockhash"`
SigOpLimit int64 `json:"sigoplimit,omitempty"`
SizeLimit int64 `json:"sizelimit,omitempty"`
WeightLimit int64 `json:"weightlimit,omitempty"`
Transactions []GetBlockTemplateResultTx `json:"transactions"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
CoinbaseAux *GetBlockTemplateResultAux `json:"coinbaseaux,omitempty"`
CoinbaseTxn *GetBlockTemplateResultTx `json:"coinbasetxn,omitempty"`
CoinbaseValue *int64 `json:"coinbasevalue,omitempty"`
WorkID string `json:"workid,omitempty"`
// Witness commitment defined in BIP 0141.
DefaultWitnessCommitment string `json:"default_witness_commitment,omitempty"`
// Optional long polling from BIP 0022.
LongPollID string `json:"longpollid,omitempty"`
LongPollURI string `json:"longpolluri,omitempty"`
SubmitOld *bool `json:"submitold,omitempty"`
// Basic pool extension from BIP 0023.
Target string `json:"target,omitempty"`
Expires int64 `json:"expires,omitempty"`
// Mutations from BIP 0023.
MaxTime int64 `json:"maxtime,omitempty"`
MinTime int64 `json:"mintime,omitempty"`
Mutable []string `json:"mutable,omitempty"`
NonceRange string `json:"noncerange,omitempty"`
// Block proposal from BIP 0023.
Capabilities []string `json:"capabilities,omitempty"`
RejectReasion string `json:"reject-reason,omitempty"`
// GetMempoolEntryResult models the data returned from the getmempoolentry's
// fee field
type MempoolFees struct {
Base float64 `json:"base"`
Modified float64 `json:"modified"`
Ancestor float64 `json:"ancestor"`
Descendant float64 `json:"descendant"`
// GetMempoolEntryResult models the data returned from the getmempoolentry
// command.
type GetMempoolEntryResult struct {
VSize int32 `json:"vsize"`
Size int32 `json:"size"`
Weight int64 `json:"weight"`
Fee float64 `json:"fee"`
ModifiedFee float64 `json:"modifiedfee"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
DescendantCount int64 `json:"descendantcount"`
DescendantSize int64 `json:"descendantsize"`
DescendantFees float64 `json:"descendantfees"`
AncestorCount int64 `json:"ancestorcount"`
AncestorSize int64 `json:"ancestorsize"`
AncestorFees float64 `json:"ancestorfees"`
WTxId string `json:"wtxid"`
Fees MempoolFees `json:"fees"`
Depends []string `json:"depends"`
// GetMempoolInfoResult models the data returned from the getmempoolinfo
// command.
type GetMempoolInfoResult struct {
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Bytes int64 `json:"bytes"`
// NetworksResult models the networks data from the getnetworkinfo command.
type NetworksResult struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Limited bool `json:"limited"`
Reachable bool `json:"reachable"`
Proxy string `json:"proxy"`
ProxyRandomizeCredentials bool `json:"proxy_randomize_credentials"`
// LocalAddressesResult models the localaddresses data from the getnetworkinfo
// command.
type LocalAddressesResult struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
Port uint16 `json:"port"`
Score int32 `json:"score"`
// GetNetworkInfoResult models the data returned from the getnetworkinfo
// command.
type GetNetworkInfoResult struct {
Version int32 `json:"version"`
SubVersion string `json:"subversion"`
ProtocolVersion int32 `json:"protocolversion"`
LocalServices string `json:"localservices"`
LocalRelay bool `json:"localrelay"`
TimeOffset int64 `json:"timeoffset"`
Connections int32 `json:"connections"`
ConnectionsIn int32 `json:"connections_in"`
ConnectionsOut int32 `json:"connections_out"`
NetworkActive bool `json:"networkactive"`
Networks []NetworksResult `json:"networks"`
RelayFee float64 `json:"relayfee"`
IncrementalFee float64 `json:"incrementalfee"`
LocalAddresses []LocalAddressesResult `json:"localaddresses"`
Warnings string `json:"warnings"`
// GetNodeAddressesResult models the data returned from the getnodeaddresses
// command.
type GetNodeAddressesResult struct {
// Timestamp in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT) keeping track of when the node was last seen
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Services uint64 `json:"services"` // The services offered
Address string `json:"address"` // The address of the node
Port uint16 `json:"port"` // The port of the node
// GetPeerInfoResult models the data returned from the getpeerinfo command.
type GetPeerInfoResult struct {
ID int32 `json:"id"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
AddrLocal string `json:"addrlocal,omitempty"`
Services string `json:"services"`
RelayTxes bool `json:"relaytxes"`
LastSend int64 `json:"lastsend"`
LastRecv int64 `json:"lastrecv"`
BytesSent uint64 `json:"bytessent"`
BytesRecv uint64 `json:"bytesrecv"`
ConnTime int64 `json:"conntime"`
TimeOffset int64 `json:"timeoffset"`
PingTime float64 `json:"pingtime"`
PingWait float64 `json:"pingwait,omitempty"`
Version uint32 `json:"version"`
SubVer string `json:"subver"`
Inbound bool `json:"inbound"`
StartingHeight int32 `json:"startingheight"`
CurrentHeight int32 `json:"currentheight,omitempty"`
BanScore int32 `json:"banscore"`
FeeFilter int64 `json:"feefilter"`
SyncNode bool `json:"syncnode"`
// GetRawMempoolVerboseResult models the data returned from the getrawmempool
// command when the verbose flag is set. When the verbose flag is not set,
// getrawmempool returns an array of transaction hashes.
type GetRawMempoolVerboseResult struct {
Size int32 `json:"size"`
Vsize int32 `json:"vsize"`
Weight int32 `json:"weight"`
Fee float64 `json:"fee"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
StartingPriority float64 `json:"startingpriority"`
CurrentPriority float64 `json:"currentpriority"`
Depends []string `json:"depends"`
// ScriptPubKeyResult models the scriptPubKey data of a tx script. It is
// defined separately since it is used by multiple commands.
type ScriptPubKeyResult struct {
Asm string `json:"asm"`
Hex string `json:"hex,omitempty"`
ReqSigs int32 `json:"reqSigs,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Addresses []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
// GetTxOutResult models the data from the gettxout command.
type GetTxOutResult struct {
BestBlock string `json:"bestblock"`
Confirmations int64 `json:"confirmations"`
Value float64 `json:"value"`
ScriptPubKey ScriptPubKeyResult `json:"scriptPubKey"`
Coinbase bool `json:"coinbase"`
// GetTxOutSetInfoResult models the data from the gettxoutsetinfo command.
type GetTxOutSetInfoResult struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
BestBlock chainhash.Hash `json:"bestblock"`
Transactions int64 `json:"transactions"`
TxOuts int64 `json:"txouts"`
BogoSize int64 `json:"bogosize"`
HashSerialized chainhash.Hash `json:"hash_serialized_2"`
DiskSize int64 `json:"disk_size"`
TotalAmount btcutil.Amount `json:"total_amount"`
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals the result of the gettxoutsetinfo JSON-RPC call
func (g *GetTxOutSetInfoResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// Step 1: Create type aliases of the original struct.
type Alias GetTxOutSetInfoResult
// Step 2: Create an anonymous struct with raw replacements for the special
// fields.
aux := &struct {
BestBlock string `json:"bestblock"`
HashSerialized string `json:"hash_serialized_2"`
TotalAmount float64 `json:"total_amount"`
Alias: (*Alias)(g),
// Step 3: Unmarshal the data into the anonymous struct.
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
return err
// Step 4: Convert the raw fields to the desired types
blockHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(aux.BestBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
g.BestBlock = *blockHash
serializedHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(aux.HashSerialized)
if err != nil {
return err
g.HashSerialized = *serializedHash
amount, err := btcutil.NewAmount(aux.TotalAmount)
if err != nil {
return err
g.TotalAmount = amount
return nil
// GetNetTotalsResult models the data returned from the getnettotals command.
type GetNetTotalsResult struct {
TotalBytesRecv uint64 `json:"totalbytesrecv"`
TotalBytesSent uint64 `json:"totalbytessent"`
TimeMillis int64 `json:"timemillis"`
// ScriptSig models a signature script. It is defined separately since it only
// applies to non-coinbase. Therefore the field in the Vin structure needs
// to be a pointer.
type ScriptSig struct {
Asm string `json:"asm"`
Hex string `json:"hex"`
// Vin models parts of the tx data. It is defined separately since
// getrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, and searchrawtransaction use the
// same structure.
type Vin struct {
Coinbase string `json:"coinbase"`
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Vout uint32 `json:"vout"`
ScriptSig *ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Witness []string `json:"txinwitness"`
// IsCoinBase returns a bool to show if a Vin is a Coinbase one or not.
func (v *Vin) IsCoinBase() bool {
return len(v.Coinbase) > 0
// HasWitness returns a bool to show if a Vin has any witness data associated
// with it or not.
func (v *Vin) HasWitness() bool {
return len(v.Witness) > 0
// MarshalJSON provides a custom Marshal method for Vin.
func (v *Vin) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if v.IsCoinBase() {
coinbaseStruct := struct {
Coinbase string `json:"coinbase"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Witness []string `json:"witness,omitempty"`
Coinbase: v.Coinbase,
Sequence: v.Sequence,
Witness: v.Witness,
return json.Marshal(coinbaseStruct)
if v.HasWitness() {
txStruct := struct {
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Vout uint32 `json:"vout"`
ScriptSig *ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
Witness []string `json:"txinwitness"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Txid: v.Txid,
Vout: v.Vout,
ScriptSig: v.ScriptSig,
Witness: v.Witness,
Sequence: v.Sequence,
return json.Marshal(txStruct)
txStruct := struct {
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Vout uint32 `json:"vout"`
ScriptSig *ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Txid: v.Txid,
Vout: v.Vout,
ScriptSig: v.ScriptSig,
Sequence: v.Sequence,
return json.Marshal(txStruct)
// PrevOut represents previous output for an input Vin.
type PrevOut struct {
Addresses []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
Value float64 `json:"value"`
// VinPrevOut is like Vin except it includes PrevOut. It is used by searchrawtransaction
type VinPrevOut struct {
Coinbase string `json:"coinbase"`
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Vout uint32 `json:"vout"`
ScriptSig *ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
Witness []string `json:"txinwitness"`
PrevOut *PrevOut `json:"prevOut"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
// IsCoinBase returns a bool to show if a Vin is a Coinbase one or not.
func (v *VinPrevOut) IsCoinBase() bool {
return len(v.Coinbase) > 0
// HasWitness returns a bool to show if a Vin has any witness data associated
// with it or not.
func (v *VinPrevOut) HasWitness() bool {
return len(v.Witness) > 0
// MarshalJSON provides a custom Marshal method for VinPrevOut.
func (v *VinPrevOut) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if v.IsCoinBase() {
coinbaseStruct := struct {
Coinbase string `json:"coinbase"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Coinbase: v.Coinbase,
Sequence: v.Sequence,
return json.Marshal(coinbaseStruct)
if v.HasWitness() {
txStruct := struct {
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Vout uint32 `json:"vout"`
ScriptSig *ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
Witness []string `json:"txinwitness"`
PrevOut *PrevOut `json:"prevOut,omitempty"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Txid: v.Txid,
Vout: v.Vout,
ScriptSig: v.ScriptSig,
Witness: v.Witness,
PrevOut: v.PrevOut,
Sequence: v.Sequence,
return json.Marshal(txStruct)
txStruct := struct {
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Vout uint32 `json:"vout"`
ScriptSig *ScriptSig `json:"scriptSig"`
PrevOut *PrevOut `json:"prevOut,omitempty"`
Sequence uint32 `json:"sequence"`
Txid: v.Txid,
Vout: v.Vout,
ScriptSig: v.ScriptSig,
PrevOut: v.PrevOut,
Sequence: v.Sequence,
return json.Marshal(txStruct)
// Vout models parts of the tx data. It is defined separately since both
// getrawtransaction and decoderawtransaction use the same structure.
type Vout struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
N uint32 `json:"n"`
ScriptPubKey ScriptPubKeyResult `json:"scriptPubKey"`
// GetMiningInfoResult models the data from the getmininginfo command.
type GetMiningInfoResult struct {
Blocks int64 `json:"blocks"`
CurrentBlockSize uint64 `json:"currentblocksize"`
CurrentBlockWeight uint64 `json:"currentblockweight"`
CurrentBlockTx uint64 `json:"currentblocktx"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
Errors string `json:"errors"`
Generate bool `json:"generate"`
GenProcLimit int32 `json:"genproclimit"`
HashesPerSec float64 `json:"hashespersec"`
NetworkHashPS float64 `json:"networkhashps"`
PooledTx uint64 `json:"pooledtx"`
TestNet bool `json:"testnet"`
// GetWorkResult models the data from the getwork command.
type GetWorkResult struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
Hash1 string `json:"hash1"`
Midstate string `json:"midstate"`
Target string `json:"target"`
// InfoChainResult models the data returned by the chain server getinfo command.
type InfoChainResult struct {
Version int32 `json:"version"`
ProtocolVersion int32 `json:"protocolversion"`
Blocks int32 `json:"blocks"`
TimeOffset int64 `json:"timeoffset"`
Connections int32 `json:"connections"`
Proxy string `json:"proxy"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
TestNet bool `json:"testnet"`
RelayFee float64 `json:"relayfee"`
Errors string `json:"errors"`
// TxRawResult models the data from the getrawtransaction command.
type TxRawResult struct {
Hex string `json:"hex"`
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"`
Size int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Vsize int32 `json:"vsize,omitempty"`
Weight int32 `json:"weight,omitempty"`
Version uint32 `json:"version"`
LockTime uint32 `json:"locktime"`
Vin []Vin `json:"vin"`
Vout []Vout `json:"vout"`
BlockHash string `json:"blockhash,omitempty"`
Confirmations uint64 `json:"confirmations,omitempty"`
Time int64 `json:"time,omitempty"`
Blocktime int64 `json:"blocktime,omitempty"`
// SearchRawTransactionsResult models the data from the searchrawtransaction
// command.
type SearchRawTransactionsResult struct {
Hex string `json:"hex,omitempty"`
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Size string `json:"size"`
Vsize string `json:"vsize"`
Weight string `json:"weight"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
LockTime uint32 `json:"locktime"`
Vin []VinPrevOut `json:"vin"`
Vout []Vout `json:"vout"`
BlockHash string `json:"blockhash,omitempty"`
Confirmations uint64 `json:"confirmations,omitempty"`
Time int64 `json:"time,omitempty"`
Blocktime int64 `json:"blocktime,omitempty"`
// TxRawDecodeResult models the data from the decoderawtransaction command.
type TxRawDecodeResult struct {
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
Locktime uint32 `json:"locktime"`
Vin []Vin `json:"vin"`
Vout []Vout `json:"vout"`
// ValidateAddressChainResult models the data returned by the chain server
// validateaddress command.
// Compared to the Bitcoin Core version, this struct lacks the scriptPubKey
// field since it requires wallet access, which is outside the scope of btcd.
// Ref: https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.20.0/rpc/util/validateaddress/
type ValidateAddressChainResult struct {
IsValid bool `json:"isvalid"`
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
IsScript *bool `json:"isscript,omitempty"`
IsWitness *bool `json:"iswitness,omitempty"`
WitnessVersion *int32 `json:"witness_version,omitempty"`
WitnessProgram *string `json:"witness_program,omitempty"`
// EstimateSmartFeeResult models the data returned buy the chain server
// estimatesmartfee command
type EstimateSmartFeeResult struct {
FeeRate *float64 `json:"feerate,omitempty"`
Errors []string `json:"errors,omitempty"`
Blocks int64 `json:"blocks"`
var _ json.Unmarshaler = &FundRawTransactionResult{}
type rawFundRawTransactionResult struct {
Transaction string `json:"hex"`
Fee float64 `json:"fee"`
ChangePosition int `json:"changepos"`
// FundRawTransactionResult is the result of the fundrawtransaction JSON-RPC call
type FundRawTransactionResult struct {
Transaction *wire.MsgTx
Fee btcutil.Amount
ChangePosition int // the position of the added change output, or -1
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals the result of the fundrawtransaction JSON-RPC call
func (f *FundRawTransactionResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var rawRes rawFundRawTransactionResult
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &rawRes); err != nil {
return err
txBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(rawRes.Transaction)
if err != nil {
return err
var msgTx wire.MsgTx
witnessErr := msgTx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(txBytes))
if witnessErr != nil {
legacyErr := msgTx.DeserializeNoWitness(bytes.NewReader(txBytes))
if legacyErr != nil {
return legacyErr
fee, err := btcutil.NewAmount(rawRes.Fee)
if err != nil {
return err
f.Transaction = &msgTx
f.Fee = fee
f.ChangePosition = rawRes.ChangePosition
return nil
// GetDescriptorInfoResult models the data from the getdescriptorinfo command.
type GetDescriptorInfoResult struct {
Descriptor string `json:"descriptor"` // descriptor in canonical form, without private keys
Checksum string `json:"checksum"` // checksum for the input descriptor
IsRange bool `json:"isrange"` // whether the descriptor is ranged
IsSolvable bool `json:"issolvable"` // whether the descriptor is solvable
HasPrivateKeys bool `json:"hasprivatekeys"` // whether the descriptor has at least one private key
// DeriveAddressesResult models the data from the deriveaddresses command.
type DeriveAddressesResult []string
// LoadWalletResult models the data from the loadwallet command
type LoadWalletResult struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Warning string `json:"warning"`
// DumpWalletResult models the data from the dumpwallet command
type DumpWalletResult struct {
Filename string `json:"filename"`