Dave Collins 43c053bbfe txscript: Move error definitions to error.go.
This is more consistent with the rest of the code base and also will make
it easier to improve the errors to provide more details at a later date.
2015-04-21 13:33:08 -05:00

154 lines
6.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package txscript
import (
var (
// ErrStackShortScript is returned if the script has an opcode that is
// too long for the length of the script.
ErrStackShortScript = errors.New("execute past end of script")
// ErrStackLongScript is returned if the script has an opcode that is
// too long for the length of the script.
ErrStackLongScript = errors.New("script is longer than maximum allowed")
// ErrStackUnderflow is returned if an opcode requires more items on the
// stack than is present.f
ErrStackUnderflow = errors.New("stack underflow")
// ErrStackInvalidArgs is returned if the argument for an opcode is out
// of acceptable range.
ErrStackInvalidArgs = errors.New("invalid argument")
// ErrStackOpDisabled is returned when a disabled opcode is encountered
// in the script.
ErrStackOpDisabled = errors.New("Disabled Opcode")
// ErrStackVerifyFailed is returned when one of the OP_VERIFY or
// OP_*VERIFY instructions is executed and the conditions fails.
ErrStackVerifyFailed = errors.New("Verify failed")
// ErrStackNumberTooBig is returned when the argument for an opcode that
// should be an offset is obviously far too large.
ErrStackNumberTooBig = errors.New("number too big")
// ErrStackInvalidOpcode is returned when an opcode marked as invalid or
// a completely undefined opcode is encountered.
ErrStackInvalidOpcode = errors.New("Invalid Opcode")
// ErrStackReservedOpcode is returned when an opcode marked as reserved
// is encountered.
ErrStackReservedOpcode = errors.New("Reserved Opcode")
// ErrStackEarlyReturn is returned when OP_RETURN is executed in the
// script.
ErrStackEarlyReturn = errors.New("Script returned early")
// ErrStackNoIf is returned if an OP_ELSE or OP_ENDIF is encountered
// without first having an OP_IF or OP_NOTIF in the script.
ErrStackNoIf = errors.New("OP_ELSE or OP_ENDIF with no matching OP_IF")
// ErrStackMissingEndif is returned if the end of a script is reached
// without and OP_ENDIF to correspond to a conditional expression.
ErrStackMissingEndif = fmt.Errorf("execute fail, in conditional execution")
// ErrStackTooManyPubkeys is returned if an OP_CHECKMULTISIG is
// encountered with more than MaxPubKeysPerMultiSig pubkeys present.
ErrStackTooManyPubkeys = errors.New("Invalid pubkey count in OP_CHECKMULTISIG")
// ErrStackTooManyOperations is returned if a script has more than
// MaxOpsPerScript opcodes that do not push data.
ErrStackTooManyOperations = errors.New("Too many operations in script")
// ErrStackElementTooBig is returned if the size of an element to be
// pushed to the stack is over MaxScriptElementSize.
ErrStackElementTooBig = errors.New("Element in script too large")
// ErrStackUnknownAddress is returned when ScriptToAddrHash does not
// recognise the pattern of the script and thus can not find the address
// for payment.
ErrStackUnknownAddress = errors.New("non-recognised address")
// ErrStackScriptFailed is returned when at the end of a script the
// boolean on top of the stack is false signifying that the script has
// failed.
ErrStackScriptFailed = errors.New("execute fail, fail on stack")
// ErrStackScriptUnfinished is returned when CheckErrorCondition is
// called on a script that has not finished executing.
ErrStackScriptUnfinished = errors.New("Error check when script unfinished")
// ErrStackEmptyStack is returned when the stack is empty at the end of
// execution. Normal operation requires that a boolean is on top of the
// stack when the scripts have finished executing.
ErrStackEmptyStack = errors.New("Stack empty at end of execution")
// ErrStackP2SHNonPushOnly is returned when a Pay-to-Script-Hash
// transaction is encountered and the ScriptSig does operations other
// than push data (in violation of bip16).
ErrStackP2SHNonPushOnly = errors.New("pay to script hash with non " +
"pushonly input")
// ErrStackInvalidParseType is an internal error returned from
// ScriptToAddrHash ony if the internal data tables are wrong.
ErrStackInvalidParseType = errors.New("internal error: invalid parsetype found")
// ErrStackInvalidAddrOffset is an internal error returned from
// ScriptToAddrHash ony if the internal data tables are wrong.
ErrStackInvalidAddrOffset = errors.New("internal error: invalid offset found")
// ErrStackInvalidIndex is returned when an out-of-bounds index was
// passed to a function.
ErrStackInvalidIndex = errors.New("Invalid script index")
// ErrStackNonPushOnly is returned when ScriptInfo is called with a
// pkScript that peforms operations other that pushing data to the stack.
ErrStackNonPushOnly = errors.New("SigScript is non pushonly")
// ErrStackOverflow is returned when stack and altstack combined depth
// is over the limit.
ErrStackOverflow = errors.New("Stacks overflowed")
// ErrStackInvalidLowSSignature is returned when the ScriptVerifyLowS
// flag is set and the script contains any signatures whose S values
// are higher than the half order.
ErrStackInvalidLowSSignature = errors.New("invalid low s signature")
// ErrStackInvalidPubKey is returned when the ScriptVerifyScriptEncoding
// flag is set and the script contains invalid pubkeys.
ErrStackInvalidPubKey = errors.New("invalid strict pubkey")
// ErrStackCleanStack is returned when the ScriptVerifyCleanStack flag
// is set and after evalution the stack does not contain only one element,
// which also must be true if interpreted as a boolean.
ErrStackCleanStack = errors.New("stack is not clean")
// ErrStackMinimalData is returned when the ScriptVerifyMinimalData flag
// is set and the script contains push operations that do not use
// the minimal opcode required.
ErrStackMinimalData = errors.New("non-minimally encoded script number")
var (
// ErrInvalidFlags is returned when the passed flags to NewScript
// contain an invalid combination.
ErrInvalidFlags = errors.New("invalid flags combination")
// ErrInvalidIndex is returned when the passed input index for the
// provided transaction is out of range.
ErrInvalidIndex = errors.New("invalid input index")
// ErrUnsupportedAddress is returned when a concrete type that
// implements a btcutil.Address is not a supported type.
ErrUnsupportedAddress = errors.New("unsupported address type")
// ErrBadNumRequired is returned from MultiSigScript when nrequired is
// larger than the number of provided public keys.
ErrBadNumRequired = errors.New("more signatures required than keys present")