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synced 2025-03-12 02:08:34 +01:00
As noted in issue #706, the existing code had an issue where the normalized result was > P when both the first and second words of the field representation being normalized were BOTH greater than or equal to the first and second words of P. Although this condition is rare in practice, it needs to be handled properly. This resolves the issue by comparing the low words in the final reduction step against the normalized low order prime bits to ensure the final subtraction occurs correctly any time they're > P. This approach retains the constant time property as well.
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1262 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcec
// References:
// [HAC]: Handbook of Applied Cryptography Menezes, van Oorschot, Vanstone.
// http://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/
// All elliptic curve operations for secp256k1 are done in a finite field
// characterized by a 256-bit prime. Given this precision is larger than the
// biggest available native type, obviously some form of bignum math is needed.
// This package implements specialized fixed-precision field arithmetic rather
// than relying on an arbitrary-precision arithmetic package such as math/big
// for dealing with the field math since the size is known. As a result, rather
// large performance gains are achieved by taking advantage of many
// optimizations not available to arbitrary-precision arithmetic and generic
// modular arithmetic algorithms.
// There are various ways to internally represent each finite field element.
// For example, the most obvious representation would be to use an array of 4
// uint64s (64 bits * 4 = 256 bits). However, that representation suffers from
// a couple of issues. First, there is no native Go type large enough to handle
// the intermediate results while adding or multiplying two 64-bit numbers, and
// second there is no space left for overflows when performing the intermediate
// arithmetic between each array element which would lead to expensive carry
// propagation.
// Given the above, this implementation represents the the field elements as
// 10 uint32s with each word (array entry) treated as base 2^26. This was
// chosen for the following reasons:
// 1) Most systems at the current time are 64-bit (or at least have 64-bit
// registers available for specialized purposes such as MMX) so the
// intermediate results can typically be done using a native register (and
// using uint64s to avoid the need for additional half-word arithmetic)
// 2) In order to allow addition of the internal words without having to
// propagate the the carry, the max normalized value for each register must
// be less than the number of bits available in the register
// 3) Since we're dealing with 32-bit values, 64-bits of overflow is a
// reasonable choice for #2
// 4) Given the need for 256-bits of precision and the properties stated in #1,
// #2, and #3, the representation which best accommodates this is 10 uint32s
// with base 2^26 (26 bits * 10 = 260 bits, so the final word only needs 22
// bits) which leaves the desired 64 bits (32 * 10 = 320, 320 - 256 = 64) for
// overflow
// Since it is so important that the field arithmetic is extremely fast for
// high performance crypto, this package does not perform any validation where
// it ordinarily would. For example, some functions only give the correct
// result is the field is normalized and there is no checking to ensure it is.
// While I typically prefer to ensure all state and input is valid for most
// packages, this code is really only used internally and every extra check
// counts.
import (
// Constants used to make the code more readable.
const (
twoBitsMask = 0x3
fourBitsMask = 0xf
sixBitsMask = 0x3f
eightBitsMask = 0xff
// Constants related to the field representation.
const (
// fieldWords is the number of words used to internally represent the
// 256-bit value.
fieldWords = 10
// fieldBase is the exponent used to form the numeric base of each word.
// 2^(fieldBase*i) where i is the word position.
fieldBase = 26
// fieldOverflowBits is the minimum number of "overflow" bits for each
// word in the field value.
fieldOverflowBits = 32 - fieldBase
// fieldBaseMask is the mask for the bits in each word needed to
// represent the numeric base of each word (except the most significant
// word).
fieldBaseMask = (1 << fieldBase) - 1
// fieldMSBBits is the number of bits in the most significant word used
// to represent the value.
fieldMSBBits = 256 - (fieldBase * (fieldWords - 1))
// fieldMSBMask is the mask for the bits in the most significant word
// needed to represent the value.
fieldMSBMask = (1 << fieldMSBBits) - 1
// fieldPrimeWordZero is word zero of the secp256k1 prime in the
// internal field representation. It is used during negation.
fieldPrimeWordZero = 0x3fffc2f
// fieldPrimeWordOne is word one of the secp256k1 prime in the
// internal field representation. It is used during negation.
fieldPrimeWordOne = 0x3ffffbf
// primeLowBits is the lower 2*fieldBase bits of the secp256k1 prime in
// its standard normalized form. It is used during modular reduction.
primeLowBits = 0xffffefffffc2f
// fieldVal implements optimized fixed-precision arithmetic over the
// secp256k1 finite field. This means all arithmetic is performed modulo
// 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f. It
// represents each 256-bit value as 10 32-bit integers in base 2^26. This
// provides 6 bits of overflow in each word (10 bits in the most significant
// word) for a total of 64 bits of overflow (9*6 + 10 = 64). It only implements
// the arithmetic needed for elliptic curve operations.
// The following depicts the internal representation:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// | n[9] | n[8] | ... | n[0] |
// | 32 bits available | 32 bits available | ... | 32 bits available |
// | 22 bits for value | 26 bits for value | ... | 26 bits for value |
// | 10 bits overflow | 6 bits overflow | ... | 6 bits overflow |
// | Mult: 2^(26*9) | Mult: 2^(26*8) | ... | Mult: 2^(26*0) |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// For example, consider the number 2^49 + 1. It would be represented as:
// n[0] = 1
// n[1] = 2^23
// n[2..9] = 0
// The full 256-bit value is then calculated by looping i from 9..0 and
// doing sum(n[i] * 2^(26i)) like so:
// n[9] * 2^(26*9) = 0 * 2^234 = 0
// n[8] * 2^(26*8) = 0 * 2^208 = 0
// ...
// n[1] * 2^(26*1) = 2^23 * 2^26 = 2^49
// n[0] * 2^(26*0) = 1 * 2^0 = 1
// Sum: 0 + 0 + ... + 2^49 + 1 = 2^49 + 1
type fieldVal struct {
n [10]uint32
// String returns the field value as a human-readable hex string.
func (f fieldVal) String() string {
t := new(fieldVal).Set(&f).Normalize()
return hex.EncodeToString(t.Bytes()[:])
// Zero sets the field value to zero. A newly created field value is already
// set to zero. This function can be useful to clear an existing field value
// for reuse.
func (f *fieldVal) Zero() {
f.n[0] = 0
f.n[1] = 0
f.n[2] = 0
f.n[3] = 0
f.n[4] = 0
f.n[5] = 0
f.n[6] = 0
f.n[7] = 0
f.n[8] = 0
f.n[9] = 0
// Set sets the field value equal to the passed value.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f := new(fieldVal).Set(f2).Add(1) so that f = f2 + 1 where f2 is not
// modified.
func (f *fieldVal) Set(val *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
*f = *val
return f
// SetInt sets the field value to the passed integer. This is a convenience
// function since it is fairly common to perform some arithemetic with small
// native integers.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax such
// as f := new(fieldVal).SetInt(2).Mul(f2) so that f = 2 * f2.
func (f *fieldVal) SetInt(ui uint) *fieldVal {
f.n[0] = uint32(ui)
return f
// SetBytes packs the passed 32-byte big-endian value into the internal field
// value representation.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f := new(fieldVal).SetBytes(byteArray).Mul(f2) so that f = ba * f2.
func (f *fieldVal) SetBytes(b *[32]byte) *fieldVal {
// Pack the 256 total bits across the 10 uint32 words with a max of
// 26-bits per word. This could be done with a couple of for loops,
// but this unrolled version is significantly faster. Benchmarks show
// this is about 34 times faster than the variant which uses loops.
f.n[0] = uint32(b[31]) | uint32(b[30])<<8 | uint32(b[29])<<16 |
f.n[1] = uint32(b[28])>>2 | uint32(b[27])<<6 | uint32(b[26])<<14 |
f.n[2] = uint32(b[25])>>4 | uint32(b[24])<<4 | uint32(b[23])<<12 |
f.n[3] = uint32(b[22])>>6 | uint32(b[21])<<2 | uint32(b[20])<<10 |
f.n[4] = uint32(b[18]) | uint32(b[17])<<8 | uint32(b[16])<<16 |
f.n[5] = uint32(b[15])>>2 | uint32(b[14])<<6 | uint32(b[13])<<14 |
f.n[6] = uint32(b[12])>>4 | uint32(b[11])<<4 | uint32(b[10])<<12 |
f.n[7] = uint32(b[9])>>6 | uint32(b[8])<<2 | uint32(b[7])<<10 |
f.n[8] = uint32(b[5]) | uint32(b[4])<<8 | uint32(b[3])<<16 |
f.n[9] = uint32(b[2])>>2 | uint32(b[1])<<6 | uint32(b[0])<<14
return f
// SetByteSlice packs the passed big-endian value into the internal field value
// representation. Only the first 32-bytes are used. As a result, it is up to
// the caller to ensure numbers of the appropriate size are used or the value
// will be truncated.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f := new(fieldVal).SetByteSlice(byteSlice)
func (f *fieldVal) SetByteSlice(b []byte) *fieldVal {
var b32 [32]byte
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
if i < 32 {
b32[i+(32-len(b))] = b[i]
return f.SetBytes(&b32)
// SetHex decodes the passed big-endian hex string into the internal field value
// representation. Only the first 32-bytes are used.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f := new(fieldVal).SetHex("0abc").Add(1) so that f = 0x0abc + 1
func (f *fieldVal) SetHex(hexString string) *fieldVal {
if len(hexString)%2 != 0 {
hexString = "0" + hexString
bytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(hexString)
return f.SetByteSlice(bytes)
// Normalize normalizes the internal field words into the desired range and
// performs fast modular reduction over the secp256k1 prime by making use of the
// special form of the prime.
func (f *fieldVal) Normalize() *fieldVal {
// The field representation leaves 6 bits of overflow in each
// word so intermediate calculations can be performed without needing
// to propagate the carry to each higher word during the calculations.
// In order to normalize, first we need to "compact" the full 256-bit
// value to the right and treat the additional 64 leftmost bits as
// the magnitude.
m := f.n[0]
t0 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[1]
t1 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[2]
t2 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[3]
t3 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[4]
t4 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[5]
t5 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[6]
t6 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[7]
t7 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[8]
t8 := m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + f.n[9]
t9 := m & fieldMSBMask
m = m >> fieldMSBBits
// At this point, if the magnitude is greater than 0, the overall value
// is greater than the max possible 256-bit value. In particular, it is
// "how many times larger" than the max value it is. Since this field
// is doing arithmetic modulo the secp256k1 prime, we need to perform
// modular reduction over the prime.
// Per [HAC] section 14.3.4: Reduction method of moduli of special form,
// when the modulus is of the special form m = b^t - c, highly efficient
// reduction can be achieved.
// The secp256k1 prime is equivalent to 2^256 - 4294968273, so it fits
// this criteria.
// 4294968273 in field representation (base 2^26) is:
// n[0] = 977
// n[1] = 64
// That is to say (2^26 * 64) + 977 = 4294968273
// The algorithm presented in the referenced section typically repeats
// until the quotient is zero. However, due to our field representation
// we already know at least how many times we would need to repeat as
// it's the value currently in m. Thus we can simply multiply the
// magnitude by the field representation of the prime and do a single
// iteration. Notice that nothing will be changed when the magnitude is
// zero, so we could skip this in that case, however always running
// regardless allows it to run in constant time.
r := t0 + m*977
t0 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t1 + m*64
t1 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t2
t2 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t3
t3 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t4
t4 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t5
t5 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t6
t6 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t7
t7 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t8
t8 = r & fieldBaseMask
r = (r >> fieldBase) + t9
t9 = r & fieldMSBMask
// At this point, the result will be in the range 0 <= result <=
// prime + (2^64 - c). Therefore, one more subtraction of the prime
// might be needed if the current result is greater than or equal to the
// prime. The following does the final reduction in constant time.
// Note that the if/else here intentionally does the bitwise OR with
// zero even though it won't change the value to ensure constant time
// between the branches.
var mask int32
lowBits := uint64(t1)<<fieldBase | uint64(t0)
if lowBits < primeLowBits {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t2 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t3 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t4 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t5 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t6 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t7 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t8 < fieldBaseMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
if t9 < fieldMSBMask {
mask |= -1
} else {
mask |= 0
lowBits -= ^uint64(mask) & primeLowBits
t0 = uint32(lowBits & fieldBaseMask)
t1 = uint32((lowBits >> fieldBase) & fieldBaseMask)
t2 = t2 & uint32(mask)
t3 = t3 & uint32(mask)
t4 = t4 & uint32(mask)
t5 = t5 & uint32(mask)
t6 = t6 & uint32(mask)
t7 = t7 & uint32(mask)
t8 = t8 & uint32(mask)
t9 = t9 & uint32(mask)
// Finally, set the normalized and reduced words.
f.n[0] = t0
f.n[1] = t1
f.n[2] = t2
f.n[3] = t3
f.n[4] = t4
f.n[5] = t5
f.n[6] = t6
f.n[7] = t7
f.n[8] = t8
f.n[9] = t9
return f
// PutBytes unpacks the field value to a 32-byte big-endian value using the
// passed byte array. There is a similar function, Bytes, which unpacks the
// field value into a new array and returns that. This version is provided
// since it can be useful to cut down on the number of allocations by allowing
// the caller to reuse a buffer.
// The field value must be normalized for this function to return the correct
// result.
func (f *fieldVal) PutBytes(b *[32]byte) {
// Unpack the 256 total bits from the 10 uint32 words with a max of
// 26-bits per word. This could be done with a couple of for loops,
// but this unrolled version is a bit faster. Benchmarks show this is
// about 10 times faster than the variant which uses loops.
b[31] = byte(f.n[0] & eightBitsMask)
b[30] = byte((f.n[0] >> 8) & eightBitsMask)
b[29] = byte((f.n[0] >> 16) & eightBitsMask)
b[28] = byte((f.n[0]>>24)&twoBitsMask | (f.n[1]&sixBitsMask)<<2)
b[27] = byte((f.n[1] >> 6) & eightBitsMask)
b[26] = byte((f.n[1] >> 14) & eightBitsMask)
b[25] = byte((f.n[1]>>22)&fourBitsMask | (f.n[2]&fourBitsMask)<<4)
b[24] = byte((f.n[2] >> 4) & eightBitsMask)
b[23] = byte((f.n[2] >> 12) & eightBitsMask)
b[22] = byte((f.n[2]>>20)&sixBitsMask | (f.n[3]&twoBitsMask)<<6)
b[21] = byte((f.n[3] >> 2) & eightBitsMask)
b[20] = byte((f.n[3] >> 10) & eightBitsMask)
b[19] = byte((f.n[3] >> 18) & eightBitsMask)
b[18] = byte(f.n[4] & eightBitsMask)
b[17] = byte((f.n[4] >> 8) & eightBitsMask)
b[16] = byte((f.n[4] >> 16) & eightBitsMask)
b[15] = byte((f.n[4]>>24)&twoBitsMask | (f.n[5]&sixBitsMask)<<2)
b[14] = byte((f.n[5] >> 6) & eightBitsMask)
b[13] = byte((f.n[5] >> 14) & eightBitsMask)
b[12] = byte((f.n[5]>>22)&fourBitsMask | (f.n[6]&fourBitsMask)<<4)
b[11] = byte((f.n[6] >> 4) & eightBitsMask)
b[10] = byte((f.n[6] >> 12) & eightBitsMask)
b[9] = byte((f.n[6]>>20)&sixBitsMask | (f.n[7]&twoBitsMask)<<6)
b[8] = byte((f.n[7] >> 2) & eightBitsMask)
b[7] = byte((f.n[7] >> 10) & eightBitsMask)
b[6] = byte((f.n[7] >> 18) & eightBitsMask)
b[5] = byte(f.n[8] & eightBitsMask)
b[4] = byte((f.n[8] >> 8) & eightBitsMask)
b[3] = byte((f.n[8] >> 16) & eightBitsMask)
b[2] = byte((f.n[8]>>24)&twoBitsMask | (f.n[9]&sixBitsMask)<<2)
b[1] = byte((f.n[9] >> 6) & eightBitsMask)
b[0] = byte((f.n[9] >> 14) & eightBitsMask)
// Bytes unpacks the field value to a 32-byte big-endian value. See PutBytes
// for a variant that allows the a buffer to be passed which can be useful to
// to cut down on the number of allocations by allowing the caller to reuse a
// buffer.
// The field value must be normalized for this function to return correct
// result.
func (f *fieldVal) Bytes() *[32]byte {
b := new([32]byte)
return b
// IsZero returns whether or not the field value is equal to zero.
func (f *fieldVal) IsZero() bool {
// The value can only be zero if no bits are set in any of the words.
// This is a constant time implementation.
bits := f.n[0] | f.n[1] | f.n[2] | f.n[3] | f.n[4] |
f.n[5] | f.n[6] | f.n[7] | f.n[8] | f.n[9]
return bits == 0
// IsOdd returns whether or not the field value is an odd number.
// The field value must be normalized for this function to return correct
// result.
func (f *fieldVal) IsOdd() bool {
// Only odd numbers have the bottom bit set.
return f.n[0]&1 == 1
// Equals returns whether or not the two field values are the same. Both
// field values being compared must be normalized for this function to return
// the correct result.
func (f *fieldVal) Equals(val *fieldVal) bool {
// Xor only sets bits when they are different, so the two field values
// can only be the same if no bits are set after xoring each word.
// This is a constant time implementation.
bits := (f.n[0] ^ val.n[0]) | (f.n[1] ^ val.n[1]) | (f.n[2] ^ val.n[2]) |
(f.n[3] ^ val.n[3]) | (f.n[4] ^ val.n[4]) | (f.n[5] ^ val.n[5]) |
(f.n[6] ^ val.n[6]) | (f.n[7] ^ val.n[7]) | (f.n[8] ^ val.n[8]) |
(f.n[9] ^ val.n[9])
return bits == 0
// NegateVal negates the passed value and stores the result in f. The caller
// must provide the magnitude of the passed value for a correct result.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.NegateVal(f2).AddInt(1) so that f = -f2 + 1.
func (f *fieldVal) NegateVal(val *fieldVal, magnitude uint32) *fieldVal {
// Negation in the field is just the prime minus the value. However,
// in order to allow negation against a field value without having to
// normalize/reduce it first, multiply by the magnitude (that is how
// "far" away it is from the normalized value) to adjust. Also, since
// negating a value pushes it one more order of magnitude away from the
// normalized range, add 1 to compensate.
// For some intuition here, imagine you're performing mod 12 arithmetic
// (picture a clock) and you are negating the number 7. So you start at
// 12 (which is of course 0 under mod 12) and count backwards (left on
// the clock) 7 times to arrive at 5. Notice this is just 12-7 = 5.
// Now, assume you're starting with 19, which is a number that is
// already larger than the modulus and congruent to 7 (mod 12). When a
// value is already in the desired range, its magnitude is 1. Since 19
// is an additional "step", its magnitude (mod 12) is 2. Since any
// multiple of the modulus is conguent to zero (mod m), the answer can
// be shortcut by simply mulplying the magnitude by the modulus and
// subtracting. Keeping with the example, this would be (2*12)-19 = 5.
f.n[0] = (magnitude+1)*fieldPrimeWordZero - val.n[0]
f.n[1] = (magnitude+1)*fieldPrimeWordOne - val.n[1]
f.n[2] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[2]
f.n[3] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[3]
f.n[4] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[4]
f.n[5] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[5]
f.n[6] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[6]
f.n[7] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[7]
f.n[8] = (magnitude+1)*fieldBaseMask - val.n[8]
f.n[9] = (magnitude+1)*fieldMSBMask - val.n[9]
return f
// Negate negates the field value. The existing field value is modified. The
// caller must provide the magnitude of the field value for a correct result.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.Negate().AddInt(1) so that f = -f + 1.
func (f *fieldVal) Negate(magnitude uint32) *fieldVal {
return f.NegateVal(f, magnitude)
// AddInt adds the passed integer to the existing field value and stores the
// result in f. This is a convenience function since it is fairly common to
// perform some arithemetic with small native integers.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.AddInt(1).Add(f2) so that f = f + 1 + f2.
func (f *fieldVal) AddInt(ui uint) *fieldVal {
// Since the field representation intentionally provides overflow bits,
// it's ok to use carryless addition as the carry bit is safely part of
// the word and will be normalized out.
f.n[0] += uint32(ui)
return f
// Add adds the passed value to the existing field value and stores the result
// in f.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.Add(f2).AddInt(1) so that f = f + f2 + 1.
func (f *fieldVal) Add(val *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
// Since the field representation intentionally provides overflow bits,
// it's ok to use carryless addition as the carry bit is safely part of
// each word and will be normalized out. This could obviously be done
// in a loop, but the unrolled version is faster.
f.n[0] += val.n[0]
f.n[1] += val.n[1]
f.n[2] += val.n[2]
f.n[3] += val.n[3]
f.n[4] += val.n[4]
f.n[5] += val.n[5]
f.n[6] += val.n[6]
f.n[7] += val.n[7]
f.n[8] += val.n[8]
f.n[9] += val.n[9]
return f
// Add2 adds the passed two field values together and stores the result in f.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f3.Add2(f, f2).AddInt(1) so that f3 = f + f2 + 1.
func (f *fieldVal) Add2(val *fieldVal, val2 *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
// Since the field representation intentionally provides overflow bits,
// it's ok to use carryless addition as the carry bit is safely part of
// each word and will be normalized out. This could obviously be done
// in a loop, but the unrolled version is faster.
f.n[0] = val.n[0] + val2.n[0]
f.n[1] = val.n[1] + val2.n[1]
f.n[2] = val.n[2] + val2.n[2]
f.n[3] = val.n[3] + val2.n[3]
f.n[4] = val.n[4] + val2.n[4]
f.n[5] = val.n[5] + val2.n[5]
f.n[6] = val.n[6] + val2.n[6]
f.n[7] = val.n[7] + val2.n[7]
f.n[8] = val.n[8] + val2.n[8]
f.n[9] = val.n[9] + val2.n[9]
return f
// MulInt multiplies the field value by the passed int and stores the result in
// f. Note that this function can overflow if multiplying the value by any of
// the individual words exceeds a max uint32. Therefore it is important that
// the caller ensures no overflows will occur before using this function.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.MulInt(2).Add(f2) so that f = 2 * f + f2.
func (f *fieldVal) MulInt(val uint) *fieldVal {
// Since each word of the field representation can hold up to
// fieldOverflowBits extra bits which will be normalized out, it's safe
// to multiply each word without using a larger type or carry
// propagation so long as the values won't overflow a uint32. This
// could obviously be done in a loop, but the unrolled version is
// faster.
ui := uint32(val)
f.n[0] *= ui
f.n[1] *= ui
f.n[2] *= ui
f.n[3] *= ui
f.n[4] *= ui
f.n[5] *= ui
f.n[6] *= ui
f.n[7] *= ui
f.n[8] *= ui
f.n[9] *= ui
return f
// Mul multiplies the passed value to the existing field value and stores the
// result in f. Note that this function can overflow if multiplying any
// of the individual words exceeds a max uint32. In practice, this means the
// magnitude of either value involved in the multiplication must be a max of
// 8.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.Mul(f2).AddInt(1) so that f = (f * f2) + 1.
func (f *fieldVal) Mul(val *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
return f.Mul2(f, val)
// Mul2 multiplies the passed two field values together and stores the result
// result in f. Note that this function can overflow if multiplying any of
// the individual words exceeds a max uint32. In practice, this means the
// magnitude of either value involved in the multiplication must be a max of
// 8.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f3.Mul2(f, f2).AddInt(1) so that f3 = (f * f2) + 1.
func (f *fieldVal) Mul2(val *fieldVal, val2 *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
// This could be done with a couple of for loops and an array to store
// the intermediate terms, but this unrolled version is significantly
// faster.
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*0).
m := uint64(val.n[0]) * uint64(val2.n[0])
t0 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*1).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t1 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*2).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t2 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*3).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t3 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*4).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t4 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*5).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t5 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*6).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t6 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*7).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t7 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*8).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t8 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*9).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[1]) +
t9 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*10).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[2]) +
t10 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*11).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[3]) +
t11 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*12).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[4]) +
t12 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*13).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[5]) +
t13 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*14).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[6]) +
t14 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*15).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[7]) +
t15 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*16).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[8]) +
t16 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*17).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val2.n[9]) +
t17 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*18).
m = (m >> fieldBase) + uint64(val.n[9])*uint64(val2.n[9])
t18 := m & fieldBaseMask
// What's left is for 2^(fieldBase*19).
t19 := m >> fieldBase
// At this point, all of the terms are grouped into their respective
// base.
// Per [HAC] section 14.3.4: Reduction method of moduli of special form,
// when the modulus is of the special form m = b^t - c, highly efficient
// reduction can be achieved per the provided algorithm.
// The secp256k1 prime is equivalent to 2^256 - 4294968273, so it fits
// this criteria.
// 4294968273 in field representation (base 2^26) is:
// n[0] = 977
// n[1] = 64
// That is to say (2^26 * 64) + 977 = 4294968273
// Since each word is in base 26, the upper terms (t10 and up) start
// at 260 bits (versus the final desired range of 256 bits), so the
// field representation of 'c' from above needs to be adjusted for the
// extra 4 bits by multiplying it by 2^4 = 16. 4294968273 * 16 =
// 68719492368. Thus, the adjusted field representation of 'c' is:
// n[0] = 977 * 16 = 15632
// n[1] = 64 * 16 = 1024
// That is to say (2^26 * 1024) + 15632 = 68719492368
// To reduce the final term, t19, the entire 'c' value is needed instead
// of only n[0] because there are no more terms left to handle n[1].
// This means there might be some magnitude left in the upper bits that
// is handled below.
m = t0 + t10*15632
t0 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t1 + t10*1024 + t11*15632
t1 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t2 + t11*1024 + t12*15632
t2 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t3 + t12*1024 + t13*15632
t3 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t4 + t13*1024 + t14*15632
t4 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t5 + t14*1024 + t15*15632
t5 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t6 + t15*1024 + t16*15632
t6 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t7 + t16*1024 + t17*15632
t7 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t8 + t17*1024 + t18*15632
t8 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t9 + t18*1024 + t19*68719492368
t9 = m & fieldMSBMask
m = m >> fieldMSBBits
// At this point, if the magnitude is greater than 0, the overall value
// is greater than the max possible 256-bit value. In particular, it is
// "how many times larger" than the max value it is.
// The algorithm presented in [HAC] section 14.3.4 repeats until the
// quotient is zero. However, due to the above, we already know at
// least how many times we would need to repeat as it's the value
// currently in m. Thus we can simply multiply the magnitude by the
// field representation of the prime and do a single iteration. Notice
// that nothing will be changed when the magnitude is zero, so we could
// skip this in that case, however always running regardless allows it
// to run in constant time. The final result will be in the range
// 0 <= result <= prime + (2^64 - c), so it is guaranteed to have a
// magnitude of 1, but it is denormalized.
d := t0 + m*977
f.n[0] = uint32(d & fieldBaseMask)
d = (d >> fieldBase) + t1 + m*64
f.n[1] = uint32(d & fieldBaseMask)
f.n[2] = uint32((d >> fieldBase) + t2)
f.n[3] = uint32(t3)
f.n[4] = uint32(t4)
f.n[5] = uint32(t5)
f.n[6] = uint32(t6)
f.n[7] = uint32(t7)
f.n[8] = uint32(t8)
f.n[9] = uint32(t9)
return f
// Square squares the field value. The existing field value is modified. Note
// that this function can overflow if multiplying any of the individual words
// exceeds a max uint32. In practice, this means the magnitude of the field
// must be a max of 8 to prevent overflow.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.Square().Mul(f2) so that f = f^2 * f2.
func (f *fieldVal) Square() *fieldVal {
return f.SquareVal(f)
// SquareVal squares the passed value and stores the result in f. Note that
// this function can overflow if multiplying any of the individual words
// exceeds a max uint32. In practice, this means the magnitude of the field
// being squred must be a max of 8 to prevent overflow.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f3.SquareVal(f).Mul(f) so that f3 = f^2 * f = f^3.
func (f *fieldVal) SquareVal(val *fieldVal) *fieldVal {
// This could be done with a couple of for loops and an array to store
// the intermediate terms, but this unrolled version is significantly
// faster.
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*0).
m := uint64(val.n[0]) * uint64(val.n[0])
t0 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*1).
m = (m >> fieldBase) + 2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[1])
t1 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*2).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[2]) +
t2 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*3).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[3]) +
t3 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*4).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[4]) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[3]) +
t4 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*5).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[5]) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[4]) +
t5 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*6).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[6]) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[5]) +
2*uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val.n[4]) +
t6 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*7).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[7]) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[6]) +
2*uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val.n[5]) +
t7 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*8).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[7]) +
2*uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val.n[6]) +
2*uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val.n[5]) +
t8 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*9).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[0])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
2*uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val.n[7]) +
2*uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val.n[6]) +
t9 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*10).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[1])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
2*uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
2*uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val.n[7]) +
2*uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val.n[6]) +
t10 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*11).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[2])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
2*uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
2*uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val.n[7]) +
t11 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*12).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[3])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
2*uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
2*uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val.n[7]) +
t12 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*13).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[4])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
2*uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
t13 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*14).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[5])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
2*uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val.n[8]) +
t14 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*15).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[6])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
t15 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*16).
m = (m >> fieldBase) +
2*uint64(val.n[7])*uint64(val.n[9]) +
t16 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*17).
m = (m >> fieldBase) + 2*uint64(val.n[8])*uint64(val.n[9])
t17 := m & fieldBaseMask
// Terms for 2^(fieldBase*18).
m = (m >> fieldBase) + uint64(val.n[9])*uint64(val.n[9])
t18 := m & fieldBaseMask
// What's left is for 2^(fieldBase*19).
t19 := m >> fieldBase
// At this point, all of the terms are grouped into their respective
// base.
// Per [HAC] section 14.3.4: Reduction method of moduli of special form,
// when the modulus is of the special form m = b^t - c, highly efficient
// reduction can be achieved per the provided algorithm.
// The secp256k1 prime is equivalent to 2^256 - 4294968273, so it fits
// this criteria.
// 4294968273 in field representation (base 2^26) is:
// n[0] = 977
// n[1] = 64
// That is to say (2^26 * 64) + 977 = 4294968273
// Since each word is in base 26, the upper terms (t10 and up) start
// at 260 bits (versus the final desired range of 256 bits), so the
// field representation of 'c' from above needs to be adjusted for the
// extra 4 bits by multiplying it by 2^4 = 16. 4294968273 * 16 =
// 68719492368. Thus, the adjusted field representation of 'c' is:
// n[0] = 977 * 16 = 15632
// n[1] = 64 * 16 = 1024
// That is to say (2^26 * 1024) + 15632 = 68719492368
// To reduce the final term, t19, the entire 'c' value is needed instead
// of only n[0] because there are no more terms left to handle n[1].
// This means there might be some magnitude left in the upper bits that
// is handled below.
m = t0 + t10*15632
t0 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t1 + t10*1024 + t11*15632
t1 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t2 + t11*1024 + t12*15632
t2 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t3 + t12*1024 + t13*15632
t3 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t4 + t13*1024 + t14*15632
t4 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t5 + t14*1024 + t15*15632
t5 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t6 + t15*1024 + t16*15632
t6 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t7 + t16*1024 + t17*15632
t7 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t8 + t17*1024 + t18*15632
t8 = m & fieldBaseMask
m = (m >> fieldBase) + t9 + t18*1024 + t19*68719492368
t9 = m & fieldMSBMask
m = m >> fieldMSBBits
// At this point, if the magnitude is greater than 0, the overall value
// is greater than the max possible 256-bit value. In particular, it is
// "how many times larger" than the max value it is.
// The algorithm presented in [HAC] section 14.3.4 repeats until the
// quotient is zero. However, due to the above, we already know at
// least how many times we would need to repeat as it's the value
// currently in m. Thus we can simply multiply the magnitude by the
// field representation of the prime and do a single iteration. Notice
// that nothing will be changed when the magnitude is zero, so we could
// skip this in that case, however always running regardless allows it
// to run in constant time. The final result will be in the range
// 0 <= result <= prime + (2^64 - c), so it is guaranteed to have a
// magnitude of 1, but it is denormalized.
n := t0 + m*977
f.n[0] = uint32(n & fieldBaseMask)
n = (n >> fieldBase) + t1 + m*64
f.n[1] = uint32(n & fieldBaseMask)
f.n[2] = uint32((n >> fieldBase) + t2)
f.n[3] = uint32(t3)
f.n[4] = uint32(t4)
f.n[5] = uint32(t5)
f.n[6] = uint32(t6)
f.n[7] = uint32(t7)
f.n[8] = uint32(t8)
f.n[9] = uint32(t9)
return f
// Inverse finds the modular multiplicative inverse of the field value. The
// existing field value is modified.
// The field value is returned to support chaining. This enables syntax like:
// f.Inverse().Mul(f2) so that f = f^-1 * f2.
func (f *fieldVal) Inverse() *fieldVal {
// Fermat's little theorem states that for a nonzero number a and prime
// prime p, a^(p-1) = 1 (mod p). Since the multipliciative inverse is
// a*b = 1 (mod p), it follows that b = a*a^(p-2) = a^(p-1) = 1 (mod p).
// Thus, a^(p-2) is the multiplicative inverse.
// In order to efficiently compute a^(p-2), p-2 needs to be split into
// a sequence of squares and multipications that minimizes the number of
// multiplications needed (since they are more costly than squarings).
// Intermediate results are saved and reused as well.
// The secp256k1 prime - 2 is 2^256 - 4294968275.
// This has a cost of 258 field squarings and 33 field multiplications.
var a2, a3, a4, a10, a11, a21, a42, a45, a63, a1019, a1023 fieldVal
a3.Mul2(&a2, f)
a11.Mul2(&a10, f)
a21.Mul2(&a10, &a11)
a45.Mul2(&a42, &a3)
a63.Mul2(&a42, &a21)
a1023.Mul2(&a1019, &a4)
f.Set(&a63) // f = a^(2^6 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^11 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^16 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^16 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^21 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^26 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^26 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^31 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^36 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^36 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^41 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^46 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^46 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^51 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^56 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^56 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^61 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^66 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^66 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^71 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^76 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^76 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^81 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^86 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^86 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^91 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^96 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^96 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^101 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^106 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^106 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^111 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^116 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^116 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^121 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^126 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^126 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^131 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^136 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^136 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^141 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^146 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^146 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^151 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^156 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^156 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^161 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^166 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^166 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^171 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^176 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^176 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^181 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^186 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^186 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^191 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^196 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^196 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^201 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^206 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^206 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^211 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^216 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^216 - 1)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^221 - 32)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^226 - 1024)
f.Mul(&a1019) // f = a^(2^226 - 5)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^231 - 160)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^236 - 5120)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^236 - 4097)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^241 - 131104)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^246 - 4195328)
f.Mul(&a1023) // f = a^(2^246 - 4194305)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^251 - 134217760)
f.Square().Square().Square().Square().Square() // f = a^(2^256 - 4294968320)
return f.Mul(&a45) // f = a^(2^256 - 4294968275) = a^(p-2)