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synced 2025-03-14 03:48:17 +01:00
This commit contains the entire btcdb repository along with several changes needed to move all of the files into the database directory in order to prepare it for merging. This does NOT update btcd or any of the other packages to use the new location as that will be done separately. - All import paths in the old btcdb test files have been changed to the new location - All references to btcdb as the package name have been chagned to database - The coveralls badge has been removed since it unfortunately doesn't support coverage of sub-packages This is ongoing work toward #214.
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package database
import (
// Errors that the various database functions may return.
var (
ErrAddrIndexDoesNotExist = errors.New("address index hasn't been built up yet")
ErrUnsupportedAddressType = errors.New("address type is not supported " +
"by the address-index")
ErrPrevShaMissing = errors.New("previous sha missing from database")
ErrTxShaMissing = errors.New("requested transaction does not exist")
ErrBlockShaMissing = errors.New("requested block does not exist")
ErrDuplicateSha = errors.New("duplicate insert attempted")
ErrDbDoesNotExist = errors.New("non-existent database")
ErrDbUnknownType = errors.New("non-existent database type")
ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("method has not yet been implemented")
// AllShas is a special value that can be used as the final sha when requesting
// a range of shas by height to request them all.
const AllShas = int64(^uint64(0) >> 1)
// Db defines a generic interface that is used to request and insert data into
// the bitcoin block chain. This interface is intended to be agnostic to actual
// mechanism used for backend data storage. The AddDBDriver function can be
// used to add a new backend data storage method.
type Db interface {
// Close cleanly shuts down the database and syncs all data.
Close() (err error)
// DropAfterBlockBySha will remove any blocks from the database after
// the given block. It terminates any existing transaction and performs
// its operations in an atomic transaction which is commited before
// the function returns.
DropAfterBlockBySha(*btcwire.ShaHash) (err error)
// ExistsSha returns whether or not the given block hash is present in
// the database.
ExistsSha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (exists bool, err error)
// FetchBlockBySha returns a btcutil Block. The implementation may
// cache the underlying data if desired.
FetchBlockBySha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (blk *btcutil.Block, err error)
// FetchBlockHeightBySha returns the block height for the given hash.
FetchBlockHeightBySha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (height int64, err error)
// FetchBlockHeaderBySha returns a btcwire.BlockHeader for the given
// sha. The implementation may cache the underlying data if desired.
FetchBlockHeaderBySha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (bh *btcwire.BlockHeader, err error)
// FetchBlockShaByHeight returns a block hash based on its height in the
// block chain.
FetchBlockShaByHeight(height int64) (sha *btcwire.ShaHash, err error)
// FetchHeightRange looks up a range of blocks by the start and ending
// heights. Fetch is inclusive of the start height and exclusive of the
// ending height. To fetch all hashes from the start height until no
// more are present, use the special id `AllShas'.
FetchHeightRange(startHeight, endHeight int64) (rshalist []btcwire.ShaHash, err error)
// ExistsTxSha returns whether or not the given tx hash is present in
// the database
ExistsTxSha(sha *btcwire.ShaHash) (exists bool, err error)
// FetchTxBySha returns some data for the given transaction hash. The
// implementation may cache the underlying data if desired.
FetchTxBySha(txsha *btcwire.ShaHash) ([]*TxListReply, error)
// FetchTxByShaList returns a TxListReply given an array of transaction
// hashes. The implementation may cache the underlying data if desired.
// This differs from FetchUnSpentTxByShaList in that it will return
// the most recent known Tx, if it is fully spent or not.
// NOTE: This function does not return an error directly since it MUST
// return at least one TxListReply instance for each requested
// transaction. Each TxListReply instance then contains an Err field
// which can be used to detect errors.
FetchTxByShaList(txShaList []*btcwire.ShaHash) []*TxListReply
// FetchUnSpentTxByShaList returns a TxListReply given an array of
// transaction hashes. The implementation may cache the underlying
// data if desired. Fully spent transactions will not normally not
// be returned in this operation.
// NOTE: This function does not return an error directly since it MUST
// return at least one TxListReply instance for each requested
// transaction. Each TxListReply instance then contains an Err field
// which can be used to detect errors.
FetchUnSpentTxByShaList(txShaList []*btcwire.ShaHash) []*TxListReply
// InsertBlock inserts raw block and transaction data from a block
// into the database. The first block inserted into the database
// will be treated as the genesis block. Every subsequent block insert
// requires the referenced parent block to already exist.
InsertBlock(block *btcutil.Block) (height int64, err error)
// NewestSha returns the hash and block height of the most recent (end)
// block of the block chain. It will return the zero hash, -1 for
// the block height, and no error (nil) if there are not any blocks in
// the database yet.
NewestSha() (sha *btcwire.ShaHash, height int64, err error)
// FetchAddrIndexTip returns the hash and block height of the most recent
// block which has had its address index populated. It will return
// ErrAddrIndexDoesNotExist along with a zero hash, and -1 if the
// addrindex hasn't yet been built up.
FetchAddrIndexTip() (sha *btcwire.ShaHash, height int64, err error)
// UpdateAddrIndexForBlock updates the stored addrindex with passed
// index information for a particular block height. Additionally, it
// will update the stored meta-data related to the curent tip of the
// addr index. These two operations are performed in an atomic
// transaction which is commited before the function returns.
// Addresses are indexed by the raw bytes of their base58 decoded
// hash160.
UpdateAddrIndexForBlock(blkSha *btcwire.ShaHash, height int64,
addrIndex BlockAddrIndex) error
// FetchTxsForAddr looks up and returns all transactions which either
// spend a previously created output of the passed address, or create
// a new output locked to the passed address. The, `limit` parameter
// should be the max number of transactions to be returned.
// Additionally, if the caller wishes to skip forward in the results
// some amount, the 'seek' represents how many results to skip.
// NOTE: Values for both `seek` and `limit` MUST be positive.
FetchTxsForAddr(addr btcutil.Address, skip int, limit int) ([]*TxListReply, error)
// DeleteAddrIndex deletes the entire addrindex stored within the DB.
DeleteAddrIndex() error
// RollbackClose discards the recent database changes to the previously
// saved data at last Sync and closes the database.
RollbackClose() (err error)
// Sync verifies that the database is coherent on disk and no
// outstanding transactions are in flight.
Sync() (err error)
// DriverDB defines a structure for backend drivers to use when they registered
// themselves as a backend which implements the Db interface.
type DriverDB struct {
DbType string
CreateDB func(args ...interface{}) (pbdb Db, err error)
OpenDB func(args ...interface{}) (pbdb Db, err error)
// TxListReply is used to return individual transaction information when
// data about multiple transactions is requested in a single call.
type TxListReply struct {
Sha *btcwire.ShaHash
Tx *btcwire.MsgTx
BlkSha *btcwire.ShaHash
Height int64
TxSpent []bool
Err error
// AddrIndexKeySize is the number of bytes used by keys into the BlockAddrIndex.
const AddrIndexKeySize = ripemd160.Size
// BlockAddrIndex represents the indexing structure for addresses.
// It maps a hash160 to a list of transaction locations within a block that
// either pays to or spends from the passed UTXO for the hash160.
type BlockAddrIndex map[[AddrIndexKeySize]byte][]*btcwire.TxLoc
// driverList holds all of the registered database backends.
var driverList []DriverDB
// AddDBDriver adds a back end database driver to available interfaces.
func AddDBDriver(instance DriverDB) {
// TODO(drahn) Does this really need to check for duplicate names ?
for _, drv := range driverList {
// TODO(drahn) should duplicates be an error?
if drv.DbType == instance.DbType {
driverList = append(driverList, instance)
// CreateDB intializes and opens a database.
func CreateDB(dbtype string, args ...interface{}) (pbdb Db, err error) {
for _, drv := range driverList {
if drv.DbType == dbtype {
return drv.CreateDB(args...)
return nil, ErrDbUnknownType
// OpenDB opens an existing database.
func OpenDB(dbtype string, args ...interface{}) (pbdb Db, err error) {
for _, drv := range driverList {
if drv.DbType == dbtype {
return drv.OpenDB(args...)
return nil, ErrDbUnknownType
// SupportedDBs returns a slice of strings that represent the database drivers
// that have been registered and are therefore supported.
func SupportedDBs() []string {
var supportedDBs []string
for _, drv := range driverList {
supportedDBs = append(supportedDBs, drv.DbType)
return supportedDBs