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synced 2025-03-10 17:26:07 +01:00
In this commit, we add a new "dummy" deployment that adds the new params used to activate taproot. We chose to add a new deployment as unlike the bitcoind codebase, we don't currently "bury" soft forks that have happened in the past (hard code an activation height). The old taproot deployment has been removed as with the way the array works, a deployment needs to be defined for _all_ networks.
998 lines
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998 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package chaincfg
import (
// These variables are the chain proof-of-work limit parameters for each default
// network.
var (
// bigOne is 1 represented as a big.Int. It is defined here to avoid
// the overhead of creating it multiple times.
bigOne = big.NewInt(1)
// mainPowLimit is the highest proof of work value a Bitcoin block can
// have for the main network. It is the value 2^224 - 1.
mainPowLimit = new(big.Int).Sub(new(big.Int).Lsh(bigOne, 224), bigOne)
// regressionPowLimit is the highest proof of work value a Bitcoin block
// can have for the regression test network. It is the value 2^255 - 1.
regressionPowLimit = new(big.Int).Sub(new(big.Int).Lsh(bigOne, 255), bigOne)
// testNet3PowLimit is the highest proof of work value a Bitcoin block
// can have for the test network (version 3). It is the value
// 2^224 - 1.
testNet3PowLimit = new(big.Int).Sub(new(big.Int).Lsh(bigOne, 224), bigOne)
// simNetPowLimit is the highest proof of work value a Bitcoin block
// can have for the simulation test network. It is the value 2^255 - 1.
simNetPowLimit = new(big.Int).Sub(new(big.Int).Lsh(bigOne, 255), bigOne)
// sigNetPowLimit is the highest proof of work value a bitcoin block can
// have for the signet test network. It is the value 0x0377ae << 216.
sigNetPowLimit = new(big.Int).Lsh(new(big.Int).SetInt64(0x0377ae), 216)
// DefaultSignetChallenge is the byte representation of the signet
// challenge for the default (public, Taproot enabled) signet network.
// This is the binary equivalent of the bitcoin script
// 1 03ad5e0edad18cb1f0fc0d28a3d4f1f3e445640337489abb10404f2d1e086be430
// 0359ef5021964fe22d6f8e05b2463c9540ce96883fe3b278760f048f5189f2e6c4 2
DefaultSignetChallenge, _ = hex.DecodeString(
"512103ad5e0edad18cb1f0fc0d28a3d4f1f3e445640337489abb10404f2d" +
"1e086be430210359ef5021964fe22d6f8e05b2463c9540ce9688" +
// DefaultSignetDNSSeeds is the list of seed nodes for the default
// (public, Taproot enabled) signet network.
DefaultSignetDNSSeeds = []DNSSeed{
{"", false},
{"2a01:7c8:d005:390::5", false},
{"v7ajjeirttkbnt32wpy3c6w3emwnfr3fkla7hpxcfokr3ysd3kqtzmqd.onion:38333", false},
// Checkpoint identifies a known good point in the block chain. Using
// checkpoints allows a few optimizations for old blocks during initial download
// and also prevents forks from old blocks.
// Each checkpoint is selected based upon several factors. See the
// documentation for blockchain.IsCheckpointCandidate for details on the
// selection criteria.
type Checkpoint struct {
Height int32
Hash *chainhash.Hash
// DNSSeed identifies a DNS seed.
type DNSSeed struct {
// Host defines the hostname of the seed.
Host string
// HasFiltering defines whether the seed supports filtering
// by service flags (wire.ServiceFlag).
HasFiltering bool
// ConsensusDeployment defines details related to a specific consensus rule
// change that is voted in. This is part of BIP0009.
type ConsensusDeployment struct {
// BitNumber defines the specific bit number within the block version
// this particular soft-fork deployment refers to.
BitNumber uint8
// MinActivationHeight is an optional field that when set (default
// value being zero), modifies the traditional BIP 9 state machine by
// only transitioning from LockedIn to Active once the block height is
// greater than (or equal to) thus specified height.
MinActivationHeight uint32
// CustomActivationThreshold if set (non-zero), will _override_ the
// existing RuleChangeActivationThreshold value set at the
// network/chain level. This value divided by the active
// MinerConfirmationWindow denotes the threshold required for
// activation. A value of 1815 block denotes a 90% threshold.
CustomActivationThreshold uint32
// DeploymentStarter is used to determine if the given
// ConsensusDeployment has started or not.
DeploymentStarter ConsensusDeploymentStarter
// DeploymentEnder is used to determine if the given
// ConsensusDeployment has ended or not.
DeploymentEnder ConsensusDeploymentEnder
// Constants that define the deployment offset in the deployments field of the
// parameters for each deployment. This is useful to be able to get the details
// of a specific deployment by name.
const (
// DeploymentTestDummy defines the rule change deployment ID for testing
// purposes.
DeploymentTestDummy = iota
// DeploymentTestDummyMinActivation defines the rule change deployment
// ID for testing purposes. This differs from the DeploymentTestDummy
// in that it specifies the newer params the taproot fork used for
// activation: a custom threshold and a min activation height.
// DeploymentCSV defines the rule change deployment ID for the CSV
// soft-fork package. The CSV package includes the deployment of BIPS
// 68, 112, and 113.
// DeploymentSegwit defines the rule change deployment ID for the
// Segregated Witness (segwit) soft-fork package. The segwit package
// includes the deployment of BIPS 141, 142, 144, 145, 147 and 173.
// NOTE: DefinedDeployments must always come last since it is used to
// determine how many defined deployments there currently are.
// DefinedDeployments is the number of currently defined deployments.
// Params defines a Bitcoin network by its parameters. These parameters may be
// used by Bitcoin applications to differentiate networks as well as addresses
// and keys for one network from those intended for use on another network.
type Params struct {
// Name defines a human-readable identifier for the network.
Name string
// Net defines the magic bytes used to identify the network.
Net wire.BitcoinNet
// DefaultPort defines the default peer-to-peer port for the network.
DefaultPort string
// DNSSeeds defines a list of DNS seeds for the network that are used
// as one method to discover peers.
DNSSeeds []DNSSeed
// GenesisBlock defines the first block of the chain.
GenesisBlock *wire.MsgBlock
// GenesisHash is the starting block hash.
GenesisHash *chainhash.Hash
// PowLimit defines the highest allowed proof of work value for a block
// as a uint256.
PowLimit *big.Int
// PowLimitBits defines the highest allowed proof of work value for a
// block in compact form.
PowLimitBits uint32
// These fields define the block heights at which the specified softfork
// BIP became active.
BIP0034Height int32
BIP0065Height int32
BIP0066Height int32
// CoinbaseMaturity is the number of blocks required before newly mined
// coins (coinbase transactions) can be spent.
CoinbaseMaturity uint16
// SubsidyReductionInterval is the interval of blocks before the subsidy
// is reduced.
SubsidyReductionInterval int32
// TargetTimespan is the desired amount of time that should elapse
// before the block difficulty requirement is examined to determine how
// it should be changed in order to maintain the desired block
// generation rate.
TargetTimespan time.Duration
// TargetTimePerBlock is the desired amount of time to generate each
// block.
TargetTimePerBlock time.Duration
// RetargetAdjustmentFactor is the adjustment factor used to limit
// the minimum and maximum amount of adjustment that can occur between
// difficulty retargets.
RetargetAdjustmentFactor int64
// ReduceMinDifficulty defines whether the network should reduce the
// minimum required difficulty after a long enough period of time has
// passed without finding a block. This is really only useful for test
// networks and should not be set on a main network.
ReduceMinDifficulty bool
// MinDiffReductionTime is the amount of time after which the minimum
// required difficulty should be reduced when a block hasn't been found.
// NOTE: This only applies if ReduceMinDifficulty is true.
MinDiffReductionTime time.Duration
// GenerateSupported specifies whether or not CPU mining is allowed.
GenerateSupported bool
// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
Checkpoints []Checkpoint
// These fields are related to voting on consensus rule changes as
// defined by BIP0009.
// RuleChangeActivationThreshold is the number of blocks in a threshold
// state retarget window for which a positive vote for a rule change
// must be cast in order to lock in a rule change. It should typically
// be 95% for the main network and 75% for test networks.
// MinerConfirmationWindow is the number of blocks in each threshold
// state retarget window.
// Deployments define the specific consensus rule changes to be voted
// on.
RuleChangeActivationThreshold uint32
MinerConfirmationWindow uint32
Deployments [DefinedDeployments]ConsensusDeployment
// Mempool parameters
RelayNonStdTxs bool
// Human-readable part for Bech32 encoded segwit addresses, as defined
// in BIP 173.
Bech32HRPSegwit string
// Address encoding magics
PubKeyHashAddrID byte // First byte of a P2PKH address
ScriptHashAddrID byte // First byte of a P2SH address
PrivateKeyID byte // First byte of a WIF private key
WitnessPubKeyHashAddrID byte // First byte of a P2WPKH address
WitnessScriptHashAddrID byte // First byte of a P2WSH address
// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
HDPrivateKeyID [4]byte
HDPublicKeyID [4]byte
// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
// address generation.
HDCoinType uint32
// MainNetParams defines the network parameters for the main Bitcoin network.
var MainNetParams = Params{
Name: "mainnet",
Net: wire.MainNet,
DefaultPort: "8333",
DNSSeeds: []DNSSeed{
{"seed.bitcoin.sipa.be", true},
{"dnsseed.bluematt.me", true},
{"dnsseed.bitcoin.dashjr.org", false},
{"seed.bitcoinstats.com", true},
{"seed.bitnodes.io", false},
{"seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch", true},
// Chain parameters
GenesisBlock: &genesisBlock,
GenesisHash: &genesisHash,
PowLimit: mainPowLimit,
PowLimitBits: 0x1d00ffff,
BIP0034Height: 227931, // 000000000000024b89b42a942fe0d9fea3bb44ab7bd1b19115dd6a759c0808b8
BIP0065Height: 388381, // 000000000000000004c2b624ed5d7756c508d90fd0da2c7c679febfa6c4735f0
BIP0066Height: 363725, // 00000000000000000379eaa19dce8c9b722d46ae6a57c2f1a988119488b50931
CoinbaseMaturity: 100,
SubsidyReductionInterval: 210000,
TargetTimespan: time.Hour * 24 * 14, // 14 days
TargetTimePerBlock: time.Minute * 10, // 10 minutes
RetargetAdjustmentFactor: 4, // 25% less, 400% more
ReduceMinDifficulty: false,
MinDiffReductionTime: 0,
GenerateSupported: false,
// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
Checkpoints: []Checkpoint{
{11111, newHashFromStr("0000000069e244f73d78e8fd29ba2fd2ed618bd6fa2ee92559f542fdb26e7c1d")},
{33333, newHashFromStr("000000002dd5588a74784eaa7ab0507a18ad16a236e7b1ce69f00d7ddfb5d0a6")},
{74000, newHashFromStr("0000000000573993a3c9e41ce34471c079dcf5f52a0e824a81e7f953b8661a20")},
{105000, newHashFromStr("00000000000291ce28027faea320c8d2b054b2e0fe44a773f3eefb151d6bdc97")},
{134444, newHashFromStr("00000000000005b12ffd4cd315cd34ffd4a594f430ac814c91184a0d42d2b0fe")},
{168000, newHashFromStr("000000000000099e61ea72015e79632f216fe6cb33d7899acb35b75c8303b763")},
{193000, newHashFromStr("000000000000059f452a5f7340de6682a977387c17010ff6e6c3bd83ca8b1317")},
{210000, newHashFromStr("000000000000048b95347e83192f69cf0366076336c639f9b7228e9ba171342e")},
{216116, newHashFromStr("00000000000001b4f4b433e81ee46494af945cf96014816a4e2370f11b23df4e")},
{225430, newHashFromStr("00000000000001c108384350f74090433e7fcf79a606b8e797f065b130575932")},
{250000, newHashFromStr("000000000000003887df1f29024b06fc2200b55f8af8f35453d7be294df2d214")},
{267300, newHashFromStr("000000000000000a83fbd660e918f218bf37edd92b748ad940483c7c116179ac")},
{279000, newHashFromStr("0000000000000001ae8c72a0b0c301f67e3afca10e819efa9041e458e9bd7e40")},
{300255, newHashFromStr("0000000000000000162804527c6e9b9f0563a280525f9d08c12041def0a0f3b2")},
{319400, newHashFromStr("000000000000000021c6052e9becade189495d1c539aa37c58917305fd15f13b")},
{343185, newHashFromStr("0000000000000000072b8bf361d01a6ba7d445dd024203fafc78768ed4368554")},
{352940, newHashFromStr("000000000000000010755df42dba556bb72be6a32f3ce0b6941ce4430152c9ff")},
{382320, newHashFromStr("00000000000000000a8dc6ed5b133d0eb2fd6af56203e4159789b092defd8ab2")},
{400000, newHashFromStr("000000000000000004ec466ce4732fe6f1ed1cddc2ed4b328fff5224276e3f6f")},
{430000, newHashFromStr("000000000000000001868b2bb3a285f3cc6b33ea234eb70facf4dcdf22186b87")},
{460000, newHashFromStr("000000000000000000ef751bbce8e744ad303c47ece06c8d863e4d417efc258c")},
{490000, newHashFromStr("000000000000000000de069137b17b8d5a3dfbd5b145b2dcfb203f15d0c4de90")},
{520000, newHashFromStr("0000000000000000000d26984c0229c9f6962dc74db0a6d525f2f1640396f69c")},
{550000, newHashFromStr("000000000000000000223b7a2298fb1c6c75fb0efc28a4c56853ff4112ec6bc9")},
{560000, newHashFromStr("0000000000000000002c7b276daf6efb2b6aa68e2ce3be67ef925b3264ae7122")},
// Consensus rule change deployments.
// The miner confirmation window is defined as:
// target proof of work timespan / target proof of work spacing
RuleChangeActivationThreshold: 1916, // 95% of MinerConfirmationWindow
MinerConfirmationWindow: 2016, //
Deployments: [DefinedDeployments]ConsensusDeployment{
DeploymentTestDummy: {
BitNumber: 28,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(11991456010, 0), // January 1, 2008 UTC
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1230767999, 0), // December 31, 2008 UTC
DeploymentTestDummyMinActivation: {
BitNumber: 22,
CustomActivationThreshold: 1815, // Only needs 90% hash rate.
MinActivationHeight: 10_0000, // Can only activate after height 10k.
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentCSV: {
BitNumber: 0,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(1462060800, 0), // May 1st, 2016
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1493596800, 0), // May 1st, 2017
DeploymentSegwit: {
BitNumber: 1,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(1479168000, 0), // November 15, 2016 UTC
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1510704000, 0), // November 15, 2017 UTC.
// Mempool parameters
RelayNonStdTxs: false,
// Human-readable part for Bech32 encoded segwit addresses, as defined in
// BIP 173.
Bech32HRPSegwit: "bc", // always bc for main net
// Address encoding magics
PubKeyHashAddrID: 0x00, // starts with 1
ScriptHashAddrID: 0x05, // starts with 3
PrivateKeyID: 0x80, // starts with 5 (uncompressed) or K (compressed)
WitnessPubKeyHashAddrID: 0x06, // starts with p2
WitnessScriptHashAddrID: 0x0A, // starts with 7Xh
// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
HDPrivateKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x88, 0xad, 0xe4}, // starts with xprv
HDPublicKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x88, 0xb2, 0x1e}, // starts with xpub
// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
// address generation.
HDCoinType: 0,
// RegressionNetParams defines the network parameters for the regression test
// Bitcoin network. Not to be confused with the test Bitcoin network (version
// 3), this network is sometimes simply called "testnet".
var RegressionNetParams = Params{
Name: "regtest",
Net: wire.TestNet,
DefaultPort: "18444",
DNSSeeds: []DNSSeed{},
// Chain parameters
GenesisBlock: ®TestGenesisBlock,
GenesisHash: ®TestGenesisHash,
PowLimit: regressionPowLimit,
PowLimitBits: 0x207fffff,
CoinbaseMaturity: 100,
BIP0034Height: 100000000, // Not active - Permit ver 1 blocks
BIP0065Height: 1351, // Used by regression tests
BIP0066Height: 1251, // Used by regression tests
SubsidyReductionInterval: 150,
TargetTimespan: time.Hour * 24 * 14, // 14 days
TargetTimePerBlock: time.Minute * 10, // 10 minutes
RetargetAdjustmentFactor: 4, // 25% less, 400% more
ReduceMinDifficulty: true,
MinDiffReductionTime: time.Minute * 20, // TargetTimePerBlock * 2
GenerateSupported: true,
// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
Checkpoints: nil,
// Consensus rule change deployments.
// The miner confirmation window is defined as:
// target proof of work timespan / target proof of work spacing
RuleChangeActivationThreshold: 108, // 75% of MinerConfirmationWindow
MinerConfirmationWindow: 144,
Deployments: [DefinedDeployments]ConsensusDeployment{
DeploymentTestDummy: {
BitNumber: 28,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentTestDummyMinActivation: {
BitNumber: 22,
CustomActivationThreshold: 72, // Only needs 50% hash rate.
MinActivationHeight: 600, // Can only activate after height 600.
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentCSV: {
BitNumber: 0,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentSegwit: {
BitNumber: 1,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires.
// Mempool parameters
RelayNonStdTxs: true,
// Human-readable part for Bech32 encoded segwit addresses, as defined in
// BIP 173.
Bech32HRPSegwit: "bcrt", // always bcrt for reg test net
// Address encoding magics
PubKeyHashAddrID: 0x6f, // starts with m or n
ScriptHashAddrID: 0xc4, // starts with 2
PrivateKeyID: 0xef, // starts with 9 (uncompressed) or c (compressed)
// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
HDPrivateKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94}, // starts with tprv
HDPublicKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xcf}, // starts with tpub
// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
// address generation.
HDCoinType: 1,
// TestNet3Params defines the network parameters for the test Bitcoin network
// (version 3). Not to be confused with the regression test network, this
// network is sometimes simply called "testnet".
var TestNet3Params = Params{
Name: "testnet3",
Net: wire.TestNet3,
DefaultPort: "18333",
DNSSeeds: []DNSSeed{
{"testnet-seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch", true},
{"testnet-seed.bitcoin.schildbach.de", false},
{"seed.tbtc.petertodd.org", true},
{"testnet-seed.bluematt.me", false},
// Chain parameters
GenesisBlock: &testNet3GenesisBlock,
GenesisHash: &testNet3GenesisHash,
PowLimit: testNet3PowLimit,
PowLimitBits: 0x1d00ffff,
BIP0034Height: 21111, // 0000000023b3a96d3484e5abb3755c413e7d41500f8e2a5c3f0dd01299cd8ef8
BIP0065Height: 581885, // 00000000007f6655f22f98e72ed80d8b06dc761d5da09df0fa1dc4be4f861eb6
BIP0066Height: 330776, // 000000002104c8c45e99a8853285a3b592602a3ccde2b832481da85e9e4ba182
CoinbaseMaturity: 100,
SubsidyReductionInterval: 210000,
TargetTimespan: time.Hour * 24 * 14, // 14 days
TargetTimePerBlock: time.Minute * 10, // 10 minutes
RetargetAdjustmentFactor: 4, // 25% less, 400% more
ReduceMinDifficulty: true,
MinDiffReductionTime: time.Minute * 20, // TargetTimePerBlock * 2
GenerateSupported: false,
// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
Checkpoints: []Checkpoint{
{546, newHashFromStr("000000002a936ca763904c3c35fce2f3556c559c0214345d31b1bcebf76acb70")},
{100000, newHashFromStr("00000000009e2958c15ff9290d571bf9459e93b19765c6801ddeccadbb160a1e")},
{200000, newHashFromStr("0000000000287bffd321963ef05feab753ebe274e1d78b2fd4e2bfe9ad3aa6f2")},
{300001, newHashFromStr("0000000000004829474748f3d1bc8fcf893c88be255e6d7f571c548aff57abf4")},
{400002, newHashFromStr("0000000005e2c73b8ecb82ae2dbc2e8274614ebad7172b53528aba7501f5a089")},
{500011, newHashFromStr("00000000000929f63977fbac92ff570a9bd9e7715401ee96f2848f7b07750b02")},
{600002, newHashFromStr("000000000001f471389afd6ee94dcace5ccc44adc18e8bff402443f034b07240")},
{700000, newHashFromStr("000000000000406178b12a4dea3b27e13b3c4fe4510994fd667d7c1e6a3f4dc1")},
{800010, newHashFromStr("000000000017ed35296433190b6829db01e657d80631d43f5983fa403bfdb4c1")},
{900000, newHashFromStr("0000000000356f8d8924556e765b7a94aaebc6b5c8685dcfa2b1ee8b41acd89b")},
{1000007, newHashFromStr("00000000001ccb893d8a1f25b70ad173ce955e5f50124261bbbc50379a612ddf")},
{1100007, newHashFromStr("00000000000abc7b2cd18768ab3dee20857326a818d1946ed6796f42d66dd1e8")},
{1200007, newHashFromStr("00000000000004f2dc41845771909db57e04191714ed8c963f7e56713a7b6cea")},
{1300007, newHashFromStr("0000000072eab69d54df75107c052b26b0395b44f77578184293bf1bb1dbd9fa")},
// Consensus rule change deployments.
// The miner confirmation window is defined as:
// target proof of work timespan / target proof of work spacing
RuleChangeActivationThreshold: 1512, // 75% of MinerConfirmationWindow
MinerConfirmationWindow: 2016,
Deployments: [DefinedDeployments]ConsensusDeployment{
DeploymentTestDummy: {
BitNumber: 28,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(1199145601, 0), // January 1, 2008 UTC
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1230767999, 0), // December 31, 2008 UTC
DeploymentTestDummyMinActivation: {
BitNumber: 22,
CustomActivationThreshold: 1815, // Only needs 90% hash rate.
MinActivationHeight: 10_0000, // Can only activate after height 10k.
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentCSV: {
BitNumber: 0,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(1456790400, 0), // March 1st, 2016
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1493596800, 0), // May 1st, 2017
DeploymentSegwit: {
BitNumber: 1,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(1462060800, 0), // May 1, 2016 UTC
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1493596800, 0), // May 1, 2017 UTC.
// Mempool parameters
RelayNonStdTxs: true,
// Human-readable part for Bech32 encoded segwit addresses, as defined in
// BIP 173.
Bech32HRPSegwit: "tb", // always tb for test net
// Address encoding magics
PubKeyHashAddrID: 0x6f, // starts with m or n
ScriptHashAddrID: 0xc4, // starts with 2
WitnessPubKeyHashAddrID: 0x03, // starts with QW
WitnessScriptHashAddrID: 0x28, // starts with T7n
PrivateKeyID: 0xef, // starts with 9 (uncompressed) or c (compressed)
// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
HDPrivateKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94}, // starts with tprv
HDPublicKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xcf}, // starts with tpub
// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
// address generation.
HDCoinType: 1,
// SimNetParams defines the network parameters for the simulation test Bitcoin
// network. This network is similar to the normal test network except it is
// intended for private use within a group of individuals doing simulation
// testing. The functionality is intended to differ in that the only nodes
// which are specifically specified are used to create the network rather than
// following normal discovery rules. This is important as otherwise it would
// just turn into another public testnet.
var SimNetParams = Params{
Name: "simnet",
Net: wire.SimNet,
DefaultPort: "18555",
DNSSeeds: []DNSSeed{}, // NOTE: There must NOT be any seeds.
// Chain parameters
GenesisBlock: &simNetGenesisBlock,
GenesisHash: &simNetGenesisHash,
PowLimit: simNetPowLimit,
PowLimitBits: 0x207fffff,
BIP0034Height: 0, // Always active on simnet
BIP0065Height: 0, // Always active on simnet
BIP0066Height: 0, // Always active on simnet
CoinbaseMaturity: 100,
SubsidyReductionInterval: 210000,
TargetTimespan: time.Hour * 24 * 14, // 14 days
TargetTimePerBlock: time.Minute * 10, // 10 minutes
RetargetAdjustmentFactor: 4, // 25% less, 400% more
ReduceMinDifficulty: true,
MinDiffReductionTime: time.Minute * 20, // TargetTimePerBlock * 2
GenerateSupported: true,
// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
Checkpoints: nil,
// Consensus rule change deployments.
// The miner confirmation window is defined as:
// target proof of work timespan / target proof of work spacing
RuleChangeActivationThreshold: 75, // 75% of MinerConfirmationWindow
MinerConfirmationWindow: 100,
Deployments: [DefinedDeployments]ConsensusDeployment{
DeploymentTestDummy: {
BitNumber: 28,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentTestDummyMinActivation: {
BitNumber: 22,
CustomActivationThreshold: 50, // Only needs 50% hash rate.
MinActivationHeight: 600, // Can only activate after height 600.
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentCSV: {
BitNumber: 0,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentSegwit: {
BitNumber: 1,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires.
// Mempool parameters
RelayNonStdTxs: true,
// Human-readable part for Bech32 encoded segwit addresses, as defined in
// BIP 173.
Bech32HRPSegwit: "sb", // always sb for sim net
// Address encoding magics
PubKeyHashAddrID: 0x3f, // starts with S
ScriptHashAddrID: 0x7b, // starts with s
PrivateKeyID: 0x64, // starts with 4 (uncompressed) or F (compressed)
WitnessPubKeyHashAddrID: 0x19, // starts with Gg
WitnessScriptHashAddrID: 0x28, // starts with ?
// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
HDPrivateKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x20, 0xb9, 0x00}, // starts with sprv
HDPublicKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x20, 0xbd, 0x3a}, // starts with spub
// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
// address generation.
HDCoinType: 115, // ASCII for s
// SigNetParams defines the network parameters for the default public signet
// Bitcoin network. Not to be confused with the regression test network, this
// network is sometimes simply called "signet" or "taproot signet".
var SigNetParams = CustomSignetParams(
DefaultSignetChallenge, DefaultSignetDNSSeeds,
// CustomSignetParams creates network parameters for a custom signet network
// from a challenge. The challenge is the binary compiled version of the block
// challenge script.
func CustomSignetParams(challenge []byte, dnsSeeds []DNSSeed) Params {
// The message start is defined as the first four bytes of the sha256d
// of the challenge script, as a single push (i.e. prefixed with the
// challenge script length).
challengeLength := byte(len(challenge))
hashDouble := chainhash.DoubleHashB(
append([]byte{challengeLength}, challenge...),
// We use little endian encoding of the hash prefix to be in line with
// the other wire network identities.
net := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(hashDouble[0:4])
return Params{
Name: "signet",
Net: wire.BitcoinNet(net),
DefaultPort: "38333",
DNSSeeds: dnsSeeds,
// Chain parameters
GenesisBlock: &sigNetGenesisBlock,
GenesisHash: &sigNetGenesisHash,
PowLimit: sigNetPowLimit,
PowLimitBits: 0x1e0377ae,
BIP0034Height: 1,
BIP0065Height: 1,
BIP0066Height: 1,
CoinbaseMaturity: 100,
SubsidyReductionInterval: 210000,
TargetTimespan: time.Hour * 24 * 14, // 14 days
TargetTimePerBlock: time.Minute * 10, // 10 minutes
RetargetAdjustmentFactor: 4, // 25% less, 400% more
ReduceMinDifficulty: false,
MinDiffReductionTime: time.Minute * 20, // TargetTimePerBlock * 2
GenerateSupported: false,
// Checkpoints ordered from oldest to newest.
Checkpoints: nil,
// Consensus rule change deployments.
// The miner confirmation window is defined as:
// target proof of work timespan / target proof of work spacing
RuleChangeActivationThreshold: 1916, // 95% of 2016
MinerConfirmationWindow: 2016,
Deployments: [DefinedDeployments]ConsensusDeployment{
DeploymentTestDummy: {
BitNumber: 28,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Unix(1199145601, 0), // January 1, 2008 UTC
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Unix(1230767999, 0), // December 31, 2008 UTC
DeploymentTestDummyMinActivation: {
BitNumber: 22,
CustomActivationThreshold: 1815, // Only needs 90% hash rate.
MinActivationHeight: 10_0000, // Can only activate after height 10k.
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentCSV: {
BitNumber: 29,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
DeploymentSegwit: {
BitNumber: 29,
DeploymentStarter: NewMedianTimeDeploymentStarter(
time.Time{}, // Always available for vote
DeploymentEnder: NewMedianTimeDeploymentEnder(
time.Time{}, // Never expires
// Mempool parameters
RelayNonStdTxs: false,
// Human-readable part for Bech32 encoded segwit addresses, as defined in
// BIP 173.
Bech32HRPSegwit: "tb", // always tb for test net
// Address encoding magics
PubKeyHashAddrID: 0x6f, // starts with m or n
ScriptHashAddrID: 0xc4, // starts with 2
WitnessPubKeyHashAddrID: 0x03, // starts with QW
WitnessScriptHashAddrID: 0x28, // starts with T7n
PrivateKeyID: 0xef, // starts with 9 (uncompressed) or c (compressed)
// BIP32 hierarchical deterministic extended key magics
HDPrivateKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94}, // starts with tprv
HDPublicKeyID: [4]byte{0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xcf}, // starts with tpub
// BIP44 coin type used in the hierarchical deterministic path for
// address generation.
HDCoinType: 1,
var (
// ErrDuplicateNet describes an error where the parameters for a Bitcoin
// network could not be set due to the network already being a standard
// network or previously-registered into this package.
ErrDuplicateNet = errors.New("duplicate Bitcoin network")
// ErrUnknownHDKeyID describes an error where the provided id which
// is intended to identify the network for a hierarchical deterministic
// private extended key is not registered.
ErrUnknownHDKeyID = errors.New("unknown hd private extended key bytes")
// ErrInvalidHDKeyID describes an error where the provided hierarchical
// deterministic version bytes, or hd key id, is malformed.
ErrInvalidHDKeyID = errors.New("invalid hd extended key version bytes")
var (
registeredNets = make(map[wire.BitcoinNet]struct{})
pubKeyHashAddrIDs = make(map[byte]struct{})
scriptHashAddrIDs = make(map[byte]struct{})
bech32SegwitPrefixes = make(map[string]struct{})
hdPrivToPubKeyIDs = make(map[[4]byte][]byte)
// String returns the hostname of the DNS seed in human-readable form.
func (d DNSSeed) String() string {
return d.Host
// Register registers the network parameters for a Bitcoin network. This may
// error with ErrDuplicateNet if the network is already registered (either
// due to a previous Register call, or the network being one of the default
// networks).
// Network parameters should be registered into this package by a main package
// as early as possible. Then, library packages may lookup networks or network
// parameters based on inputs and work regardless of the network being standard
// or not.
func Register(params *Params) error {
if _, ok := registeredNets[params.Net]; ok {
return ErrDuplicateNet
registeredNets[params.Net] = struct{}{}
pubKeyHashAddrIDs[params.PubKeyHashAddrID] = struct{}{}
scriptHashAddrIDs[params.ScriptHashAddrID] = struct{}{}
err := RegisterHDKeyID(params.HDPublicKeyID[:], params.HDPrivateKeyID[:])
if err != nil {
return err
// A valid Bech32 encoded segwit address always has as prefix the
// human-readable part for the given net followed by '1'.
bech32SegwitPrefixes[params.Bech32HRPSegwit+"1"] = struct{}{}
return nil
// mustRegister performs the same function as Register except it panics if there
// is an error. This should only be called from package init functions.
func mustRegister(params *Params) {
if err := Register(params); err != nil {
panic("failed to register network: " + err.Error())
// IsPubKeyHashAddrID returns whether the id is an identifier known to prefix a
// pay-to-pubkey-hash address on any default or registered network. This is
// used when decoding an address string into a specific address type. It is up
// to the caller to check both this and IsScriptHashAddrID and decide whether an
// address is a pubkey hash address, script hash address, neither, or
// undeterminable (if both return true).
func IsPubKeyHashAddrID(id byte) bool {
_, ok := pubKeyHashAddrIDs[id]
return ok
// IsScriptHashAddrID returns whether the id is an identifier known to prefix a
// pay-to-script-hash address on any default or registered network. This is
// used when decoding an address string into a specific address type. It is up
// to the caller to check both this and IsPubKeyHashAddrID and decide whether an
// address is a pubkey hash address, script hash address, neither, or
// undeterminable (if both return true).
func IsScriptHashAddrID(id byte) bool {
_, ok := scriptHashAddrIDs[id]
return ok
// IsBech32SegwitPrefix returns whether the prefix is a known prefix for segwit
// addresses on any default or registered network. This is used when decoding
// an address string into a specific address type.
func IsBech32SegwitPrefix(prefix string) bool {
prefix = strings.ToLower(prefix)
_, ok := bech32SegwitPrefixes[prefix]
return ok
// RegisterHDKeyID registers a public and private hierarchical deterministic
// extended key ID pair.
// Non-standard HD version bytes, such as the ones documented in SLIP-0132,
// should be registered using this method for library packages to lookup key
// IDs (aka HD version bytes). When the provided key IDs are invalid, the
// ErrInvalidHDKeyID error will be returned.
// Reference:
// SLIP-0132 : Registered HD version bytes for BIP-0032
// https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/master/slip-0132.md
func RegisterHDKeyID(hdPublicKeyID []byte, hdPrivateKeyID []byte) error {
if len(hdPublicKeyID) != 4 || len(hdPrivateKeyID) != 4 {
return ErrInvalidHDKeyID
var keyID [4]byte
copy(keyID[:], hdPrivateKeyID)
hdPrivToPubKeyIDs[keyID] = hdPublicKeyID
return nil
// HDPrivateKeyToPublicKeyID accepts a private hierarchical deterministic
// extended key id and returns the associated public key id. When the provided
// id is not registered, the ErrUnknownHDKeyID error will be returned.
func HDPrivateKeyToPublicKeyID(id []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(id) != 4 {
return nil, ErrUnknownHDKeyID
var key [4]byte
copy(key[:], id)
pubBytes, ok := hdPrivToPubKeyIDs[key]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrUnknownHDKeyID
return pubBytes, nil
// newHashFromStr converts the passed big-endian hex string into a
// chainhash.Hash. It only differs from the one available in chainhash in that
// it panics on an error since it will only (and must only) be called with
// hard-coded, and therefore known good, hashes.
func newHashFromStr(hexStr string) *chainhash.Hash {
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(hexStr)
if err != nil {
// Ordinarily I don't like panics in library code since it
// can take applications down without them having a chance to
// recover which is extremely annoying, however an exception is
// being made in this case because the only way this can panic
// is if there is an error in the hard-coded hashes. Thus it
// will only ever potentially panic on init and therefore is
// 100% predictable.
return hash
func init() {
// Register all default networks when the package is initialized.