2018-05-23 16:46:15 -07:00

487 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package blockchain
import (
// testNoncePrng provides a deterministic prng for the nonce in generated fake
// nodes. The ensures that the node have unique hashes.
var testNoncePrng = rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))
// chainedNodes returns the specified number of nodes constructed such that each
// subsequent node points to the previous one to create a chain. The first node
// will point to the passed parent which can be nil if desired.
func chainedNodes(parent *blockNode, numNodes int) []*blockNode {
nodes := make([]*blockNode, numNodes)
tip := parent
for i := 0; i < numNodes; i++ {
// This is invalid, but all that is needed is enough to get the
// synthetic tests to work.
header := wire.BlockHeader{Nonce: testNoncePrng.Uint32()}
if tip != nil {
header.PrevBlock = tip.hash
nodes[i] = newBlockNode(&header, tip)
tip = nodes[i]
return nodes
// String returns the block node as a human-readable name.
func (node blockNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", node.hash, node.height)
// tstTip is a convenience function to grab the tip of a chain of block nodes
// created via chainedNodes.
func tstTip(nodes []*blockNode) *blockNode {
return nodes[len(nodes)-1]
// locatorHashes is a convenience function that returns the hashes for all of
// the passed indexes of the provided nodes. It is used to construct expected
// block locators in the tests.
func locatorHashes(nodes []*blockNode, indexes BlockLocator {
hashes := make(BlockLocator, 0, len(indexes))
for _, idx := range indexes {
hashes = append(hashes, &nodes[idx].hash)
return hashes
// zipLocators is a convenience function that returns a single block locator
// given a variable number of them and is used in the tests.
func zipLocators(locators ...BlockLocator) BlockLocator {
var hashes BlockLocator
for _, locator := range locators {
hashes = append(hashes, locator...)
return hashes
// TestChainView ensures all of the exported functionality of chain views works
// as intended with the exception of some special cases which are handled in
// other tests.
func TestChainView(t *testing.T) {
// Construct a synthetic block index consisting of the following
// structure.
// 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
// \-> 2a -> 3a -> 4a -> 5a -> 6a -> 7a -> ... -> 26a
// \-> 3a'-> 4a' -> 5a'
branch0Nodes := chainedNodes(nil, 5)
branch1Nodes := chainedNodes(branch0Nodes[1], 25)
branch2Nodes := chainedNodes(branch1Nodes[0], 3)
tip := tstTip
tests := []struct {
name string
view *chainView // active view
genesis *blockNode // expected genesis block of active view
tip *blockNode // expected tip of active view
side *chainView // side chain view
sideTip *blockNode // expected tip of side chain view
fork *blockNode // expected fork node
contains []*blockNode // expected nodes in active view
noContains []*blockNode // expected nodes NOT in active view
equal *chainView // view expected equal to active view
unequal *chainView // view expected NOT equal to active
locator BlockLocator // expected locator for active view tip
// Create a view for branch 0 as the active chain and
// another view for branch 1 as the side chain.
name: "chain0-chain1",
view: newChainView(tip(branch0Nodes)),
genesis: branch0Nodes[0],
tip: tip(branch0Nodes),
side: newChainView(tip(branch1Nodes)),
sideTip: tip(branch1Nodes),
fork: branch0Nodes[1],
contains: branch0Nodes,
noContains: branch1Nodes,
equal: newChainView(tip(branch0Nodes)),
unequal: newChainView(tip(branch1Nodes)),
locator: locatorHashes(branch0Nodes, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0),
// Create a view for branch 1 as the active chain and
// another view for branch 2 as the side chain.
name: "chain1-chain2",
view: newChainView(tip(branch1Nodes)),
genesis: branch0Nodes[0],
tip: tip(branch1Nodes),
side: newChainView(tip(branch2Nodes)),
sideTip: tip(branch2Nodes),
fork: branch1Nodes[0],
contains: branch1Nodes,
noContains: branch2Nodes,
equal: newChainView(tip(branch1Nodes)),
unequal: newChainView(tip(branch2Nodes)),
locator: zipLocators(
locatorHashes(branch1Nodes, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20,
19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 11, 7),
locatorHashes(branch0Nodes, 1, 0)),
// Create a view for branch 2 as the active chain and
// another view for branch 0 as the side chain.
name: "chain2-chain0",
view: newChainView(tip(branch2Nodes)),
genesis: branch0Nodes[0],
tip: tip(branch2Nodes),
side: newChainView(tip(branch0Nodes)),
sideTip: tip(branch0Nodes),
fork: branch0Nodes[1],
contains: branch2Nodes,
noContains: branch0Nodes[2:],
equal: newChainView(tip(branch2Nodes)),
unequal: newChainView(tip(branch0Nodes)),
locator: zipLocators(
locatorHashes(branch2Nodes, 2, 1, 0),
locatorHashes(branch1Nodes, 0),
locatorHashes(branch0Nodes, 1, 0)),
for _, test := range tests {
// Ensure the active and side chain heights are the expected
// values.
if test.view.Height() != test.tip.height {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected active view height -- got "+
"%d, want %d",, test.view.Height(),
if test.side.Height() != test.sideTip.height {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected side view height -- got %d, "+
"want %d",, test.side.Height(),
// Ensure the active and side chain genesis block is the
// expected value.
if test.view.Genesis() != test.genesis {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected active view genesis -- got "+
"%v, want %v",, test.view.Genesis(),
if test.side.Genesis() != test.genesis {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected side view genesis -- got %v, "+
"want %v",, test.view.Genesis(),
// Ensure the active and side chain tips are the expected nodes.
if test.view.Tip() != test.tip {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected active view tip -- got %v, "+
"want %v",, test.view.Tip(), test.tip)
if test.side.Tip() != test.sideTip {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected active view tip -- got %v, "+
"want %v",, test.side.Tip(),
// Ensure that regardless of the order the two chains are
// compared they both return the expected fork point.
forkNode := test.view.FindFork(test.side.Tip())
if forkNode != test.fork {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected fork node (view, side) -- "+
"got %v, want %v",, forkNode,
forkNode = test.side.FindFork(test.view.Tip())
if forkNode != test.fork {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected fork node (side, view) -- "+
"got %v, want %v",, forkNode,
// Ensure that the fork point for a node that is already part
// of the chain view is the node itself.
forkNode = test.view.FindFork(test.view.Tip())
if forkNode != test.view.Tip() {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected fork node (view, tip) -- "+
"got %v, want %v",, forkNode,
// Ensure all expected nodes are contained in the active view.
for _, node := range test.contains {
if !test.view.Contains(node) {
t.Errorf("%s: expected %v in active view",, node)
continue testLoop
// Ensure all nodes from side chain view are NOT contained in
// the active view.
for _, node := range test.noContains {
if test.view.Contains(node) {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected %v in active view",, node)
continue testLoop
// Ensure equality of different views into the same chain works
// as intended.
if !test.view.Equals(test.equal) {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected unequal views",
if test.view.Equals(test.unequal) {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected equal views",
// Ensure all nodes contained in the view return the expected
// next node.
for i, node := range test.contains {
// Final node expects nil for the next node.
var expected *blockNode
if i < len(test.contains)-1 {
expected = test.contains[i+1]
if next := test.view.Next(node); next != expected {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected next node -- got %v, "+
"want %v",, next, expected)
continue testLoop
// Ensure nodes that are not contained in the view do not
// produce a successor node.
for _, node := range test.noContains {
if next := test.view.Next(node); next != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected next node -- got %v, "+
"want nil",, next)
continue testLoop
// Ensure all nodes contained in the view can be retrieved by
// height.
for _, wantNode := range test.contains {
node := test.view.NodeByHeight(wantNode.height)
if node != wantNode {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected node for height %d -- "+
"got %v, want %v",,
wantNode.height, node, wantNode)
continue testLoop
// Ensure the block locator for the tip of the active view
// consists of the expected hashes.
locator := test.view.BlockLocator(test.view.tip())
if !reflect.DeepEqual(locator, test.locator) {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected locator -- got %v, want %v",, locator, test.locator)
// TestChainViewForkCorners ensures that finding the fork between two chains
// works in some corner cases such as when the two chains have completely
// unrelated histories.
func TestChainViewForkCorners(t *testing.T) {
// Construct two unrelated single branch synthetic block indexes.
branchNodes := chainedNodes(nil, 5)
unrelatedBranchNodes := chainedNodes(nil, 7)
// Create chain views for the two unrelated histories.
view1 := newChainView(tstTip(branchNodes))
view2 := newChainView(tstTip(unrelatedBranchNodes))
// Ensure attempting to find a fork point with a node that doesn't exist
// doesn't produce a node.
if fork := view1.FindFork(nil); fork != nil {
t.Fatalf("FindFork: unexpected fork -- got %v, want nil", fork)
// Ensure attempting to find a fork point in two chain views with
// totally unrelated histories doesn't produce a node.
for _, node := range branchNodes {
if fork := view2.FindFork(node); fork != nil {
t.Fatalf("FindFork: unexpected fork -- got %v, want nil",
for _, node := range unrelatedBranchNodes {
if fork := view1.FindFork(node); fork != nil {
t.Fatalf("FindFork: unexpected fork -- got %v, want nil",
// TestChainViewSetTip ensures changing the tip works as intended including
// capacity changes.
func TestChainViewSetTip(t *testing.T) {
// Construct a synthetic block index consisting of the following
// structure.
// 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
// \-> 2a -> 3a -> 4a -> 5a -> 6a -> 7a -> ... -> 26a
branch0Nodes := chainedNodes(nil, 5)
branch1Nodes := chainedNodes(branch0Nodes[1], 25)
tip := tstTip
tests := []struct {
name string
view *chainView // active view
tips []*blockNode // tips to set
contains [][]*blockNode // expected nodes in view for each tip
// Create an empty view and set the tip to increasingly
// longer chains.
name: "increasing",
view: newChainView(nil),
tips: []*blockNode{tip(branch0Nodes), tip(branch1Nodes)},
contains: [][]*blockNode{branch0Nodes, branch1Nodes},
// Create a view with a longer chain and set the tip to
// increasingly shorter chains.
name: "decreasing",
view: newChainView(tip(branch1Nodes)),
tips: []*blockNode{tip(branch0Nodes), nil},
contains: [][]*blockNode{branch0Nodes, nil},
// Create a view with a shorter chain and set the tip to
// a longer chain followed by setting it back to the
// shorter chain.
name: "small-large-small",
view: newChainView(tip(branch0Nodes)),
tips: []*blockNode{tip(branch1Nodes), tip(branch0Nodes)},
contains: [][]*blockNode{branch1Nodes, branch0Nodes},
// Create a view with a longer chain and set the tip to
// a smaller chain followed by setting it back to the
// longer chain.
name: "large-small-large",
view: newChainView(tip(branch1Nodes)),
tips: []*blockNode{tip(branch0Nodes), tip(branch1Nodes)},
contains: [][]*blockNode{branch0Nodes, branch1Nodes},
for _, test := range tests {
for i, tip := range {
// Ensure the view tip is the expected node.
if test.view.Tip() != tip {
t.Errorf("%s: unexpected view tip -- got %v, "+
"want %v",, test.view.Tip(),
continue testLoop
// Ensure all expected nodes are contained in the view.
for _, node := range test.contains[i] {
if !test.view.Contains(node) {
t.Errorf("%s: expected %v in active view",, node)
continue testLoop
// TestChainViewNil ensures that creating and accessing a nil chain view behaves
// as expected.
func TestChainViewNil(t *testing.T) {
// Ensure two unininitialized views are considered equal.
view := newChainView(nil)
if !view.Equals(newChainView(nil)) {
t.Fatal("uninitialized nil views unequal")
// Ensure the genesis of an uninitialized view does not produce a node.
if genesis := view.Genesis(); genesis != nil {
t.Fatalf("Genesis: unexpected genesis -- got %v, want nil",
// Ensure the tip of an uninitialized view does not produce a node.
if tip := view.Tip(); tip != nil {
t.Fatalf("Tip: unexpected tip -- got %v, want nil", tip)
// Ensure the height of an uninitialized view is the expected value.
if height := view.Height(); height != -1 {
t.Fatalf("Height: unexpected height -- got %d, want -1", height)
// Ensure attempting to get a node for a height that does not exist does
// not produce a node.
if node := view.NodeByHeight(10); node != nil {
t.Fatalf("NodeByHeight: unexpected node -- got %v, want nil", node)
// Ensure an uninitialized view does not report it contains nodes.
fakeNode := chainedNodes(nil, 1)[0]
if view.Contains(fakeNode) {
t.Fatalf("Contains: view claims it contains node %v", fakeNode)
// Ensure the next node for a node that does not exist does not produce
// a node.
if next := view.Next(nil); next != nil {
t.Fatalf("Next: unexpected next node -- got %v, want nil", next)
// Ensure the next node for a node that exists does not produce a node.
if next := view.Next(fakeNode); next != nil {
t.Fatalf("Next: unexpected next node -- got %v, want nil", next)
// Ensure attempting to find a fork point with a node that doesn't exist
// doesn't produce a node.
if fork := view.FindFork(nil); fork != nil {
t.Fatalf("FindFork: unexpected fork -- got %v, want nil", fork)
// Ensure attempting to get a block locator for the tip doesn't produce
// one since the tip is nil.
if locator := view.BlockLocator(nil); locator != nil {
t.Fatalf("BlockLocator: unexpected locator -- got %v, want nil",
// Ensure attempting to get a block locator for a node that exists still
// works as intended.
branchNodes := chainedNodes(nil, 50)
wantLocator := locatorHashes(branchNodes, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43,
42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 36, 32, 24, 8, 0)
locator := view.BlockLocator(tstTip(branchNodes))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(locator, wantLocator) {
t.Fatalf("BlockLocator: unexpected locator -- got %v, want %v",
locator, wantLocator)