Dave Collins 102fc5f513 Rework the mempool locking code.
It was previously possible for the unprotected iteration of the mempool
orphans to lead to undefined results.  This commit remedies that by
reworking the locking code a bit.  It also embeds the mutex directly into
the mempool struct rather than having a separate field for it so the
syntax is a slightly cleaner.
2013-10-21 18:22:59 -05:00

863 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// TxRuleError identifies a rule violation. It is used to indicate that
// processing of a transaction failed due to one of the many validation
// rules. The caller can use type assertions to determine if a failure was
// specifically due to a rule violation.
type TxRuleError string
// Error satisfies the error interface to print human-readable errors.
func (e TxRuleError) Error() string {
return string(e)
const (
// mempoolHeight is the height used for the "block" height field of the
// contextual transaction information provided in a transaction store.
mempoolHeight = 0x7fffffff
// maxOrphanTransactions is the maximum number of orphan transactions
// that can be queued. At the time this comment was written, this
// equates to 10,000 transactions, but will increase if the max allowed
// block payload increases.
maxOrphanTransactions = btcwire.MaxBlockPayload / 100
// maxOrphanTxSize is the maximum size allowed for orphan transactions.
// This helps prevent memory exhaustion attacks from sending a lot of
// of big orphans.
maxOrphanTxSize = 5000
// maxStandardTxSize is the maximum size allowed for transactions that
// are considered standard and will therefore be relayed and considered
// for mining.
maxStandardTxSize = btcwire.MaxBlockPayload / 10
// maxStandardSigScriptSize is the maximum size allowed for a
// transaction input signature script to be considered standard. This
// value allows for a CHECKMULTISIG pay-to-sript-hash with 3 signatures
// since each signature is about 80-bytes, the 3 corresponding public
// keys are 65-bytes each if uncompressed, and the script opcodes take
// a few extra bytes. This value also adds a few extra bytes for
// prosperity. 3*80 + 3*65 + 65 = 500
maxStandardSigScriptSize = 500
// maxStandardMultiSigs is the maximum number of signatures
// allowed in a multi-signature transaction output script for it to be
// considered standard.
maxStandardMultiSigs = 3
// minTxRelayFee is the minimum fee in satoshi that is required for
// a transaction to be treated as free for relay purposes. It is also
// used to help determine if a transation is considered dust.
minTxRelayFee = 10000
// txMemPool is used as a source of transactions that need to be mined into
// blocks and relayed to other peers. It is safe for concurrent access from
// multiple peers.
type txMemPool struct {
server *server
pool map[btcwire.ShaHash]*btcwire.MsgTx
orphans map[btcwire.ShaHash]*btcwire.MsgTx
orphansByPrev map[btcwire.ShaHash]*list.List
outpoints map[btcwire.OutPoint]*btcwire.MsgTx
// isDust returns whether or not the passed transaction output amount is
// considered dust or not. Dust is defined in terms of the minimum transaction
// relay fee. In particular, if the cost to the network to spend coins is more
// than 1/3 of the minimum transaction relay fee, it is considered dust.
func isDust(txOut *btcwire.TxOut) bool {
// Get the serialized size of the transaction output.
// TODO(davec): The serialized size should come from btcwire, but it
// currently doesn't provide a way to do so for transaction outputs, so
// calculate it here based on the current format.
// 8 bytes for value + 1 byte for script length + script length
txOutSize := 9 + len(txOut.PkScript)
// The total serialized size consists of the output and the associated
// input script to redeem it. Since there is no input script
// to redeem it yet, use the minimum size of a typical input script.
// Pay-to-pubkey-hash bytes breakdown:
// Output to hash (34 bytes):
// 8 value, 1 script len, 25 script [1 OP_DUP, 1 OP_HASH_160,
// 1 OP_DATA_20, 20 hash, 1 OP_EQUALVERIFY, 1 OP_CHECKSIG]
// Input with compressed pubkey (148 bytes):
// 36 prev outpoint, 1 script len, 107 script [1 OP_DATA_72, 72 sig,
// 1 OP_DATA_33, 33 compressed pubkey], 4 sequence
// Input with uncompressed pubkey (180 bytes):
// 36 prev outpoint, 1 script len, 139 script [1 OP_DATA_72, 72 sig,
// 1 OP_DATA_65, 65 compressed pubkey], 4 sequence
// Pay-to-pubkey bytes breakdown:
// Output to compressed pubkey (44 bytes):
// 8 value, 1 script len, 35 script [1 OP_DATA_33,
// 33 compressed pubkey, 1 OP_CHECKSIG]
// Output to uncompressed pubkey (76 bytes):
// 8 value, 1 script len, 67 script [1 OP_DATA_65, 65 pubkey,
// Input (114 bytes):
// 36 prev outpoint, 1 script len, 73 script [1 OP_DATA_72,
// 72 sig], 4 sequence
// Theoretically this could examine the script type of the output script
// and use a different size for the typical input script size for
// pay-to-pubkey vs pay-to-pubkey-hash inputs per the above breakdowns,
// but the only combinination which is less than the value chosen is
// a pay-to-pubkey script with a compressed pubkey, which is not very
// common.
// The most common scripts are pay-to-pubkey-hash, and as per the above
// breakdown, the minimum size of a p2pkh input script is 148 bytes. So
// that figure is used.
totalSize := txOutSize + 148
// The output is considered dust if the cost to the network to spend the
// coins is more than 1/3 of the minimum transaction relay fee.
// minTxRelayFee is in Satoshi/KB (kilobyte, not kibibyte), so
// multiply by 1000 to convert bytes.
// Using the typical values for a pay-to-pubkey-hash transaction from
// the breakdown above and the default minimum transaction relay fee of
// 10000, this equates to values less than 5460 satoshi being considered
// dust.
// The following is equivalent to (value/totalSize) * (1/3) * 1000
// without needing to do floating point math.
return txOut.Value*1000/(3*int64(totalSize)) < minTxRelayFee
// checkPkScriptStandard performs a series of checks on a transaction ouput
// script (public key script) to ensure it is a "standard" public key script.
// A standard public key script is one that is a recognized form, and for
// multi-signature scripts, only contains from 1 to 3 signatures.
func checkPkScriptStandard(pkScript []byte) error {
scriptClass := btcscript.GetScriptClass(pkScript)
switch scriptClass {
case btcscript.MultiSigTy:
// TODO(davec): Need to get the actual number of signatures.
numSigs := 1
if numSigs < 1 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("multi-signature script with no " +
return TxRuleError(str)
if numSigs > maxStandardMultiSigs {
str := fmt.Sprintf("multi-signature script with %d "+
"signatures which is more than the allowed max "+
"of %d", numSigs, maxStandardMultiSigs)
return TxRuleError(str)
case btcscript.NonStandardTy:
return TxRuleError(fmt.Sprintf("non-standard script form"))
return nil
// checkTransactionStandard performs a series of checks on a transaction to
// ensure it is a "standard" transaction. A standard transaction is one that
// conforms to several additional limiting cases over what is considered a
// "sane" transaction such as having a version in the supported range, being
// finalized, conforming to more stringent size constraints, having scripts
// of recognized forms, and not containing "dust" outputs (those that are
// so small it costs more to process them than they are worth).
func checkTransactionStandard(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, height int64) error {
// The transaction must be a currently supported version.
if tx.Version > btcwire.TxVersion || tx.Version < 1 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction version %d is not in the "+
"valid range of %d-%d", tx.Version, 1,
return TxRuleError(str)
// The transaction must be finalized to be standard and therefore
// considered for inclusion in a block.
if !btcchain.IsFinalizedTransaction(tx, height, time.Now()) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction is not finalized")
return TxRuleError(str)
// Since extremely large transactions with a lot of inputs can cost
// almost as much to process as the sender fees, limit the maximum
// size of a transaction. This also helps mitigate CPU exhaustion
// attacks.
var serializedTxBuf bytes.Buffer
err := tx.Serialize(&serializedTxBuf)
if err != nil {
return err
serializedLen := serializedTxBuf.Len()
if serializedLen > maxStandardTxSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction size of %v is larger than max "+
"allowed size of %v", serializedLen, maxStandardTxSize)
return TxRuleError(str)
for i, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
// Each transaction input signature script must not exceed the
// maximum size allowed for a standard transaction. See
// the comment on maxStandardSigScriptSize for more details.
sigScriptLen := len(txIn.SignatureScript)
if sigScriptLen > maxStandardSigScriptSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction input %d: signature "+
"script size of %d bytes is large than max "+
"allowed size of %d bytes", i, sigScriptLen,
return TxRuleError(str)
// Each transaction input signature script must only contain
// opcodes which push data onto the stack.
if !btcscript.IsPushOnlyScript(txIn.SignatureScript) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction input %d: signature "+
"script is not push only", i)
return TxRuleError(str)
// None of the output public key scripts can be a non-standard script or
// be "dust".
for i, txOut := range tx.TxOut {
err := checkPkScriptStandard(txOut.PkScript)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction output %d: %v", i, err)
return TxRuleError(str)
if isDust(txOut) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction output %d: payment "+
"of %d is dust", i, txOut.Value)
return TxRuleError(str)
return nil
// checkInputsStandard performs a series of checks on a transaction's inputs
// to ensure they are "standard". A standard transaction input is one that
// that consumes the same number of outputs from the stack as the output script
// pushes. This help prevent resource exhaustion attacks by "creative" use of
// scripts that are super expensive to process like OP_DUP OP_CHECKSIG OP_DROP
// repeated a large number of times followed by a final OP_TRUE.
func checkInputsStandard(tx *btcwire.MsgTx) error {
// TODO(davec): Implement
return nil
// removeOrphan removes the passed orphan transaction from the orphan pool and
// previous orphan index.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) removeOrphan(txHash *btcwire.ShaHash) {
// Nothing to do if passed tx is not an orphan.
tx, exists := mp.orphans[*txHash]
if !exists {
// Remove the reference from the previous orphan index.
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
originTxHash := txIn.PreviousOutpoint.Hash
if orphans, exists := mp.orphansByPrev[originTxHash]; exists {
for e := orphans.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
if e.Value.(*btcwire.MsgTx) == tx {
// Remove the map entry altogether if there are no
// longer any orphans which depend on it.
if orphans.Len() == 0 {
delete(mp.orphansByPrev, originTxHash)
// Remove the transaction from the orphan pool.
delete(mp.orphans, *txHash)
// limitNumOrphans limits the number of orphan transactions by evicting a random
// orphan if adding a new one would cause it to overflow the max allowed.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) limitNumOrphans() error {
if len(mp.orphans)+1 > maxOrphanTransactions {
// Generate a cryptographically random hash.
randHashBytes := make([]byte, btcwire.HashSize)
_, err := rand.Read(randHashBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
randHashNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(randHashBytes)
// Try to find the first entry that is greater than the random
// hash. Use the first entry (which is already pseudorandom due
// to Go's range statement over maps) as a fallback if none of
// the hashes in the orphan pool are larger than the random
// hash.
var foundHash *btcwire.ShaHash
for txHash := range mp.orphans {
if foundHash == nil {
foundHash = &txHash
txHashNum := btcchain.ShaHashToBig(&txHash)
if txHashNum.Cmp(randHashNum) > 0 {
foundHash = &txHash
return nil
// addOrphan adds an orphan transaction to the orphan pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) addOrphan(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, txHash *btcwire.ShaHash) {
// Limit the number orphan transactions to prevent memory exhaustion. A
// random orphan is evicted to make room if needed.
mp.orphans[*txHash] = tx
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
originTxHash := txIn.PreviousOutpoint.Hash
if mp.orphansByPrev[originTxHash] == nil {
mp.orphansByPrev[originTxHash] = list.New()
log.Debugf("TXMP: Stored orphan transaction %v (total: %d)", txHash,
// maybeAddOrphan potentially adds an orphan to the orphan pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) maybeAddOrphan(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, txHash *btcwire.ShaHash) error {
// Ignore orphan transactions that are too large. This helps avoid
// a memory exhaustion attack based on sending a lot of really large
// orphans. In the case there is a valid transaction larger than this,
// it will ultimtely be rebroadcast after the parent transactions
// have been mined or otherwise received.
// Note that the number of orphan transactions in the orphan pool is
// also limited, so this equates to a maximum memory used of
// maxOrphanTxSize * maxOrphanTransactions (which is 500MB as of the
// time this comment was written).
var serializedTxBuf bytes.Buffer
err := tx.Serialize(&serializedTxBuf)
if err != nil {
return err
serializedLen := serializedTxBuf.Len()
if serializedLen > maxOrphanTxSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("orphan transaction size of %d bytes is "+
"larger than max allowed size of %d bytes",
serializedLen, maxOrphanTxSize)
return TxRuleError(str)
// Add the orphan if the none of the above disqualified it.
mp.addOrphan(tx, txHash)
return nil
// isTransactionInPool returns whether or not the passed transaction already
// exists in the main pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for reads).
func (mp *txMemPool) isTransactionInPool(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
if _, exists := mp.pool[*hash]; exists {
return true
return false
// IsTransactionInPool returns whether or not the passed transaction already
// exists in the main pool.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (mp *txMemPool) IsTransactionInPool(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
// Protect concurrent access.
defer mp.RUnlock()
return mp.isTransactionInPool(hash)
// isOrphanInPool returns whether or not the passed transaction already exists
// in the orphan pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for reads).
func (mp *txMemPool) isOrphanInPool(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
if _, exists := mp.orphans[*hash]; exists {
return true
return false
// IsOrphanInPool returns whether or not the passed transaction already exists
// in the orphan pool.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (mp *txMemPool) IsOrphanInPool(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
// Protect concurrent access.
defer mp.RUnlock()
return mp.isOrphanInPool(hash)
// haveTransaction returns whether or not the passed transaction already exists
// in the main pool or in the orphan pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for reads).
func (mp *txMemPool) haveTransaction(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
return mp.isTransactionInPool(hash) || mp.isOrphanInPool(hash)
// HaveTransaction returns whether or not the passed transaction already exists
// in the main pool or in the orphan pool.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (mp *txMemPool) HaveTransaction(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) bool {
// Protect concurrent access.
defer mp.RUnlock()
return mp.haveTransaction(hash)
// removeTransaction removes the passed transaction from the memory pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) removeTransaction(tx *btcwire.MsgTx) {
// Remove any transactions which rely on this one.
txHash, _ := tx.TxSha()
for i := uint32(0); i < uint32(len(tx.TxOut)); i++ {
outpoint := btcwire.NewOutPoint(&txHash, i)
if txRedeemer, exists := mp.outpoints[*outpoint]; exists {
// Remove the transaction and mark the referenced outpoints as unspent
// by the pool.
if tx, exists := mp.pool[txHash]; exists {
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
delete(mp.outpoints, txIn.PreviousOutpoint)
delete(mp.pool, txHash)
// addTransaction adds the passed transaction to the memory pool. It should
// not be called directly as it doesn't perform any validation. This is a
// helper for maybeAcceptTransaction.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) addTransaction(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, txHash *btcwire.ShaHash) {
// Add the transaction to the pool and mark the referenced outpoints
// as spent by the pool.
mp.pool[*txHash] = tx
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
mp.outpoints[txIn.PreviousOutpoint] = tx
// checkPoolDoubleSpend checks whether or not the passed transaction is
// attempting to spend coins already spent by other transactions in the pool.
// Note it does not check for double spends against transactions already in the
// main chain.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for reads).
func (mp *txMemPool) checkPoolDoubleSpend(tx *btcwire.MsgTx) error {
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
if txR, exists := mp.outpoints[txIn.PreviousOutpoint]; exists {
hash, _ := txR.TxSha()
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v in the pool "+
"already spends the same coins", hash)
return TxRuleError(str)
return nil
// fetchInputTransactions fetches the input transactions referenced by the
// passed transaction. First, it fetches from the main chain, then it tries to
// fetch any missing inputs from the transaction pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for reads).
func (mp *txMemPool) fetchInputTransactions(tx *btcwire.MsgTx) (btcchain.TxStore, error) {
txStore, err := mp.server.blockManager.blockChain.FetchTransactionStore(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attempt to populate any missing inputs from the transaction pool.
for _, txD := range txStore {
if txD.Err == btcdb.TxShaMissing || txD.Tx == nil {
if poolTx, exists := mp.pool[*txD.Hash]; exists {
txD.Tx = poolTx
txD.BlockHeight = mempoolHeight
txD.Spent = make([]bool, len(poolTx.TxOut))
txD.Err = nil
return txStore, nil
// FetchTransaction returns the requested transaction from the transaction pool.
// This only fetches from the main transaction pool and does not include
// orphans.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (mp *txMemPool) FetchTransaction(txHash *btcwire.ShaHash) (*btcwire.MsgTx, error) {
// Protect concurrent access.
defer mp.RUnlock()
if tx, exists := mp.pool[*txHash]; exists {
return tx, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("transaction is not in the pool")
// maybeAcceptTransaction is the main workhorse for handling insertion of new
// free-standing transactions into a memory pool. It includes functionality
// such as rejecting duplicate transactions, ensuring transactions follow all
// rules, orphan transaction handling, and insertion into the memory pool.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) maybeAcceptTransaction(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, isOrphan *bool) error {
*isOrphan = false
txHash, err := tx.TxSha()
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't accept the transaction if it already exists in the pool. This
// applies to orphan transactions as well. This check is intended to
// be a quick check to weed out duplicates.
if mp.haveTransaction(&txHash) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("already have transaction %v", txHash)
return TxRuleError(str)
// Perform preliminary sanity checks on the transaction. This makes
// use of btcchain which contains the invariant rules for what
// transactions are allowed into blocks.
err = btcchain.CheckTransactionSanity(tx)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(btcchain.RuleError); ok {
return TxRuleError(err.Error())
return err
// A standalone transaction must not be a coinbase transaction.
if btcchain.IsCoinBase(tx) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v is an individual coinbase",
return TxRuleError(str)
// Don't accept transactions with a lock time after the maximum int32
// value for now. This is an artifact of older bitcoind clients which
// treated this field as an int32 and would treat anything larger
// incorrectly (as negative).
if tx.LockTime > math.MaxInt32 {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v is has a lock time after "+
"2038 which is not accepted yet", txHash)
return TxRuleError(str)
// Get the current height of the main chain. A standalone transaction
// will be mined into the next block at best, so
_, curHeight, err := mp.server.db.NewestSha()
if err != nil {
return err
nextBlockHeight := curHeight + 1
// Don't allow non-standard transactions on the main network.
if activeNetParams.btcnet == btcwire.MainNet {
err := checkTransactionStandard(tx, nextBlockHeight)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v is not a standard "+
"transaction: %v", txHash, err)
return TxRuleError(str)
// The transaction may not use any of the same outputs as other
// transactions already in the pool as that would ultimately result in a
// double spend. This check is intended to be quick and therefore only
// detects double spends within the transaction pool itself. The
// transaction could still be double spending coins from the main chain
// at this point. There is a more in-depth check that happens later
// after fetching the referenced transaction inputs from the main chain
// which examines the actual spend data and prevents double spends.
err = mp.checkPoolDoubleSpend(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Fetch all of the transactions referenced by the inputs to this
// transaction. This function also attempts to fetch the transaction
// itself to be used for detecting a duplicate transaction without
// needing to do a separate lookup.
txStore, err := mp.fetchInputTransactions(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't allow the transaction if it exists in the main chain and is not
// not already fully spent.
if txD, exists := txStore[txHash]; exists && txD.Err == nil {
for _, isOutputSpent := range txD.Spent {
if !isOutputSpent {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction already exists")
return TxRuleError(str)
delete(txStore, txHash)
// Transaction is an orphan if any of the inputs don't exist.
for _, txD := range txStore {
if txD.Err == btcdb.TxShaMissing {
*isOrphan = true
return nil
// Perform several checks on the transaction inputs using the invariant
// rules in btcchain for what transactions are allowed into blocks.
// Also returns the fees associated with the transaction which will be
// used later.
txFee, err := btcchain.CheckTransactionInputs(tx, nextBlockHeight, txStore)
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't allow transactions with non-standard inputs on the main
// network.
if activeNetParams.btcnet == btcwire.MainNet {
err := checkInputsStandard(tx)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction %v has a non-standard "+
"input: %v", txHash, err)
return TxRuleError(str)
// Note: if you modify this code to accept non-standard transactions,
// you should add code here to check that the transaction does a
// reasonable number of ECDSA signature verifications.
// TODO(davec): Don't allow the transaction if the transation fee
// would be too low to get into an empty block.
_ = txFee
// Verify crypto signatures for each input and reject the transaction if
// any don't verify.
err = btcchain.ValidateTransactionScripts(tx, &txHash, time.Now(), txStore)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(davec): Rate-limit free transactions
// Add to transaction pool.
mp.addTransaction(tx, &txHash)
log.Debugf("TXMP: Accepted transaction %v (pool size: %v)", txHash,
// TODO(davec): Notifications
// Generate the inventory vector and relay it.
iv := btcwire.NewInvVect(btcwire.InvTypeTx, &txHash)
return nil
// processOrphans determines if there are any orphans which depend on the passed
// transaction hash (they are no longer orphans if true) and potentially accepts
// them. It repeats the process for the newly accepted transactions (to detect
// further orphans which may no longer be orphans) until there are no more.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *txMemPool) processOrphans(hash *btcwire.ShaHash) error {
// Start with processing at least the passed hash.
processHashes := list.New()
for processHashes.Len() > 0 {
// Pop the first hash to process.
firstElement := processHashes.Remove(processHashes.Front())
processHash := firstElement.(*btcwire.ShaHash)
// Look up all orphans that are referenced by the transaction we
// just accepted. This will typically only be one, but it could
// be multiple if the referenced transaction contains multiple
// outputs. Skip to the next item on the list of hashes to
// process if there are none.
orphans, exists := mp.orphansByPrev[*processHash]
if !exists || orphans == nil {
var enext *list.Element
for e := orphans.Front(); e != nil; e = enext {
enext = e.Next()
tx := e.Value.(*btcwire.MsgTx)
// Remove the orphan from the orphan pool.
orphanHash, err := tx.TxSha()
if err != nil {
return err
// Potentially accept the transaction into the
// transaction pool.
var isOrphan bool
err = mp.maybeAcceptTransaction(tx, &isOrphan)
if err != nil {
return err
if isOrphan {
// Add this transaction to the list of transactions to
// process so any orphans that depend on this one are
// handled too.
return nil
// ProcessTransaction is the main workhorse for handling insertion of new
// free-standing transactions into a memory pool. It includes functionality
// such as rejecting duplicate transactions, ensuring transactions follow all
// rules, orphan transaction handling, and insertion into the memory pool.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (mp *txMemPool) ProcessTransaction(tx *btcwire.MsgTx) error {
// Protect concurrent access.
defer mp.Unlock()
txHash, err := tx.TxSha()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Tracef("TXMP: Processing transaction %v", txHash)
// Potentially accept the transaction to the memory pool.
var isOrphan bool
err = mp.maybeAcceptTransaction(tx, &isOrphan)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isOrphan {
// Accept any orphan transactions that depend on this
// transaction (they are no longer orphans) and repeat for those
// accepted transactions until there are no more.
err = mp.processOrphans(&txHash)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// When the transaction is an orphan (has inputs missing),
// potentially add it to the orphan pool.
err := mp.maybeAddOrphan(tx, &txHash)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TxShas returns a slice of hashes for all of the transactions in the memory
// pool.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (mp *txMemPool) TxShas() []*btcwire.ShaHash {
defer mp.RUnlock()
hashes := make([]*btcwire.ShaHash, len(mp.pool))
i := 0
for hash := range mp.pool {
hashCopy := hash
hashes[i] = &hashCopy
return hashes
// newTxMemPool returns a new memory pool for validating and storing standalone
// transactions until they are mined into a block.
func newTxMemPool(server *server) *txMemPool {
return &txMemPool{
server: server,
pool: make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]*btcwire.MsgTx),
orphans: make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]*btcwire.MsgTx),
orphansByPrev: make(map[btcwire.ShaHash]*list.List),
outpoints: make(map[btcwire.OutPoint]*btcwire.MsgTx),