Dave Collins edc0d15882 txscript: Consensus audit.
This commit contains fixes from the results of a thorough audit of
txscript to find any cases of script evaluation which doesn't match the
required consensus behavior.  These conditions are fairly obscure and
highly unlikely to happen in any real scripts, but they could have
nevertheless been used by a clever attacker with malicious intent to
cause a fork.

Test cases which exercise these conditions have been added to the
reference tests and will contributed upstream to improve the quality for
the entire ecosystem.
2015-05-06 09:41:50 -05:00

348 lines
7.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package txscript
import "encoding/hex"
// asBool gets the boolean value of the byte array.
func asBool(t []byte) bool {
for i := range t {
if t[i] != 0 {
// Negative 0 is also considered false.
if i == len(t)-1 && t[i] == 0x80 {
return false
return true
return false
// fromBool converts a boolean into the appropriate byte array.
func fromBool(v bool) []byte {
if v {
return []byte{1}
return nil
// stack represents a stack of immutable objects to be used with bitcoin
// scripts. Objects may be shared, therefore in usage if a value is to be
// changed it *must* be deep-copied first to avoid changing other values on the
// stack.
type stack struct {
stk [][]byte
verifyMinimalData bool
// Depth returns the number of items on the stack.
func (s *stack) Depth() int32 {
return int32(len(s.stk))
// PushByteArray adds the given back array to the top of the stack.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2] -> [... x1 x2 data]
func (s *stack) PushByteArray(so []byte) {
s.stk = append(s.stk, so)
// PushInt converts the provided scriptNum to a suitable byte array then pushes
// it onto the top of the stack.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2] -> [... x1 x2 int]
func (s *stack) PushInt(val scriptNum) {
// PushBool converts the provided boolean to a suitable byte array then pushes
// it onto the top of the stack.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2] -> [... x1 x2 bool]
func (s *stack) PushBool(val bool) {
// PopByteArray pops the value off the top of the stack and returns it.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x2]
func (s *stack) PopByteArray() ([]byte, error) {
return s.nipN(0)
// PopInt pops the value off the top of the stack, converts it into a script
// num, and returns it. The act of converting to a script num enforces the
// consensus rules imposed on data interpreted as numbers.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x2]
func (s *stack) PopInt() (scriptNum, error) {
so, err := s.PopByteArray()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return makeScriptNum(so, s.verifyMinimalData)
// PopBool pops the value off the top of the stack, converts it into a bool, and
// returns it.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x2]
func (s *stack) PopBool() (bool, error) {
so, err := s.PopByteArray()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return asBool(so), nil
// PeekByteArray returns the Nth item on the stack without removing it.
func (s *stack) PeekByteArray(idx int32) ([]byte, error) {
sz := int32(len(s.stk))
if idx < 0 || idx >= sz {
return nil, ErrStackUnderflow
return s.stk[sz-idx-1], nil
// PeekInt returns the Nth item on the stack as a script num without removing
// it. The act of converting to a script num enforces the consensus rules
// imposed on data interpreted as numbers.
func (s *stack) PeekInt(idx int32) (scriptNum, error) {
so, err := s.PeekByteArray(idx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return makeScriptNum(so, s.verifyMinimalData)
// PeekBool returns the Nth item on the stack as a bool without removing it.
func (s *stack) PeekBool(idx int32) (bool, error) {
so, err := s.PeekByteArray(idx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return asBool(so), nil
// nipN is an internal function that removes the nth item on the stack and
// returns it.
// Stack transformation:
// nipN(0): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x2]
// nipN(1): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x3]
// nipN(2): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x2 x3]
func (s *stack) nipN(idx int32) ([]byte, error) {
sz := int32(len(s.stk))
if idx < 0 || idx > sz-1 {
return nil, ErrStackUnderflow
so := s.stk[sz-idx-1]
if idx == 0 {
s.stk = s.stk[:sz-1]
} else if idx == sz-1 {
s1 := make([][]byte, sz-1, sz-1)
copy(s1, s.stk[1:])
s.stk = s1
} else {
s1 := s.stk[sz-idx : sz]
s.stk = s.stk[:sz-idx-1]
s.stk = append(s.stk, s1...)
return so, nil
// NipN removes the Nth object on the stack
// Stack transformation:
// NipN(0): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x2]
// NipN(1): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x3]
// NipN(2): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x2 x3]
func (s *stack) NipN(idx int32) error {
_, err := s.nipN(idx)
return err
// Tuck copies the item at the top of the stack and inserts it before the 2nd
// to top item.
// Stack transformation: [... x1 x2] -> [... x2 x1 x2]
func (s *stack) Tuck() error {
so2, err := s.PopByteArray()
if err != nil {
return err
so1, err := s.PopByteArray()
if err != nil {
return err
s.PushByteArray(so2) // stack [... x2]
s.PushByteArray(so1) // stack [... x2 x1]
s.PushByteArray(so2) // stack [... x2 x1 x2]
return nil
// DropN removes the top N items from the stack.
// Stack transformation:
// DropN(1): [... x1 x2] -> [... x1]
// DropN(2): [... x1 x2] -> [...]
func (s *stack) DropN(n int32) error {
if n < 1 {
return ErrStackInvalidArgs
for ; n > 0; n-- {
_, err := s.PopByteArray()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DupN duplicates the top N items on the stack.
// Stack transformation:
// DupN(1): [... x1 x2] -> [... x1 x2 x2]
// DupN(2): [... x1 x2] -> [... x1 x2 x1 x2]
func (s *stack) DupN(n int32) error {
if n < 1 {
return ErrStackInvalidArgs
// Iteratively duplicate the value n-1 down the stack n times.
// This leaves an in-order duplicate of the top n items on the stack.
for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
so, err := s.PeekByteArray(n - 1)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RotN rotates the top 3N items on the stack to the left N times.
// Stack transformation:
// RotN(1): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x2 x3 x1]
// RotN(2): [... x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6] -> [... x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2]
func (s *stack) RotN(n int32) error {
if n < 1 {
return ErrStackInvalidArgs
// Nip the 3n-1th item from the stack to the top n times to rotate
// them up to the head of the stack.
entry := 3*n - 1
for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
so, err := s.nipN(entry)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SwapN swaps the top N items on the stack with those below them.
// Stack transformation:
// SwapN(1): [... x1 x2] -> [... x2 x1]
// SwapN(2): [... x1 x2 x3 x4] -> [... x3 x4 x1 x2]
func (s *stack) SwapN(n int32) error {
if n < 1 {
return ErrStackInvalidArgs
entry := 2*n - 1
for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
// Swap 2n-1th entry to top.
so, err := s.nipN(entry)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// OverN copies N items N items back to the top of the stack.
// Stack transformation:
// OverN(1): [... x1 x2 x3] -> [... x1 x2 x3 x2]
// OverN(2): [... x1 x2 x3 x4] -> [... x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2]
func (s *stack) OverN(n int32) error {
if n < 1 {
return ErrStackInvalidArgs
// Copy 2n-1th entry to top of the stack.
entry := 2*n - 1
for ; n > 0; n-- {
so, err := s.PeekByteArray(entry)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// PickN copies the item N items back in the stack to the top.
// Stack transformation:
// PickN(0): [x1 x2 x3] -> [x1 x2 x3 x3]
// PickN(1): [x1 x2 x3] -> [x1 x2 x3 x2]
// PickN(2): [x1 x2 x3] -> [x1 x2 x3 x1]
func (s *stack) PickN(n int32) error {
so, err := s.PeekByteArray(n)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RollN moves the item N items back in the stack to the top.
// Stack transformation:
// RollN(0): [x1 x2 x3] -> [x1 x2 x3]
// RollN(1): [x1 x2 x3] -> [x1 x3 x2]
// RollN(2): [x1 x2 x3] -> [x2 x3 x1]
func (s *stack) RollN(n int32) error {
so, err := s.nipN(n)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// String returns the stack in a readable format.
func (s *stack) String() string {
var result string
for _, stack := range s.stk {
if len(stack) == 0 {
result += "00000000 <empty>\n"
result += hex.Dump(stack)
return result