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synced 2025-03-11 17:57:50 +01:00
In this commit, we introduce an easier to use API for musig2 signing in the Session and Context structs. The Context struct represents a particular musig2 signing context which is defined by the set of signers. The struct can be serialized to disk as it contains no volatile information. A given context can be kept for each signer in the final set. The Session struct represents an ephemeral musig2 signing session. It handles nonce generation, key aggregation, nonce combination, signature combination, and final sig verification all in one API. The API also protects against nonce generation by not exposing nonces to the end user and also attempting to catch nonce re-use (assuming no process forking) across sessions.
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2022 The btcsuite developers
package schnorr
import (
secp "github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4"
ecdsa_schnorr "github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4/schnorr"
const (
// SignatureSize is the size of an encoded Schnorr signature.
SignatureSize = 64
// scalarSize is the size of an encoded big endian scalar.
scalarSize = 32
var (
// rfc6979ExtraDataV0 is the extra data to feed to RFC6979 when
// generating the deterministic nonce for the BIP-340 scheme. This
// ensures the same nonce is not generated for the same message and key
// as for other signing algorithms such as ECDSA.
// It is equal to SHA-256([]byte("BIP-340")).
rfc6979ExtraDataV0 = [32]uint8{
0xa3, 0xeb, 0x4c, 0x18, 0x2f, 0xae, 0x7e, 0xf4,
0xe8, 0x10, 0xc6, 0xee, 0x13, 0xb0, 0xe9, 0x26,
0x68, 0x6d, 0x71, 0xe8, 0x7f, 0x39, 0x4f, 0x79,
0x9c, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x21, 0x03, 0xcb, 0x4e, 0x17,
// Signature is a type representing a Schnorr signature.
type Signature struct {
r btcec.FieldVal
s btcec.ModNScalar
// NewSignature instantiates a new signature given some r and s values.
func NewSignature(r *btcec.FieldVal, s *btcec.ModNScalar) *Signature {
var sig Signature
return &sig
// Serialize returns the Schnorr signature in the more strict format.
// The signatures are encoded as
// sig[0:32] x coordinate of the point R, encoded as a big-endian uint256
// sig[32:64] s, encoded also as big-endian uint256
func (sig Signature) Serialize() []byte {
// Total length of returned signature is the length of r and s.
var b [SignatureSize]byte
return b[:]
// ParseSignature parses a signature according to the BIP-340 specification and
// enforces the following additional restrictions specific to secp256k1:
// - The r component must be in the valid range for secp256k1 field elements
// - The s component must be in the valid range for secp256k1 scalars
func ParseSignature(sig []byte) (*Signature, error) {
// The signature must be the correct length.
sigLen := len(sig)
if sigLen < SignatureSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: too short: %d < %d", sigLen,
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSigTooShort, str)
if sigLen > SignatureSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: too long: %d > %d", sigLen,
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSigTooLong, str)
// The signature is validly encoded at this point, however, enforce
// additional restrictions to ensure r is in the range [0, p-1], and s is in
// the range [0, n-1] since valid Schnorr signatures are required to be in
// that range per spec.
var r btcec.FieldVal
if overflow := r.SetByteSlice(sig[0:32]); overflow {
str := "invalid signature: r >= field prime"
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSigRTooBig, str)
var s btcec.ModNScalar
if overflow := s.SetByteSlice(sig[32:64]); overflow {
str := "invalid signature: s >= group order"
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSigSTooBig, str)
// Return the signature.
return NewSignature(&r, &s), nil
// IsEqual compares this Signature instance to the one passed, returning true
// if both Signatures are equivalent. A signature is equivalent to another, if
// they both have the same scalar value for R and S.
func (sig Signature) IsEqual(otherSig *Signature) bool {
return sig.r.Equals(&otherSig.r) && sig.s.Equals(&otherSig.s)
// schnorrVerify attempt to verify the signature for the provided hash and
// secp256k1 public key and either returns nil if successful or a specific error
// indicating why it failed if not successful.
// This differs from the exported Verify method in that it returns a specific
// error to support better testing while the exported method simply returns a
// bool indicating success or failure.
func schnorrVerify(sig *Signature, hash []byte, pubKeyBytes []byte) error {
// The algorithm for producing a BIP-340 signature is described in
// README.md and is reproduced here for reference:
// 1. Fail if m is not 32 bytes
// 2. P = lift_x(int(pk)).
// 3. r = int(sig[0:32]); fail is r >= p.
// 4. s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s >= n.
// 5. e = int(tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", bytes(r) || bytes(P) || M)) mod n.
// 6. R = s*G - e*P
// 7. Fail if is_infinite(R)
// 8. Fail if not hash_even_y(R)
// 9. Fail is x(R) != r.
// 10. Return success iff not failure occured before reachign this
// point.
// Step 1.
// Fail if m is not 32 bytes
if len(hash) != scalarSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("wrong size for message (got %v, want %v)",
len(hash), scalarSize)
return signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrInvalidHashLen, str)
// Step 2.
// P = lift_x(int(pk))
// Fail if P is not a point on the curve
pubKey, err := ParsePubKey(pubKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
if !pubKey.IsOnCurve() {
str := "pubkey point is not on curve"
return signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrPubKeyNotOnCurve, str)
// Step 3.
// Fail if r >= p
// Note this is already handled by the fact r is a field element.
// Step 4.
// Fail if s >= n
// Note this is already handled by the fact s is a mod n scalar.
// Step 5.
// e = int(tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", bytes(r) || bytes(P) || M)) mod n.
var rBytes [32]byte
pBytes := SerializePubKey(pubKey)
commitment := chainhash.TaggedHash(
chainhash.TagBIP0340Challenge, rBytes[:], pBytes, hash,
var e btcec.ModNScalar
if overflow := e.SetBytes((*[32]byte)(commitment)); overflow != 0 {
str := "hash of (r || P || m) too big"
return signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSchnorrHashValue, str)
// Negate e here so we can use AddNonConst below to subtract the s*G
// point from e*P.
// Step 6.
// R = s*G - e*P
var P, R, sG, eP btcec.JacobianPoint
btcec.ScalarBaseMultNonConst(&sig.s, &sG)
btcec.ScalarMultNonConst(&e, &P, &eP)
btcec.AddNonConst(&sG, &eP, &R)
// Step 7.
// Fail if R is the point at infinity
if (R.X.IsZero() && R.Y.IsZero()) || R.Z.IsZero() {
str := "calculated R point is the point at infinity"
return signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSigRNotOnCurve, str)
// Step 8.
// Fail if R.y is odd
// Note that R must be in affine coordinates for this check.
if R.Y.IsOdd() {
str := "calculated R y-value is odd"
return signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSigRYIsOdd, str)
// Step 9.
// Verified if R.x == r
// Note that R must be in affine coordinates for this check.
if !sig.r.Equals(&R.X) {
str := "calculated R point was not given R"
return signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrUnequalRValues, str)
// Step 10.
// Return success iff not failure occured before reachign this
return nil
// Verify returns whether or not the signature is valid for the provided hash
// and secp256k1 public key.
func (sig *Signature) Verify(hash []byte, pubKey *btcec.PublicKey) bool {
pubkeyBytes := SerializePubKey(pubKey)
return schnorrVerify(sig, hash, pubkeyBytes) == nil
// zeroArray zeroes the memory of a scalar array.
func zeroArray(a *[scalarSize]byte) {
for i := 0; i < scalarSize; i++ {
a[i] = 0x00
// schnorrSign generates an BIP-340 signature over the secp256k1 curve for the
// provided hash (which should be the result of hashing a larger message) using
// the given nonce and private key. The produced signature is deterministic
// (same message, nonce, and key yield the same signature) and canonical.
// WARNING: The hash MUST be 32 bytes and both the nonce and private keys must
// NOT be 0. Since this is an internal use function, these preconditions MUST
// be satisified by the caller.
func schnorrSign(privKey, nonce *btcec.ModNScalar, pubKey *btcec.PublicKey, hash []byte,
opts *signOptions) (*Signature, error) {
// The algorithm for producing a BIP-340 signature is described in
// README.md and is reproduced here for reference:
// G = curve generator
// n = curve order
// d = private key
// m = message
// a = input randmoness
// r, s = signature
// 1. d' = int(d)
// 2. Fail if m is not 32 bytes
// 3. Fail if d = 0 or d >= n
// 4. P = d'*G
// 5. Negate d if P.y is odd
// 6. t = bytes(d) xor tagged_hash("BIP0340/aux", t || bytes(P) || m)
// 7. rand = tagged_hash("BIP0340/nonce", a)
// 8. k' = int(rand) mod n
// 9. Fail if k' = 0
// 10. R = 'k*G
// 11. Negate k if R.y id odd
// 12. e = tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", bytes(R) || bytes(P) || m) mod n
// 13. sig = bytes(R) || bytes((k + e*d)) mod n
// 14. If Verify(bytes(P), m, sig) fails, abort.
// 15. return sig.
// Note that the set of functional options passed in may modify the
// above algorithm. Namely if CustomNonce is used, then steps 6-8 are
// replaced with a process that generates the nonce using rfc6679. If
// FastSign is passed, then we skip set 14.
// NOTE: Steps 1-9 are performed by the caller.
// Step 10.
// R = kG
var R btcec.JacobianPoint
k := *nonce
btcec.ScalarBaseMultNonConst(&k, &R)
// Step 11.
// Negate nonce k if R.y is odd (R.y is the y coordinate of the point R)
// Note that R must be in affine coordinates for this check.
if R.Y.IsOdd() {
// Step 12.
// e = tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", bytes(R) || bytes(P) || m) mod n
var rBytes [32]byte
r := &R.X
pBytes := SerializePubKey(pubKey)
commitment := chainhash.TaggedHash(
chainhash.TagBIP0340Challenge, rBytes[:], pBytes, hash,
var e btcec.ModNScalar
if overflow := e.SetBytes((*[32]byte)(commitment)); overflow != 0 {
str := "hash of (r || P || m) too big"
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSchnorrHashValue, str)
// Step 13.
// s = k + e*d mod n
s := new(btcec.ModNScalar).Mul2(&e, privKey).Add(&k)
sig := NewSignature(r, s)
// Step 14.
// If Verify(bytes(P), m, sig) fails, abort.
if !opts.fastSign {
if err := schnorrVerify(sig, hash, pBytes); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Step 15.
// Return (r, s)
return sig, nil
// SignOption is a functional option arguemnt that allows callers to modify the
// way we generate BIP-340 schnorr signatues.
type SignOption func(*signOptions)
// signOptions houses the set of functional options that can be used to modify
// the method used to generate the BIP-340 signature.
type signOptions struct {
// fastSign determines if we'll skip the check at the end of the routine
// where we attempt to verify the produced signature.
fastSign bool
// authNonce allows the user to pass in their own nonce information, which
// is useful for schemes like mu-sig.
authNonce *[32]byte
// defaultSignOptions returns the default set of signing operations.
func defaultSignOptions() *signOptions {
return &signOptions{}
// FastSign forces signing to skip the extra verification step at the end.
// Peformance sensitive applications may opt to use this option to speed up the
// signing operation.
func FastSign() SignOption {
return func(o *signOptions) {
o.fastSign = true
// CustomNonce allows users to pass in a custom set of auxData that's used as
// input randomness to generate the nonce used during signing. Users may want
// to specify this custom value when using multi-signatures schemes such as
// Mu-Sig2. If this option isn't set, then rfc6979 will be used to generate the
// nonce material.
func CustomNonce(auxData [32]byte) SignOption {
return func(o *signOptions) {
o.authNonce = &auxData
// Sign generates an BIP-340 signature over the secp256k1 curve for the
// provided hash (which should be the result of hashing a larger message) using
// the given private key. The produced signature is deterministic (same
// message and same key yield the same signature) and canonical.
// Note that the current signing implementation has a few remaining variable
// time aspects which make use of the private key and the generated nonce,
// which can expose the signer to constant time attacks. As a result, this
// function should not be used in situations where there is the possibility of
// someone having EM field/cache/etc access.
func Sign(privKey *btcec.PrivateKey, hash []byte,
signOpts ...SignOption) (*Signature, error) {
// First, parse the set of optional signing options.
opts := defaultSignOptions()
for _, option := range signOpts {
// The algorithm for producing a BIP-340 signature is described in
// README.md and is reproduced here for reference:
// G = curve generator
// n = curve order
// d = private key
// m = message
// a = input randmoness
// r, s = signature
// 1. d' = int(d)
// 2. Fail if m is not 32 bytes
// 3. Fail if d = 0 or d >= n
// 4. P = d'*G
// 5. Negate d if P.y is odd
// 6. t = bytes(d) xor tagged_hash("BIP0340/aux", t || bytes(P) || m)
// 7. rand = tagged_hash("BIP0340/nonce", a)
// 8. k' = int(rand) mod n
// 9. Fail if k' = 0
// 10. R = 'k*G
// 11. Negate k if R.y id odd
// 12. e = tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", bytes(R) || bytes(P) || mod) mod n
// 13. sig = bytes(R) || bytes((k + e*d)) mod n
// 14. If Verify(bytes(P), m, sig) fails, abort.
// 15. return sig.
// Note that the set of functional options passed in may modify the
// above algorithm. Namely if CustomNonce is used, then steps 6-8 are
// replaced with a process that generates the nonce using rfc6679. If
// FastSign is passed, then we skip set 14.
// Step 1.
// d' = int(d)
privKeyScalar := &privKey.Key
// Step 2.
// Fail if m is not 32 bytes
if len(hash) != scalarSize {
str := fmt.Sprintf("wrong size for message hash (got %v, want %v)",
len(hash), scalarSize)
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrInvalidHashLen, str)
// Step 3.
// Fail if d = 0 or d >= n
if privKeyScalar.IsZero() {
str := "private key is zero"
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrPrivateKeyIsZero, str)
// Step 4.
// P = 'd*G
pub := privKey.PubKey()
// Step 5.
// Negate d if P.y is odd.
pubKeyBytes := pub.SerializeCompressed()
if pubKeyBytes[0] == secp.PubKeyFormatCompressedOdd {
// At this point, we check to see if a CustomNonce has been passed in,
// and if so, then we'll deviate from the main routine here by
// generating the nonce value as specifid by BIP-0340.
if opts.authNonce != nil {
// Step 6.
// t = bytes(d) xor tagged_hash("BIP0340/aux", a)
privBytes := privKeyScalar.Bytes()
t := chainhash.TaggedHash(
chainhash.TagBIP0340Aux, (*opts.authNonce)[:],
for i := 0; i < len(t); i++ {
t[i] ^= privBytes[i]
// Step 7.
// rand = tagged_hash("BIP0340/nonce", t || bytes(P) || m)
// We snip off the first byte of the serialized pubkey, as we
// only need the x coordinate and not the market byte.
rand := chainhash.TaggedHash(
chainhash.TagBIP0340Nonce, t[:], pubKeyBytes[1:], hash,
// Step 8.
// k'= int(rand) mod n
var kPrime btcec.ModNScalar
// Step 9.
// Fail if k' = 0
if kPrime.IsZero() {
str := fmt.Sprintf("generated nonce is zero")
return nil, signatureError(ecdsa_schnorr.ErrSchnorrHashValue, str)
sig, err := schnorrSign(privKeyScalar, &kPrime, pub, hash, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sig, nil
var privKeyBytes [scalarSize]byte
defer zeroArray(&privKeyBytes)
for iteration := uint32(0); ; iteration++ {
// Step 6-9.
// Use RFC6979 to generate a deterministic nonce k in [1, n-1]
// parameterized by the private key, message being signed, extra data
// that identifies the scheme, and an iteration count
k := btcec.NonceRFC6979(
privKeyBytes[:], hash, rfc6979ExtraDataV0[:], nil, iteration,
// Steps 10-15.
sig, err := schnorrSign(privKeyScalar, k, pub, hash, opts)
if err != nil {
// Try again with a new nonce.
return sig, nil