Calvin Kim ea39fe090d blockchain: add block generating functions in test code
The block generating functions here allow for a test to create mock
blocks.  This is useful for testing invalidateblock and reconsiderblock
methods on blockchain that will be added in later commits.
2024-04-23 02:52:13 +09:00

493 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package blockchain
import (
_ ""
const (
// testDbType is the database backend type to use for the tests.
testDbType = "ffldb"
// testDbRoot is the root directory used to create all test databases.
testDbRoot = "testdbs"
// blockDataNet is the expected network in the test block data.
blockDataNet = wire.MainNet
// filesExists returns whether or not the named file or directory exists.
func fileExists(name string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// isSupportedDbType returns whether or not the passed database type is
// currently supported.
func isSupportedDbType(dbType string) bool {
supportedDrivers := database.SupportedDrivers()
for _, driver := range supportedDrivers {
if dbType == driver {
return true
return false
// loadBlocks reads files containing bitcoin block data (gzipped but otherwise
// in the format bitcoind writes) from disk and returns them as an array of
// btcutil.Block. This is largely borrowed from the test code in btcdb.
func loadBlocks(filename string) (blocks []*btcutil.Block, err error) {
filename = filepath.Join("testdata/", filename)
var network = wire.MainNet
var dr io.Reader
var fi io.ReadCloser
fi, err = os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".bz2") {
dr = bzip2.NewReader(fi)
} else {
dr = fi
defer fi.Close()
var block *btcutil.Block
err = nil
for height := int64(1); err == nil; height++ {
var rintbuf uint32
err = binary.Read(dr, binary.LittleEndian, &rintbuf)
if err == io.EOF {
// hit end of file at expected offset: no warning
err = nil
if err != nil {
if rintbuf != uint32(network) {
err = binary.Read(dr, binary.LittleEndian, &rintbuf)
blocklen := rintbuf
rbytes := make([]byte, blocklen)
// read block
block, err = btcutil.NewBlockFromBytes(rbytes)
if err != nil {
blocks = append(blocks, block)
// chainSetup is used to create a new db and chain instance with the genesis
// block already inserted. In addition to the new chain instance, it returns
// a teardown function the caller should invoke when done testing to clean up.
func chainSetup(dbName string, params *chaincfg.Params) (*BlockChain, func(), error) {
if !isSupportedDbType(testDbType) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported db type %v", testDbType)
// Handle memory database specially since it doesn't need the disk
// specific handling.
var db database.DB
var teardown func()
if testDbType == "memdb" {
ndb, err := database.Create(testDbType)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating db: %v", err)
db = ndb
// Setup a teardown function for cleaning up. This function is
// returned to the caller to be invoked when it is done testing.
teardown = func() {
} else {
// Create the root directory for test databases.
if !fileExists(testDbRoot) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(testDbRoot, 0700); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create test db "+
"root: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Create a new database to store the accepted blocks into.
dbPath := filepath.Join(testDbRoot, dbName)
_ = os.RemoveAll(dbPath)
ndb, err := database.Create(testDbType, dbPath, blockDataNet)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating db: %v", err)
db = ndb
// Setup a teardown function for cleaning up. This function is
// returned to the caller to be invoked when it is done testing.
teardown = func() {
// Copy the chain params to ensure any modifications the tests do to
// the chain parameters do not affect the global instance.
paramsCopy := *params
// Create the main chain instance.
chain, err := New(&Config{
DB: db,
ChainParams: &paramsCopy,
Checkpoints: nil,
TimeSource: NewMedianTime(),
SigCache: txscript.NewSigCache(1000),
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to create chain instance: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
return chain, teardown, nil
// loadUtxoView returns a utxo view loaded from a file.
func loadUtxoView(filename string) (*UtxoViewpoint, error) {
// The utxostore file format is:
// <tx hash><output index><serialized utxo len><serialized utxo>
// The output index and serialized utxo len are little endian uint32s
// and the serialized utxo uses the format described in chainio.go.
filename = filepath.Join("testdata", filename)
fi, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Choose read based on whether the file is compressed or not.
var r io.Reader
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".bz2") {
r = bzip2.NewReader(fi)
} else {
r = fi
defer fi.Close()
view := NewUtxoViewpoint()
for {
// Hash of the utxo entry.
var hash chainhash.Hash
_, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, hash[:], len(hash[:]))
if err != nil {
// Expected EOF at the right offset.
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, err
// Output index of the utxo entry.
var index uint32
err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Num of serialized utxo entry bytes.
var numBytes uint32
err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &numBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Serialized utxo entry.
serialized := make([]byte, numBytes)
_, err = io.ReadAtLeast(r, serialized, int(numBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Deserialize it and add it to the view.
entry, err := deserializeUtxoEntry(serialized)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
view.Entries()[wire.OutPoint{Hash: hash, Index: index}] = entry
return view, nil
// convertUtxoStore reads a utxostore from the legacy format and writes it back
// out using the latest format. It is only useful for converting utxostore data
// used in the tests, which has already been done. However, the code is left
// available for future reference.
func convertUtxoStore(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
// The old utxostore file format was:
// <tx hash><serialized utxo len><serialized utxo>
// The serialized utxo len was a little endian uint32 and the serialized
// utxo uses the format described in upgrade.go.
littleEndian := binary.LittleEndian
for {
// Hash of the utxo entry.
var hash chainhash.Hash
_, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, hash[:], len(hash[:]))
if err != nil {
// Expected EOF at the right offset.
if err == io.EOF {
return err
// Num of serialized utxo entry bytes.
var numBytes uint32
err = binary.Read(r, littleEndian, &numBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
// Serialized utxo entry.
serialized := make([]byte, numBytes)
_, err = io.ReadAtLeast(r, serialized, int(numBytes))
if err != nil {
return err
// Deserialize the entry.
entries, err := deserializeUtxoEntryV0(serialized)
if err != nil {
return err
// Loop through all of the utxos and write them out in the new
// format.
for outputIdx, entry := range entries {
// Reserialize the entries using the new format.
serialized, err := serializeUtxoEntry(entry)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the hash of the utxo entry.
_, err = w.Write(hash[:])
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the output index of the utxo entry.
err = binary.Write(w, littleEndian, outputIdx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write num of serialized utxo entry bytes.
err = binary.Write(w, littleEndian, uint32(len(serialized)))
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the serialized utxo.
_, err = w.Write(serialized)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TstSetCoinbaseMaturity makes the ability to set the coinbase maturity
// available when running tests.
func (b *BlockChain) TstSetCoinbaseMaturity(maturity uint16) {
b.chainParams.CoinbaseMaturity = maturity
// newFakeChain returns a chain that is usable for synthetic tests. It is
// important to note that this chain has no database associated with it, so
// it is not usable with all functions and the tests must take care when making
// use of it.
func newFakeChain(params *chaincfg.Params) *BlockChain {
// Create a genesis block node and block index index populated with it
// for use when creating the fake chain below.
node := newBlockNode(&params.GenesisBlock.Header, nil)
index := newBlockIndex(nil, params)
targetTimespan := int64(params.TargetTimespan / time.Second)
targetTimePerBlock := int64(params.TargetTimePerBlock / time.Second)
adjustmentFactor := params.RetargetAdjustmentFactor
b := &BlockChain{
chainParams: params,
timeSource: NewMedianTime(),
minRetargetTimespan: targetTimespan / adjustmentFactor,
maxRetargetTimespan: targetTimespan * adjustmentFactor,
blocksPerRetarget: int32(targetTimespan / targetTimePerBlock),
index: index,
bestChain: newChainView(node),
warningCaches: newThresholdCaches(vbNumBits),
deploymentCaches: newThresholdCaches(chaincfg.DefinedDeployments),
for _, deployment := range params.Deployments {
deploymentStarter := deployment.DeploymentStarter
if clockStarter, ok := deploymentStarter.(chaincfg.ClockConsensusDeploymentStarter); ok {
deploymentEnder := deployment.DeploymentEnder
if clockEnder, ok := deploymentEnder.(chaincfg.ClockConsensusDeploymentEnder); ok {
return b
// newFakeNode creates a block node connected to the passed parent with the
// provided fields populated and fake values for the other fields.
func newFakeNode(parent *blockNode, blockVersion int32, bits uint32, timestamp time.Time) *blockNode {
// Make up a header and create a block node from it.
header := &wire.BlockHeader{
Version: blockVersion,
PrevBlock: parent.hash,
Bits: bits,
Timestamp: timestamp,
return newBlockNode(header, parent)
// addBlock adds a block to the blockchain that succeeds the previous block.
// The blocks spends all the provided spendable outputs. The new block and
// the new spendable outputs created in the block are returned.
func addBlock(chain *BlockChain, prev *btcutil.Block, spends []*testhelper.SpendableOut) (
*btcutil.Block, []*testhelper.SpendableOut, error) {
block, outs, err := newBlock(chain, prev, spends)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(block, BFNone)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return block, outs, nil
// calcMerkleRoot creates a merkle tree from the slice of transactions and
// returns the root of the tree.
func calcMerkleRoot(txns []*wire.MsgTx) chainhash.Hash {
if len(txns) == 0 {
return chainhash.Hash{}
utilTxns := make([]*btcutil.Tx, 0, len(txns))
for _, tx := range txns {
utilTxns = append(utilTxns, btcutil.NewTx(tx))
return CalcMerkleRoot(utilTxns, false)
// newBlock creates a block to the blockchain that succeeds the previous block.
// The blocks spends all the provided spendable outputs. The new block and the
// newly spendable outputs created in the block are returned.
func newBlock(chain *BlockChain, prev *btcutil.Block,
spends []*testhelper.SpendableOut) (*btcutil.Block, []*testhelper.SpendableOut, error) {
blockHeight := prev.Height() + 1
txns := make([]*wire.MsgTx, 0, 1+len(spends))
// Create and add coinbase tx.
cb := testhelper.CreateCoinbaseTx(blockHeight, CalcBlockSubsidy(blockHeight, chain.chainParams))
txns = append(txns, cb)
// Spend all txs to be spent.
for _, spend := range spends {
cb.TxOut[0].Value += int64(testhelper.LowFee)
spendTx := testhelper.CreateSpendTx(spend, testhelper.LowFee)
txns = append(txns, spendTx)
// Use a timestamp that is one second after the previous block unless
// this is the first block in which case the current time is used.
var ts time.Time
if blockHeight == 1 {
ts = time.Unix(time.Now().Unix(), 0)
} else {
ts = prev.MsgBlock().Header.Timestamp.Add(time.Second)
// Create the block. The nonce will be solved in the below code in
// SolveBlock.
block := btcutil.NewBlock(&wire.MsgBlock{
Header: wire.BlockHeader{
Version: 1,
PrevBlock: *prev.Hash(),
MerkleRoot: calcMerkleRoot(txns),
Bits: chain.chainParams.PowLimitBits,
Timestamp: ts,
Nonce: 0, // To be solved.
Transactions: txns,
// Solve the block.
if !testhelper.SolveBlock(&block.MsgBlock().Header) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to solve block at height %d", blockHeight)
// Create spendable outs to return.
outs := make([]*testhelper.SpendableOut, len(txns))
for i, tx := range txns {
out := testhelper.MakeSpendableOutForTx(tx, 0)
outs[i] = &out
return block, outs, nil