PKG := LINT_PKG := GOACC_PKG := GOIMPORTS_PKG := GO_BIN := ${GOPATH}/bin LINT_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/golangci-lint GOACC_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/go-acc LINT_COMMIT := v1.18.0 GOACC_COMMIT := 80342ae2e0fcf265e99e76bcc4efd022c7c3811b DEPGET := cd /tmp && GO111MODULE=on go get -v GOBUILD := GO111MODULE=on go build -v GOINSTALL := GO111MODULE=on go install -v DEV_TAGS := rpctest GOTEST := GO111MODULE=on go test -v -tags=$(DEV_TAGS) GOFILES_NOVENDOR = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") RM := rm -f CP := cp MAKE := make XARGS := xargs -L 1 # Linting uses a lot of memory, so keep it under control by limiting the number # of workers if requested. ifneq ($(workers),) LINT_WORKERS = --concurrency=$(workers) endif LINT = $(LINT_BIN) run -v $(LINT_WORKERS) GREEN := "\\033[0;32m" NC := "\\033[0m" define print echo $(GREEN)$1$(NC) endef default: build all: build check # ============ # DEPENDENCIES # ============ $(LINT_BIN): @$(call print, "Fetching linter") $(DEPGET) $(LINT_PKG)@$(LINT_COMMIT) $(GOACC_BIN): @$(call print, "Fetching go-acc") $(DEPGET) $(GOACC_PKG)@$(GOACC_COMMIT) goimports: @$(call print, "Installing goimports.") $(DEPGET) $(GOIMPORTS_PKG) # ============ # INSTALLATION # ============ build: @$(call print, "Building all binaries") $(GOBUILD) $(PKG) $(GOBUILD) $(PKG)/cmd/btcctl $(GOBUILD) $(PKG)/cmd/gencerts $(GOBUILD) $(PKG)/cmd/findcheckpoint $(GOBUILD) $(PKG)/cmd/addblock # ======= # TESTING # ======= check: unit unit: @$(call print, "Running unit tests.") $(GOTEST) ./... -test.timeout=20m cd btcutil; $(GOTEST) ./... -test.timeout=20m cd btcutil/psbt; $(GOTEST) ./... -test.timeout=20m unit-cover: $(GOACC_BIN) @$(call print, "Running unit coverage tests.") $(GOACC_BIN) ./... cd btcutil; $(GOACC_BIN) ./... cd btcutil/psbt; $(GOACC_BIN) ./... unit-race: @$(call print, "Running unit race tests.") env CGO_ENABLED=1 GORACE="history_size=7 halt_on_errors=1" $(GOTEST) -race -test.timeout=20m ./... cd btcutil; env CGO_ENABLED=1 GORACE="history_size=7 halt_on_errors=1" $(GOTEST) -race -test.timeout=20m ./... cd btcutil/psbt; env CGO_ENABLED=1 GORACE="history_size=7 halt_on_errors=1" $(GOTEST) -race -test.timeout=20m ./... # ========= # UTILITIES # ========= fmt: goimports @$(call print, "Fixing imports.") goimports -w $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR) @$(call print, "Formatting source.") gofmt -l -w -s $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR) lint: $(LINT_BIN) @$(call print, "Linting source.") $(LINT) clean: @$(call print, "Cleaning source.$(NC)") $(RM) coverage.txt btcutil/coverage.txt btcutil/psbt/coverage.txt .PHONY: all \ default \ build \ check \ unit \ unit-cover \ unit-race \ fmt \ lint \ clean