#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2016 Company 0, LLC. # Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The btcsuite developers # Use of this source code is governed by an ISC # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # Simple bash script to build basic btcd tools for all the platforms we support # with the golang cross-compiler. set -e # If no tag specified, use date + version otherwise use tag. if [[ $1x = x ]]; then DATE=`date +%Y%m%d` VERSION="01" TAG=$DATE-$VERSION else TAG=$1 fi go mod vendor tar -cvzf vendor.tar.gz vendor PACKAGE=btcd MAINDIR=$PACKAGE-$TAG mkdir -p $MAINDIR cp vendor.tar.gz $MAINDIR/ rm vendor.tar.gz rm -r vendor PACKAGESRC="$MAINDIR/$PACKAGE-source-$TAG.tar" git archive -o $PACKAGESRC HEAD gzip -f $PACKAGESRC > "$PACKAGESRC.gz" cd $MAINDIR # If BTCDBUILDSYS is set the default list is ignored. Useful to release # for a subset of systems/architectures. SYS=${BTCDBUILDSYS:-" darwin-amd64 darwin-arm64 dragonfly-amd64 freebsd-386 freebsd-amd64 freebsd-arm illumos-amd64 linux-386 linux-amd64 linux-armv6 linux-armv7 linux-arm64 linux-ppc64 linux-ppc64le linux-mips linux-mipsle linux-mips64 linux-mips64le linux-s390x netbsd-386 netbsd-amd64 netbsd-arm netbsd-arm64 openbsd-386 openbsd-amd64 openbsd-arm openbsd-arm64 solaris-amd64 windows-386 windows-amd64 "} # Use the first element of $GOPATH in the case where GOPATH is a list # (something that is totally allowed). PKG="github.com/btcsuite/btcd" COMMIT=$(git describe --abbrev=40 --dirty) for i in $SYS; do OS=$(echo $i | cut -f1 -d-) ARCH=$(echo $i | cut -f2 -d-) ARM= if [[ $ARCH = "armv6" ]]; then ARCH=arm ARM=6 elif [[ $ARCH = "armv7" ]]; then ARCH=arm ARM=7 fi mkdir $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG cd $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG echo "Building:" $OS $ARCH $ARM env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$OS GOARCH=$ARCH GOARM=$ARM go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="-s -w -buildid=" github.com/btcsuite/btcd env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$OS GOARCH=$ARCH GOARM=$ARM go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="-s -w -buildid=" github.com/btcsuite/btcd/cmd/btcctl cd .. if [[ $OS = "windows" ]]; then zip -r $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG.zip $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG else tar -cvzf $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG.tar.gz $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG fi rm -r $PACKAGE-$i-$TAG done shasum -a 256 * > manifest-$TAG.txt