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synced 2025-03-13 11:35:20 +01:00
This change implements a mechanism to retransmit orders if some of the order's selected regions do not confirm transmission in due time. It adds a worker to repeatedly check the orders and determine if they need retransmission. Such orders will be added to a new table named tx_retries. The tx_start function now first checks if there are regular new paid orders to transmit. If not, it will check the retransmission table and retransmit an order from there if one is available. This patch also introduces a new order state called "retranmission". The order enters this state while waiting for retransmission.
362 lines
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362 lines
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import json
import pytest
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from unittest.mock import patch
from common import generate_test_order, pay_invoice, confirm_tx
from constants import InvoiceStatus, OrderStatus
import transmitter
from database import db
from schemas import order_schema
from models import Order, TxRetry, TxConfirmation
from regions import Regions, all_region_numbers, region_number_list_to_code
from order_helpers import refresh_retransmission_table, \
get_next_retransmission, sent_or_received_criteria_met, assert_order_state
import constants
import server
def app(mockredis):
app = server.create_app(from_test=True)
yield app
def client(app):
with app.test_client() as client:
yield client
def assert_redis_call(mockredis, order):
msg = order_schema.dump(order)
msg = json.dumps(msg)
mockredis.publish.assert_called_with(channel='transmissions', message=msg)
def test_tx_start(mock_new_invoice, client, mockredis):
# Create two orders and pay only for the first.
first_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice, client)['uuid']
second_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
first_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=first_order_uuid).first()
# The transmission should start immediately upon payment
pay_invoice(first_db_order.invoices[0], client)
assert_redis_call(mockredis, first_db_order)
# The expectation is that the first order gets transmitted and the second
# stays untouched. The invoice callback handler should call tx_start.
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert first_db_order.tx_seq_num is not None
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'pending')
second_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=second_order_uuid).first()
assert second_db_order.tx_seq_num is None
# Calling tx_start explicitly won't change anything since the second order
# is still unpaid
second_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=second_order_uuid).first()
assert second_db_order.status == OrderStatus.pending.value
assert second_db_order.tx_seq_num is None
def test_tx_end(mock_new_invoice, client, mockredis):
# Create two orders and pay for both.
first_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice, client,
second_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
first_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=first_order_uuid).first()
second_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=second_order_uuid).first()
# As soon as the first order is paid, its transmission should start
# immediately.
pay_invoice(first_db_order.invoices[0], client)
assert_redis_call(mockredis, first_db_order)
# Meanwhile, if the second order is paid, its transmission cannot start
# immediately because the Tx line is still blocked by the first order.
pay_invoice(second_db_order.invoices[0], client)
# The expectation is that the first order gets transmitted and the second
# stays in paid state. The invoice callback handler should call tx_start.
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert first_db_order.tx_seq_num is not None
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'paid')
assert second_db_order.tx_seq_num is None
# The second order should start transmitting immediately after ending the
# first. The only prerequisite is that the first order is in sent state
# (after Tx confirmations) when ended.
confirm_tx(first_db_order.tx_seq_num, all_region_numbers, client)
if sent_or_received_criteria_met(first_db_order):
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'sent')
assert first_db_order.ended_transmission_at is not None
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert second_db_order.tx_seq_num is not None
def test_assign_tx_seq_num(mock_new_invoice, client):
# make some orders
first_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice, client)['uuid']
first_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=first_order_uuid).first()
assert first_db_order.tx_seq_num is None
second_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
second_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=second_order_uuid).first()
assert second_db_order.tx_seq_num is None
third_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
third_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=third_order_uuid).first()
assert third_db_order.tx_seq_num is None
first_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=first_order_uuid).first()
assert first_db_order.tx_seq_num == 1
second_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=second_order_uuid).first()
assert second_db_order.tx_seq_num == 2
third_db_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=third_order_uuid).first()
assert third_db_order.tx_seq_num == 3
def test_startup_sequence(mock_new_invoice, client, mockredis):
# create an old transmitted order
transmitting_order_uuid = generate_test_order(
# create two paid orders
first_sendable_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
second_sendable_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
first_sendable_db_order = \
second_sendable_db_order = \
pay_invoice(first_sendable_db_order.invoices[0], client)
pay_invoice(second_sendable_db_order.invoices[0], client)
# At startup, tx_start() should trigger the transmission of the highest
# bidder among the two paid orders, namely the second sendable order.
# However, this transmission is not possible until the transmitting order
# from the previous session times out and changes to confirming state.
assert_order_state(first_sendable_order_uuid, 'paid')
assert_order_state(second_sendable_order_uuid, 'paid')
# Force the timeout by manipulating the transmission timestamp.
transmitting_db_order = \
transmitting_db_order.started_transmission_at = datetime.utcnow(
) - timedelta(seconds=constants.TX_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_SECS + 1)
assert_order_state(transmitting_order_uuid, 'confirming')
# Now, tx_start() can trigger the new transmission.
assert_order_state(first_sendable_order_uuid, 'paid')
assert_order_state(second_sendable_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
# At this point, the Tx hosts send Tx confirmations
confirm_tx(second_sendable_db_order.tx_seq_num, all_region_numbers, client)
# Finally, tx_end() shall end the first transmission and trigger the second
# transmission (the first sendable order).
assert_order_state(first_sendable_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert_order_state(second_sendable_order_uuid, 'sent')
# The sequence numbers should reflect the transmission order
assert first_sendable_db_order.tx_seq_num == 2
assert second_sendable_db_order.tx_seq_num == 1
def test_retransmission(mock_new_invoice, client, mockredis):
# 1) Order that requires retransmission due to not being confirmed
# by all Tx regions within the time limit.
first_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice, client,
# Pay invoice -> State changes from pending to transmitting.
first_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=first_order_uuid).first()
pay_invoice(first_order.invoices[0], client)
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert_redis_call(mockredis, first_order)
# Confirm Tx over a single region -> State changes from transmitting to
# confirming.
confirm_tx(1, [all_region_numbers[0]], client)
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'confirming')
# Manipulate the Tx confirmation timestamp such that it exceeds the time
# limit and later leads to a retransmission.
last_tx_confirmation = TxConfirmation.query.filter_by(
last_tx_confirmation.created_at = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(
seconds=constants.TX_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_SECS + 1)
# 2) Order that needs retransmission due to not receiving any confirmation
# at all within the timeout limit.
second_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice, client,
# Pay invoice -> State changes from pending to transmitting.
second_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=second_order_uuid).first()
pay_invoice(second_order.invoices[0], client)
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert_redis_call(mockredis, second_order)
# Manipulate the Tx start timestamp such that it exceeds the time limit and
# later leads to a retransmission.
second_order.started_transmission_at = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(
seconds=constants.TX_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_SECS + 1)
# 3) Order that transmits normally with no need for retransmission.
third_order_regions = [Regions.g18.value, Regions.e113.value]
third_order_uuid = generate_test_order(mock_new_invoice,
# Pay invoice. In this case, the state changes from pending to paid (not to
# transmitting) since the Tx line is still blocked by the second order.
third_order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=third_order_uuid).first()
pay_invoice(third_order.invoices[0], client)
assert_order_state(third_order_uuid, 'paid')
# Detect and update all the required retransmissions
# The first and second orders should require retransmission. Also, the
# second order should have changed from transmitting to confirming.
retry_order = TxRetry.query.all()
assert len(retry_order) == 2
assert retry_order[0].order_id == first_order.id
assert retry_order[1].order_id == second_order.id
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'confirming')
# Check the next order for retransmission, which should be the highest
# bidder among the two with pending retransmission (the second order)
order, retry_info = get_next_retransmission()
assert order and retry_info
assert order.id == second_order.id
assert retry_info.order_id == second_order.id
# At this point, a worker would see orders requiring retransmission and
# call tx_start.
# The third order should be prioritized because it's not a retransmission.
assert_order_state(third_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert_redis_call(mockredis, third_order)
# Confirm Tx for all regions. That should end the transmission and kick off
# the next, namely the retransmission of the second order. When the
# retransmission starts, the second order goes back from confirming to
# transmitting state.
confirm_tx(3, third_order_regions, client)
assert_order_state(third_order_uuid, 'sent')
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert_redis_call(mockredis, second_order)
# Now, pretend the second order received all the required confirmations
# such that its transmission ended and the next started.
confirm_tx(second_order.tx_seq_num, all_region_numbers, client)
assert_order_state(second_order_uuid, 'sent')
# tx_end (called under the hood by the Tx confirmation handler) should
# remove the second order from the tx_retries table and start transmitting
# the next order, namely the retransmission of the first.
retry_order = TxRetry.query.all()
assert len(retry_order) == 1
assert retry_order[0].order_id == first_order.id
assert retry_order[0].retry_count == 1
assert retry_order[0].last_attempt is not None
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
# Besides, since the first order was confirmed by the first region before,
# now the retransmission should go over the remaining regions only.
expected_redis_order = first_order
expected_redis_order.region_code = region_number_list_to_code(
assert_redis_call(mockredis, expected_redis_order)
# Next, suppose no confirmations are sent for the first retransmission.
# That should lead to a second retransmission. Manipulate the
# retransmission info to make that happen.
t_last_attempt = retry_order[0].last_attempt
retry_order[0].last_attempt = t_last_attempt - \
timedelta(seconds=constants.TX_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_SECS + 1)
# A worker would timeout the order and put it back to confirming state.
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'confirming')
# Another worker would see the confirming order and call tx_start(),
# leading to the second retransmission.
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'transmitting')
assert_redis_call(mockredis, expected_redis_order)
retry_order = TxRetry.query.all()
assert len(retry_order) == 1
assert retry_order[0].order_id == first_order.id
assert retry_order[0].retry_count == 2
# Lastly, suppose this second retransmission receives Tx confirmations, but
# not all of the required ones. Hence, it should be retransmitted one more
# time. Again, manipulate the retransmission info to make that happen. This
# time, note it's the wait interval that determines the retransmission, not
# the timeout interval. Also, the wait interval should be applied to the
# last (most recent) Tx confirmation, not the last retransmission time.
confirm_tx(first_order.tx_seq_num, all_region_numbers[1:3], client)
assert_order_state(first_order_uuid, 'confirming')
for order in TxConfirmation.query.filter_by(order_id=first_order.id).all():
order.created_at = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(
seconds=constants.TX_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_SECS + 1)
retry_order = TxRetry.query.all()
assert len(retry_order) == 1
assert retry_order[0].order_id == first_order.id
assert retry_order[0].retry_count == 3