from datetime import datetime, timedelta from http import HTTPStatus from hashlib import sha256 import json import os from uuid import uuid4 from flask import current_app, request, send_file from flask_restful import Resource from marshmallow import ValidationError from sqlalchemy import and_, or_ from constants import CHANNEL_INFO, ORDER_FETCH_STATES, OrderStatus from database import db from error import get_http_error_resp from invoice_helpers import new_invoice, pay_invoice from models import Order, RxConfirmation, TxConfirmation, TxRetry from regions import region_number_list_to_code from schemas import admin_order_schema, order_schema, orders_schema,\ order_upload_req_schema, order_bump_schema,\ rx_confirmation_schema, tx_confirmation_schema import bidding import constants import order_helpers import transmitter SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE = 65536 def sha256_checksum(filename, block_size=SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE): msg_hash = sha256() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for block in iter(lambda:, b''): msg_hash.update(block) return msg_hash.hexdigest() class OrderResource(Resource): def get(self, uuid): admin_mode = request.path.startswith("/admin/") success, order_or_error = order_helpers.get_and_authenticate_order( uuid, request.form, request.args) if not success: return order_or_error order = order_or_error if not admin_mode and 'get' not in \ constants.CHANNEL_INFO[].user_permissions: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CHANNEL_UNAUTHORIZED_OP', schema = admin_order_schema if admin_mode else order_schema return schema.dump(order) def delete(self, uuid): admin_mode = request.path.startswith("/admin/") success, order_or_error = order_helpers.get_and_authenticate_order( uuid, request.form, request.args) if not success: return order_or_error order = order_or_error if not admin_mode and 'delete' not in \ constants.CHANNEL_INFO[].user_permissions: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CHANNEL_UNAUTHORIZED_OP', if order.status != OrderStatus.pending.value and\ order.status != OrderStatus.paid.value: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CANCELLATION_ERROR', OrderStatus(order.status).name) message_file = os.path.join(constants.MSG_STORE_PATH, order.uuid) if os.path.exists(message_file): os.remove(message_file) order.status = OrderStatus.cancelled.value order.cancelled_at = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() return {"message": "order cancelled"} class OrderUploadResource(Resource): def post(self): admin_mode = request.path.startswith("/admin/") try: args = order_upload_req_schema.load(request.form) except ValidationError as error: return error.messages, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST has_msg = 'message' in args has_file = 'file' in request.files channel = args['channel'] if not admin_mode and 'post' not in \ constants.CHANNEL_INFO[channel].user_permissions: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CHANNEL_UNAUTHORIZED_OP', channel) requires_payment = CHANNEL_INFO[channel].requires_payment if (has_msg and has_file): return "Choose message or file", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST if (not (has_msg or has_file)): return get_http_error_resp('MESSAGE_MISSING') uuid = str(uuid4()) filepath = os.path.join(constants.MSG_STORE_PATH, uuid) if (has_msg): with open(filepath, 'w') as fd: fd.write(args['message']) else: file = request.files['file'] msg_size = os.stat(filepath).st_size if (msg_size < constants.MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE): os.remove(filepath) return get_http_error_resp('MESSAGE_FILE_TOO_SMALL', constants.MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE) if (msg_size > constants.CHANNEL_INFO[channel].max_msg_size): os.remove(filepath) return get_http_error_resp( 'MESSAGE_FILE_TOO_LARGE', constants.CHANNEL_INFO[channel].max_msg_size / (2**20)) bid = int(args.get('bid')) if requires_payment else 0 if (requires_payment and not bidding.validate_bid(msg_size, bid)): os.remove(filepath) min_bid = bidding.get_min_bid(msg_size) return get_http_error_resp('BID_TOO_SMALL', min_bid) msg_digest = sha256_checksum(filepath) starting_state = OrderStatus.pending.value if requires_payment \ else OrderStatus.paid.value new_order = Order(uuid=uuid, unpaid_bid=bid, message_size=msg_size, message_digest=msg_digest, status=starting_state, channel=channel) if requires_payment: success, invoice = new_invoice(new_order, bid) if not success: return invoice new_order.invoices.append(invoice) if 'regions' in args: regions_in_request = json.loads(args['regions']) new_order.region_code = region_number_list_to_code( regions_in_request) db.session.add(new_order) db.session.commit() if constants.FORCE_PAYMENT and requires_payment:'force payment of the invoice') pay_invoice(invoice) transmitter.tx_start( elif not requires_payment: transmitter.tx_start( # Return the invoice only if the channel requires payment for orders resp = { 'auth_token': order_helpers.compute_auth_token(uuid), 'uuid': uuid } if requires_payment: resp['lightning_invoice'] = json.loads(invoice.invoice) return resp class BumpOrderResource(Resource): def post(self, uuid): query_args = request.args try: form_args = order_bump_schema.load(request.form) except ValidationError as error: return error.messages, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST success, order_or_error = order_helpers.get_and_authenticate_order( uuid, form_args, query_args) if not success: return order_or_error order = order_or_error if not CHANNEL_INFO[].requires_payment: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CHANNEL_UNAUTHORIZED_OP', if order.status != OrderStatus.pending.value and\ order.status != OrderStatus.paid.value: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_BUMP_ERROR', OrderStatus(order.status).name) success, invoice = new_invoice(order, form_args['bid_increase']) if not success: return invoice order.invoices.append(invoice) order_helpers.adjust_bids(order) db.session.commit() return { 'auth_token': order_helpers.compute_auth_token(uuid), 'lightning_invoice': json.loads(invoice.invoice) } class OrdersResource(Resource): def get(self, state): admin_mode = request.path.startswith("/admin/") if state not in ORDER_FETCH_STATES: return { state: [ f'The requested queue of {state} orders\ does not exist' ] }, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND try: args = orders_schema.load(request.args) except ValidationError as error: return error.messages, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST if 'before' not in args and 'before_delta' not in args: # Set the "before" date to the near future (e.g., 5 secs ahead) to # effectively disable the filtering. _before = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=5) elif 'before' in args: _before = args['before'] else: _before = datetime.utcnow() - args['before_delta'] if 'after' not in args and 'after_delta' not in args: # Set the "after" date to the lowest possible datetime to # effectively disable the filtering. _after = datetime(1, 1, 1) elif 'after' in args: _after = args['after'] else: _after = datetime.utcnow() - args['after_delta'] before = db.func.datetime(_before) after = db.func.datetime(_after) limit = args['limit'] channel = args['channel'] if not admin_mode and 'get' not in \ constants.CHANNEL_INFO[channel].user_permissions: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CHANNEL_UNAUTHORIZED_OP', channel) if state in ['pending', 'paid']: condition = Order.status == OrderStatus[state].value time_field = Order.created_at sort_field = Order.created_at elif state in ['transmitting', 'confirming']: condition = Order.status == OrderStatus[state].value time_field = Order.started_transmission_at sort_field = Order.started_transmission_at elif state == 'queued': condition = or_(Order.status == OrderStatus.transmitting.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.confirming.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.paid.value) time_field = Order.created_at sort_field = Order.bid_per_byte elif state == 'sent': # For backwards compatibility, the "sent" queue returns orders in # both sent and received state. Namely, any order with an # "ended_transmission_at" timestamp. A new special queue named # "rx-pending" can be used to fetch orders in "sent" state only # (not yet in "received" state). condition = Order.ended_transmission_at.isnot(None) time_field = Order.ended_transmission_at sort_field = Order.ended_transmission_at elif state == 'received': condition = Order.status == OrderStatus[state].value time_field = Order.ended_transmission_at sort_field = Order.ended_transmission_at elif state == 'rx-pending': condition = Order.status == OrderStatus.sent.value time_field = Order.ended_transmission_at sort_field = Order.ended_transmission_at if state == 'retransmitting': # Only the retransmitting state needs a different query (joining # the Order and TxRetry tables). The other states use the same # query with different conditions, time and sort fields. condition = == TxRetry.order_id time_field = TxRetry.last_attempt sort_field = TxRetry.last_attempt res = db.session.query(Order, TxRetry).filter( and_( == channel, condition)).\ filter(and_(db.func.datetime(time_field) < before, db.func.datetime(time_field) > after)).\ order_by(sort_field.desc()).\ limit(limit) orders = [x[0] for x in res] else: orders = Order.query.filter(and_( == channel, condition)).\ filter(and_(db.func.datetime(time_field) < before, db.func.datetime(time_field) > after)).\ order_by(sort_field.desc()).\ limit(limit) schema = admin_order_schema if admin_mode else order_schema return [schema.dump(order) for order in orders] class GetMessageResource(Resource): def get(self, uuid): order = Order.query.filter_by(uuid=uuid).filter( or_(Order.status == OrderStatus.sent.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.transmitting.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.confirming.value)).first() if not order: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_NOT_FOUND', uuid) message_path = os.path.join(constants.MSG_STORE_PATH, uuid) return send_file(message_path, mimetype='application/json', as_attachment=True, add_etags=False) class GetMessageBySeqNumResource(Resource): def get(self, tx_seq_num): admin_mode = request.path.startswith("/admin/") order = Order.query.filter_by(tx_seq_num=tx_seq_num).filter( or_(Order.status == OrderStatus.sent.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.transmitting.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.confirming.value, Order.status == OrderStatus.received.value)).first() if not order: return get_http_error_resp('SEQUENCE_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND', tx_seq_num) if not admin_mode and 'get' not in \ constants.CHANNEL_INFO[].user_permissions: return get_http_error_resp('ORDER_CHANNEL_UNAUTHORIZED_OP', message_path = os.path.join(constants.MSG_STORE_PATH, order.uuid) return send_file(message_path, mimetype='application/json', as_attachment=True, add_etags=False) class TxConfirmationResource(Resource): def post(self, tx_seq_num): args = request.form errors = tx_confirmation_schema.validate(args) if errors: return errors, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST # Find order by sequence number. Note only orders in the following # states have a sequence number: transmitting, confirming, sent or # received. In contrast, pending or paid orders do not have a sequence # number. Hence, the following query implicitly ensures the order is in # a reasonable state to receive a Tx confirmation, even if it's a # repeated confirmation (e.g., if the order is already received). order = Order.query.filter_by(tx_seq_num=tx_seq_num).first() if not order: return get_http_error_resp('SEQUENCE_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND', tx_seq_num) # A Tx confirmation indicates that at least one Tx host finished # transmitting the order. At this point, the other Tx hosts should # complete the order soon. In the meantime, change the order state # from transmitting to confirming so that other pending orders # can be unblocked. last_status = order.status if order.status == OrderStatus.transmitting.value: order.status = OrderStatus.confirming.value db.session.commit() regions_in_request = json.loads(args['regions']) for region_number in regions_in_request: order_helpers.add_confirmation_if_not_present( TxConfirmation, order, region_number) # Check whether the order is in "sent" or "received" state already. In # the positive case, end the current transmission to start a new one. if order_helpers.sent_or_received_criteria_met(order): transmitter.tx_end(order) # If the order status is still "confirming" at this point, it can be # inferred that tx_end() was not called above. Consequently, we have # not released any blocked orders yet. Nevertheless, we can do so now, # since the current order is already being confirmed. Go ahead and call # tx_start to unblock any orders waiting on the present order. # # Also, if the incoming confirmation is not the first for the present # order, the "last_status" value was already "confirming". In this # case, we have already attempted to release blocked orders in a # previous call, so there is no need to call tx_start() again. db.session.refresh(order) if order.status == OrderStatus.confirming.value and \ last_status == OrderStatus.transmitting.value: transmitter.tx_start( return { 'message': f'transmission confirmed for regions {args["regions"]}' } class RxConfirmationResource(Resource): def post(self, tx_seq_num): args = request.form errors = rx_confirmation_schema.validate(args) if errors: return errors, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST order = Order.query.filter_by(tx_seq_num=tx_seq_num).first() if not order: return get_http_error_resp('SEQUENCE_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND', tx_seq_num) region_in_request = int(args['region']) order_helpers.add_confirmation_if_not_present(RxConfirmation, order, region_in_request) # Check whether the order is in "sent" or "received" state already. In # the positive case, end the current transmission to start a new one. if order_helpers.sent_or_received_criteria_met(order): transmitter.tx_end(order) return { 'message': f'reception confirmed for region {region_in_request}' }