require 'sinatra' require "sinatra/activerecord" require 'sinatra/param' require "faraday" require 'securerandom' require 'openssl' require 'time' require 'tempfile' require_relative 'constants' require_relative 'error_handlers' require_relative './models/init' require_relative 'helpers/init' configure do set :raise_errors, false set :show_exceptions, :after_handler $lightning_charge = => CHARGE_ROOT) end before do content_type :json end configure :test, :development do get '/order/:uuid/sent_message' do (order = Order.find_by(uuid: params[:uuid], status: [:sent, :transmitting])) || uuid_not_found_error send_file order.message_path, :disposition => 'attachment' end end # GET /info # # returns: # information about the c-lightning node where satellite API payments are terminated # get '/info' do # call lightning-charge info, which invokes lightning-cli getinfo response = $lightning_charge.get '/info' response.body end get '/queue.html' do content_type "text/html;charset=utf-8" erb :queue end # GET /orders/queued # params: # limit - return top limit orders (optional) # returns: # array of JSON orders sorted by bid-per-byte descending get '/orders/queued' do param :limit, Integer, default: PAGE_SIZE, max: MAX_PAGE_SIZE, message: "can't display more than top #{MAX_PAGE_SIZE} orders" Order.where(status: [:paid, :transmitting]) .select(Order::PUBLIC_FIELDS) .order(bid_per_byte: :desc) .limit(params[:limit]).to_json(:only => Order::PUBLIC_FIELDS) end # GET /orders/sent # params: # before - return the previous PAGE_SIZE orders sent before the given time (time should be sent as in ISO 8601 format and defaults to now) # returns: # array of JSON orders sorted in reverse chronological order get '/orders/sent' do param :before, String, required: false, default: lambda { } begin before = DateTime.iso8601(params[:before]) rescue invalid_date_error end Order.where(status: :sent).where("created_at < ?", before) .select(Order::PUBLIC_FIELDS) .order(ended_transmission_at: :desc) .limit(PAGE_SIZE).to_json(:only => Order::PUBLIC_FIELDS) end # GET /orders/pending # params: # before - return the previous PAGE_SIZE orders sent before the given time (time should be sent as in ISO 8601 format and defaults to now) # returns: # array of JSON orders sorted in reverse chronological order get '/orders/pending' do param :before, String, required: false, default: lambda { } begin before = DateTime.iso8601(params[:before]) rescue invalid_date_error end Order.where(status: :pending).where("created_at < ?", before) .select(Order::PUBLIC_FIELDS) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(PAGE_SIZE).to_json(:only => Order::PUBLIC_FIELDS) end get '/message/:tx_seq_num' do (order = Order.find_by(tx_seq_num: params[:tx_seq_num], status: [:sent, :transmitting])) || sequence_number_not_found_error send_file order.message_path, :disposition => 'attachment' end # POST /order/tx/:tx_seq_num # # acknowledge that uplink transmission has begun for the given sequence number # params: # regions - JSON array of coverage region numbers for which transmission has begun # # NB: this endpoint must be protected from access from all hosts other than the uplink transmitters post '/order/tx/:tx_seq_num' do param :tx_seq_num, Integer, required: true param :regions, String, required: true order = fetch_order_by_tx_seq_num JSON.parse(params[:regions]).each do |region_number| (region = Region.find_by_number(region_number)) || region_not_found_error(region_number) order.tx_confirmations.create(region: region) end {:message => "transmission confirmed for regions #{params[:regions]}"}.to_json end # POST /order/rx/:tx_seq_num # # acknowledge receipt for the given sequence number # params: # region - coverage region number # # NB: this endpoint must be protected from access from all hosts other than the uplink transmitters post '/order/rx/:tx_seq_num' do param :tx_seq_num, Integer, required: true param :region, Integer, required: true order = fetch_order_by_tx_seq_num (region = Region.find_by_number(params[:region])) || region_not_found_error(params[:region]) order.rx_confirmations.create(region: region) {:message => "reception confirmed for region #{params[:region]}"}.to_json end # POST /order # # upload a message, along with a bid (in millisatoshis) # return JSON object with status, uuid, and lightning payment invoice post '/order' do param :bid, Integer, required: true, min: 0, message: "must be a positive integer number of msatoshis" param :file, Hash, required: false param :message, String, required: false, max_length: 1024 bid = Integer(params[:bid]) if params[:message] tmpfile ='message_param') tmpfile.write(params[:message]) tmpfile.close elsif params[:file] unless tmpfile = params[:file][:tempfile] message_file_missing_error end else message_missing_error end order = SecureRandom.uuid) message_file =, "wb") message_size = 0 sha256 = while block = message_size += block.size if message_size > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE message_file_too_large_error end sha256 << block message_file.write(block) end message_file.close() if message_size < MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE FileUtils.rm(message_file) message_file_too_small_error end order.message_size = message_size order.message_digest = sha256.to_s if bid.to_f / order.message_size_with_overhead < MIN_PER_BYTE_BID bid_too_small_error(order.message_size_with_overhead * MIN_PER_BYTE_BID) end invoice = new_invoice(order, bid) order.invoices << invoice {:auth_token => order.user_auth_token, :uuid => order.uuid, :lightning_invoice => JSON.parse(invoice.invoice)}.to_json end post '/order/:uuid/bump' do param :uuid, String, required: true param :bid_increase, Integer, required: true, min: 0, message: "must be a positive integer number of msatoshis" param :auth_token, String, required: true, default: lambda { env['HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN'] }, message: "auth_token must be provided either in the DELETE body or in an X-Auth-Token header" bid_increase = Integer(params[:bid_increase]) order = get_and_authenticate_order unless order.bump order_bump_error(order) end invoice = new_invoice(order, bid_increase) order.invoices << invoice {:auth_token => order.user_auth_token, :uuid => order.uuid, :lightning_invoice => JSON.parse(invoice.invoice)}.to_json end get '/order/:uuid' do param :uuid, String, required: true param :auth_token, String, required: true, default: lambda { env['HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN'] }, message: "auth_token must be provided either in the DELETE body or in an X-Auth-Token header" get_and_authenticate_order.as_sanitized_json end delete '/order/:uuid' do param :uuid, String, required: true param :auth_token, String, required: true, default: lambda { env['HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN'] }, message: "auth_token must be provided either in the DELETE body or in an X-Auth-Token header" order = get_and_authenticate_order unless order.cancel! order_cancellation_error(order) end {:message => "order cancelled"}.to_json end # invoice paid callback from charged post '/callback/:lid/:charged_auth_token' do param :lid, String, required: true param :charged_auth_token, String, required: true invoice = get_and_authenticate_invoice if invoice.nil? invoice_not_found_error end unless invoice.order orphaned_invoice_error end if invoice.paid? order_already_paid_error end! {:message => "invoice #{invoice.lid} paid"}.to_json end # subscribe to one or more SSE channels # params: # channels - comma-separated list of channels to subscribe to # returns: # SSE event stream # available channels: # transmissions - an event is pushed to this channel when each message transmission begins and ends get '/subscribe/:channels' do param :channels, String, is: 'transmissions' redirect "http://#{}:4500/stream?channels=#{params[:channels]}" end