2021-07-20 11:00:49 -03:00
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
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from marshmallow import fields, Schema, validate, ValidationError
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from regions import all_region_numbers, region_code_to_number_list
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import constants
class OrderSchema(Schema):
uuid = fields.String()
bid = fields.Integer()
message_size = fields.Integer()
bid_per_byte = fields.Float()
message_digest = fields.String()
status = fields.Function(
lambda obj: constants.OrderStatus(obj.status).name)
created_at = fields.DateTime()
cancelled_at = fields.DateTime()
started_transmission_at = fields.DateTime()
ended_transmission_at = fields.DateTime()
tx_seq_num = fields.Integer()
unpaid_bid = fields.Integer()
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regions = fields.Function(
lambda obj: region_code_to_number_list(obj.region_code))
def must_be_region_number(input):
if input not in all_region_numbers:
raise ValidationError(
"Region number not found. The number should be one of "
def must_be_region_number_list(data):
regions_list = json.loads(data)
if not isinstance(regions_list, list) or len(regions_list) < 1:
raise ValidationError("Invalid json array.")
for region_number in regions_list:
except json.JSONDecodeError:
raise ValidationError("Invalid json array.")
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class OrderUploadReqSchema(Schema):
bid = fields.Int(required=True, validate=validate.Range(min=0))
message = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(
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regions = fields.String(required=False,
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class OrderBumpSchema(Schema):
uuid = fields.String()
bid_increase = fields.Int(required=True, validate=validate.Range(min=0))
auth_token = fields.Str()
class OrdersSchema(Schema):
# When 'before' parameter is missing, set it to a time in near
# future (e.g. 5 seconds from now) to make sure none of the
# existing orders get filtered
before = fields.DateTime(
missing=lambda: datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=5), format='iso')
limit = fields.Int(missing=lambda: constants.PAGE_SIZE,
class TxConfirmationSchema(Schema):
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regions = fields.String(required=True, validate=must_be_region_number_list)
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class RxConfirmationSchema(Schema):
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region = fields.Int(required=True, validate=must_be_region_number)
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order_schema = OrderSchema()
order_upload_req_schema = OrderUploadReqSchema()
order_bump_schema = OrderBumpSchema()
orders_schema = OrdersSchema()
tx_confirmation_schema = TxConfirmationSchema()
rx_confirmation_schema = RxConfirmationSchema()