Notable changes:
* Gradle 7.3 is the first Gradle release to officially
support JDK 17
* Gradle 7.3.2 includes log4j mitigations to protect against
build dependencies pulling in the bad log4j.
This commit contains rather hard to review diffs to the protobuf test datasets in .txt format.
To aid the review, this Python script can be used to convert the data from the old to the new
import sys
file = open(sys.argv[1])
outfile = open(sys.argv[1] + ".lite", "w")
line = file.readline()
lines = []
def sortAndPrint(group, removeLastLB=False, removeFirstLB=False):
if removeFirstLB and group[0] == "\n":
for i in range(len(group)):
if i == len(group) - 1 and removeLastLB:
group[i] = group[i].rstrip()
print(group[i], end="", file=outfile)
def sign32neg(value):
if 0x80000000 <= value <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
value &= 0x7FFFFFFF
value = int(value)
value = ~value
value ^= 0x7FFFFFFF
return value
def processPath(path):
parts = path.rstrip().split(":")
number = int(parts[1].lstrip())
if number >= 0x80000000:
number = sign32neg(number)
return parts[0] + ": " + str(number) + "\n"
groupcount = 0
while len(line) > 0:
if line.startswith("type:"):
if len(lines):
sortAndPrint(lines, removeFirstLB=groupcount==0)
groupcount += 1
elif line.find("deterministic_key {") != -1:
structure = line
innerlines = []
line = file.readline()
while not line.startswith('}'):
if line.find("path") != -1: # preserve order of paths
pathlines = processPath(line)
line = file.readline()
if line.startswith('}'):
while line.find("path") != -1:
pathlines += processPath(line)
line = file.readline()
if line.startswith('}'):
if line.startswith(" sigsRequiredToSpend"):
line = line.replace("sigsRequiredToSpend", "sigs_required_to_spend")
line = file.readline()
for l in innerlines:
structure += l
structure += line.rstrip() + "\n"
elif line.find("path") != -1: # preserve order of paths
accountpathlines = processPath(line)
line = file.readline()
while line.find("path") != -1:
accountpathlines += processPath(line)
line = file.readline()
line = file.readline()
sortAndPrint(lines, removeLastLB=True)
* Make the static field `estimatedKeyDerivationTime` private
* Refactor the calculation to a private, side-effect free function
* Replace `estimatedKeyDerivationTimeMsec()` with `initEstimatedKeyDerivationTime()`
** Don’t return a value that wasn’t unused anyway
** Make better use of CompletableFuture API
* Platform.runLater wasn’t needed because no JavaFX functions are called
* Make all public fields private and wrap with accessors
* Make `WalletAppKit` (was confusingly named `bitcoin`) field a member not a static
* Rename `bitcoin` to `walletAppKit`
* Extract abstract class `WalletApplication` from `WalletTemplate`
* `WalletTemplate` implements `loadController()` with resource names
* `MainController`: Add `scene` member and `scene()` method
* Introduce `AppDelegate` class for delegating JavaFX `Application`
* Move almost all of `Main` to `WalletTemplate`
* The “template” JavaFX Application main class (`Main`) is now about 30 lines of code
* `Main` class allows easy switching between TestNet and MainNet (in fact it could become a command-line argument) and other configuration changes (e.g. `preferredOutputScriptType`)
* Prepares the way for the next steps of refactoring
* OverlayController: rename init method, add rootController to params
* OverlayableStackPaneController: update to use updated initOverlay() method,
also pass this.getClass() into GuiUtils.getResource()
* GuiUtils.getResource(): replace reference to MainController.class with clazz parameter
* Main: Reduce visibility to “package” of 3 static globals
* MainController: Reduce visibility of `instance` static to “package”, initialize
addressControl by calling 2 initialization methods
* 4 other controllers: Update for OverlayController changes
* ClickableBitcoinAddress: OverlayController changes, eliminate use of Main.APP_NAME
* Decrease coupling
* Eliminate cross-package use of `Main` and `MainController` static globals
* Prepare for further refactoring — moving wallettemplate.controls package
to org.bitcoinj.walletfx.controls