Sean Gilligan
WalletSetPasswordControllerTest: test key derivation time
Ensure key derivation time with `WalletSetPasswordController#SCRYPT_PARAMETERS`
isn't inordinately slow. This is in preparation for some forthcoming changes to
the progress meter in `WalletSetPasswordController`.
2023-10-01 16:06:58 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
build.gradle: enable JUnit 5 for wallettemplate
2023-10-01 15:51:32 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
build.gradle: apply artifact normalization to all subprojects
Normalization is needed for reproducibility. Previously it was
applied only to `core`.
2023-10-01 09:41:06 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
PeerGroup: check required services on discovered addresses via addr/addrv2
If the discovered peer has the required services, mark it with a slightly
higher priority than peers discovered via `PeerDiscovery`.
2023-10-01 09:27:43 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
WalletTool: remove unused/obsolete print help code
This code has been unused since the conversion to picocli which generates
help text and automatically handles printing it. The `wallet-tool-help.txt`
file was deleted in the commit with the picocli implementation.
Note: this also removes the last use of Guava in WalletTool.
2023-10-01 01:11:12 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PrintPeers: remove unused imports
This is the last Guava import in `examples`.
2023-09-30 18:33:13 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
BitcoinSerializer: use Network
not NetworkParameters
Also deprecate (unused) method `getParameters()`.
2023-09-30 18:27:28 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
BitcoinSerializer: remove a whitespace at EOL
2023-09-30 18:23:37 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
build.gradle: update JavaFX to 21
2023-09-30 18:15:36 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
ECKey: remove native interface to libsecp256k1
Of course, Bouncy Castle is still used.
2023-09-30 18:06:55 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: remove redundant Mac.reset()
Calls to `Mac.reset()` are not needed after `Mac.doFinal(input)`.
2023-09-25 15:21:13 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: simplify F()
by using ByteUtils.concat()
2023-09-25 15:14:07 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: chain methods in INT()
Simplify slightly by using a more functional-style approach.
2023-09-25 15:11:15 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: add JavaDoc comment to derive()
2023-09-25 15:08:00 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
MnemonicCode: fix comment about iteration count
2023-09-25 15:04:17 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
.gitlab-ci.yml: remove publishing of artifacts for CI builds
We have our reference build now and all published artifacts go
through that one.
2023-09-25 14:34:42 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
.gitlab-ci.yml: print sha256sum of build artifacts
Add printing of `sha256sum` for core and wallet-tool binaries. Do this
for the reference build and the three CI builds.
2023-09-25 14:05:12 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
.gitlab-ci.yml: test ability to publish core into a maven repository
Add it to all three CI build jobs.
2023-09-21 23:52:12 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
.gitlab-ci.yml: test ability to create the wallet-tool distribution too
Add it to all three CI build jobs.
2023-09-21 22:14:48 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
.gitlab-ci.yml: add our reference build
2023-09-21 20:36:39 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
graalvm.yml: add JDK 21 to the matrix
This also requires updating to the latest Gradle GraalVM Plugin,
which requires Gradle 7.4 or later.
Recent Gradle GraalVM Plugins don't require the `javaLauncher` setting (which
we had hardcoded to use JDK 17) so that setting is removed.
2023-09-21 19:38:43 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
graalvm.yml: remove unneeded declaration of native-image component
This is not needed with GraalVM 17 and will cause an error with GraalVM 21.
2023-09-21 19:33:53 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
build.Containerfile: update reference build to use JDK 17
Also updates the container to Debian Bookworm, because we need
its specific (patched for JDK 17) Gradle version.
Note this change makes the JavaDoc build artifact reproducible.
2023-09-21 19:12:45 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
build.Containerfile: reproducible reference build via containerization
Currently, buildah, Podman and Docker are supported.
The goals of the reference build are:
- Make our release process more transparent
- Improve reproducibility by shielding our build from the hosts
- Reduce the trust necessary for running our build by shielding
the hosts environment from possible side effects of our build
Note both the signing and the uploading of release artifacts are out
of scope for the reference build.
2023-09-21 11:46:34 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
build.gradle: normalize file/directory permissions within JARs
This aims to make our build reprodicible.
2023-09-19 14:00:38 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
build.gradle: strip timestamps from JavaDoc HTMLs
This aims to make our build reprodicible.
2023-09-16 22:09:51 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
build.gradle: strip timestamps from JARs
This aims to make our build reprodicible.
2023-09-16 22:08:45 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
README: add JDK 21 to list of tested builds
2023-09-16 13:50:41 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PeerGroup, FilterMerger: deprecate setting false-positive rate
In the bitcoinj code itself, the false-positive rate is never changed
after constructing a `PeerGroup` or a `FilterMerger`.
* Deprecate methods for setting Bloom Filter FP rate in both methods
* Add constructor params to `PeerGroup` so they can be set at construction
time, if non-default values are needed
2023-09-16 11:42:24 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
Wallet: replace Interables.concat()
with Stream.concat()
in getWatchedOutputs()
This simplifies the code and removes a Guava dependency.
2023-09-16 11:31:32 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
Wallet: refactor getWatchedOutputs()
to use streams
1. Get a spliterator from the concatenated iterator
2. Use streams instead of nested loops
3. Extract `isWatchedScriptPubKey()` helper function
2023-09-16 11:28:56 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
replace Guava Bytes.concat()
with own ByteUtils.concat()
2023-09-16 11:22:11 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
remove use of Guava @VisibleForTesting
on all package-private members
From now on we will only use this annotation on `public` or `protected` members.
2023-09-16 11:13:22 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: replace unneeded check for max dkLen
with comment
Since the check for `dkLen > (2^32 - 1) * H_LEN` is effectively a no-op,
replace it with a comment.
2023-09-16 09:07:50 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: calculate l
with integer math
2023-09-14 22:46:25 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: declare/catch specific exceptions
Make it more clear which exceptions are thrown by `F` and caught by
the `try` in `derive()`.
2023-09-14 22:39:58 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: don't allow negative count or dkLen
2023-09-14 22:37:09 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: move dkLen check out of try/catch
It throws an exception so doesn't need an if/else
and it also doesn't need to be in the try.
2023-09-14 22:34:12 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: make hLen a constant
2023-09-14 18:25:31 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: set hLen to correct value of 64
This is a bugfix to the API, but since `MnemonicCode` always
passes `dkLen` of 64 and the `System.arraycopy()` on line 66 truncates
`baos.toByteArray()` to `dkLen` length, the call to `derive()` works
correctly for our use-case.
2023-09-14 18:21:53 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
PBKDF2SHA512: remove comment about SHA-1 test vectors
They won't pass against our SHA-512 based code, and we have
our tests now.
2023-09-14 17:07:23 +02:00
Andreas Schildbach
PBKDF2SHA512Test: tests for PBKDF2SHA512.derive()
2023-09-14 08:17:53 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: update URLs in JavaDoc
The IETF `https:` URLs are what the previous `http:` URLs redirect to.
The Cryptofreak URL is the same but with `https:`.
2023-09-12 22:18:19 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
PBKDF2SHA512: properly format JavaDoc
2023-09-12 22:16:48 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
WalletTool: eliminate reassignment of feePerVkb
2023-09-12 21:51:31 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
WalletTool: eliminate reassignment of coinSelector
2023-09-12 21:49:40 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
WalletTool: simplify coinSelector lambdas
2023-09-12 21:47:20 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
WalletTool: use CoinSelector.fromPredicate()
Simplify creation of CoinSelectors by using `CoinSelector.fromPredicate()`.
2023-09-12 21:44:32 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
FilteringCoinSelector: use stream in select()
Note: this also prevents mutation of the candidate list which isn't
a problem as used within bitcoinj, but could be a problem if used
2023-09-12 19:01:41 +02:00
Sean Gilligan
CoinSelector: mark as functional interface
The `@FunctionalInterface` annotation doesn't change behavior of `CoinSelector`
in any way. It just declares our intention that it be used as a functional
interface and will generate compiler errors if someone changes the code so that
it is no longer a SAM type.
2023-09-12 18:46:18 +02:00