Because tweaking is necessary in cases like unit tests, these usages
have been changed to produce new inputs instead and replace them in
transactions as needed.
This test is useful for performance comparisons with
With adding to the `TxConfidenceTable` removed from `` and
on a fast, modern laptop, `streamEntireBitcoindBlockchainAsBuffers()`
currently takes under 2 minutes while `streamEntireBitcoindBlockchainAsBlocks()`
takes over 5 minutes.
There is no longer a need to decorate `ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor` to support
`ListeningScheduledExecutorService` since `PeerGroup` no longer uses it.
In the bitcoinj code itself, the false-positive rate is never changed
after constructing a `PeerGroup` or a `FilterMerger`.
* Deprecate methods for setting Bloom Filter FP rate in both methods
* Add constructor params to `PeerGroup` so they can be set at construction
time, if non-default values are needed
Make `ListMessage` and its subclasses "almost" immutable. When the deprecated
`addItem()`, `removeItem()`, etc. methods are removed and the constructors are
changed to create an ummodifiable `List`, they will be immutable.
* Inner class `BlockFileIterator` now iterates `ByteBuffer`
* `stream()` method calls `MessageSerializer.makeBlock()`
* `streamBuffers()` method makes raw `ByteBuffer` blocks available
* Add integration test `streamEntireBitcoindBlockChainAsBuffers()`
Deprecate `.add()` and no-args constructor in favor of providing complete
list of hashes at creation time.
Update all usages to use the alternative methods.
* Adds new methods taking `Network` rather than `NetworkParameters`
* Deprecates all converted methods
* Updates tests, examples, and tools that use these calls
It is never sent on its own, so it doesn't need to be a `Message`.
* Static constructor `read()` replaces the native constructor that deserialized
from a payload.
* `write()` helper replaces `bitcoinSerializeToStream()`.
* `serialize()` and `getMessageSize()` helpers replace `bitcoinSerialize()`.
Includes a test.
* Rename `getBitcoinProtocolVersion()` to `intValue()`
* Deprecate `NetworkParameters.getProtocolVersionNum()`. This eliminates
what seems to be an unnecessary level of indirection.
* Add tests.
This will also help eliminate a dependency on `NetworkParameters` in some places.