Deprecate `.add()` and no-args constructor in favor of providing complete
list of hashes at creation time.
Update all usages to use the alternative methods.
* Modify the `java_package` setting in our two `.proto` source files
* Move 2 existing generated-but-checked-in files to
dedicated packages (i.e. packages without hand-coded "artisanal" files)
This is a step towards more compatibility with ProtoBuf tooling which
sometimes likes to delete the generated files and:
> can't distinguish between "old generated code" and "your artisan source files."
and more importantly it is a step towards fixing Gradle 8 caching issues.
Constructors that take NetworkParameters are marked as @VisibleForTesting.
This is because of the special UNITTEST NetworkParameters that is required for
certain tests.
`checkArgument` should not throw with an empty seeds list _if_ running on RegTest.
The test is disabled because it requires a RegTest node that is advanced
1 block (typically via `generateblocktoaddres`) during the course of the test.
This adds a test for and fixes issue #2063.
The changes do the following:
1. Build a preliminary list of candidate UTXOs.
2. Use the preliminary list to fix unconnected/valueless inputs before
calculating `valueNeeded`.
3. Create a new candidate list without the UTXOs that were already present
in inputs and use it as input for generating the `CoinSelection`.
Test changes:
1. Update existing test to show the improvement (i.e. no wasted fee).
2. Add a new test (based on PR #3055) that shows no duplicate inputs.
This work is based on changes by @michael-swiggs in PR #3055.
Note that this changes behavior slightly. We are now warning on inputs with null value
and skipping inputs with no value in the sum. Previously we were checking for non-null
getConnectedOutput(). I reviewed the code and whenever getConnectedOutput() is non-null,
getValue() should also be non-null. There might be cases where we have a value and
no connected output, but in those cases I think we should use the value.
Without this fix (and code cleanup) the `OP_RETURN` limit is not
enforced when `ensureMinRequiredFee` is false or `emptyWallet` is true.
Parameterize `twoOpReturnsPerTransactionTest()` to test all combinations
of `ensureMinRequiredFee` and `emptyWallet`.