AddressFormatException: Add InvalidDataLength exception that is thrown when the data part isn't of the right size.

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Schildbach 2018-03-03 09:49:02 +01:00
parent bc1afbc6c3
commit d55a547740
11 changed files with 69 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,21 @@ public class AddressFormatException extends IllegalArgumentException {
* This exception is thrown by {@link Base58}, {@link Bech32} and the {@link PrefixedChecksummedBytes} hierarchy of
* classes when you try to decode data and the data isn't of the right size. You shouldn't allow the user to proceed
* in this case.
public static class InvalidDataLength extends AddressFormatException {
public InvalidDataLength() {
public InvalidDataLength(String message) {
* This exception is thrown by {@link Base58}, {@link Bech32} and the {@link PrefixedChecksummedBytes} hierarchy of
* classes when you try to decode data and the checksum isn't valid. You shouldn't allow the user to proceed in this

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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class Base58 {
public static byte[] decodeChecked(String input) throws AddressFormatException {
byte[] decoded = decode(input);
if (decoded.length < 4)
throw new AddressFormatException("Input too short");
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Input too short: " + decoded.length);
byte[] data = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, 0, decoded.length - 4);
byte[] checksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, decoded.length - 4, decoded.length);
byte[] actualChecksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(Sha256Hash.hashTwice(data), 0, 4);

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@ -124,8 +124,10 @@ public class Bech32 {
/** Decode a Bech32 string. */
public static Bech32Data decode(final String str) throws AddressFormatException {
boolean lower = false, upper = false;
if (str.length() < 8) throw new AddressFormatException("Input too short");
if (str.length() > 90) throw new AddressFormatException("Input too long");
if (str.length() < 8)
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Input too short: " + str.length());
if (str.length() > 90)
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Input too long: " + str.length());
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
if (c < 33 || c > 126) throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter(c, i);
@ -142,9 +144,10 @@ public class Bech32 {
final int pos = str.lastIndexOf('1');
if (pos < 1) throw new AddressFormatException("Missing human-readable part");
if (pos + 7 > str.length()) throw new AddressFormatException("Data part too short");
byte[] values = new byte[str.length() - 1 - pos];
for (int i = 0; i < str.length() - 1 - pos; ++i) {
final int dataPartLength = str.length() - 1 - pos;
if (dataPartLength < 6) throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Data part too short: " + dataPartLength);
byte[] values = new byte[dataPartLength];
for (int i = 0; i < dataPartLength; ++i) {
char c = str.charAt(i + pos + 1);
if (CHARSET_REV[c] == -1) throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter(c, i + pos + 1);
values[i] = CHARSET_REV[c];

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@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ public class DumpedPrivateKey extends PrefixedChecksummedBytes {
private DumpedPrivateKey(NetworkParameters params, byte[] bytes) {
super(params, bytes);
if (bytes.length != 32 && bytes.length != 33)
throw new AddressFormatException("Wrong number of bytes for a private key, not 32 or 33");
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength(
"Wrong number of bytes for a private key (32 or 33): " + bytes.length);
// Used by ECKey.getPrivateKeyEncoded()

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@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ public class LegacyAddress extends Address {
private LegacyAddress(NetworkParameters params, boolean p2sh, byte[] hash160) throws AddressFormatException {
super(params, hash160);
if (hash160.length != 20)
throw new AddressFormatException("Legacy addresses are 160-bit hashes, so you must provide 20 bytes");
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength(
"Legacy addresses are 20 byte (160 bit) hashes, but got: " + hash160.length);
this.p2sh = p2sh;

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@ -89,17 +89,18 @@ public class SegwitAddress extends Address {
private SegwitAddress(NetworkParameters params, byte[] data) throws AddressFormatException {
super(params, data);
if (data.length < 1)
throw new AddressFormatException("Zero data found");
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Zero data found");
final int witnessVersion = getWitnessVersion();
if (witnessVersion < 0 || witnessVersion > 16)
throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid script version: " + witnessVersion);
byte[] witnessProgram = getWitnessProgram();
if (witnessProgram.length < WITNESS_PROGRAM_MIN_LENGTH || witnessProgram.length > WITNESS_PROGRAM_MAX_LENGTH)
throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid length: " + witnessProgram.length);
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Invalid length: " + witnessProgram.length);
// Check script length for version 0
if (witnessVersion == 0 && witnessProgram.length != WITNESS_PROGRAM_LENGTH_PKH
&& witnessProgram.length != WITNESS_PROGRAM_LENGTH_SH)
throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid length for address version 0: " + witnessProgram.length);
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength(
"Invalid length for address version 0: " + witnessProgram.length);

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class BIP38PrivateKey extends PrefixedChecksummedBytes {
if (version != 0x01)
throw new AddressFormatException("Mismatched version number: " + version);
if (bytes.length != 38)
throw new AddressFormatException("Wrong number of bytes, excluding version byte: " + bytes.length);
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Wrong number of bytes: " + bytes.length);
boolean hasLotAndSequence = (bytes[1] & 0x04) != 0; // bit 2
boolean compressed = (bytes[1] & 0x20) != 0; // bit 5
if ((bytes[1] & 0x01) != 0) // bit 0

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class Base58Test {
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.class)
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void testDecodeChecked_shortInput() {

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@ -92,6 +92,18 @@ public class DumpedPrivateKeyTest {
DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(null, base58); // fail
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void fromBase58_tooShort() {
String base58 = Base58.encodeChecked(MAINNET.dumpedPrivateKeyHeader, new byte[31]);
DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(null, base58);
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void fromBase58_tooLong() {
String base58 = Base58.encodeChecked(MAINNET.dumpedPrivateKeyHeader, new byte[34]);
DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(null, base58);
public void roundtripBase58_getKey() throws Exception {
ECKey k = new ECKey().decompress();

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@ -159,6 +159,21 @@ public class SegwitAddressTest {
"bc1zw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvaryvqyzf3du", "tb1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3pjxtptv",
"bc1gmk9yu" };
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void fromBech32_version0_invalidLength() {
SegwitAddress.fromBech32(null, "BC1QR508D6QEJXTDG4Y5R3ZARVARYV98GJ9P");
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void fromBech32_tooShort() {
SegwitAddress.fromBech32(null, "bc1rw5uspcuh");
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void fromBech32_tooLong() {
SegwitAddress.fromBech32(null, "bc10w508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kw5rljs90");
public void testJavaSerialization() throws Exception {
SegwitAddress address = SegwitAddress.fromBech32(null, "BC1SW50QA3JX3S");

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
package org.bitcoinj.crypto;
import org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Base58;
import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey;
import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.BIP38PrivateKey.BadPassphraseException;
@ -149,6 +151,12 @@ public class BIP38PrivateKeyTest {
@Test(expected = AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength.class)
public void fromBase58_invalidLength() {
String base58 = Base58.encodeChecked(1, new byte[16]);
BIP38PrivateKey.fromBase58(null, base58);
public void testJavaSerialization() throws Exception {
BIP38PrivateKey testKey = BIP38PrivateKey.fromBase58(TESTNET,