diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/Transaction.java b/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/Transaction.java
index d3ae7cf5c..d49f26ca2 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/Transaction.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/Transaction.java
@@ -87,29 +87,34 @@ import static org.bitcoinj.base.internal.ByteUtils.uint64ToByteStreamLE;
Instances of this class are not safe for use by multiple threads.
public class Transaction extends ChildMessage {
+ private static final Comparator SORT_TX_BY_ID = Comparator.comparing(Transaction::getTxId);
* A comparator that can be used to sort transactions by their updateTime field. The ordering goes from most recent
* into the past.
- public static final Comparator SORT_TX_BY_UPDATE_TIME = (tx1, tx2) -> {
- Instant t1 = tx1.getUpdateTimeInstant().orElse(Instant.EPOCH);
- Instant t2 = tx2.getUpdateTimeInstant().orElse(Instant.EPOCH);
- final int updateTimeComparison = -(t1.compareTo(t2));
- //If time1==time2, compare by tx hash to make comparator consistent with equals
- return updateTimeComparison != 0 ? updateTimeComparison : tx1.getTxId().compareTo(tx2.getTxId());
- };
- /** A comparator that can be used to sort transactions by their chain height. */
- public static final Comparator SORT_TX_BY_HEIGHT = (tx1, tx2) -> {
- final TransactionConfidence confidence1 = tx1.getConfidence();
- final int height1 = confidence1.getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.BUILDING
- ? confidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight() : Block.BLOCK_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN;
- final TransactionConfidence confidence2 = tx2.getConfidence();
- final int height2 = confidence2.getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.BUILDING
- ? confidence2.getAppearedAtChainHeight() : Block.BLOCK_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN;
- final int heightComparison = -(Integer.compare(height1, height2));
- //If height1==height2, compare by tx hash to make comparator consistent with equals
- return heightComparison != 0 ? heightComparison : tx1.getTxId().compareTo(tx2.getTxId());
- };
+ public static final Comparator SORT_TX_BY_UPDATE_TIME = Comparator.comparing(
+ Transaction::sortableUpdateTime,
+ Comparator.reverseOrder())
+ .thenComparing(SORT_TX_BY_ID);
+ private static Instant sortableUpdateTime(Transaction tx) {
+ return tx.getUpdateTimeInstant().orElse(Instant.EPOCH);
+ }
+ /**
+ * A comparator that can be used to sort transactions by their chain height.
+ */
+ public static final Comparator SORT_TX_BY_HEIGHT = Comparator.comparing(
+ Transaction::sortableBlockHeight,
+ Comparator.reverseOrder())
+ .thenComparing(SORT_TX_BY_ID);
+ private static int sortableBlockHeight(Transaction tx) {
+ TransactionConfidence confidence = tx.getConfidence();
+ return confidence.getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.BUILDING ?
+ confidence.getAppearedAtChainHeight() :
+ }
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Transaction.class);