In release 0.17 (currently in progress) there has been a large amount of refactoring to prepare the `o.b.base` and `o.b.crypto` packages to become independent modules/JARs in the following release. Those packages will still contain some deprecated methods that depend on other internal packages and external modules. Those deprecated methods will be removed in release 0.18 when `o.b.base` and `o.b.crypto` are moved to their own modules.
flowchart TD
E[examples] --> CORE
IT[integration-test] --> CORE
T[tools] --> CORE
FX[wallettemplate] --> CORE
WT[wallettool] --> CORE
subgraph CORE [bitcoinj-core]
W[o.b.wallet] --> CO[o.b.core]
CO --> W
W --> CR
CO --> CR
CO --> B[o.b.base]
CR[o.b.crypto] --> B
CORE --> G[Guava]
CORE --> P[ProtoBuf]
CORE --> BC[Bouncy Castle]
CORE .-> S[slf4j]
CORE .-> A[jcip-annotations]
classDef external fill:#999;
class G,S,A,BC,P external;
## bitcoinj 0.18 (current plan)
In this release it will be possible to use the `bitcoinj-base` module as a standalone module with no external dependencies. `bitcoinj-crypto` will be able to be used with a single dependency on the **Bouncy Castle*** library.
flowchart TD
E[examples] --> CORE
IT[integration-test] --> CORE
T[tools] --> CORE
FX[wallettemplate] --> CORE
WT[wallettool] --> CORE
subgraph CORE [bitcoinj-core]
W[o.b.wallet] --> CO[o.b.core]
CO --> W
subgraph CRYPTO [bitcoinj-crypto]
CRYPTO --> BC[Bouncy Castle]
subgraph BASE [bitcoinj-base]
CORE --> G[Guava]
CORE --> P[ProtoBuf]
CORE .-> S[slf4j]
CORE .-> A[jcip-annotations]
classDef external fill:#999;
class G,S,A,BC,P external;
## bitcoinj 0.19 (proposed)
In a proposed 0.19 release, we hope to do the following:
1. Update `bitcoin-crypto` to use the `secp256k1-jdk` API so that core crypto functions that it needs can be provided by either Bouncy Castle _or_`libsecp256k1`.