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/** Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Copyright 2014 Andreas Schildbach
2012-01-06 14:50:34 -08:00
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Authors: Jim Burton, Miron Cuperman, Andreas Schildbach
/* Notes:
* - Endianness: All byte arrays that represent numbers (such as hashes and private keys) are Big Endian
* - To regenerate after editing, run: mvn generate-sources -DupdateProtobuf
2012-01-06 14:50:34 -08:00
package wallet;
option java_package = "org.bitcoinj.wallet";
option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
message PeerAddress {
required bytes ip_address = 1;
required uint32 port = 2;
required uint64 services = 3;
* The data to store a private key encrypted with Scrypt and AES
message EncryptedPrivateKey {
required bytes initialisation_vector = 1; // The initialisation vector for the AES encryption (16 bytes)
required bytes encrypted_private_key = 2; // The encrypted private key
* A key used to control Bitcoin spending.
* Either the private key, the public key or both may be present. It is recommended that
* if the private key is provided that the public key is provided too because deriving it is slow.
* If only the public key is provided, the key can only be used to watch the blockchain and verify
* transactions, and not for spending.
message Key {
enum Type {
ORIGINAL = 1; // Unencrypted - Original bitcoin secp256k1 curve
ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES = 2; // Encrypted with Scrypt and AES - - Original bitcoin secp256k1 curve
required Type type = 1;
// The private EC key bytes without any ASN.1 wrapping.
optional bytes private_key = 2;
// The message containing the encrypted private EC key information.
// When an EncryptedPrivateKey is present then the (unencrypted) private_key will be a zero length byte array or contain all zeroes.
// This is for security of the private key information.
optional EncryptedPrivateKey encrypted_private_key = 6;
// The public EC key derived from the private key. We allow both to be stored to avoid mobile clients having to
// do lots of slow EC math on startup.
optional bytes public_key = 3;
// User-provided label associated with the key.
optional string label = 4;
// Timestamp stored as millis since epoch. Useful for skipping block bodies before this point.
optional int64 creation_timestamp = 5;
message Script {
required bytes program = 1;
// Timestamp stored as millis since epoch. Useful for skipping block bodies before this point
// when watching for scripts on the blockchain.
required int64 creation_timestamp = 2;
message TransactionInput {
// Hash of the transaction this input is using.
required bytes transaction_out_point_hash = 1;
// Index of transaction output used by this input.
required uint32 transaction_out_point_index = 2;
// Script that contains the signatures/pubkeys.
required bytes script_bytes = 3;
// Sequence number. Currently unused, but intended for contracts in future.
optional uint32 sequence = 4;
// Value of connected output, if known
optional int64 value = 5;
message TransactionOutput {
required int64 value = 1;
required bytes script_bytes = 2; // script of transaction output
// If spent, the hash of the transaction doing the spend.
optional bytes spent_by_transaction_hash = 3;
// If spent, the index of the transaction input of the transaction doing the spend.
optional int32 spent_by_transaction_index = 4;
* A description of the confidence we have that a transaction cannot be reversed in the future.
* Parsing should be lenient, since this could change for different applications yet we should
* maintain backward compatibility.
message TransactionConfidence {
enum Type {
BUILDING = 1; // In best chain. If and only if appeared_at_height is present.
PENDING = 2; // Unconfirmed and sitting in the networks memory pools, waiting to be included in the chain.
NOT_IN_BEST_CHAIN = 3; // Deprecated: equivalent to PENDING.
DEAD = 4; // Either if overriding_transaction is present or transaction is dead coinbase
// This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
optional Type type = 1;
// If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
optional int32 appeared_at_height = 2;
// If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion. A transaction can be double spent by
// multiple transactions in the case of several inputs being re-spent by several transactions but we don't
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// bother to track them all, just the first. This only makes sense if type = DEAD.
optional bytes overriding_transaction = 3;
// If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
// Zero confirmations: depth = 0, one confirmation: depth = 1 etc.
optional int32 depth = 4;
// If type == BUILDING then this is the cumulative workDone for the block the transaction appears in, together with
// all blocks that bury it.
optional int64 work_done = 5;
repeated PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
// Where did we get this transaction from? Knowing the source may help us to risk analyze pending transactions.
enum Source {
SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0; // We don't know where it came from, or this is a wallet from the future.
SOURCE_NETWORK = 1; // We received it from a network broadcast. This is the normal way to get payments.
SOURCE_SELF = 2; // We made it ourselves, so we know it should be valid.
// In future:
// - direct from trusted counterparty, eg via bluetooth/wifi direct
// - direct from untrusted counterparty
// - from a wallet that uses trusted computing/secure hardware that won't create double spends
optional Source source = 7;
/** A bitcoin transaction */
message Transaction {
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* This is a bitfield oriented enum, with the following bits:
* bit 0 - spent
* bit 1 - appears in alt chain
* bit 2 - appears in best chain
* bit 3 - double-spent
* bit 4 - pending (we would like the tx to go into the best chain)
* Not all combinations are interesting, just the ones actually used in the enum.
enum Pool {
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UNSPENT = 4; // In best chain, not all outputs spent
SPENT = 5; // In best chain, all outputs spent
INACTIVE = 2; // In non-best chain, not our transaction
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DEAD = 10; // Double-spent by a transaction in the best chain
PENDING = 16; // Our transaction, not in any chain
PENDING_INACTIVE = 18; // In non-best chain, our transaction
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// See for detailed description of pool semantics
required int32 version = 1;
required bytes hash = 2;
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// If pool is not present, that means either:
// - This Transaction is either not in a wallet at all (the proto is re-used elsewhere)
// - Or it is stored but for other purposes, for example, because it is the overriding transaction of a double spend.
// - Or the Pool enum got a new value which your software is too old to parse.
optional Pool pool = 3;
optional uint32 lock_time = 4; // The nLockTime field is useful for contracts.
optional int64 updated_at = 5; // millis since epoch the transaction was last updated
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repeated TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
repeated TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
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// A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain). Also, a number used to disambiguate
// ordering within a block.
repeated bytes block_hash = 8;
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
// Data describing where the transaction is in the chain.
optional TransactionConfidence confidence = 9;
// For what purpose the transaction was created.
enum Purpose {
// Old wallets or the purpose genuinely is a mystery (e.g. imported from some external source).
// Created in response to a user request for payment. This is the normal case.
// Created automatically to move money from rotated keys.
// In future: de/refragmentation, privacy boosting/mixing, child-pays-for-parent fees, etc.
optional Purpose purpose = 10 [default = UNKNOWN];
// Next tag: 12
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/** The parameters used in the scrypt key derivation function.
* The default values are taken from
* They can be increased - n is the number of iterations performed and
* r and p can be used to tweak the algorithm - see:
message ScryptParameters {
required bytes salt = 1; // Salt to use in generation of the wallet password (8 bytes)
optional int64 n = 2 [default = 16384]; // CPU/ memory cost parameter
optional int32 r = 3 [default = 8]; // Block size parameter
optional int32 p = 4 [default = 1]; // Parallelisation parameter
/** An extension to the wallet */
message Extension {
required string id = 1; // like
required bytes data = 2;
// If we do not understand a mandatory extension, abort to prevent data loss.
// For example, this could be applied to a new type of holding, such as a contract, where
// dropping of an extension in a read/write cycle could cause loss of value.
required bool mandatory = 3;
* A simple key->value mapping that has no interpreted content at all. A bit like the extensions mechanism except
* an extension is keyed by the ID of a piece of code that's loaded with the given data, and has the concept of
* being mandatory if that code isn't found. Whereas this is just a blind key/value store.
message Tag {
required string tag = 1;
required bytes data = 2;
/** A bitcoin wallet */
message Wallet {
* The encryption type of the wallet.
* The encryption type is UNENCRYPTED for wallets where the wallet does not support encryption - wallets prior to
* encryption support are grandfathered in as this wallet type.
* When a wallet is ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES the keys are either encrypted with the wallet password or are unencrypted.
enum EncryptionType {
UNENCRYPTED = 1; // All keys in the wallet are unencrypted
ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES = 2; // All keys are encrypted with a passphrase based KDF of scrypt and AES encryption
required string network_identifier = 1; // the network used by this wallet
// org.bitcoin.production = production network (Satoshi genesis block)
// org.bitcoin.test = test network (Andresen genesis block)
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// The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
optional bytes last_seen_block_hash = 2;
// The height in the chain of the last seen block.
optional uint32 last_seen_block_height = 12;
optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
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repeated Key key = 3;
repeated Transaction transaction = 4;
repeated Script watched_script = 15;
optional EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default=UNENCRYPTED];
optional ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
// The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
// (i.e the wallet may contain some future format this protobuf/ code does not know about)
optional int32 version = 7;
// deprecated - do not recycle this numeric identifier
// optional int32 minor_version = 8;
repeated Extension extension = 10;
// A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
optional string description = 11;
// (The field number 12 is used by last_seen_block_height)
// UNIX time in seconds since the epoch. If set, then any keys created before this date are assumed to be no longer
// wanted. Money sent to them will be re-spent automatically to the first key that was created after this time. It
// can be used to recover a compromised wallet, or just as part of preventative defence-in-depth measures.
optional uint64 key_rotation_time = 13;
repeated Tag tags = 16;
// Next tag: 17