#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Example logging Bitcoin Core mempool events using the mempool:added, mempool:removed, mempool:replaced, and mempool:rejected tracepoints. """ import curses import sys from datetime import datetime, timezone from bcc import BPF, USDT # BCC: The C program to be compiled to an eBPF program (by BCC) and loaded into # a sandboxed Linux kernel VM. PROGRAM = """ # include // The longest rejection reason is 118 chars and is generated in case of SCRIPT_ERR_EVAL_FALSE by // strprintf("mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError())) #define MAX_REJECT_REASON_LENGTH 118 // The longest string returned by RemovalReasonToString() is 'sizelimit' #define MAX_REMOVAL_REASON_LENGTH 9 #define HASH_LENGTH 32 struct added_event { u8 hash[HASH_LENGTH]; s32 vsize; s64 fee; }; struct removed_event { u8 hash[HASH_LENGTH]; char reason[MAX_REMOVAL_REASON_LENGTH]; s32 vsize; s64 fee; u64 entry_time; }; struct rejected_event { u8 hash[HASH_LENGTH]; char reason[MAX_REJECT_REASON_LENGTH]; }; struct replaced_event { u8 replaced_hash[HASH_LENGTH]; s32 replaced_vsize; s64 replaced_fee; u64 replaced_entry_time; u8 replacement_hash[HASH_LENGTH]; s32 replacement_vsize; s64 replacement_fee; }; // BPF perf buffer to push the data to user space. BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(added_events); BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(removed_events); BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(rejected_events); BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(replaced_events); int trace_added(struct pt_regs *ctx) { struct added_event added = {}; void *phash = NULL; bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, phash); bpf_probe_read_user(&added.hash, sizeof(added.hash), phash); bpf_usdt_readarg(2, ctx, &added.vsize); bpf_usdt_readarg(3, ctx, &added.fee); added_events.perf_submit(ctx, &added, sizeof(added)); return 0; } int trace_removed(struct pt_regs *ctx) { struct removed_event removed = {}; void *phash = NULL, *preason = NULL; bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, phash); bpf_probe_read_user(&removed.hash, sizeof(removed.hash), phash); bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, preason); bpf_probe_read_user_str(&removed.reason, sizeof(removed.reason), preason); bpf_usdt_readarg(3, ctx, &removed.vsize); bpf_usdt_readarg(4, ctx, &removed.fee); bpf_usdt_readarg(5, ctx, &removed.entry_time); removed_events.perf_submit(ctx, &removed, sizeof(removed)); return 0; } int trace_rejected(struct pt_regs *ctx) { struct rejected_event rejected = {}; void *phash = NULL, *preason = NULL; bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, phash); bpf_probe_read_user(&rejected.hash, sizeof(rejected.hash), phash); bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, preason); bpf_probe_read_user_str(&rejected.reason, sizeof(rejected.reason), preason); rejected_events.perf_submit(ctx, &rejected, sizeof(rejected)); return 0; } int trace_replaced(struct pt_regs *ctx) { struct replaced_event replaced = {}; void *phash_replaced = NULL, *phash_replacement = NULL; bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, phash_replaced); bpf_probe_read_user(&replaced.replaced_hash, sizeof(replaced.replaced_hash), phash_replaced); bpf_usdt_readarg(2, ctx, &replaced.replaced_vsize); bpf_usdt_readarg(3, ctx, &replaced.replaced_fee); bpf_usdt_readarg(4, ctx, &replaced.replaced_entry_time); bpf_usdt_readarg(5, ctx, phash_replacement); bpf_probe_read_user(&replaced.replacement_hash, sizeof(replaced.replacement_hash), phash_replacement); bpf_usdt_readarg(6, ctx, &replaced.replacement_vsize); bpf_usdt_readarg(7, ctx, &replaced.replacement_fee); replaced_events.perf_submit(ctx, &replaced, sizeof(replaced)); return 0; } """ def main(pid): print(f"Hooking into bitcoind with pid {pid}") bitcoind_with_usdts = USDT(pid=int(pid)) # attaching the trace functions defined in the BPF program # to the tracepoints bitcoind_with_usdts.enable_probe(probe="mempool:added", fn_name="trace_added") bitcoind_with_usdts.enable_probe(probe="mempool:removed", fn_name="trace_removed") bitcoind_with_usdts.enable_probe(probe="mempool:replaced", fn_name="trace_replaced") bitcoind_with_usdts.enable_probe(probe="mempool:rejected", fn_name="trace_rejected") bpf = BPF(text=PROGRAM, usdt_contexts=[bitcoind_with_usdts]) events = [] def get_timestamp(): return datetime.now(timezone.utc) def handle_added(_, data, size): event = bpf["added_events"].event(data) events.append((get_timestamp(), "added", event)) def handle_removed(_, data, size): event = bpf["removed_events"].event(data) events.append((get_timestamp(), "removed", event)) def handle_rejected(_, data, size): event = bpf["rejected_events"].event(data) events.append((get_timestamp(), "rejected", event)) def handle_replaced(_, data, size): event = bpf["replaced_events"].event(data) events.append((get_timestamp(), "replaced", event)) bpf["added_events"].open_perf_buffer(handle_added) # By default, open_perf_buffer uses eight pages for a buffer, making for a total # buffer size of 32k on most machines. In practice, this size is insufficient: # Each `mempool:removed` event takes up 57 bytes in the buffer (32 bytes for txid, # 9 bytes for removal reason, and 8 bytes each for vsize and fee). Full blocks # contain around 2k transactions, requiring a buffer size of around 114kB. To cover # this amount, 32 4k pages are required. bpf["removed_events"].open_perf_buffer(handle_removed, page_cnt=32) bpf["rejected_events"].open_perf_buffer(handle_rejected) bpf["replaced_events"].open_perf_buffer(handle_replaced) curses.wrapper(loop, bpf, events) def loop(screen, bpf, events): dashboard = Dashboard(screen) while True: try: bpf.perf_buffer_poll(timeout=50) dashboard.render(events) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() class Dashboard: """Visualization of mempool state using ncurses.""" INFO_WIN_HEIGHT = 2 EVENT_WIN_HEIGHT = 7 def __init__(self, screen): screen.nodelay(True) curses.curs_set(False) self._screen = screen self._time_started = datetime.now(timezone.utc) self._timestamps = {"added": [], "removed": [], "rejected": [], "replaced": []} self._event_history = {"added": 0, "removed": 0, "rejected": 0, "replaced": 0} self._init_windows() def _init_windows(self): """Initialize all windows.""" self._init_info_win() self._init_event_count_win() self._init_event_rate_win() self._init_event_log_win() @staticmethod def create_win(x, y, height, width, title=None): """Helper function to create generic windows and decorate them with box and title if requested.""" win = curses.newwin(height, width, x, y) if title: win.box() win.addstr(0, 2, title, curses.A_BOLD) return win def _init_info_win(self): """Create and populate the info window.""" self._info_win = Dashboard.create_win( x=0, y=1, height=Dashboard.INFO_WIN_HEIGHT, width=22 ) self._info_win.addstr(0, 0, "Mempool Monitor", curses.A_REVERSE) self._info_win.addstr(1, 0, "Press CTRL-C to stop.", curses.A_NORMAL) self._info_win.refresh() def _init_event_count_win(self): """Create and populate the event count window.""" self._event_count_win = Dashboard.create_win( x=3, y=1, height=Dashboard.EVENT_WIN_HEIGHT, width=37, title="Event count" ) header = " {:<8} {:>8} {:>7} {:>7} " self._event_count_win.addstr( 1, 1, header.format("Event", "total", "1 min", "10 min"), curses.A_UNDERLINE ) self._event_count_win.refresh() def _init_event_rate_win(self): """Create and populate the event rate window.""" self._event_rate_win = Dashboard.create_win( x=3, y=40, height=Dashboard.EVENT_WIN_HEIGHT, width=42, title="Event rate" ) header = " {:<8} {:>9} {:>9} {:>9} " self._event_rate_win.addstr( 1, 1, header.format("Event", "total", "1 min", "10 min"), curses.A_UNDERLINE ) self._event_rate_win.refresh() def _init_event_log_win(self): """Create windows showing event log. This comprises a dummy boxed window and an inset window so line breaks don't overwrite box.""" # dummy boxed window num_rows, num_cols = self._screen.getmaxyx() space_above = Dashboard.INFO_WIN_HEIGHT + 1 + Dashboard.EVENT_WIN_HEIGHT + 1 box_win_height = num_rows - space_above box_win_width = num_cols - 2 win_box = Dashboard.create_win( x=space_above, y=1, height=box_win_height, width=box_win_width, title="Event log", ) # actual logging window log_lines = box_win_height - 2 # top and bottom box lines log_line_len = box_win_width - 2 - 1 # box lines and left padding win = win_box.derwin(log_lines, log_line_len, 1, 2) win.idlok(True) win.scrollok(True) win_box.refresh() win.refresh() self._event_log_win_box = win_box self._event_log_win = win def calculate_metrics(self, events): """Calculate count and rate metrics.""" count, rate = {}, {} for event_ts, event_type, event_data in events: self._timestamps[event_type].append(event_ts) for event_type, ts in self._timestamps.items(): # remove timestamps older than ten minutes but keep track of their # count for the 'total' metric # self._event_history[event_type] += len( [t for t in ts if Dashboard.timestamp_age(t) >= 600] ) ts = [t for t in ts if Dashboard.timestamp_age(t) < 600] self._timestamps[event_type] = ts # count metric count_1m = len([t for t in ts if Dashboard.timestamp_age(t) < 60]) count_10m = len(ts) count_total = self._event_history[event_type] + len(ts) count[event_type] = (count_total, count_1m, count_10m) # rate metric runtime = Dashboard.timestamp_age(self._time_started) rate_1m = count_1m / min(60, runtime) rate_10m = count_10m / min(600, runtime) rate_total = count_total / runtime rate[event_type] = (rate_total, rate_1m, rate_10m) return count, rate def _update_event_count(self, count): """Update the event count window.""" w = self._event_count_win row_format = " {:<8} {:>6}tx {:>5}tx {:>5}tx " for line, metric in enumerate(["added", "removed", "replaced", "rejected"]): w.addstr(2 + line, 1, row_format.format(metric, *count[metric])) w.refresh() def _update_event_rate(self, rate): """Update the event rate window.""" w = self._event_rate_win row_format = " {:<8} {:>5.1f}tx/s {:>5.1f}tx/s {:>5.1f}tx/s " for line, metric in enumerate(["added", "removed", "replaced", "rejected"]): w.addstr(2 + line, 1, row_format.format(metric, *rate[metric])) w.refresh() def _update_event_log(self, events): """Update the event log window.""" w = self._event_log_win for event in events: w.addstr(Dashboard.parse_event(event) + "\n") w.refresh() def render(self, events): """Render the dashboard.""" count, rate = self.calculate_metrics(events) self._update_event_count(count) self._update_event_rate(rate) self._update_event_log(events) events.clear() @staticmethod def parse_event(event): """Converts events into human-readable messages""" ts_dt, type_, data = event ts = ts_dt.strftime("%H:%M:%SZ") if type_ == "added": return ( f"{ts} added {bytes(data.hash)[::-1].hex()}" f" with feerate {data.fee/data.vsize:.2f} sat/vB" f" ({data.fee} sat, {data.vsize} vbytes)" ) if type_ == "removed": return ( f"{ts} removed {bytes(data.hash)[::-1].hex()}" f" with feerate {data.fee/data.vsize:.2f} sat/vB" f" ({data.fee} sat, {data.vsize} vbytes)" f" received {ts_dt.timestamp()-data.entry_time:.1f} seconds ago" f": {data.reason.decode('UTF-8')}" ) if type_ == "rejected": return ( f"{ts} rejected {bytes(data.hash)[::-1].hex()}" f": {data.reason.decode('UTF-8')}" ) if type_ == "replaced": return ( f"{ts} replaced {bytes(data.replaced_hash)[::-1].hex()}" f" with feerate {data.replaced_fee/data.replaced_vsize:.2f} sat/vB" f" received {ts_dt.timestamp()-data.replaced_entry_time:.1f} seconds ago" f" ({data.replaced_fee} sat, {data.replaced_vsize} vbytes)" f" with {bytes(data.replacement_hash)[::-1].hex()}" f" with feerate {data.replacement_fee/data.replacement_vsize:.2f} sat/vB" f" ({data.replacement_fee} sat, {data.replacement_vsize} vbytes)" ) raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported event type: {type_}") @staticmethod def timestamp_age(timestamp): """Return age of timestamp in seconds.""" return (datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timestamp).total_seconds() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("USAGE: ", sys.argv[0], "") exit(1) pid = sys.argv[1] main(pid)