// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace wallet { static const std::string DUMP_MAGIC = "BITCOIN_CORE_WALLET_DUMP"; uint32_t DUMP_VERSION = 1; util::Result DumpWallet(const ArgsManager& args, WalletDatabase& db) { util::Result result; // Get the dumpfile std::string dump_filename = args.GetArg("-dumpfile", ""); if (dump_filename.empty()) { result.Update(util::Error{_("No dump file provided. To use dump, -dumpfile= must be provided.")}); return result; } fs::path path = fs::PathFromString(dump_filename); path = fs::absolute(path); if (fs::exists(path)) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("File %s already exists. If you are sure this is what you want, move it out of the way first."), fs::PathToString(path))}); return result; } std::ofstream dump_file; dump_file.open(path); if (dump_file.fail()) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Unable to open %s for writing"), fs::PathToString(path))}); return result; } HashWriter hasher{}; std::unique_ptr batch = db.MakeBatch(); std::unique_ptr cursor = batch->GetNewCursor(); if (!cursor) { result.Update(util::Error{_("Error: Couldn't create cursor into database")}); } // Write out a magic string with version std::string line = strprintf("%s,%u\n", DUMP_MAGIC, DUMP_VERSION); dump_file.write(line.data(), line.size()); hasher << Span{line}; // Write out the file format std::string format = db.Format(); // BDB files that are opened using BerkeleyRODatabase have it's format as "bdb_ro" // We want to override that format back to "bdb" if (format == "bdb_ro") { format = "bdb"; } line = strprintf("%s,%s\n", "format", format); dump_file.write(line.data(), line.size()); hasher << Span{line}; if (result) { // Read the records while (true) { DataStream ss_key{}; DataStream ss_value{}; DatabaseCursor::Status status = cursor->Next(ss_key, ss_value); if (status == DatabaseCursor::Status::DONE) { result.Update({}); break; } else if (status == DatabaseCursor::Status::FAIL) { result.Update(util::Error{_("Error reading next record from wallet database")}); break; } std::string key_str = HexStr(ss_key); std::string value_str = HexStr(ss_value); line = strprintf("%s,%s\n", key_str, value_str); dump_file.write(line.data(), line.size()); hasher << Span{line}; } } cursor.reset(); batch.reset(); if (result) { // Write the hash tfm::format(dump_file, "checksum,%s\n", HexStr(hasher.GetHash())); dump_file.close(); } else { // Remove the dumpfile on failure dump_file.close(); fs::remove(path); } return result; } // The standard wallet deleter function blocks on the validation interface // queue, which doesn't exist for the bitcoin-wallet. Define our own // deleter here. static void WalletToolReleaseWallet(CWallet* wallet) { wallet->WalletLogPrintf("Releasing wallet\n"); wallet->Close(); delete wallet; } util::Result CreateFromDump(const ArgsManager& args, const std::string& name, const fs::path& wallet_path) { util::Result result; // Get the dumpfile std::string dump_filename = args.GetArg("-dumpfile", ""); if (dump_filename.empty()) { result.Update(util::Error{_("No dump file provided. To use createfromdump, -dumpfile= must be provided.")}); return result; } fs::path dump_path = fs::PathFromString(dump_filename); dump_path = fs::absolute(dump_path); if (!fs::exists(dump_path)) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Dump file %s does not exist."), fs::PathToString(dump_path))}); return result; } std::ifstream dump_file{dump_path}; // Compute the checksum HashWriter hasher{}; uint256 checksum; // Check the magic and version std::string magic_key; std::getline(dump_file, magic_key, ','); std::string version_value; std::getline(dump_file, version_value, '\n'); if (magic_key != DUMP_MAGIC) { dump_file.close(); result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Dumpfile identifier record is incorrect. Got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"."), magic_key, DUMP_MAGIC)}); return result; } // Check the version number (value of first record) uint32_t ver; if (!ParseUInt32(version_value, &ver)) { dump_file.close(); result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Unable to parse version %u as a uint32_t"), version_value)}); return result; } if (ver != DUMP_VERSION) { dump_file.close(); result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Dumpfile version is not supported. This version of bitcoin-wallet only supports version 1 dumpfiles. Got dumpfile with version %s"), version_value)}); return result; } std::string magic_hasher_line = strprintf("%s,%s\n", magic_key, version_value); hasher << Span{magic_hasher_line}; // Get the stored file format std::string format_key; std::getline(dump_file, format_key, ','); std::string format_value; std::getline(dump_file, format_value, '\n'); if (format_key != "format") { dump_file.close(); result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Dumpfile format record is incorrect. Got \"%s\", expected \"format\"."), format_key)}); return result; } // Get the data file format with format_value as the default std::string file_format = args.GetArg("-format", format_value); if (file_format.empty()) { result.Update(util::Error{_("No wallet file format provided. To use createfromdump, -format= must be provided.")}); return result; } DatabaseFormat data_format; if (file_format == "bdb") { data_format = DatabaseFormat::BERKELEY; } else if (file_format == "sqlite") { data_format = DatabaseFormat::SQLITE; } else if (file_format == "bdb_swap") { data_format = DatabaseFormat::BERKELEY_SWAP; } else { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Unknown wallet file format \"%s\" provided. Please provide one of \"bdb\" or \"sqlite\"."), file_format)}); return result; } if (file_format != format_value) { result.AddWarning(strprintf(_("Warning: Dumpfile wallet format \"%s\" does not match command line specified format \"%s\"."), format_value, file_format)); } std::string format_hasher_line = strprintf("%s,%s\n", format_key, format_value); hasher << Span{format_hasher_line}; DatabaseOptions options; ReadDatabaseArgs(args, options); options.require_create = true; options.require_format = data_format; auto database{MakeDatabase(wallet_path, options) >> result}; if (!database) { result.Update(util::Error{}); return result; } // dummy chain interface std::shared_ptr wallet(new CWallet(/*chain=*/nullptr, name, std::move(database.value())), WalletToolReleaseWallet); { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); DBErrors load_wallet_ret = wallet->LoadWallet(); if (load_wallet_ret != DBErrors::LOAD_OK) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error creating %s"), name)}); return result; } // Get the database handle WalletDatabase& db = wallet->GetDatabase(); std::unique_ptr batch = db.MakeBatch(); batch->TxnBegin(); // Read the records from the dump file and write them to the database while (dump_file.good()) { std::string key; std::getline(dump_file, key, ','); std::string value; std::getline(dump_file, value, '\n'); if (key == "checksum") { std::vector parsed_checksum = ParseHex(value); if (parsed_checksum.size() != checksum.size()) { result.Update(util::Error{Untranslated("Error: Checksum is not the correct size")}); break; } std::copy(parsed_checksum.begin(), parsed_checksum.end(), checksum.begin()); break; } std::string line = strprintf("%s,%s\n", key, value); hasher << Span{line}; if (key.empty() || value.empty()) { continue; } if (!IsHex(key)) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Got key that was not hex: %s"), key)}); break; } if (!IsHex(value)) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Got value that was not hex: %s"), value)}); break; } std::vector k = ParseHex(key); std::vector v = ParseHex(value); if (!batch->Write(Span{k}, Span{v})) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Unable to write record to new wallet"))}); break; } } if (result) { uint256 comp_checksum = hasher.GetHash(); if (checksum.IsNull()) { result.Update(util::Error{_("Error: Missing checksum")}); } else if (checksum != comp_checksum) { result.Update(util::Error{strprintf(_("Error: Dumpfile checksum does not match. Computed %s, expected %s"), HexStr(comp_checksum), HexStr(checksum))}); } } if (result) { batch->TxnCommit(); } else { batch->TxnAbort(); } batch.reset(); dump_file.close(); } wallet.reset(); // The pointer deleter will close the wallet for us. // Remove the wallet dir if we have a failure if (!result) { fs::remove_all(wallet_path); } return result; } } // namespace wallet