# NetBSD Build Guide

Updated for NetBSD [9.2](https://netbsd.org/releases/formal-9/NetBSD-9.2.html).

This guide describes how to build bitcoind, command-line utilities, and GUI on NetBSD.

## Preparation

### 1. Install Required Dependencies

Install the required dependencies the usual way you [install software on NetBSD](https://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-boot.html#chap-boot-pkgsrc).
The example commands below use `pkgin`.

pkgin install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config git gmake boost libevent


NetBSD currently ships with an older version of `gcc` than is needed to build. You should upgrade your `gcc` and then pass this new version to the configure script.

For example, grab `gcc9`:
pkgin install gcc9

Then, when configuring, pass the following:
    CC="/usr/pkg/gcc9/bin/gcc" \
    CXX="/usr/pkg/gcc9/bin/g++" \

See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for a complete overview.

### 2. Clone Bitcoin Repo

Clone the Bitcoin Core repository to a directory. All build scripts and commands will run from this directory.

git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git

### 3. Install Optional Dependencies

#### Wallet Dependencies

It is not necessary to build wallet functionality to run bitcoind or the GUI.

###### Descriptor Wallet Support

`sqlite3` is required to enable support for [descriptor wallets](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/descriptors.md).

pkgin install sqlite3

###### Legacy Wallet Support

`db4` is required to enable support for legacy wallets.

pkgin install db4

#### GUI Dependencies

Bitcoin Core includes a GUI built with the cross-platform Qt Framework. To compile the GUI, we need to install `qt5`.

pkgin install qt5

The GUI can encode addresses in a QR Code. To build in QR support for the GUI, install `qrencode`.

pkgin install qrencode

#### Test Suite Dependencies

There is an included test suite that is useful for testing code changes when developing.
To run the test suite (recommended), you will need to have Python 3 installed:

pkgin install python37

### Building Bitcoin Core

**Note**: Use `gmake` (the non-GNU `make` will exit with an error).

### 1. Configuration

There are many ways to configure Bitcoin Core. Here is an example that
explicitly disables the wallet and GUI:

./configure --without-wallet --with-gui=no \
    CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/pkg/include" \

For a full list of configuration options, see the output of `./configure --help`

### 2. Compile

Build and run the tests:

gmake # use "-j N" here for N parallel jobs
gmake check # Run tests if Python 3 is available