// Copyright (c) The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_UTIL_VECDEQUE_H #define BITCOIN_UTIL_VECDEQUE_H #include #include #include /** Data structure largely mimicking std::deque, but using single preallocated ring buffer. * * - More efficient and better memory locality than std::deque. * - Most operations ({push_,pop_,emplace_,}{front,back}(), operator[], ...) are O(1), * unless reallocation is needed (in which case they are O(n)). * - Supports reserve(), capacity(), shrink_to_fit() like vectors. * - No iterator support. * - Data is not stored in a single contiguous block, so no data(). */ template class VecDeque { /** Pointer to allocated memory. Can contain constructed and uninitialized T objects. */ T* m_buffer{nullptr}; /** m_buffer + m_offset points to first object in queue. m_offset = 0 if m_capacity is 0; * otherwise 0 <= m_offset < m_capacity. */ size_t m_offset{0}; /** Number of objects in the container. 0 <= m_size <= m_capacity. */ size_t m_size{0}; /** The size of m_buffer, expressed as a multiple of the size of T. */ size_t m_capacity{0}; /** Returns the number of populated objects between m_offset and the end of the buffer. */ size_t FirstPart() const noexcept { return std::min(m_capacity - m_offset, m_size); } void Reallocate(size_t capacity) { Assume(capacity >= m_size); Assume((m_offset == 0 && m_capacity == 0) || m_offset < m_capacity); // Allocate new buffer. T* new_buffer = capacity ? std::allocator().allocate(capacity) : nullptr; if (capacity) { if constexpr (std::is_trivially_copyable_v) { // When T is trivially copyable, just copy the data over from old to new buffer. size_t first_part = FirstPart(); if (first_part != 0) { std::memcpy(new_buffer, m_buffer + m_offset, first_part * sizeof(T)); } if (first_part != m_size) { std::memcpy(new_buffer + first_part, m_buffer, (m_size - first_part) * sizeof(T)); } } else { // Otherwise move-construct in place in the new buffer, and destroy old buffer objects. size_t old_pos = m_offset; for (size_t new_pos = 0; new_pos < m_size; ++new_pos) { std::construct_at(new_buffer + new_pos, std::move(*(m_buffer + old_pos))); std::destroy_at(m_buffer + old_pos); ++old_pos; if (old_pos == m_capacity) old_pos = 0; } } } // Deallocate old buffer and update housekeeping. std::allocator().deallocate(m_buffer, m_capacity); m_buffer = new_buffer; m_offset = 0; m_capacity = capacity; Assume((m_offset == 0 && m_capacity == 0) || m_offset < m_capacity); } /** What index in the buffer does logical entry number pos have? */ size_t BufferIndex(size_t pos) const noexcept { Assume(pos < m_capacity); // The expression below is used instead of the more obvious (pos + m_offset >= m_capacity), // because the addition there could in theory overflow with very large deques. if (pos >= m_capacity - m_offset) { return (m_offset + pos) - m_capacity; } else { return m_offset + pos; } } /** Specialization of resize() that can only shrink. Separate so that clear() can call it * without requiring a default T constructor. */ void ResizeDown(size_t size) noexcept { Assume(size <= m_size); if constexpr (std::is_trivially_destructible_v) { // If T is trivially destructible, we do not need to do anything but update the // housekeeping record. Default constructor or zero-filling will be used when // the space is reused. m_size = size; } else { // If not, we need to invoke the destructor for every element separately. while (m_size > size) { std::destroy_at(m_buffer + BufferIndex(m_size - 1)); --m_size; } } } public: VecDeque() noexcept = default; /** Resize the deque to be exactly size size (adding default-constructed elements if needed). */ void resize(size_t size) { if (size < m_size) { // Delegate to ResizeDown when shrinking. ResizeDown(size); } else if (size > m_size) { // When growing, first see if we need to allocate more space. if (size > m_capacity) Reallocate(size); while (m_size < size) { std::construct_at(m_buffer + BufferIndex(m_size)); ++m_size; } } } /** Resize the deque to be size 0. The capacity will remain unchanged. */ void clear() noexcept { ResizeDown(0); } /** Destroy a deque. */ ~VecDeque() { clear(); Reallocate(0); } /** Copy-assign a deque. */ VecDeque& operator=(const VecDeque& other) { if (&other == this) [[unlikely]] return *this; clear(); Reallocate(other.m_size); if constexpr (std::is_trivially_copyable_v) { size_t first_part = other.FirstPart(); Assume(first_part > 0 || m_size == 0); if (first_part != 0) { std::memcpy(m_buffer, other.m_buffer + other.m_offset, first_part * sizeof(T)); } if (first_part != other.m_size) { std::memcpy(m_buffer + first_part, other.m_buffer, (other.m_size - first_part) * sizeof(T)); } m_size = other.m_size; } else { while (m_size < other.m_size) { std::construct_at(m_buffer + BufferIndex(m_size), other[m_size]); ++m_size; } } return *this; } /** Swap two deques. */ void swap(VecDeque& other) noexcept { std::swap(m_buffer, other.m_buffer); std::swap(m_offset, other.m_offset); std::swap(m_size, other.m_size); std::swap(m_capacity, other.m_capacity); } /** Non-member version of swap. */ friend void swap(VecDeque& a, VecDeque& b) noexcept { a.swap(b); } /** Move-assign a deque. */ VecDeque& operator=(VecDeque&& other) noexcept { swap(other); return *this; } /** Copy-construct a deque. */ VecDeque(const VecDeque& other) { *this = other; } /** Move-construct a deque. */ VecDeque(VecDeque&& other) noexcept { swap(other); } /** Equality comparison between two deques (only compares size+contents, not capacity). */ bool friend operator==(const VecDeque& a, const VecDeque& b) { if (a.m_size != b.m_size) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < a.m_size; ++i) { if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; } return true; } /** Comparison between two deques, implementing lexicographic ordering on the contents. */ std::strong_ordering friend operator<=>(const VecDeque& a, const VecDeque& b) { size_t pos_a{0}, pos_b{0}; while (pos_a < a.m_size && pos_b < b.m_size) { auto cmp = a[pos_a++] <=> b[pos_b++]; if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } return a.m_size <=> b.m_size; } /** Increase the capacity to capacity. Capacity will not shrink. */ void reserve(size_t capacity) { if (capacity > m_capacity) Reallocate(capacity); } /** Make the capacity equal to the size. The contents does not change. */ void shrink_to_fit() { if (m_capacity > m_size) Reallocate(m_size); } /** Construct a new element at the end of the deque. */ template void emplace_back(Args&&... args) { if (m_size == m_capacity) Reallocate((m_size + 1) * 2); std::construct_at(m_buffer + BufferIndex(m_size), std::forward(args)...); ++m_size; } /** Move-construct a new element at the end of the deque. */ void push_back(T&& elem) { emplace_back(std::move(elem)); } /** Copy-construct a new element at the end of the deque. */ void push_back(const T& elem) { emplace_back(elem); } /** Construct a new element at the beginning of the deque. */ template void emplace_front(Args&&... args) { if (m_size == m_capacity) Reallocate((m_size + 1) * 2); std::construct_at(m_buffer + BufferIndex(m_capacity - 1), std::forward(args)...); if (m_offset == 0) m_offset = m_capacity; --m_offset; ++m_size; } /** Copy-construct a new element at the beginning of the deque. */ void push_front(const T& elem) { emplace_front(elem); } /** Move-construct a new element at the beginning of the deque. */ void push_front(T&& elem) { emplace_front(std::move(elem)); } /** Remove the first element of the deque. Requires !empty(). */ void pop_front() { Assume(m_size); std::destroy_at(m_buffer + m_offset); --m_size; ++m_offset; if (m_offset == m_capacity) m_offset = 0; } /** Remove the last element of the deque. Requires !empty(). */ void pop_back() { Assume(m_size); std::destroy_at(m_buffer + BufferIndex(m_size - 1)); --m_size; } /** Get a mutable reference to the first element of the deque. Requires !empty(). */ T& front() noexcept { Assume(m_size); return m_buffer[m_offset]; } /** Get a const reference to the first element of the deque. Requires !empty(). */ const T& front() const noexcept { Assume(m_size); return m_buffer[m_offset]; } /** Get a mutable reference to the last element of the deque. Requires !empty(). */ T& back() noexcept { Assume(m_size); return m_buffer[BufferIndex(m_size - 1)]; } /** Get a const reference to the last element of the deque. Requires !empty(). */ const T& back() const noexcept { Assume(m_size); return m_buffer[BufferIndex(m_size - 1)]; } /** Get a mutable reference to the element in the deque at the given index. Requires idx < size(). */ T& operator[](size_t idx) noexcept { Assume(idx < m_size); return m_buffer[BufferIndex(idx)]; } /** Get a const reference to the element in the deque at the given index. Requires idx < size(). */ const T& operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept { Assume(idx < m_size); return m_buffer[BufferIndex(idx)]; } /** Test whether the contents of this deque is empty. */ bool empty() const noexcept { return m_size == 0; } /** Get the number of elements in this deque. */ size_t size() const noexcept { return m_size; } /** Get the capacity of this deque (maximum size it can have without reallocating). */ size_t capacity() const noexcept { return m_capacity; } }; #endif // BITCOIN_UTIL_VECDEQUE_H