#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Check for duplicate includes. # Guard against accidental introduction of new Boost dependencies. # Check includes: Check for duplicate includes. Enforce bracket syntax includes. import os import re import sys from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError from lint_ignore_dirs import SHARED_EXCLUDED_SUBTREES EXCLUDED_DIRS = ["contrib/devtools/bitcoin-tidy/", ] + SHARED_EXCLUDED_SUBTREES EXPECTED_BOOST_INCLUDES = [ "boost/multi_index/detail/hash_index_iterator.hpp", "boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp", "boost/multi_index/identity.hpp", "boost/multi_index/indexed_by.hpp", "boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp", "boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp", "boost/multi_index/tag.hpp", "boost/multi_index_container.hpp", "boost/operators.hpp", "boost/signals2/connection.hpp", "boost/signals2/optional_last_value.hpp", "boost/signals2/signal.hpp", "boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp", "boost/test/unit_test.hpp", "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp", ] def get_toplevel(): return check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], text=True, encoding="utf8").rstrip("\n") def list_files_by_suffix(suffixes): exclude_args = [":(exclude)" + dir for dir in EXCLUDED_DIRS] files_list = check_output(["git", "ls-files", "src"] + exclude_args, text=True, encoding="utf8").splitlines() return [file for file in files_list if file.endswith(suffixes)] def find_duplicate_includes(include_list): tempset = set() duplicates = set() for inclusion in include_list: if inclusion in tempset: duplicates.add(inclusion) else: tempset.add(inclusion) return duplicates def find_included_cpps(): included_cpps = list() try: included_cpps = check_output(["git", "grep", "-E", r"^#include [<\"][^>\"]+\.cpp[>\"]", "--", "*.cpp", "*.h"], text=True, encoding="utf8").splitlines() except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode > 1: raise e return included_cpps def find_extra_boosts(): included_boosts = list() filtered_included_boost_set = set() exclusion_set = set() try: included_boosts = check_output(["git", "grep", "-E", r"^#include <boost/", "--", "*.cpp", "*.h"], text=True, encoding="utf8").splitlines() except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode > 1: raise e for boost in included_boosts: filtered_included_boost_set.add(re.findall(r'(?<=\<).+?(?=\>)', boost)[0]) for expected_boost in EXPECTED_BOOST_INCLUDES: for boost in filtered_included_boost_set: if expected_boost in boost: exclusion_set.add(boost) extra_boosts = set(filtered_included_boost_set.difference(exclusion_set)) return extra_boosts def find_quote_syntax_inclusions(): exclude_args = [":(exclude)" + dir for dir in EXCLUDED_DIRS] quote_syntax_inclusions = list() try: quote_syntax_inclusions = check_output(["git", "grep", r"^#include \"", "--", "*.cpp", "*.h"] + exclude_args, text=True, encoding="utf8").splitlines() except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode > 1: raise e return quote_syntax_inclusions def main(): exit_code = 0 os.chdir(get_toplevel()) # Check for duplicate includes for filename in list_files_by_suffix((".cpp", ".h")): with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: include_list = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in file if re.match(r"^#include", line)] duplicates = find_duplicate_includes(include_list) if duplicates: print(f"Duplicate include(s) in {filename}:") for duplicate in duplicates: print(duplicate) print("") exit_code = 1 # Check if code includes .cpp-files included_cpps = find_included_cpps() if included_cpps: print("The following files #include .cpp files:") for included_cpp in included_cpps: print(included_cpp) print("") exit_code = 1 # Guard against accidental introduction of new Boost dependencies extra_boosts = find_extra_boosts() if extra_boosts: for boost in extra_boosts: print(f"A new Boost dependency in the form of \"{boost}\" appears to have been introduced:") print(check_output(["git", "grep", boost, "--", "*.cpp", "*.h"], text=True, encoding="utf8")) exit_code = 1 # Check if Boost dependencies are no longer used for expected_boost in EXPECTED_BOOST_INCLUDES: try: check_output(["git", "grep", "-q", r"^#include <%s>" % expected_boost, "--", "*.cpp", "*.h"], text=True, encoding="utf8") except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode > 1: raise e else: print(f"Good job! The Boost dependency \"{expected_boost}\" is no longer used. " "Please remove it from EXPECTED_BOOST_INCLUDES in test/lint/lint-includes.py " "to make sure this dependency is not accidentally reintroduced.\n") exit_code = 1 # Enforce bracket syntax includes quote_syntax_inclusions = find_quote_syntax_inclusions() if quote_syntax_inclusions: print("Please use bracket syntax includes (\"#include <foo.h>\") instead of quote syntax includes:") for quote_syntax_inclusion in quote_syntax_inclusions: print(quote_syntax_inclusion) exit_code = 1 sys.exit(exit_code) if __name__ == "__main__": main()